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The bar chart above illustrates games types sold in united state of the America from the year

2000 to
year 2006 shown in varieties of colours where mobile phone games is in BLUE colour, online games in
green colour, console games in yellow colour and handheld games in orange colour. The bar information
shows is 0-18 billions dollars against 6 years data which range from year 2000 to 20006.

In the year 2000, only handheld games and console games were sold. Online games sales was
introduced in the year 2001 while mobile games begins sales in year 2002.

In the year 2001 to year 2006, There is a subsequent increase in handheld games which saw a high price
of 18billion dollars while the sales of console games diminished yearly and it was the least sold in year
2006. Online games and mobiles games sales increased significantly since their introduction year and in
the year 2002 and 2004 they both sold for 2 billion and 4 billion respectively.

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