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The Boy Racer is one of the worst driver types.

He's young and has a terrible reputation

for causing mayhem on UK roads. He feels the urge to kit out his car with alloy wheels,
a spoiler and a booming sound system to be played at the highest volume possible. His
bad habits include accelerating too sharply, applying the brakes far too late around
corners to make their tyres screech, a total disregard for speed limits and the worrying
practice of racing at traffic lights with their mates.

The Roadhog is usually the slightly more mature version of the Boy Racer, displaying
similar reckless driving and thoughtless attitude towards other users. Roadhogs tend to
tailgate other drivers, flashing their lights and hurrying cars along as they speed to their
destination. They also have a habit of swerving frequently, and should you antagonise a
road hog, they're very likely to turn nasty, deliberately breaking sharply in front of you in
an attempt to show their superiority.

Mixing the roadhog with a Sunday driver is usually a recipe for disaster. The Sunday
driver is one that other road users think is driving far too slowly for the road or the
conditions. Sunday drivers are usually elderly or less confident drivers who are
occasionally confused and feel that they need to take their time to get to their
destination. They usually cannot understand why other drivers between them are in
such a rush. Just “dawdling along: at 20 mph on a 50 mph road while other cars are
stacking behind them can become extremely frustrating. It can also lead to drivers
behind the Sunday driver attempting dangerous overtaking manoeuvres to get ahead of

The Backseat driver, unlike the other types, can be found in your own car. He isn't a
driver as such, but his motoring skills are such that he feels compelled to provide the
driver with constant advice - thinly veiled criticism, usually. As well as helpful comments.
He is also inclined to confuse the driver with imagined dangers or muddled directions.

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