Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time Year C

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Prayers of the Faithful

Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time Year C


1. We pray for the Church, that all who lead and guide us in our faith may
be examples of true witness to Christ’s compassion for all.

Let us pray to the Lord

2. We pray for peace in our world, that God will turn the hearts of those who
choose injustice or persecution away from sin and towards life and love.

Let us pray to the Lord

3. We pray for all who are sick or in pain, or facing any kind of difficulty, that
God may lift them up and grant them strength, hope and healing.

Let us pray to the Lord

4. We pray for our parish community that, as we gather for the Eucharist,
we do so as a reconciled people, united in heart and purpose.

Let us pray to the Lord

5. We pray for all who have died, that God’s light may shine on them and
on all we have lost.

Let us pray to the Lord

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