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REFLECTION PAPER: “Nature Is Speaking – Julia Robert is

Mother Nature”

As I have watched the video “Nature Is Speaking” , I learned a lot

of lessons and I can say that whoever watch this it will give them
goosebumps because all Julia Robert’s said is true, that we people,
need Mother Nature. We people live because there is Food, water,
medicine, materials that is Provided by Natural World. But sadly, we
didn’t give the care that she needs, there’s a lot of people who still
continue to destroy our mother nature without realizing how important
to preserve its beauty. Nature controls what will happen in our World,
that’s why after watching this video, I realized that our Future is really
depends on Mother Nature. Our actions can give a big impact to our
world, if we continue cutting and not planting trees and imagine there
is typhoon that causes flood what will happen to us? We will be drown
and die. And Imagine there is no food to eat and water to drink, how
can we survive? That’s why we people should realize how important to
take care our Mother Nature just like how we take care our own
Mother because in the end all the good things that we will do to our
world, will benefit us in the future. Mother Nature gives us all we need
to live and survive that’s why we people give back by taking care our
world.Young or Adult, student or employee can help.That’s why
starting today, as a student and a person who benefit a lot from Mother
Nature, I will help preserve the beauty of our World.

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