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Required Features Phase 1: 1 Attractive Homepage (a brand new homepage layout will be provided, UNB will provide LOGO)

2 Several Linked pages (FAQ, about, contact us, privacy etc.) 3 Trigger News (scrolling news headline e.g. headline news with RSS feed) 4 Flash News (headline news) 5 Weather Information (widget from weather site) 6 World Clock (5 analog clock for 5 continent) 7 News Letter (automated newsletter sending) 8 Exchange Rate Information (stock exchange status report from 9 News Category with Picture (e.g. 10 Photo of the Day 11 Opinion Pool 12 Previous Opinion Pools result 13 Search (full text search for all kinds of news) 14 User friendly Control Panel to enter data 15 Secured Admin panel 16 BLOG (not a BLOG engine, every news article will have option to comment on it) 17 SEO (basic) 18 Most viewed news rating 19 Ad management (AD link hit count) 20 Language (both Bangla & English) Phase 2: 1 Video streaming (video news) 2 Web Radio (will be discussed later) 3 WAP 4 Desktop dashboard tool for latest news headline 5 Importing old news from file / old database; sort of data importing Below feature we want under Admin Panel Create, Remove and Block Below Item: Reporter Editor Member News Category (National, International etc.) Ad Customized Below Item: No. of Category No. of stories of per Category

No. of Ticker No. of News Flash Manage Below Item: Ad Position Deleting: Reporter & Editors Stories Web stories Audit Log: Reporter & Editor: Show Login + Logout Time, List of created Sorties Date wise Member: Show Login + Logout Time, Show How many news Open and Download, as same time how many Member Login & People Online. Estimation of Working Hour (by feature) Sl Task Phase i 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 348 Template (different page layout) Static Page News Category News Management Trigger News Flash News Most viewed Archive Search Specific News Search Weather Information World Clock Newsletter Management Exchange Rate Information Photo of the day Opinion Poll Admin Panel User Management Blog (user comment) SEO, RSS Feed Ad Management Audit Log Miscellaneous Man Hour 64 40 40 40


Graphics Design (All necessary Graphics also includes mockup) 80 8 20 8 24 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 20 8 24 8 26 14 8 16 6 24

Phase ii 23. WAP 24. Web Radio 25. Video streaming 26. Desktop dashboard

27. Data Import 224

40 Man Hour Hours 24 8 24

Milestone / Project Schedule Task Description Requirement The detail requirement analysis of the iteration will Analysis Use be done in this stage, which includes the nitty gitty Case details of the requirement? Planning PM The Functionalities will be extracted for the iteration Tools and it will be written in the PM tool The web-layout, database design, and UML design are prepared at this stage. UML is the structured Design document format for software development life cycle (e.g., class diagram, sequence diagram). Coding will be done with source code Coding + documentation. Developers will use SVN for source Documentation control & versioning system. QA will be done on local server. QA will product Testing Test-Case report and will send the bug report to bug tracking tool. Developers will check the bugs / small change Bug Fixing requests made by client. They will fix it and will take a backup of the release version. The release version for one iteration will be Demo uploaded to demo server and client will give his feedback of this version. Developers will check the bugs / small change Feed back + requests made by client. They will fix it and will take Fixing + Back up a backup of the release version After all the iteration- when the project is ready for Final delivery deployment- QA will give green signal. Technology We will use following technologies for the project

488 40 24 4 16 24

Architecture We will either implement MVC (Model, View, and Controller) architecture using CodeIgnitor Framework and PHP5 or well provide a CMS to manage pages and content of the site preferably Joomla CMS. We practice Object Oriented Programming. This architecture facilitates the separation of application code from presentation. Typically, the application code contains the business logic of your application, written and maintained in PHP code. This is the heart of your application.

The presentation controls the view of end user. This is the face of your application. Internet technology evolves too fast. Every year one has to update the look and feel of the site because it gets outdated. Separating the presentation layer makes this job very easy because you are not touching the heart of the application. Database We will use MYSQL 5.0 Database. All the queries and tables can be migrated to Oracle in future if you want to scale the site. Web Server Apache web server that runs on Linux will be used for web server. Operating System Windows / Linux based server, as you require Technological Skills In last few years, we have built a strong foundation and skills in different technologies. We have developed several projects in the technologies listed below and we are confident to deliver clean and high quality code. Project Manager. This is the person who writes (or rewrites) the project specifications and finalizes them with the customer. He makes the schedule including weekly milestones where the customer can review progress and suggest changes or corrections. The first milestone is finalization of the specs or demonstration of a prototype. Subsequent milestones demonstrate features as they get implemented. When the system goes on-line, the project team remains on standby to fix any bugs that may appear during testing. Team Leader A Team Leader is assigned for every project that under the supervision of project manager monitor programmers works. Programmers Depending upon the project, one or more programmers with relevant skills are assigned. Development Methodology Software Development Lifecycle There are many agile development methods; most minimize risk by developing software in short amounts of time. Software developed during one unit of time is referred to as an iteration, which may last from one to four weeks. Each iteration is an entire software project: including planning, requirement analysis, design, coding, testing, and documentation. An iteration may not add enough

functionality to warrant releasing the product to market but the goal is to have an available release (without bugs) at the end of each iteration. End of each iteration the team re-evaluates project priorities. Proposed Model (Work Flow) 1. Initial Requirement Analysis 2. Planning / dividing the project into iterations 3. Tasks accomplished under each iteration 1 Requirement analysis (Detail) Use Case / Mind Map 2 Planning PM Tools (Base camp / Jira) 3 Design (View + Database + UML) (PM / Client / Team Lead ) 4 UML A part of requirement analysis. 5 User Interface Creative Department 6 Database Design ER Diagram (PM/ Team Lead) 7 Framework Selection CodeIgnitor 4. Coding + Documentation (Source code documentation) 1 Design Tool Dreamweaver 2 Development studio (PHP) Zend studio 3 Java Eclipse / JBuilder 4 .NET Visual Studio 5 Testing Test Case + Code Tracker Q/ A 6 Bug Fixing 7 Demo + Feed back Module Review in Dedicated server 8 Fixing + back up Feed back through PM Tools 5. Final delivery Team Leader / Developer

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