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Saturday, 28th October, 2023.

Vocabulary Sheet (1)

Words fit to be used in topic sentences:
1) Water resources are, absolutely, essential for a healthy life.
2) Pollution is an absolute disaster.
3) Risky activities are highly acclaimed by supporters.
4) (I / they/ or a noun) absolutely ensure the benefits of .
5) Cooperation has a fetching effect.
Words fit to use in introducing ideas:
1) Cleaning water resources is absolutely thriving.
2) Regarding more down-to-earth views, risky activities are not safe.
3) The reasonable cost of on-line learning is praiseworthy.
4) It is a genuine belief that education reinforces people’s thoughts.
5) It has been foreseen that education gives us the chance of having a good career.
6) Good education motivates self-confidence.
Words fit to be used in the conclusion:
1) To conclude, (noun or pronoun) I am still on-target for the importance of teamwork.
2) To end up, (noun or pronoun) confirm that the significance of online learning is beaming.
3) Finally, (noun or pronoun) hope that the above analysis is accessible to everyone.
4) On conclusion, (noun or pronoun) believe the above reasons are the only access for a better
Linking phrases:
To elaborate:
( noun or pronoun) I intend to say / in particular this means that / in simple terms / ( noun or
pronoun) I mean to say / In reply ( noun or pronoun) I would like to clarify
in reply I wish to make it clear
in the same manner / by the same sign / in like manner / correspondingly / comparably
To begin:
to get started / to launch / to spark / to take the first step / to trigger
on the contrary:
conversely / contrariwise / oppositely / antithetically / just the reverse
To end:
as a way of conclusion / as has been demonstrated / briefly to conclude / considering all of the
facts / for successful completion of
Figurative language:
In my perception, I understand / ascertain / find out/ deduce.
In my opinion, I believe / trust / infer / account / accredit.
According to (me), I agree / get along with / cooperate with / coincide / concur.
Based upon their presumption, they infer / assume / undertake / accept / adopt.
Ironical expression:
“Based on what is previously mentioned…
Actually, no.
“I do not keep secrets to confirm, that is all so ironic!”
“I assure you, light travels faster than sound.” (This is when some people appear bright until they
“I clapped because it is finished, not because I do like it.”
" I can emphasize, this is actually a fun fact.”
"know that, my silence does not mean I agree with them.”
" I ask you not to mistake my silence for weakness.”
Positive examples:
They fought as dogs and cats.
idea went over like a lead balloon.
…… like a diamond.
….. as different as night and day.
Negative examples:
….. as toxic as a chemical spill.
…... as flimsy as a paper umbrella in a storm.
…… as pointless as a broken pencil.
This …… weighs a ton.
Till China and Africa meet,
And the river jumps over the mountain.
To infinity and beyond!

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