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Prayers of the Faithful

Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent

Year C

1. We pray for the Church, that it may proclaim the beauty of the gospel and
encourage people to rejoice in the Lord.

Let us pray to the Lord

2. We pray for world leaders, that they may prepare the way for the coming
of the Lord by fostering harmony, authentic dialogue, and sincere concern
for their people.

Let us pray to the Lord

3. We pray for those who are struggling as a result of poverty, that they
may receive the resources they need.

Let us pray to the Lord

4. We pray for those who are impaired by blindness, deafness, or other

infirmities, that the promise of Christ's coming may give them strength and

Let us pray to the Lord

5. We pray for all pregnant mothers, that the joy of the Lord's coming may
strengthen them to welcome and nurture the new life God has entrusted to

Let us pray to the Lord

6. We pray that all who have died, that they may experience the renewed life
brought by the coming of the Savior.

Let us pray to the Lord

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