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Step 1: Brainstorm (5minutes)

Step 2: Arrange Ideas (5 minutes)

Step 3: Write Thesis Statement (2 minutes)
Step 4: Write introduction (5 minutes)
Step 5: Writing 3 body paragraphs (24 minutes)
BRAINSTORMING & ARRANGING IDEAS (8-10 MINUTES) Step 6: Conclusion (5 minutes)

1. Believe in oneself
- Focus on one’s strengths
- Polish the strengths
2. Join clubs and societies.
- Practice talking to interact with
other ppl
- Programs- involve w other ppl

3. Learn from confident people.

- Identify confident ppl close to
- Observe confident ppl
- Learn… watch them, talk like

*** The ways to boost one’s self-confidence is by believing in oneself, join clubs and societies, and learn from confident people.


 Among means of enhancing one’s self-confidence is to believe in oneself, involve in clubs and societies, and model other
confident people.


Example 1:

Have you ever had the feeling that your self-confidence level has never changed since you were
small? Do you feel butterflies every time you open your mouth to speak to someone? This is normal
among people who lack self-confidence. Among means of enhancing one’s self-confidence is to
believe in oneself, involve in clubs and societies, and model other confident people. / or/ The ways to
boost one’s self-confidence is by believing in oneself, join clubs and societies, and learn from confident people.

Example 2:

In this modernised era, many people have turned to communicating via gadgets instead of face-to-
face talk. Hence, this may hinder one to practice routines which would help in building self-confidence.
This issue needs attention. Among means of enhancing one’s self-confidence is to believe in oneself,
involve in clubs and societies, and model other confident people.

Therefore, there are ways to boost one’s self-confidence, which are believing in oneself, involving in
clubs and societies, and modelling other confident people.
1. Learn from confident people.
- Identify confident ppl close to you
- Observe confident ppl
- Learn… watch them, talk like them

The first way to boost self-confidence is to learn from confident people. When we know that we are
weak in any aspect of our life, the fastest method to enhance ourselves is to learn from other people.
This is also possible when we talk about self-confidence. One could first identify close friends or
perhaps classmates who have high self-confidence. For example, one could observe how these people
talk and bring themselves around. We could watch them and practice talking the way they do. Hence,
modelling confident people can help us boost our self-confidence.


In conclusion, there are ways to boost one’s self-confidence, which are believing in oneself, involving
in clubs and societies, and modelling other confident people. It is important to make sure one
develops high self-confidence in order to create sufficient self-health. Therefore, it is hoped that
people who lack self-confidence will find their paths easier in not only developing themselves, but
helping others to do so too; and this requires self-confidence.  IMPACT

1) Thesis statement
2) Recommendation
3) Hope

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