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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga City
San Roque National High School Senior High School
Pasay Masiay, San Roque, Zamboanga City


Name: __________________________________________ Grade and Section: ___________________

Date: ___________________________________________ Score: _____________________________


Directions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Research is a careful and systematic study and investigation in some field of knowledge. To be so, it
a. Defining conditions that need corrective measures and thorough analysis of its background and its references.
b. Finding out the workability of previous research and their current relevance
c. Verifying and refuting existing conditions and presenting their background effects.
d. Discovering new concepts, presenting data, facts, and information and analyzing background effects

2. What is the correct way of presenting Quantitative research findings?

a. Many like better to study with textbooks.
b. Students find textbooks indispensable or necessary
c. Perhaps, 30% consider textbooks unnecessary in their studies
d. Out of 100 college students, 90 find textbooks beneficial to their studies.

3. Which problem statement below is quantitative research?

a. A researcher surveys all students about their food preferences for the new school canteen.
b. A researcher interviews the principal to find out the challenges, and triumphs in running a rural school.
c. The researcher believes that the world is complex and that no single variable or number can accurately describe it.
d. A researcher wanted to determine the challenges encountered by the teachers and students in the new normal situation.

4. "Students taught first aid by programmed instruction will achieve at a higher level than those taught
first aid by the traditional method." The independent variable in this hypothesis is:
a. Students b. programmed instruction c. level of achievement d. method of instruction

5. A cross-sectional study is carried out to examine whether Navy personnel of a higher rank have more
positive coping skills than those of a lower rank. Which of the following statement is true of this study?
a. The independent variable is coping and the dependent variable is low rank.
b. The independent variable is rank and the dependent variable is coping skills.
c. Neither variable is dependent as the researcher cannot manipulate them.
d. The independent variable is coping and the dependent variable is high rank.

6. A variable that is presumed to cause a change in another variable is called:

a. intervening variable b. dependent variable c. independent variable d. numerical variable

7. What sort of data is socio-economic status?

a. Ratio b. ordinal c. interval d. nominal

8. Which of the following can be described as a nominal variable?

a. Annual income b. Annual sale c. Age d. Geographical location

9. In an experiment, the group that does not receive the intervention is called:
a. The experiment group b. The participant group c. The control group d. The treatment group

10. Which of the following can be considered as a good title?

a. Vegetarianism c. Corona Virus Pandemic
b. Body, Health and Lifestyle Issues d. Portfolios: A Tool for Reflective Thinking in Teacher Education

11. Relations research questions are about the nature and manner of _______ between or among
a. Connection b. differences c. Opposition d. similarities

12. Causal research questions are ________ behind the effects of the independent variables on the
dependent variable is the focus of these types of research questions.
a. Results b. reasons c. Product d. outcome
13. Descriptive research questions are asking about the listed items below about the subjects or
participants EXCEPT:
a. Kind b. Qualifications c. Answer d. Categories

14. Which of the following is a descriptive research question?

a. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age and gender?
b. What are the causes of high academic performance of the students?
c. What is the association of tardiness and academic performance of students?
d. Is there a significant difference between the academic performance of students and their study habits?

15. Which of the following is a relation research question?

a. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age and gender?
b. What are the causes of high academic performance of the students?
c. What is the association of tardiness and academic performance of students?
d. What the significant difference between the academic performance of students and their study habits?

16. Which of the following is a causal research question?

a. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age and gender?
b. What are the causes of high academic performance of the students?
c. What is the association of tardiness and academic performance of students?
d. Is there a significant difference between the academic performance of students and their study habits?

For item Number 17 and 18. Each of the following items is a sample of a statement of the problem
composed of a general problem and specific questions. Identify the question which should not belong to
the specific questions.

17. This study aimed to find out the association between the use of Tiktok and the level of enjoyment of its users in
Palawan. Specifically, it attempted to answer the following questions:
a. What is the level of enjoyment of Tiktok users?
b. What is the frequency of the use of Tiktok by the respondents?
c. What is Tiktok all about?
d. What is the association between the use of Tiktok and the level of enjoyment of the respondents?

18. This study aimed to find out the relationship between the reading comprehension and academic performance of
Grade 11 students of Maasin National High School for SY 2019-2020. Specifically, it aimed to answer the following
a. What describes the reading comprehension of the respondents?
b. What describes the academic performance of the respondents?
c. What is the relationship between the reading comprehension and academic performance of the respondents?
d. What can be done to know the comprehension of the respondents?

19. If the research question is “What is the relationship between the students’ interest and their
performance in Practical Research subject?” how would you formulate your conceptual framework?

20. If your research is examining the relationship between students’ correct SHS Track choice and the
factors affecting their choice, and their opinion toward school’s career guidance program, which
conceptual framework is best suited?

Which of the following choices is NOT a correct specific question in a statement of the problem?
a. Is absenteeism a habit among students?
b. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age and gender?
c. What are the causes of the high academic performance of the students?
d. What is the relationship between absenteeism and the academic performance of students?
a. What is social status and educational attainment for you?
b. What is the significant relationship between social status and educational attainment of the respondents?
c. What is the association between regular exercise and achieving a slimmer body?
d. What is the relationship between eating fatty foods and high blood pressure?
a. What describes the frequency of the use of laptops of the respondents?
b. What is the significant relationship between motivation and school performance of the respondents?
c. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the number of siblings and average family income?
d. What is the meaning of motivation for the respondents?

a. What do you think makes the high academic performance of the students?
b. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, and grade level?
c. What is the association of exercise and proper diet of the respondents?
d. Is there a significant difference between the academic performance of students and their study habits?

a. Does internet connection affect online classes?
b. What describes online learning and availability of internet connection?
c. Why is online learning affected by the availability of internet connection?
d. What are the effects of the availability of internet connection to online learning?

Which of the questions in each item is correctly stated as quantitative research questions?
a. Is the new ID system effective?
b. What is the extent of the effectiveness of the new ID system?
c. Students prefer the new ID system. Why?
d. Some teaching strategies are more effective than the others. How?
a. What is the relationship of time spent in studying and the scores of students?
b. Should there be a relationship between the tardiness of students and their academic performance?
c. Why should there be a relationship between the tardiness and academic performance of students?
d. Is the relationship between the tardiness of students and their academic performance needed?

a. Why do other students have better performance than their peers?
b. What is the difference of the grades of students when they are grouped according to their grade level?
c. Who among the students have better grades?
d. Other students have better performance than their peers. How could it be possible?

a. What are the effects of reading habits of students to their spelling ability?
b. Which of the reading habits of students are better? Why?
c. Is it sure that reading habits can affect their spelling ability?
d. Can be reading habits of students really affect their spelling ability?

a. Why do the respondents have low self-confidence?
b. Why did the respondents got good grades in the second semester?
c. Are the grades of students better during the first or second semester?
d. What is the significant difference between the level of self-confidence of students when they are grouped according to their

31. What is the primary goal of quantitative research design?

a. To explore in-depth meanings and experiences.
b. To understand the underlying causes and relationships among variables.
c. To develop a deep understanding of a specific culture or context.
d. To generate new theories based on qualitative data.

32. Which of the following is a key characteristic of a quantitative research design?

a. Emphasis on participant narratives. c. Subjective data collection.
b. Statistical analysis of numerical data. d. Small sample sizes.

33. In quantitative research, which of the following is the typical order of research stages?
a. Data collection, literature review, hypothesis formulation, data analysis
b. Hypothesis formulation, data analysis, data collection, literature review
c. Literature review, data collection, data analysis, hypothesis formulation
d. Data analysis, hypothesis formulation, literature review, data collection

34. What is the primary purpose of a hypothesis in quantitative research design?

a. To guide the research process and data collection. c. To report findings and conclusions.
b. To provide a historical context for the research. d. To summarize the research limitations.

35. Which of the following research designs is often used to establish cause-and-effect relationships?
a. Correlational design b. Experimental design c. Descriptive design d. Case study design

36. Which of the following is an example of a quantitative research question?

a. "What are the experiences of cancer survivors?"
b. "How does social media usage affect student performance?"
c. "What is the meaning of leadership?"
d. "How do individuals perceive environmental sustainability?"
37. Which of the following research questions is most suitable for a quantitative research approach?
a. "What are the cultural factors influencing artistic expression?"
b. "What is the history of urbanization in the 21st century?"
c. "How does income level affect consumer spending?"
d. "What are the experiences of first-time mothers?"

38. What is the role of a research question in the quantitative research process?
a. To guide data analysis and interpretation.
b. To establish ethical guidelines for the study.
c. To determine the study's sample size.
d. To report the research findings.

39. What is the role of an independent variable in quantitative research?

a. It is the outcome variable being measured.
b. It is a variable that is manipulated by the researcher.
c. It represents the constant values in a dataset.
d. It is not relevant in quantitative research.

40. Which of the following is an example of a categorical variable in quantitative research?

a. Age b. Weight c. Gender d. Temperature

41. In a study examining the impact of education on income, what is the dependent variable?
a. Education level b. Income c. Gender d. Age

42. What is the purpose of a control variable in quantitative research?

a. To manipulate the independent variable. c. To measure the dependent variable.
b. To eliminate the need for statistical analysis. d. To account for potential confounding factors.

43. Which of the following quantitative research titles is most likely to attract the attention of a specific target
a. "An Analysis of Random Data"
b. "Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences"
c. "The Relationship Between Parental Involvement and Student Achievement"
d. "Science and Research"

44. Which of the following titles is more appropriate for a quantitative study examining the effects of a new drug on
blood pressure in adults?
a. "Medical Innovations"
b. "A Comprehensive Review of Healthcare Interventions"
c. "The Impact of Drug X on Blood Pressure in Adults: A Quantitative Analysis"
d. "An Overview of Healthcare Practices"

45. What is the primary purpose of a research title in a quantitative study?

a. To summarize the research findings
b. To provide a detailed explanation of the research methodology
c. To give readers an idea of the study's focus and scope
d. To list the names of all the study's authors

B. Create a meme about Practical Research 2 subject or any of

the topics discussed in the quarter.

*bumagsak sa PR*

Good luck!
Prepared by:
Ricky Atilano

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