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Pathology (5 year 1st Term Written)

1. Acute Inflammation - causes, d/b acute & chronic

2. Adenoma - definition
3. Anaplasia - definition, morphological & functional features
4. Anemia - definition, classify aetiologically & morphologically ē examples
5. Aplastic Anemia - PBF findings, bone marrow findings, laboratory findings
6. Apoptosis - definition, d/b necrosis & apoptosis
7. Arachidonic Acid Metabolites - names/chart, generation/production, role in
8. Atrophy - mechanism, description of brown atrophy
9. Autosomal Disorder - characteristics ē example
10. Bone Marrow Examination - indications, information
11. Carcinoma in Situ - definition
12. Caseous Necrosis - morphology
13. Cell Injury - cellular response to different types of injurious stimuli, role of calcium
14. Cellular Adaptations - names/types
15. Chemoattractant - definition
16. Choriostoma - definition
17. Chronic Inflammation - name of chronic inflammatory cell, role of macrophage
18. Complete Resolution - definition
19. Cytopathological Methods - names ē examples
20. Decompression Sickness - effects of acute & chronic form
21. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) - SN
22. Differentiation - definition
23. Dry Tap - definition
24. Dysplasia - definition, example

Shahriar Hossain Rudro (26th/58)

25. Edema - definition, classify pathophysiological, all mechanisms, name 3 clinical
conditions where effusion involving cavity
26. Embolus - definition, source & consequence of pulmonary & systemic
27. Endothelium - prothrombotic properties, causes of injury, how it causes thrombosis
28. Epithelioid Cell - describe
29. ESR - causes of high raise, SN
30. Exudate - d/b exudate & transudate
31. Fat Necrosis - description
32. Fat Soluble Vitamin - names
33. Fatty Change - definition
34. Fatty Ingrowth - definition
35. Free Radicals - definitions, example, sources, how generated & inactivated, effects on
36. Gangrene - SN
37. Genetic Disease/Disorder - classification
38. Granulation Tissue - definition, examples
39. Granuloma - definition, classification, common causes, mechanism of immune
granuloma formation
40. Granulomatous Inflammation - definition, classification
41. Healing - account of primary intention, why healing delayed in DM, d/b keloid &
hypertrophic scar, complications, factors influencing, role of macrophage
42. Hyperplasia - definition, examples
43. Immunohistochemistry - uses/role in diagnosis
44. Infarction - definition, classification ē example, causes of infarct, morphology,
influencing factors, site of white infarct
45. Inflammation - definition, d/b acute & chronic, justify it is a protective response
sometimes potentially harmful
46. Iron Balance - definition of positive & negative iron balance

Shahriar Hossain Rudro (26th/58)

47. Iron Deficiency Anemia - biochemical findings, confirmatory tests
48. Irreversible Cell Injury - morphology, mechanism, d/b necrosis & apostasies, features of
hypoxic irreversible cell injury
49. Macrocytosis - causes
50. Malignancy - account on premalignant conditions, cytological feature of a malignant
51. Megaloblast - cytological features
52. Megaloblastic Anemia - PBF findings, bone marrow findings, why anemia occurs in
megaloblastic anemia
53. Metaplasia - definition, types, examples, clinical significance, disadvantages, account
54. Metastasis - definition, routes, mechanism, steps of invasion of extracellular matrix ē
55. Microbial Carcinogen - SN
56. Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia - causes
57. Necrosis - definition, types ē examples, d/b coagulative & caseous necrosis ē examples,
d/b necrosis & apostasies, describe coagulative necrosis
58. Neoplasia - definition, classify according to behavior
59. Nutmeg Liver - SN
60. Opsonization - definition, name major opsonins
61. Oxidative Stress - definition
62. Pancytopenia - definition, causes
63. Papilloma - definition
64. Paraneoplastic Syndrome - definition, examples, SN
65. Pathological Calcification - definition, sites of metastatic & dystrophic calcification, SN
66. Pathology - definition
67. Peripheral Blood Film (PBF) - information
68. Phagocytosis - definition, name phagocytes, describe steps, mechanism of recognition,
attachment, killing & degradation of a microbe
69. Phlebothrombosis - definition, steps/stages, d/b phlebothrombosis & thrombophlebitis

Shahriar Hossain Rudro (26th/58)

70. Polyp - definition
71. Red Cell Indices - mention ē normal values
72. Regeneration - definition
73. Repair - definition
74. Reversible Cell Injury - definition
75. Ring Sideroblast - definition
76. Scar - definition
77. Shock - definition, types, stages, how it progresses, steps if it progresses, mention 3
types of shock with principal mechanism, how a person undergoes shock when he or
she is bitten by poisonous insect, morphology in different vital organs
78. Soft Tubercle - morphology, draw & label
79. Thrombus - definition, fate
80. Tumor - bases of classification, behavioral classification ē example, methods of
laboratory diagnosis, d/b benign & malignant tumor, d/b carcinoma & sarcoma, d/b
carcinoma in situ & invasive carcinoma, name intermediate tumor
81. Virchow’s Triad - definition
82. Vitamin A - consequences of deficiency
83. Vitamin B12 - causes & effects of deficiency
84. Vitamin D - consequences of deficiency
85. Vitamins - classifications
86. Wound Contraction - definition
87. Wound Strength - definition

Shahriar Hossain Rudro (26th/58)

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