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Sta. Cruz, Cogon, Balingasag 9005 Misamis Oriental

Tel.No. (088)333-5011;Fax (088) 333-3054;
A.Y. 2023-2024
Subject Area: Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Grade: 12
Quarter: 1st Unit Number: 2
Period of Time: 7:30-8:30 am Date: Oct. 4, 2023

Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of: how individuals learn culture and
become competent members of society how individuals learn culture and become competent
members of society.

Performance Standard:
The learner learners: identify norms and values to be observed in interacting with others
in society, and the consequences of ignoring these rules.
Learning Competencies:
Explain the context, content, processes, and consequences of socialization.


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;

A. Identify and describe various types of society;
B. Analyze the key characteristics and features of each type of society; and
C. Apply their understanding of different types of society to real-world

Topic: Types of society.
Materials to be used: Laptop, PPT presentation, chalk.
Reference: Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics, SHS Module pages 5-8.

A. Preliminary procedure
 Prayer
 Checking attendance
 Classroom rules
 Special announcement

B. Motivation
 The teacher will ask the following question:
a.) In what group of society would you want to be with?

C. Lesson Proper

1. Activity
 The teacher will assign the students to brainstorm and list down
different types of society they are aware of. Write their responses on the
blackboard. Show visual aids or images representing various types of
 Encourage the students to discuss and guess the characteristics of
each society type based on their lists and the visuals.

2. Analysis
 How does society influence an individual’s behavior?
 What changes of society did you observed in the pictures?
 Does the society change over time?

3. Abstraction
Types of Societies
Societies exist in particular places and times, and they change over time.
Societies are organized in particular patterns, patterns that are shaped by
arrange of factors, including the way people procure food, the availability of
resources, contact with other societies, and cultural beliefs. For example,
people can change from herding to farming only if they have the knowledge,
skills, and desire to do so and only in environments that will support
agriculture. As societies develop, changes take place in the social structures
and relationships between people that characterize each type of society. For
example, in industrialized societies, relationships between people typically
must become more formal because people must interact with strangers and
not just relatives. It is important to note that not all societies go through all
stages. Some are jolted into the future by political events or changes in the
global system, and some resist pressures to become modernized and
continue to live in simpler social systems. Sociologists and anthropologists
(experts who study early and tribal cultures) identified different types and
classification of societies. Below are the different types of societies as
mentioned by Ariola (2012) in his book Sociology and Anthropology with
Family Planning:

According to Economic According to Evolutionary View According to

and Material People’s

1. Pre-class Societies – 1.Simple Societies – These were 1.Food Gathering

They are characterized predominantly small, nomadic and Societies (more than
by communal ownership leadership is unstable. The people 16, 000 years ago) –
of property and division of had no specialization of skills, thus The people survived
labor. Examples of these they lived in a simple life. from day to day
societies are earliest through hunting
clans and tribes. larger animals,
collecting shellfish
and vegetable
gathering. Their tools
were made of stones,
wood and bones.

2.Asiatic Societies – The 2.Compound Societies – Two or 2.Horticultural

people are economically more simple societies merged to Societies (12, 000 to
self-sufficient but their form a new and bigger society. 15, 000 years ago) -
leaders are despotic and These societies tended to be The people planted
powerful. predominantly settled agricultural seeds as a means of
societies and tended to be production for
characterized by a division of four or subsistence.
five social classes

3. Ancient Societies – 3. Doubly Compound 3. Pastoral Societies

These are characterized by Societies- Most of the people are
private land ownership. These are completely nomadic who follow their
The rich (those who haves) integrated, more definite in herds in quest of animals
owned big tract of private political and religious for food and clothing to
properties while the poor structure and more complex satisfy their needs. they
(those who-have-nots) division of labor. raised animals to provide
worked as laborers. Thus, Considerable progress in milk, fur and blood for
wealth is limited to a few infrastructure and knowledge protein. These societies
people. in arts had taken place. typically are relatively
small, wandering
communities organized
along male-centered
kinship groups

4.Feudal Societies – The 4.Militant Societies – These 4.Agricultural Societies –

aristocrats (feudal lords) are characterized by the In the early agricultural
owned the wealth of the following: (a) the existence of societies, people used
country due to their military organization and plow than hoe in food
ownership of big tracts of military rank; (b) individual production. By the use of
lands. The peasants lives and private possessions plow, it turns the topsoil
worked on the lands of the are at the disposal of the deeper allowing for better
feudal lords with only few State; and (c) individual aerating and fertilizing
benefits received by them. activities such as recreation, thus improving better yield
However, these types of movements, satisfaction of when harvested. Irrigation
societies collapsed due to biological needs, and farming was introduced
the rise of cities and production of goods are which resulted to a larger
metropolis as a result of totally regulated by the State. yield of production that
the rise of trades and In other words, individuals can even feed large
industries. exist to serve the State number of people who did
not know how to produce
food by themselves.

5.Capitalists Societies – 5.Industrial Societies – These 5.Industrial Societies -

These societies existed in societies are characterized by These societies began in
societies where two the following: (a) people elect the 18th century during
classes of people their representatives to the Industrial Revolution
appeared. The bourgeoisie protect their individual and gained momentum by
(property owners) who initiatives; (b) freedom of the turn of the 19th
owned the capital and the belief, religion, production of century. This period is
means of production and industrial goods exists; (c) characterized by the use
the proletariat (the laborers disputes and grievances are of machines as means of
or workers) who are settled through peaceful food production. Mass
compelled to work for the arbitration; and (d) business production of guns,
capitalists or sell their small organizations appear where invention of steam
properties to the capitalists. cooperative efforts between locomotives and large
management and labor are production of steel, and
based on contractual well-coordinated labor
agreement. In other words, force took place. Thus, the
individual freedom, rights and people began to be highly
initiatives are being protected skilled and highly
diversified in their

6.Democratic Societies – 6.Post-Industrial Societies – 6.Post-Industrial Societies

These societies are These are characterized by: or Information Societies –
characterized by free (a) spread of computer Information and
enterprise where people machines and existence of communication technology
are free to engage in any information and is the hallmark of these
lawful business for profit or communication; (b) inventions modern societies. These
gain. People had to work and discoveries in medicines, are characterized by the
on their own livelihood agriculture, business whether spread of computer
according to what the law in physical and natural technology, advances in
mandates. sciences emerged; and (c) this technology are made
pollution, diseases, calamities by highly-trained computer
are prevalent as a result of specialists who work to
the use of advanced increase the capabilities of
technology. computers and internet.
The use of modern
technology gave rise to
several technological
problems such as
pollution, lung illness, skin
problems and other.

4. Application
 Distribute pictures or handouts with scenarios related to different types
of society. For example, a scenario about a hunter-gatherer society
facing a food shortage or an industrial society experiencing rapid
 In pairs or small groups, ask students to analyze these scenarios and
identify which type of society the scenario best represents.
 Have each group share their analysis with the class and explain their

5. Generalization
 The teacher will review each type of society and each function
according to its classification.
 Explain and share the importance of the evolution of the society.

Identify the following types of society according to their classification. Write your answer
on the space provided. (¼ sheet of paper)
(2points each)

______1. They are characterized by communal ownership of property and division of

______2. These people planted seeds as a means of production for subsistence.
_______3. These societies existed in societies where two classes of people appeared.
The bourgeoisie (property owners) who owned the capital and the means of production
and the proletariat (the laborers or workers).
_______4. These societies began in the 18th century during the Industrial Revolution
and gained momentum by the turn of the 19th century. This period is characterized by
the use of machines as means of food production.
_______5. Two or more simple societies merged to form a new and bigger society.


Prepared by: Checked by:

Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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