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PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo dai Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON méi ngay cing cé. CHUAN BI CHO ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT 2023 ff 131 IDIOMS QUAN TRONG - DE XUAT HIEN Cé Vii Thj Mai Phuong TRONG DE: THI THPT QUOC GIA STT Thanh ngir Nghia 1__| be walking/floating on air rit vui, phan khich 2__| havelthrow a fit rit tie gidn 3__| ruffle one’s feathers xtic pham, lam phign long ai do 4 | havea familiar ring quen thuge, than thude 5 _| get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick _| higu lim, higu 6 | food for thought digu ding suy ngim 7__| get the message higu ngy ¥ cia at 8 | lose sight of something quén mat diéu gi dé quan trong 9 work/go like a dream dign ra oye ky tot, Khong gap van d& 10 | do althe trick mang lai két qua tot 11_| ablessing in ‘trong cai ri c6 edi may 12_ | Teave a mark 6 inh hudng, Lim thay di ai/edi gi 13 _| something slips your mind quén cai gi 14 | be on the cards 6 kha nang xay ra 15 _| not tuna hair hoan toan diém tinh 16 _| take/go to (great) pains to do something —_| nd lye lam gi 17 _| make somebody’s hair stand on end Tim ai dung téc gay 18 | drag your feevheels nan na, chan chit kim gi 19 | get off toa flying start Khoi dau tot, thuan loi 20 | until you arc ES bn gi trong 1 thdi gian dai nhung khong dat két 21 _| lick somebody's boots xu nin, phye ting ai 22_| throw the book at somebody phat nfing ai dé 23 _| (leave somebody/something) high and dry | b6 mc, khong giip 46 ai/eai gi 24 | go from strength to strength ngay cdng thanh cong 25 | go places 6 kha ning thinh céng trong tuong lai 26 _| be thrilled to bits rit hai long, vui ming, hanh phic 27_| chance one’s arm Tam 1igu, danh Tigu 28 | be clutching/grasping at straws nd lye tuyét vong dé ciru van tinh hinh 29 _| spread yourself too thin 6m dom nhiéu 30 _| keep a low profile tranh gay sy chai y ‘Chic cdc em may man, dat diém 86 cao nhat va tring tuyén NVI PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo dai Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON méi ngay cing cé. 31_ | A hot potato vin d nan gidi 32_| A lost cause Hét hy vong, khéng thay doi duge gi 33_| Allat once = suddenly Bat thinh linh 34 | Atheart Thye chat, co ban 35. | At the drop of a hat Neay lip tire 36 | Atthe eleventh hour Viio phut chét 37_| Back to the drawing board bit dau lai 38. | Be on the wagon Kigng rugu 39 _| Be out of the question Khong thé duge 40__| Beat about the bush vong vo tam quoc 41_| Best thing since sliced bread 1a. 1 ngudi/thir xuat sie 42__| Blow one’s trumpet Boe phét, khodc lie 43_| Break aleg thuring diing dé chic may man 44 _| Bring down the house Lim cho ca khan phong v6 tay nhigt ligt 45__| Bucket down Mua x6i xa, mura to 4%6__| Burn the midnight oil tite khuya lam vige, hoc bai 47_| By the skin of one’s teeth Sat sao, rat sat 48__| Caught between two stools ‘ign thodi Iudng nan 49. | Chalk and cheese rat khde nhau 50 | Chip in Khuyén gop, gop tien 51_| Close call = Close shave = Narrow escape | Thodt duge nguy hiém trong gang the 52_| ring a bell nghe quen quen 53. | Come to light Sing 16, duge dua ra anh sing 54 | out of the blue ‘bat thinh linh, bat ngo 55. | Cutit fine Dén sit gir 56 | Down the drain ‘Do séng do bién (céng strc, tien bac) 57_| Drop a brick Lo loi, 16 migng 58__| Every now and then 461 Khi, thinh thoing 59__| Face the m Chiu tran 60__| Few and far between higm gap 61_| Fight tooth and claw/nail Danh nhau dir d6i, edu xé nhau 62_| Find fault with Chi trich, kigm chuyén, bit [oi 63_| Fly off the handle DE ndi gidn, phat cau 4 | Get butterflies in one’s stomach ‘Cam thay bén chon 65. | Get the hand of something Nim bit duge, sir dung duge 66 _| Get the hold of the wrong end of the stick | Higu nham y ai dé 67 | Gethhave cold feet Mat hét can dim, khéng gitt duge binh tinh 68 | Go to one’s head Khién ai kiéu ngao 69_| Golden handshake Mén tién hau hinh danh cho ngudi sip nghi vige 70__| Hard of hearing Lang tai, nang tai TI | Have a bee in one’s bonnet DAt nding chuyén gi, chap nbat chuyén gi (about something) 72. | Have in mind ‘Dang suy tinh, cn nhac 73_| Here and there Khap noi ‘Chic cdc em may man, dat diém 86 cao nhat va tring tuyén NVI PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo dai Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON méi ngay cing cé. 74_| High and low Everywhere 75__| Hit the books vii diu vio hoe 76_| Hit the nail on the head noi chinh xde 77 | Hit the roof = go through the roof ‘ifn dtr =hit the ceiling 78 [Invain Uong cong, vo ich 79. | Ttnever rains but it pours hoa v6 don chi 80 [be all ears chim chi King nghe 81_| Jump the lights Vurgt dén a6 82_| Keep an eye on Coi chimg, ngé t 83. | Lead somebody by the nose nam di, dit mii ai 84 | Let the cat out of the bag 8 19 bi mat 85. | Look daggers at someone gi nhin ai d 86 | Make believe Gia b6, gia ve 87_| Make ends meet Xoay so dé kiém song 88 | Make good time Di chuyén nhanh, di nhanh 89 _| Make someone’s blood boil Lam ai S6i mau, gidn dit 90__| Now and then thinh thoang 91_ | Offand on/ On and off thinh thoang 92._| Offfone’s head Dién, loan tri 93 | Of the record Khong chinh thie, khong duge cong bo 94 | On probation Trong thoi gian quan ché 95__| On second thoughts Suy nghi Ki 96 | On the house ign phi 97__| On the spot ngay lip tite 98 | On the verge of Trén ba vue 99. | Once in a blue moon Rat hiém 100 | One’s cup of tea Thi ma ta thich 101 | be part and pareel of sth 1a thir thigt yeu, dc digm khong thé tranh Khoi 102. | Pay through the nose ‘a gid qua dit 103. | Play a tricks/joke on sb ‘Choe pha, tréu gheo, choi khim ai 104 | Pull one’s weight NO lie, Lam tron trach nhigm 105 | Pull someone’s leg Choe ai 106 | Put on an act Gia b6, lam bo 107 | Put one’s foot in it 1n6i digu gi gay xdu hd hoje khién ai kho chiu 108 | at someone’s disposal 6 cai gi cho ai ty ¥ ding 109 | Raining cats and dogs Mua nang hat 110_| Run an errand Lam vige vat 111_| Scratch someone’s back ‘gitp 45 ngudi Khde vai hy vong ho sé gitip lai minh 112 | See eye to eye ‘Dong tinh 113_| Sell someone short Dinh gia thip 114 | Sell like hot cakes Ban dat nhur t6m toi 115_| Sleep on it Suy nghi thém vé dieu gi d6. ‘Chic cdc em may man, dat diém 86 cao nhat va tring tuyén NVI PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cing c6. 116 | Smell a rat Hoai nghi, finh cam chuygn khong én 117 | Spick and span Nain nap gon ging 118 | Splitting headache dau dau nhu bia bo 119 | keep sb on their toes diim bio ai d6 cha ¥ 161 vige dang lim va xirly 120 | Take it amiss cam thay that vong bi li néi/hanh d6ng cua ai 121_| Take someone/something for granted Coi nhe 122_| Take something into account/ consideration | tinh dén cdi gi, xem xét vige gi 123, | Take things to pieces Thao ra timg manh 124 | The apple of one’s eyes ‘cue cung, bao boi ctia ai 125 | The last straw Ot van dé cudi cling trong ehudi sy vige Khign 1 tinh huéng khdng thé chap nhan duge 126 | The more, the merrier ‘Cang dong eang vui 127 | be bound to Chic chin’ 128 | blot your copybook huy hoai danh tiéng, khién ngudi khac khéng con t6n trong minh nhiéu nita 129 | To make do Xoay s6, duong dau 130_| take (great) pains with/over sth Lam vige ean thin va fan tam. 131_| float/walk on air [Guc ky sung suéng Chiic cdc em may man, dat diém s6 cao nhat va tring tuyén NV1

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