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Spotting a thesis Spotting a topic Locating

statement sentence
Tropical rainforests are among the
most important natural features on
Rainforests are Earth’s oldest living
ecosystems, with some surviving in Sentences
our planet. Rainforests only cover 2% of
the Earth's surface, but are homes to
their present form for at least 70 million
years. They are incredibly diverse and and Thesis
over 50% of all species of plants and
animals living here. Rainforest trees
complex, home to more than half of the
world’s plant and animal species—even
though they cover just six percent of What are these? How and
help the planet breathe by absorbing
Earth’s surface. This makes rainforests where do we spot them?
carbon dioxide (a Greenhouse Gas)
astoundingly dense with flora and fauna;
from the atmosphere, and producing
a 10-square-kilometer (four-square-
the oxygen that people and animals mile) patch can contain as many as 1,500
need to survive. If the Earth had lungs flowering plants, 750 species of trees, 400
like human beings, the rainforests species of birds and 150 species of
would be those lungs. butterflies.

Submitted by:
Marian Lhee Abanid -
Submitted to:
Ms. Marites Caspe
What are thesis
The thesis statement is a sentence
that expresses the primary idea of What are topic
a writing project and aids in sentences?
Examples: controlling the ideas within the The most significant sentence in a
work. It is more than just a topic. It paragraph is the topic sentence. It is
Cats are superior to dogs.
01 is a declarative sentence that
(Thesis statement) also known as a focal sentence, and
states the position that the paper it helps organize the paragraph by
School uniforms should be will take. This remark should be
02 summarizing what is discussed in
banned in all schools. (Thesis specific as well as debatable.
the paragraph.

The most important problem in

03 our country is the poor How and where to How and where to
healthcare facilities. (Topic spot? spot?
The04 thesis statement generally Typically, topic phrases begin as
Fishes are good to have as appears near the end of the straightforward assertions. Keep in
a pet. (Topic sentence) introduction. It will be introduced in mind that the topic sentence comes
the sentences before it, and it will be right at the start of the paragraph.
supported and clarified in the The first sentence of the paragraph
sentences that follow. Like a topic is often it. The topic sentence of a
sentence, a thesis statement paragraph needs to be broad
introduces and structures a enough to cover the entire subject of
paragraph and helps readers the paragraph.
anticipate what will follow.

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