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sdImportant quotes in Act- I Sene I

Page 5
“…Vexed ……... men.”
Page 6
“I would not………. I fear death.”
Page 8
“Brutus……. upon us.”
Theme: Inner conflict
Brutus is struggling between his love for Caesar and his love to Rome. His concern that Caesar’s
assumed ambition will cause harm to Rome. Yet he resists the idea of speaking against Caesar.
Character analysis
Brutus has a self-reflective, principle-driven personality. Brutus thinks of himself as an honorable
man, one who serves the general good of the people.

Page 6
“I had as lief…….so were you”
Theme: persuasion
Persuasion is a concept at the center of this play. Cassius argues that he and Brutus are no
different from Caesar—and that, in particular, the “godlike” Caesar is no less human than they
Character analysis
The most significant characteristic of Cassius is his ability to perceive the true motives of men.
He resorts to using his keen insight into human nature to deceive Brutus. He is a passionate and
devious manipulator striving to use Brutus to gain his ends.

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