SS5605 - Individual Report Template

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SS5605 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise

Assignment: Individual Report

(2022 Jan)

SS1106 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise

Individual Report

Tutorial Session: Group No.:

Student ID: Name:


SS1106 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise

Tutorial Session: 1 Individual
Group No.: Report 3

Student ID: TutorialU2020398C

Session: Name: Group No.:
Seth Lee Xuan Kai

Student ID: Name:

SS5605 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise
Assignment: Individual Report
(2022 Jan)

SS1106 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise

Individual Report

Tutorial Session: Group No.:

Student ID: Name:


My group had never met beforehand and we decided

SS1106 Psychosocial Aspectstoofplay
game of frisbee to
Individual Report
get to know each other. Through the game, I got a glimpse of their personalities. For
example, I could tell Bryan’s assertiveness through his constant calling for the disc. I
could also tellTutorial
Faith andSession: Group communication
Mun Thoong’s outgoingness and excellent No.: skills
as they told each other where to run and receive the disc.
Student ID: Name:
After the game, we asked each other what our favourite sport was. Bryan’s
favourite sport, powerlifting, matched the assertive, sporty and athletic impression I had
of his personality. Faith’s favourite sport was Tennis, while Mun Thoong’s favourite
SS5605 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise
Assignment: Individual Report
(2022 Jan)

SS1106 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise

Individual Report

Tutorial Session: Group No.:

Student ID: Name:


sport was Badminton. This came asSS1106

a surprise to me asAspects
Psychosocial I would haveand
of Sport thought that both
Individual Report
of them primarily played team sport games, given their outgoingness and expert
communication skills. The fact that they played individual sport games did not match the
impression I had Session:
of them. During the interview, Faith showed Group No.:
her friendliness and
outgoingness by initiating the questions, while Bryan showed leadership in taking down
Student ID: Name:
the answers.

Bryan’s impression of me was that I was an extrovert as well as a funny person.

This was inconsistent with my own impression of myself as I consider myself a natural
SS5605 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise
Assignment: Individual Report
(2022 Jan)

SS1106 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise

Individual Report

Tutorial Session: Group No.:

Student ID: Name:


introvert. Perhaps in the context of sports,

tend to show my leadership
Aspects of Sport andskills and
Individual Report
competitiveness which could lead to me being more vocal and confident, giving Bryan
the impression that I was an extrovert. This informed me that maybe I was just an
Tutorial in
introvert or extrovert Session: Group
different contexts and that I am not purely anNo.:
introvert in any
sense. The funny personality matches my own impression of myself, as I like to be
Student ID: Name:
humorous from time to time.

Mun Thoong’s impression of me was that I was active and outgoing. She
explained that she got this impression through my stamina and constant laughter. This
SS5605 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise
Assignment: Individual Report
(2022 Jan)

SS1106 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise

Individual Report

Tutorial Session: Group No.:

Student ID: Name:


matched the impression I had of mySS1106

own personality.
PsychosocialI Aspects
considerof myself toExercise
Sport and be an active
Individual Report
person as I play football, run and gym regularly, and I was glad this was apparent to my
groupmates. I also like to enjoy and have fun, and I am glad that my outgoing
personality was Session:
visible. Group No.:

Student ID: Name:

Faith’s impression of me was that I was a caring person. Perhaps this was
because when we were playing frisbee, she accidentally fell down. As I was the closest
person to her, I went over and helped her up. Her impression of me came as a bit of a
surprise to me as I would not consider myself to be a naturally caring person. Maybe
SS5605 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise
Assignment: Individual Report
(2022 Jan)

SS1106 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise

Individual Report

Tutorial Session: Group No.:

Student ID: Name:


this is because both our perception of whatPsychosocial

SS1106 a caring person is of
Aspects varies. Maybe
Sport and the simple
Individual Report
act of showing concern to someone when he is in need constitutes concern to Faith, but
I place greater burden on myself to show more care and concern to others.
Tutorial Session: Group No.:

Student ID: Name:

SS5605 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise
Assignment: Individual Report
(2022 Jan)

SS1106 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise

Individual Report

Tutorial Session: Group No.:

Student ID: Name:


SS1106 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise

Individual Report

Tutorial Session: Group No.:

Student ID: Name:

SS5605 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise
Assignment: Individual Report
(2022 Jan)

SS1106 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise

Individual Report

Tutorial Session: Group No.:

Student ID: Name:


SS1106 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise

Individual Report

Tutorial Session: Group No.:

Student ID: Name:

SS5605 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise
Assignment: Individual Report
(2022 Jan)

SS1106 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise

Individual Report

Tutorial Session: Group No.:

Student ID: Name:


SS1106 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise

(Word count: 478 ) Individual Report

Tutorial Session: References Group No.:

Student ID: Name:


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