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Counter terrorism speech

Terrorism has been a problem among many countries for a very long time. Although terrorism does
not have a universally agreed definition, it can be described as a method of coercion with the
objective of spreading fear to thereby attain political or ideological goals. I hope to offer solutions
this problem.

Firstly, screening processes at borders may help to identify individuals suspected of being
involved in terrorist activity. This will lead to their arrest in which case the individual must be treated
with the upmost humanity and respect. During their conviction they should be offered the same
treatment as organized crime members (lower penalty for information about higher ups).

Secondly, due to the corruption in the governments and lack of jobs in affected countries,
terrorism comes as a last resort for means of survival for the civilians joining the terrorist group. We
can tackle this problem by helping the economy in the countries, offering jobs in power plants, mines
or oil plant in which they should get paid respectfully at a liveable wage.

Lastly, if needed we can provide the country with anti-terrorist forces to minimize the effects
to the targeted population. These forces should go through thorough training, background checks,
physical and mental evaluations and regular exercises to assure their mental and physical well-being
is sufficient and stable enough to handle the pressure of the job.

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