Silverberg 2002

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Letters to the Editor are welcomed for publication (subject to normal skin and to cover the areas so as not to induce a
editing). Letters must be signed by all authors, typewritten double
spaced, and must not exceed two pages of text including references. blistering contact dermatitis. Although the mechanism of
Two copies of all letters should be submitted. Letters should not action is not clear, garlic would seem to be a good
duplicate material submitted or published in other journals. therapeutic option in children with hand warts who
Prepublication proofs will not be provided.
cannot tolerate liquid nitrogen and have failed over-the-
counter salicylic acid therapies.
To the Editor:
Warts (verruca vulgaris) are enigmatic in therapy. The 1. Zhang S, Zhang M, Xing Y, Zhao L, Wang J. Treatment of
high rate of spontaneous resolution prohibits the use of 119 cases of verruca vulgaris and verruca plana by external
application of pulvis pepper alba. J Trad Chin Med
aggressive therapy, particularly in the preschool-aged 1996;16:127–128.
child who is unlikely to sit still for painful therapeutic 2. Guo NL, Lu D-P, Woods GL, et al. Demonstration of the
procedures such as liquid nitrogen. Anecdotally, many anti-viral activity of garlic extract against human cytomeg-
of my patients from the West Indies had reported the use alovirus in vitro. Chin Med J 1993;106:93–96.
of raw garlic cloves in their country. Reports on the use of 3. Tsai Y, Cole LL, Davis LE, Lockwood SJ, Simmons V,
Wild GC. Antiviral properties of garlic: in vitro effects on
garlic for warts have appeared in the Chinese literature influenza B, herpes simplex and coxsackie viruses. Planta
(1). Garlic extracts (Allium sativum) have recently been Med 1985;5:460–461.
reported to be useful as antiviral agents in the therapy of 4. Seki T, Tsuji K, Moritomo T, Ariga T. Garlic and onion oils
cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus infections inhibit proliferation and induce differentiation of HL-60
(2,3). cells. Cancer Lett 2000;160:29–35.
5. Kim K, Chun S, Choi W, et al. Differential regulation of
I treated five children with verruca vulgaris, using NO availability from macrophages and endothelial cells by
garlic cloves in the following protocol. Their parents the garlic component S-allyl cysteine. Free Radic Biol Med
were told to purchase raw garlic, unpressed, and to 2001;30:747–756.
cleave a clove in half on a nightly basis and rub the 6. Raffat M, Leung AK. Garlic burns. Pediatr Dermatol
flat edge of the clove onto each of their child’s warts, 2000;17:475–476.
carefully cleansing the surrounding skin so as not to
spread any garlic juices. The areas were covered New York, NY
overnight with Band-Aids or waterproof tape and
washed off in the morning. All five children were 5
years of age—three girls and two boys with an average
of 2.2 warts, all on the hands. These children were
otherwise healthy, except that three had a history of To the Editor:
atopic dermatitis. None of the warts were very In reference to our article, ‘‘Lipoid Proteinosis:
hyperkeratotic and most were palmar. The patients Report of Four Siblings and Brief Review of the
were examined every 3 weeks and their parents were Literature,’’ that appeared in Pediatric Dermatology (1)
told not to use any other medications for their child’s recent observations made in the family deserve mention.
warts. During earlier examination of the cases, the parents
Each of the patients cleared with garlic usage. The denied any consanguinity in their marriage. Recently we
average time to onset of improvement was 3.2 weeks were able to document consanguinity in the parents by
(range 2–4 weeks) and 9 weeks to clear (range 7–12 tracing the family pedigree up to six generations (Fig. 1).
weeks). One patient reported itching, and all the patients Recently the mother delivered a sixth child, a boy
mentioned that the agent had a strong aroma. The cost of (present age 8 months). The examination of the infant
the therapy was roughly $1.00 per week. was within normal limits.
Garlic cloves appear to be a useful therapy in young Lipoid proteinosis affects both males and females
children with hand warts. It is painless and well tolerated. equally, and parental consanguinity has been described
The mechanism of activity is unknown, but it is felt that in many earlier reports (2–5). Our report includes two
there may be reduced cellular proliferation in virally male and two female siblings born to consanguineous
infected cells (4) and the induction of an increase in local parents and further supports the hypothesis of autos-
nitric oxide by endothelial cells (5). However, garlic can omal recessive inheritance. It is suspected to be a
induce irritation and blistering contact dermatitis, and disorder of abnormal collagen production (6). How-
mechanical removal of warts may still be the route of ever, an underlying gene defect still remains to be
greatest efficacy (6). Patients must be careful to avoid identified.


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