AdvOxfd 005

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afflict 26 I afloat /a'flaut; NAmE a'flout/ adj.

[not before noun]

1 floating on water: Somehow we kept the boat afloat.
2 (of a business, etc.) having enough money to pay debts;
unhappy and the suffix -less in careless are
The prefix un- in able to survive: They will have to borrow £10 million next
both affixes. year, just to stay afloat.
af-flict /a'flikt/ verb [VN] [often passive] {formal) to affect afoot /a'fut/ adj. [not before noun] being planned; hap-
sb/sth in an unpleasant or harmful way: About 40% of the pening: There are plans afoot to increase taxation, o
country's population is afflicted with the disease, o Aid Changes were afoot.
will be sent to the afflicted areas. afore men tioned /a^'menjand; NAmE a,fo:r'm-/
affliction /a'flikjn/ noun [u,C] {formal) pain and suffer-
(also aforesaid /a'fo:sed; NAmE a'fo:rsed/) (also said)
ing or sth that causes it
adj. [only before noun] {formal or law) mentioned before,
affluent /'aefluant/ adj. having a lot of money and a in an earlier sentence: The aforementioned person was seen
good standard of living 033 prosperous, wealthy: acting suspiciously.
affluent Western countries o a very affluent neighbourhood afore-thought NAmE
/a'fo:6o:t; a'foirG-/ adj. EE1 see
c> note at rich af flu ence /'aefluans/ noun [u] H3Z1 MALICE
a fortiori /,ei ,fo:ti'o:rai; NAmE ,fo:rt-/ adv. {formal or
afford 0-w /a'foid; WAmf a'faird/ verb law) (from Latin) for or with an even stronger reason
1 [no passive] (usually used with can, could or be able to, afoul {NAmE) fI»T?l run a'foul of sth to do
/a'faul/ adv.
especially in negative sentences or questions) to have sth that not allowed by a law or rule or sth that people
enough money or time to be able to buy or to do sth: in authority disapprove of: to run afoul of the law
[vn] Can we afford a new car? o None of them could afford
£50 for a ticket, o She felt she couldn't afford any more time afraid 0-w /a'freid/ adj. [not before noun]
off work, o [V to inf] We can't afford to go abroad this sum- 1 ~ (of sb/sth) ~ (of doing sth) ~ (to do sth)
| |
mer, o She never took a taxi, even though she could afford fear; frightened because you think that you might be hurt
to. o [vn to inf] He couldn't afford the money to go on the or suffer: Don't be afraid, o It's all over. There's nothing to
trip. 2 [no passive] (usually used with can or could, espe- be afraid of now. o Are you afraid of spiders? o J started to
cially in negative sentences and questions) if you say that feel afraid of going out alone at night, o She was afraid to
you can't afford to do sth, you mean that you should not open the door. 2 ~ of doing sth ~ to do sth ~(that...) | |

do it because it will cause problems for you if you do: worried about what might happen: She was afraid of
[v to inf] We cannot afford to ignore this warning, o {for-
upsetting her parents, o Don't be afraid to ask if you don't
mal) They could ill afford to lose any more staff, o [VN] We
understand, o We were afraid (that) we were going to cap-
cannot afford any more delays. 3 {formal) to provide sb
size the boat. 3 ~ for sb/sth worried or frightened that
with sth: [VN] The tree affords some shelter from the sun.
sth unpleasant, dangerous, etc. will happen to a particu-
o [vnn] The programme affords young people the chance to
afford-abiHty lar person or thing: I'm not afraid for me, but for the baby,
gain work experience. /a,fo:da'bilati;
NAmE a,fo:rd-/ noun [u] af ford able /a'foidabl; NAmE o They had already fired three people and he was afraid for
a'foxd-/ adj.: affordable prices/housings note at cheap his job. IT»Tfrt I'm afraid used as a polite way of telling sb
sth that is unpleasant or disappointing, or that you are
af forest at ion /a,fbri'stei.fn; NAmE a,fo:r-; a,fa:r-/ noun
sorry about: I can't help you, I'm afraid, o I'm afraid we
[u] {technical) the process of planting areas of land with
can't come, o I'm afraid that it's not finished yet. o He's no
trees in order to form a forest—compare deforestation
better, I'm afraid to say. o Ts there any left?' Tm afraid
afforest /a'fbnst; NAmE a'fo:r-; a'farr-/ verb [VN] [usu- '

not o '
'Will it hurt?' 'I'm afraid so.
ally passive]

af f ray
'A-frame (also , A-frame A-frame
/a'frei/ noun [c, usually sing., u] {law) a fight or vio-
'house) noun {especially
lent behaviour in a public place
NAmE) a house with very
af-fri-cate /'aefnkat/ noun {phonetics) a speech sound
steep sides that meet at
that is made up of a plosive followed immediately by a
the top in the shape of the
fricative, for example /tJ7 and /d3/ in chair and jar
letter A
af -front /a'ft-Ant/ noun, verb
A-frame tent noun =
noun [usually sing] ~ (to sb/sth) a remark or an action
that insults or offends sb/sth
verb [vn] [usually passive] {formal) to insult or offend sb: afresh /a'freJV adv. {for-

He hoped they would not feel affronted if they were not in- mal) again, especially from
vited, o an affronted expression the beginning or with new ideas: It was a chance to start
Afghan coat /.aefgaen 'kaot; NAmE 'kout/ noun {BrE) a
type of coat made from the skin of a sheep, with long Af ri can noun
/'aefrikan/ adj.,

wool around the edges connected with Africa

adj. of or

Afghan hound noun a person from Africa, especially a black person

/.aefgaen 'haund/ noun a tall dog with
long soft hair and a pointed nose ,
African A'merican noun a person from America who is
af cion ado a member of a race of people who have dark skin, origin-
i NAmE -dou/ noun {pi. -os) a
,Afrk an A'merican adj.
ally from Africa
person who likes a particular sport, activity or subject
very much and knows a lot about it African Ca'nadian noun a Canadian citizen whose
family was originally from Africa African Canadian
afield /a'fidd/ adv. ffiEl far/farther/further afield far
away from home; to or in places that are not near: You can adj.

hire a car ifyou want to explore further afield, o Journalists .African re'naissance noun [sing.] a period of time
came from as far afield as China. when Africa will experience great development in its
aflame /a'fleim/ adj. [not before noun] {literary) 1 economy and culture. Some people believe that this start-
ing; on fire H23
ablaze: The whole building was soon ed at the end of the 20th century.
aflame. 2 full of bright colours and lights 033 ablaze: .African 'violet noun a small E African plant with heart-
The woods were aflame with autumn colours. 3 showing shaped leaves and bluish-purple, pink or white flowers
excitement or embarrassment: eyes/cheeks aflame Af-ri-kaans /,aefn'ka:ns/ noun [u] a language that has
AFL-CIO /,ei ef el si: ai 'au; NAmE
'ouf abbr. American Fed- developed from Dutch, spoken in South Africa
eration of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organiza- Afrikaner /,aefn'ka:na(r)/ noun a person from South
tions. The AFL-CIO is an organization of trade/labor Africa, usually of Dutch origin, whose first language is

ae cat a: father e ten bird a about many d got [BrE) saw a cup u put u: too
| | |
3: |
i: see |
i | \
o: | | |
SYNONYMS 27 afternoons

afraid with the paper. (- Can I have it next?) 5 in contrast to

sth: It was pleasantly cool in the house after the sticky heat
frightened scared alarmed paranoid * appre-
outside. 6 as a result of or because of sth that has hap-
pened: I'll never forgive him after what he said. 7 despite
All these words describe feeling or showing fear. sth; although sth has happened: / can't believe she'd do
afraid [not before noun] feeling fear; worried that sth that, not after all I've done for her. 8 trying to find or catch
bad might happen: There's nothing to be afraid of. o sb/sth: The police are after him. o He's after a job at our
Aren't you afraid (that) you'll fall? place. 9 about sb/sth: She asked after you (= how you
frightened feeling fear; worried that sth bad might were). 1 in the style of sb/sth; following the example
happen: a frightened child o She was frightened that the of sb/sth: a painting after Goya o We named the baby 'Ena'
glass would break. after her grandmother. 11 after- (in adjectives) happen-

scared (rather informal) feeling fear; worried that sth ing or done later than the time or event mentioned: after-
bad might happen: The thieves got scared and ran away. hours drinking (= after closing time) o an after-school club
after-dinner mints rr»T71 ,after 'all 1 despite what has
been said or expected: So you made it after all! 2 used
Scared is more informal, more common in speech, and when you are explaining sth, or giving a reason: He should
often describes small fears. Afraid cannot come before a have paid. He suggested it, after all. be after doing sth
noun. It can only take the preposition of, not about. If you (IrishE) 1 to be going to do sth soon; to be intending to
are afraid/frightened/scared of sb/sth/doing sth or do sth soon 2 to have just done sth
afraid/frightened/scared to do sth, you think you are in conj. at a time later than sth; when sth has finished: III
danger of being hurt or suffering in some way. If you are you o Several years
call after I've spoken to them, after
frightened/scared about sth/doing sth, it is less a fear
they'd split up they met again by chance in Paris.
for your personal safety and more a worry that sth
m adv. later in time; afterwards: That was in 1996. Soon
unpleasant might happen.
after, I heard that he'd died, o I could come next week, or
alarmed [not before noun] afraid that sth dangerous or the week after. oAnd they all lived happily ever after.
unpleasant might happen: She was alarmed at the u adj. [only before noun] (old use) following; later: in after
prospect of travelling alone. years
paranoid [rather informal) afraid or suspicious of other
people and believing that they are trying to harm you,
afterbirth /'a:ft8b3:6; NAmE
noun (usually

in a way that is not reasonable: You're just being the afterbirth) comes out of a
[sing] the material that

paranoid. woman or female animal's body after a baby has been

born, and which was necessary to feed and protect the
apprehensive {rather formal) slightly afraid that sth
baby OT71 placenta
bad might happen: / was a little apprehensive about the
effects of what I had said. after burn er /'a:ftab3:na(r); NAmE 'aeft8rb3:rnai7 noun
(technical) a device for increasing the power of a jet
Don't be afraid/frightened/scared/alarmed.
after-care /'a:ftakea(r); NAmE 'aeftarker/ noun [u]
frightened/scared/paranoid/apprehensive about ...
1 care or treatment given to a person who has just left
afraid/frightened/scared/apprehensive that ...
afraid/frightened/scared of spiders, etc.
hospital, prison, etc.: aftercare services 2 (BrE) service
and advice that is offered by some companies to custom-
to feel/look/sound afraid/frightened/scared/alarmed/
ers who have bought a car, washing machine, etc.
to get frightened/scared/paranoid 'after-effect noun [usually pi] the after-effects of a
afraid/frightened/scared to open the door, etc. drug, an illness or an unpleasant event are the feelings
that you experience later as a result of it
Afro /'aefrau; NAmE 'aefrou/ noun {pi. -os) a hairstyle afterglow /'a:ftaglau; NAmE 'aeftarglou/ noun [usually
sometimes worn by black people and popular in the sing.] (literary) 1 the light that is left in the sky after the
1970s, in which the hair forms a round mass of tight curls sun has set 2 a pleasant feeling after a good experience
Afro- /'aefrau; NAmE 'aefrou/ combiningform (in nouns and 'after-image noun (technical) an image that your eye still
adjectives) African: Afro-Asian sees after the thing that you were looking at is no longer
, Af ro-Carib'bean noun a person who comes, or whose there
family comes, from the Caribbean and who is a member after-life /'cuftalarf; NAmE 'aeftarl-/ noun [sing.] a life that
of a group of people with dark skin who origmally came some people believe exists after death
from Africa ,Afro-Carib'bean adj.
after-math /'arftamaeG; -ma:8; NAmE 'aeftarmaeG/ noun
aft /a:ft; NAmEaeft/ adv. (technical) in, near or towards the [usually sing] the situation that exists as a result of an
back of a ship or an aircraft aft adj.— compare fore important (and usually unpleasant) event, especially a
after 0-w /'a:fta(r); NAmE 'aef-/ prep, conj., adv., adj. war, an accident, etc.: A lot of rebuilding took place in the
m prep. 1 later than sth; following sth in time: We'll leave aftermath of the war. o the assassination of the Prime Min-
after lunch, o They arrived shortly after 5. o Not long ister and its immediate aftermath

after that he resigned, o Let's meet the day after tomor- after-most /'arftamaust; NAmE 'aeftarmoust/ adj. [only
row/the week after next, o After winning the prize she before noun] (technical) nearest to the stern of a ship or
became famous overnight, o After an hour I went home ( the tail of an aircraft
when an hour had passed), o (NAmE) It's ten after seven in
the morning (- 7.10 a.m.) 2 ... after ... used to show
after-nOOn 0-w /,a:fta'nu:n; NAmE .aeftar'n-/ noun
that sth happens many times or continuously: day after [U,C]

day of hot weather o I've told you time after time not to do the part of the day from 12 midday until about 6 o'clock:
that— see also one after another at one 3 behind sb this/yesterday/ tomorrow afternoon o In the after-
when they have left; following sb: Shut the door after you. noon they went shopping, o She studies art two afternoons
o I'm always having to clean up after the children (= clean a week, o Are you ready for this afternoon's meeting? o The
the place after they have left it dirty and untidy), o He ran baby always has an afternoon nap. o Come over on Sunday
after her with the book, o She was left staring after him. afternoon, o Where were you on the afternoon of May
4 next to and following sb/sth in order or importance: 21 ?— see also good afternoon
Your name comes after mine in the list, o He's the tallest, after-noons /,a:fta'nu:nz; NAmE .aeftar'n-/ adv. during
after Richard, o After you (= Please go first), o After you the afternoon every day: Afternoons he works at home.

u actual |
ai my |
au now | ei say |
au go (BrE) |
ou go (NAmE) \
oi boy |
ia near |
ea hair |
ua pure

afters 28 does not want to see) him. o I'd advise you against doing
that. 2 not to the advantage or favour of sb/sth: The evi-
dence is against him. o Her age is against her.— compare
afters /'a:ftaz; NAmE 'aeftarz/ noun [u] [BrE, informal) a for prep. (7) 3 close to, touching or hitting sb/sth: Put
sweet dish that you eat at the end of a meal: fruit salad the piano there, against the wall, o The rain beat against

fo\ often—see also

dessert, pudding, sweet n. the windows. 4 in order to prevent sth from happening
or to reduce the damage caused by sth: an injection
after-sales 'service noun [u] the fact of providing
against rabies o They took precautions against fire, o Are
help to customers after they have bought a product, usu-
we insured against theft? 5 with sth in the background,
ally invoh tag doing repairs that are needed or giving ad-
as a contrast: His red clothes stood out clearly against the
vice on how to use the product
snow, o {figurative) The love story unfolds against a back-
after-shave /'cKftaJeiv; NAmE 'aeftarj-/ noun [u,C] a li-
ground of civil war. 6 used when you are comparing two
quid with a pleasant smell that men sometimes put on
things: You must weigh the benefits against the cost, o
then faces after they shave Check your receipts against the statement, o What's the
aftershock /'a:ftajrjk; NAmE 'aeftarTa:k/ noun a small rate of exchange against the dollar? rPTI see as conj.,
HQUAKE that happens after a bigger one
after-sun /'a:ftasAn; NAmE 'aeftar-/ noun [u,c] cream, agape 1
/a'geip/ adj. [not before noun] {formal) if a person's
ill . i bat you put on your skin after you have been out in mouth agape, it is wide open, especially because they

the sun after sun adj. [only before noun]: aftersun are surprised or shocked
Union agape 2 /'aegapi/ noun [u] {religion) Christian love rather
after-taste noun [sing.] a

a:ftateist; NAmE 'aeftart-/ than sexual or romantic love

taste usually an unpleasant one) that stays in your mouth agar /'eiga:(r)/ (also ,agar-'agar) noun a substance

. t you ha ve eaten or drunk sth
1 1 1 1
jelly, used by scientists for growing cultures
after-thought /'aiftaGait; NAmE 'aeftarO-/ noun [usually agar-ic /'aegarik; a'gaink/ noun a type of fungus with a
sing] a thing that is thought of, said or added later, and large top, that looks like a mushroom
is often not carefully planned: They only invited Jack and

Sarah as an afterthought.
agate /'aegat/ noun [u, c] a hard stone with bands or areas
of colour, used in jewellery
after-Wards 0-w /'a:ftawadz; NAmE 'aeftarwardz/ agave /a'geivi; -'ga:v-; NAmE a'gaivi/ noun a plant that
{especially BrE) {NAmE usually after- ward) adv. grows in hot dry areas of N and S America, with sharp
an event that has already been men-
at a later time; after points on the leaves and tall groups of flowers
tioned: Afterwards she was sorryfor what she'd said, o Let's ag-bada /aeg'ba:da/ noun a long robe (= long piece of
go out now and eat afterwards, o Shortly afterwards he met clothing) worn by men in some parts of W Africa
her again.
after-word noun a sec-
/'a:ftaw3id; NAmE 'aeftarw3:rd/
age 0-w /eid3/ noun, verb
tion at the end of a book that says sth about the main
9 noun 1 [C, U] the number of years that a person has lived
text, and may be written by a different author—compare
or a thing has existed: He left school at the age of 18. o She
FOREWORD needs more friends of her own age. o children from 5-10
years of age o Young people of all ages go there to meet, o
ag /sex;ax/ exclamation {SAfrE) used when you are reacting
When I was your age I was already married, o He started
to sth that has been said, or when you are angry or irri-
playing the piano at an early age. o All ages admitted, o
tated by sth: Ag, don't worry about it. oAg, no man!
Children over the age of 12 must pay full fare, o She was
Aga™ /'a:g9/ noun {BrE) a type of British cooker/stove beginning to feel her age {= feel that she was getting old),
made of solid iron that is also used for heating. 'Aga o He was tall for his age (= taller than you would expect,
saga' is a humorous name for a novel about the lives of considering his age), o There's a big age gap between them
British middle-class women, because Agas are very popu- {= a big difference in their ages), o ways of calculating the
lar with this group. age of the earth 2 [C, U] a particular period of a person's
life: middle age o 15 is an awkward age. o He died of old
again 0"w /a'gen; a'gem/ adv.
age.—see also the third age 3 [C] a particular period of
1 one more time; on another occasion: Could you say it
history: the nuclear age o the age of the computer— see also
again, please? o When will I see you again? o This must
Bronze Age, Iron Age, New Age, Stone Age 4 [u] the
never happen again, o Once again = as had happened {
state of being old: Wine improves with age. o The jacket
several times before), the train was late, o I've told you
was showing signs of age. o the wisdom that comes with age
again and again {= many times) not to do that, o I'll
5 ages [p|.] (also an age [sing.]) {informal, especially BrE)
have to write it all over again (= again from the begin-
a very long time: I waited for ages, o Itll probably take
ning). 2 showing that sb/sth is in the same place or state
ages to find a parking space, o Carlos left ages ago. o It's
that they were in originally: He was glad to be home again,
o She spends two hours a day getting to work and back been an age since we've seen them. 6 [c] {geology) a length
of time which is a division of an epoch IMfll ,be/,act
again, o Youll soon feel well again. 3 added to an amount
that is already there: The cost is about half as much again
your 'age to behave in a way that is suitable for sb of
as it was two years ago. o I'd like the same again {= the your age and not as though you were much younger
same amount or the same thing). 4 used to show that a .come of 'age 1 when a person comes of age, they
comment or fact is connected with what you have just reach the age when they have an adult's legal rights and
said: And again, we must think of the cost. 5 then/there responsibilities— see also coming of age 2 if sth comes
~ used to introduce a fact or an opinion that contrasts of age, it reaches the stage of development at which
with what you have just said: We might buy it but then people accept and value it look your 'age to seem as
again we might not. 6 used when you ask sb to tell you old as you really are and not younger or older .under
sth or repeat sth that you think they have told you al- 'age not legally old enough to do a particular thing: It is
ready: What was the name again? n»yn see Nowadv., illegal to sell cigarettes to children who are under age.— see

same pron., time n. also underage— more at advanced, certain, day, feel
a S ai ns t °"» /a'genst; a'gemst/ prep. verb (aging, aged, aged HUH In BrE the present parti-
man For the special uses of against in phrasal verbs, look ciple can also be spelled age ing.) 1 [V] to become older:
at the entries for the verbs. For example count against sb As he aged, his memory got worse, o The population is aging
is in the phrasal verb section at count. 1 opposing or {= more people are living longer). 2 [vn] to make sb/sth
disagreeing with sb/sth: the fight against terrorism o look, feel or seem older: The shock has aged her. o Exposure
We're playing against the league champions next week, o to the sun ages the skin. 3 to develo p in flavour over a
We were rowing against the current, o That's against the period of time; to allow sth to do this mature: [V] HO
law. o She was forced to marry against her will, o Are
you The cheese is left to age for at least ayear. o [VN] The wine is
for or against the death penalty? o She is against seeing { aged in oak casks.

b bad d did m man n now

f fall | g get | h hat |
j yes | k cat | 1 leg |
| |
p pen |
r red
-age suffix (in nouns) 1 the action or result of: breakage aggregate
2 a state or condition of: bondage 3 a set or group of:
baggage 4 an amount of: mileage 5 the cost of: postage
6 a place where: anchorage WHICH WORD?
aged o-w orfy.
agenda * diary schedule * timetable
1 /eid3d/ [not before noun] of the age of: They have two
children aged six and nine, o volunteers aged between 25 A book with a space for each day where you write down
and 40 2 /'eid3id/ {formal) very old: my aged aunt c> things that you have to do in the future is called a diary
or a datebook {NAmE) (not an agenda). You may also
note at old 3 the aged /'eid3id/ noun [pi.] very old
people: services for the sick and the aged
have a calendar on your desk or hanging up in your
room, where you write down your appointments. A
age group (also less frequent 'age bracket) noun people
diary or a journal is also the record that some people
of a similar age or within a particular range of ages: men keep of what has happened during the day: the Diary of
in the older age group o education for the 16-18 age group o Anne Frank.
Which age bracket are you? (Please tick the box).
In BrE your schedule is a plan that lists all the work that
age ing (BrE) (also aging NAmE,
BrE) /'eid3irj/ noun, adj. you have to do and when you must do each thing and a
noun [u] the process of growing old: signs of ageing timetable is a list showing the fixed times at which
adj. [usually before noun] becoming older and usually less events will happen: a bus/train timetable. In NAmE
useful, safe, healthy, etc.: ageing equipment o an ageing these are both called a schedule.
rock star
age-ism {NAmE also agism) /'eid3izam/ noun [U] unfair
treatment of people because they are considered too old plants, used as a weapon by the US during the war in

age ist adj. age ist noun Vietnam

age- less /'eid3las/ adj. {literary) 1 never looking old or agent pro-voca-teur /,ae3bpra,vDka't3:(r); NAmE ,0:3a:
never seeming to grow old SH
timeless: Her beauty prou,va:ka't3:r/ (also pro-voca-teur)
pro-voca-teurs pra,VDka't3:(r);
noun {pi.

NAmE ,0:3a: prou-

appeared ageless. 2 existing for ever; impossible to give /,ae3t>

an age to H771 timeless: the ageless mystery of the ,va:ka't3:r/) (from French) a person who is employed by a
universe government to encourage people in political groups to do
sth illegal so that they can be arrested
'age limit noun the oldest or youngest age at which you
are allowed to do sth: the upper/ lower age limit ,age of con'sent noun [sing.] the age at which sb is le-
gally old enough to agree to have a sexual relationship
'age-long noun] {formal) having exist-
adj. [usually before
ed for a very long time: age-long traditions age-old adj. [usually before noun] having existed for a
very long time: an age-old custom/ problem
agency Oir /'eid3ansi/ noun {pi. -ies)
age-set noun {EAfrE) a group of boys or men of a similar
1 a business or an organization that provides a particular age
service especially on behalf of other businesses or organ-
ag-glom-er-ate verb, noun, adj. {formal)
izations: an advertising/ employment agency o You can
verb /a'glDmareit; NAmE a,gla:m-/ to form into a mass or
book at your local travel agency, o international aid agen-
group; to collect things and form them into a mass or
cies caring for refugees— see also dating agency, news
group: [V] These small particles agglomerate together to
agency, press agency 2 {especially NAmE) a govern-
form larger clusters, o [VN] They agglomerated many small
ment department that provides a particular service: the
pieces of research into a single large study.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) TFT7A through the
noun /a'glDmarat; NAmE a,gla:m-/ a mass or collection of
agency of {formal) as a result of the action of sb/sth
things: a multimedia agglomerate {= group of companies)
agenda /agenda/ noun a list of items to be discussed at a adj. /a'glDmarat; NAmE a,gla:m-/ formed into a mass or
meeting: The next item on the agenda is the publicity group
budget, o For the government, education is now at the top
ag-glom-er-ation /a.glDma'reiJ'n; NAmE a,gla:m-/ noun
of the agenda {= most important), o In our company,
[C, u] {formal) agroup of things put together in no particu-
quality is high on the agenda, o Newspapers have been ac-
lar order or arrangement
cused of trying to set the agenda for the government = (

decide what is important).— see also hidden agenda agglutinative /a'glu:tmativ/ adj. {linguistics) = syn-
agent 0-w /'eid3ant/ noun
ag grand izement {BrE also -ise ment) /a'graend-
1 a person whose job is to act for, or manage the affairs izmant/ noun [u] {formal, disapproving) an increase in the
of, other people in business, politics, etc.: an insurance power or importance of a person or country: Her sole aim
agent o Our agent in New York deals with all US sales. —see is personal aggrandizement.
ag-gra-vate /'aegraveit/ verb [vn] 1 to make an illness or
son whose job is to arrange work for an actor, musician,
a bad or unpleasant situation worse SCI worsen: Pollu-
sports player etc. or to find sb who will publish a writer's
tion can aggravate asthma, o Military intervention will
work: a theatrical/ literary agent— see also press
only aggravate the conflict even further. 2 {informal) to
agent 3 = secret agent: an enemy agent—see also
annoy sb, especially deliberately SCI irritate ag-
double agent, special agent 4 {formal) a person or
gra vat ing adj. aggravation /.aegra'veijn/ noun [u,c]:
thing that has an important effect on a situation: The
The drug may cause an aggravation of the condition, o I
charity has been an agent for social change. 5 {technical)
don't need all this aggravation at work.
a chemical or a substance that produces an effect or a
change or is used for a particular purpose: cleaning/ oxi- ag gra vat ed /'aegraveitid/ adj. [only before noun] {law)

dizing agents 6 {grammar) the person or thing that does an aggravated crime involves further unnecessary vio-

an action (expressed as the subject of an active verb, or in lence or unpleasant behaviour

a 'by phrase with a passive verb) —compare patient— see ag-gre-gate noun, adj., verb
alSO FREE AGENT noun /'aegngat/ 1 [C] a total number or amount made up
of smaller amounts that are collected together 2 [U,C]
,agent-'general noun {pi. .agents-general) the repre-
{technical) sand or broken stone that is used to make con-
sentative of an Australian state or Canadian province in
crete or for building roads, etc. FTTTTl in (the) 'aggregate
a foreign country
{formal) added together as a total or single amount on
'agent noun noun {grammar) a noun that refers to a per- 'aggregate {BrE, sport) when the scores of a number of
son or thing that does an action, for example 'worker' or games are added together: They won 4-2 on
'elevator' adj. /'aegngat/ {economics or sport)
[only before noun]
Agent 'Orange noun [u] a chemical that destroys made up of several amounts that are added together to

see I t tea |
w wet J
z zoo I
J shoe | 3 vision j
tj chain |
d3 jam |
6 thin |
6 this |
rj sing
aggregator 30 I
agleam /a'gli:m/ adj. [not before noun] {literary) shining
I brightly: His skin was agleam with sweat.
aglow /a'glau; NAmE a'glou/ adj. [not before noun] {literary)
form a total number: aggregate demand/ investment/ shining with warmth and colour or happiness
turnover o an aggregate win over their rivals AGM /,ei d3i: 'em/ abbr. {BrE) the abbreviation for 'annual
m verb /'aegngeit/ [vn] [usually passive] sth (with sth) (for- ~
general meeting' (an important meeting which the mem-
mal or technical) to put together different items, amounts, bers of an organization hold once a year in order to elect
etc. into a single group or total: The scores were aggregated
officers, discuss past and future activities and examine
with the first round totals to decide the winner. aggre-
the accounts)
ga tion /.aegn'geij'n/ noun [U,C] : the aggregation of data
ag-nos-ia /aeg'nausia; -zia; NAmE aeg'nou3a/ noun [u]
aggregator /'aegngeita(r)/ noun (computing) an Inter-
{medical) the lack of the ability to recognize things and
net company about other com-
that collects information
panies' products and services and puts it on a single
agnostic /aeg'nostik; NAmE -'nais-/ noun a person who
website: a news aggregator
believes that it is not possible to know whether God exists
aggression /a'grejn/ noun [u] 1 feelings of anger and or not—compare atheist agnostic adj. agnosti-
hatred that may result in threatening or violent behav- cism /aeg'nDstisizam; NAmE -na:s-/ noun [U]
ioui The research shows that computer games may cause

aggression. 2 a violent attack or threats by one person 0-w /a'gau; NAmE a'gou/ adv.
against another person or by one country against another used in expressions oftime with the simple past tense to
country: unprovoked military aggression show how happened: two weeks/
far in the past sth
months/years ago o The letter came a few days ago. o She
ag-greS-sive 0-w /a'gresiv/ adj.
was here just a minute ago. o a shortAong time ago o How
1 angry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready to at- long ago did you buy it? o It was on TV not (so) long ago. o
tack: He gets aggressive when he's drunk, o a dangerous He stopped working some time ago = quite a long time (

aggressive dog 2 acting with force and determination in ago), o They're getting married? It's not that long ago {=
order to succeed: an aggressive advertising campaign oA it's only a short time ago) that they met!
good salesperson has to be aggressive in today's competitive
agog /a'gog; NAmE 9'ga:g/ adj. [not before noun] excited
market. aggres-sively adv.: 'What do you want?' he
and very interested to find out sth
demanded aggressively, o aggressively marketed products
aggressiveness noun [u] a gogo /a 'gaugau; NAmE a 'gougou/ adj.
[after noun] {infor-
mal) in large quantities: There's jazz a gogo on our website.
aggres-sor /a'gresa(r)/ noun a person, country, etc. that
attacks first

ag grieved ~ agogo /a'gaugau; NAmE a'gougou/ noun {pi. -os) a musical

/a'gri:vd/ adj. 1 (at/by sth) feeling that
instrument used in Latin and African music consisting of
you have been treated unfairly 2 (law) suffering unfair
two or more joined metal cones that are played by hit-
or illegal treatment and making a complaint: the ag-
ting them with a piece of wood
grieved party (= person) in the case
agonize {BrE also -ise) /'aeganaiz/ verb [v] ~ (over/
aggro /'aegrau; NAmE 'aegrou/ noun [u] (BrE, informal)
about sth) to spend a long time thinking and worrying
1 violent aggressive behaviour: Don't give me any aggro
about a difficult situation or problem: I spent days agoniz-
or III call the police. 2 problems and difficulties that are
ing over whether to take the job or not.
annoying: J had a lot of aggro at the bank.
agonized (Brf also -ised) /'aeganaizd/ adj. suffering or
aghast NAmE a'gaest/ adj. [not before noun] ~ (at
expressing severe pain or anxiety: agonized cries
with horror and surprise when you see or hear
sth) filled
sth Bail horrified: Erica looked at him aghast, o He
agonizing {BrE also -is-ing) /'aeganaizirj/ adj. causing
great pain, anxiety or difficulty: his father's agonizing
stood aghast at the sight of so much blood.
death o It was the most agonizing decision of her life.
agile /'aed3ail; NAmE 'sed^l/ adj. 1 able to move quickly
ag on iz ing-ly {BrE also -is ing ly) /'aeganaizirjli/ adv.
and easily EEE1 nimble 2 able to think quickly and in 5
used meaning 'extremely to emphasize sth negative: an
an intelligent way: an agile mind/brain agil ity
agonizingly slow process
/a'd3ilati/ noun [uj: He had the agility of a man half his
agony /'aegani/ noun {pi. -ies) [u,c] extreme physical or
mental pain: Jack collapsed in agony on the floor, o It was
aging, agism = ageing, ageism
agony not knowing where the children were, o She waited in
agi-tate /'aed3iteit/ verb 1 ~
(for/against sth) to argue an agony of suspense, o The worst agonies of the war were
strongly for sth you want, especially for changes in a now beginning, o Tell me now! Don't prolong the agony {=
law, in social conditions, etc. H2Z1 campaign: [v] polit- make it last longer). n»T7l see pile v.
ical groups agitating for social change o [V to inf] Her fam- 'agony aunt {BrE) {NAmE ad'vice columnist) noun a
ily are agitating to have her transferred to a prison in the
person who writes in a newspaper or magazine giving ad-
UK. 2 [VN] to make sb feel angry, anxious or nervous vice in reply to people's letters about their personal prob-
3 [VN] (technical) to make sth, especially a liquid, move lems—compare AGONY UNCLE
around by stirring or shaking it
agony column (erf) (NAmE ad'vice column) noun
agitated /'aed3iteitid/ adj. showing in your behaviour
part of a newspaper or magazine in which sb gives advice
that you are anxious and nervous: Calm down! Don't get to readers who have sent letters about their personal
so agitated.
agi-ta-tion /,aed3i'teijn/ noun 1 [u] worry and anxiety 'agony uncle noun (BrE) (NAmE ad'vice columnist) a
that you show by behaving in a nervous way: Dot arrived
man who writes in a newspaper or magazine giving ad-
in a state of great agitation. 2 [u,C] (for/against sth) ~ vice in reply to people's letters about their personal prob-
public protest in order to achieve political change: wide- lems—compare AGONY AUNT
spread agitation for social reform 3 [U] (technical) the act
agora /'aegora; NAmE 'aegara/ noun (pi. agorae /-ri:/ or
of stirring or shaking a liquid
agoras) in ancient Greece, an open space used for markets
agi-tato /,aed3i'ta:tau; NAmE too/ adj., adv. (music) (used and public meetings
as an instruction) in a quick and excited or nervous
way agora phobia /.aegara'faubia; NAmE -Too-/ noun [u]
agi-ta-tor /'aed3iteita(r)/ noun
(disapproving) a person where there are
(technical) a fear of being in public places
who tries to persuade people to take part
in political many other people—compare claustrophobia
agora phobic /.aegara'faubik; NAmE -fon-/ noun a per-
agit-prop /'aed3itprop; NAmE -pra:p/ noun [u] the use of son who suffers from agoraphobia agora phobic adj.
art, films/movies, music, etc. to spread left-wing polit- agraph-ia /a'graefia; ei-/ noun [U] (medical) a medical
ical ideas
condition in which a person loses the ability to write

a? cat a: father e ten bird

| | |
3: |
a about j
1 sit i: see |
i many |
d got (BrE) \
o: saw |
a cup |
u put |
u: too
agrarian /a'grearian; NAmE a'grer-/ adj. [usually before ahchoo
noun] {technical) connected with farming and the use of
land for farming
a grarian revolution noun [sing] (often the Agrar-
ian Revolution) a period when farming in a country
changes completely as a result of new methods or a agree
change in who owns the land
approve consent acquiesce
agree 0-w /a'gri:/ verb
These words all mean to say that you will do what sb
share opinion 1 ~ (with sb) (about/on sth) ~ (with |

wants or that you will allow sth to happen.

sth) to have the same opinion as sb; to say that you have
the same opinion: [v] When he said that, I had to agree, o agree to say that you will do what sb wants or that you

He agreed with them about the need for change, o I agree will allow sth to happen: He agreed to let me go early.
with her analysis of the situation, o 'It's terrible. 'I couldn't ' approve to officially agree to a plan, suggestion or
agree more{ = I completely agree)/'o [V (that)] We agreed request: The committee unanimously approved the plan.
(that) the proposal was a good one. o [V speech] 'That's consent {rather forma I) to agree to sth or give your
true', she agreed. E22 disagree 2 be agreed (on/about permission for sth: She finally consented to answer our
sth) be agreed (that ... if people are agreed or sth is
agreed, everyone has the same opinion about sth: [vn]
acquiesce {formal) to accept sth without arguing, even
Are we all agreed on this? o [VN (that)] It was agreed (that)
ifyou do not really agree with it: Senior government
we should hold another meeting.
figures must have acquiesced in the cover-up.
SAY YES 3 ~ (to sth) to say 'yes'; to say that you will do
what sb wants or that you will allow sth to happen: [v] I PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS
asked for a pay rise and she agreed, o Do you think hell to agree/consent to sth
agree to their proposal? o [V (that)] She agreed (that) I to agree/consent to do sth
could go early, o [V to inf] She agreed to let me go early. to be prepared/willing/unwilling/forced to agree/
DECIDE 4 to decide with sb else to do sth or to have sth: approve/consent/acquiesce
[vn] They met at the agreed time, o Can we agree a price? o to refuse to agree/approve/consent/acquiesce
They left at ten, as agreed, o [v] Can we agree on a date? o to agree to/approve/consent to a request
[V to inf] We agreed to meet on Thursday, o [v wh-] We to agree to a demand
couldn't agree what to do. to readily agree to/approve/ consent to/acquiesce in
ACCEPT 5 [VN] to officially accept a plan, request, etc. sth
H771 approve: Next year's budget has been agreed. to reluctantly agree to/approve/consent to/acquiesce
BE THE SAME 6 [v] ~
(with sth) to be the same as sth in sth
CTZ71 tally: The figures do not agree, o Your account of
the accident does not agree with hers. 022 disagree
agriculture /'aegrikAltJ"a(r)/ noun [u] the science or
GRAMMAR 7 [v] (with sth) to match a word or phrase practice of farming: The number of people employed in
in number, gender or person: In 'Tom likes jazz', the sin-
agriculture has fallen in the last decade. agricultural
gular verb 'likes' agrees with the subject 'Tom'.
/.aagn'kAltfaral/ adj.: agricultural policyAand/produc-
n^TTI a.gree to differ if two people agree to differ, they
accept that they have different opinions about sth, but
they decide not to discuss it any longer Qnna not agri tour ism /'aegntuanzam; -ta:r-; NAmE -tor-/ noun
a'gree with sb (of food) to make you feel ill/sick: / love [U] holidays/vacations in which tourists visiting a coun-
strawberries, but they don't agree with me. try stay with local people who live in the countryside

agree able /a'gri:abl/ adj. {formal) 1 pleasant and easy agro- /'aegrau; NAmE 'aegrou/ (also agri- /'aegn/) combin-

to like: We spent a most agreeable day together, o He seemed ingform (in nouns, adjectives and adverbs) connected
extremely agreeable. PTJ3 disagreeable 2 [not before with farming: agro-industry o agriculture
noun] ~
(to sth) willing to do sth or allow sth: Do you think agro chem ical /.aegrau'kemrkl; NAmE .aegrou-/ noun
they will be agreeable to our proposal? 3 (to sb) able to ~ any chemical used in farming, especially for killing in-
be accepted by sb: The deal must be agreeable to both sides. sects or for making plants grow better
agreeably /a'gri:abli/ adv. {formal) in a pleasant, nice agro forest ry /'aegraofDnstri; NAmE 'aegroufarr-;
way: an agreeably warm day o They were agreeably sur- noun [u] farming that includes growing
-fcr.r-/ trees to
prised by the quality of the food. produce wood
agree-ment (Hr /a'gri:mant/ noun agro-industry noun [U] industry connected with farm-
1 [c] ~
(with sb) ~
(between A and B) an arrangement,
ing agro in dustrial adj.

a promise or a contract made with sb: an international agrono mist /a'gronamist; NAmE a'gra:n-/ noun a scien-
peace agreement o The agreement = the document { tist who studies the relationship between crops and the
recording the agreement) was signed during a meeting at environment agronomy noun [U]
the UN. oAn agreement was finally reached between man- aground /a'graund/ adv. if a ship runs/goes aground, it
agement and employees, o They had made a verbal agree- touches the ground in shallow water and cannot move
ment to sell, o They had an agreement never to talk about aground adj. [not before noun]
work at home.—see also gentleman's agreement, pre-
nuptial agreement 2 [u] the state of sharing the same ague /'eigju:/ noun [u] {old-fashioned) a disease such as
malaria that causes fever and shivering (= shaking of
opinion or feeling: Are we in agreement about the price? o
the body)
The two sides failed to reach agreement. PTJ2 disagree-
ment 3 [u] the fact of sb approving of sth and allowing AH (6rf) {US A.H.) /,ei 'eitj/ abbr. used in the Muslim cal-
it to happen: Youll have to get your parents' agreement if endar to show a particular number of years since the
you want to go on the trip. 4 [u] ~ (with sth) {grammar) year when Muhammad left Mecca in AD 622 (from Latin
(of words in a phrase) the state of having the same num- 'Anno Hegirae'): a Koran dated 556 AH— compare AD, BC,
ber, gender or person H771 concord: In the sentence BCE, CE
'They live in the country', the plural form of the verb 'live' is ah /a:/ exclamation used to express surprise, pleasure,
in agreement with the plural subject 'they'.
admiration or sympathy, or when you disagree with sb:
agri-c>AGRO- Ah, there you are. oAh, this coffee is good. oAh well, better

luck next time. oAh, but that may not be true.

agri busi ness /'aegribiznas/ noun [U,C] {technical) an
industry concerned with the production and sale of farm aha /cu'ha:/ exclamation used when you are expressing
products, especially involving large companies pleasure that you have understood sth or found sth out:
agri cultural ist /.aegn'kAltJaralist/ noun an expert in Aha! So that's where I left it!

agriculture who gives advice to farmers ahchoo /ai'tju:; a'tju:/ exclamation = atishoo

u actual |
ai my |
au now |
ei say |
au go {BrE) |
ou go {NAmE) |
ai boy |
ia near |
ea hair |
ua pure
ahead 32 a thing, especially a book or document, that helps you to
remember sth
aiding /'eidirj/ noun [u] = aid climbing
ahead 0-w /a'hed/ adv.
AIDS noun [u] the abbreviation
(BrE usually Aids) /eidz/
rrraraFor the special uses of ahead in phrasal verbs, look
for 'Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome' (an illness
at the entries for the verbs. For example press ahead
which attacks the body's ability to resist infection and
(with sth) is in the phrasal verb section at press. 1 fur-
which usually causes death): AIDS research/ educa-
ther forward in space or time; in front: I'll run ahead and
tion/victims o He developed full-blown AIDS five years
warn them, o The road ahead was blocked, o We've got a lot
work ahead, o This will create problems in the after contracting HIV.
of hard
months ahead, o He was looking straigh t ahe ad = straight ( ai-kido /ai'ki:dau; NAmE -don/ noun [u] (from Japanese) a
forward, in front of him). 2 earlier KEJ in advance: Japanese system of fighting in which you hold and throw
The party was planned weeks ahead. 3 winning; further your opponent
advanced: Our team was ahead by six points. oYouneedto ail /eil/ verb [VN] 1 (formal) to cause problems for sb/sth:
work hard to keep ahead.
They discussed the problems ailing the steel industry. 2 (old
a'head of prep. 1 further forward in space or time than use) to make sb ill/sick: What is ailing you?
sb/sth; in front of sb/sth: Two boys were ahead of us. o
aileron /'eilaron; NAmE -ra:n/ noun (technical) a part of
Ahead of us lay ten days of intensive training. earlier 2
the wing of a plane that moves up and down to control
than sb/sth: I finished several days ahead of the deadline.
the plane's balance—picture i=> page R8
3 further advanced than sb/sth; in front of sb, for ex-
ample in a race or competition: She was always well ail-ing /'eilin/ adj. (formal) 1 ill/sick and not improving:
ahead of the rest of the class, o His ideas were way ahead She looked after her ailingfather. 2 (of a business, govern-
of his time. ment, etc.) having problems and getting weaker: meas-
ures to help the ailing economy
ahem exclamation used in writing to show the sound of a
short cough made by sb who is trying to get attention or ail-ment /'eilmant/ noun an illness that is not very ser-
to say sth that is difficult or embarrassing: Ahem, can I ious: childhood/ common/ minor ailments i=> note at

make a suggestion? DISEASE

ahis-tor-ioal /.eihi'stmrkl; NAmE -'sto:r-; -'sta:r-/ adj. aim O-w /eim/ noun, verb
{formal) not showing any knowledge of history or of m noun 1 [C] the purpose of doing sth; what sb is trying to
what has happened before achieve: the aims of the lesson o She went to London with
-aholic /a'hDlik; NAmE a'ho:l-; a'hcd-/ suffix (in nouns) lik- the aim offinding a job. o Our main aim is to increase sales
ing sth very much and unable to stop doing or using it: a in Europe, o Bob's one aim in life is to earn a lot of money, o
shopaholic o a chocoholic Teamwork is required in order to achieve these aims, o She
ahoy /a'hoi/ exclamation used by people in boats to attract set out the company's aims and objectives in her speech. i=>
attention: Ahoy there! o Ship ahoy! = there ( is a ship in note at purpose 2 [u] the action or skill of pointing a
sight) weapon Her aim was good and she hit the lion
at sb/sth:

Al /,ei 'ai/ abbr. 1 artificial insemination: AID or artifi- with her first shot, o The gunman took aim (= pointed his
cial insemination by a donor 2 artificial intelligence weapon) and fired. n»T71 take 'aim at sb/sth (NAmE) to
direct your criticism at sb/sth
aid 0-w /eid/ noun, verb verb 1 ~ (at doing sth) ~ (at/for sth) to try or plan to

m noun 1 [u] money, food, etc. that is sent to help coun- achieve sth: [V] The government is aiming at a 50% reduc-
tries in difficult situations: economic/ humanitarian/ tion in unemployment, o They're aiming at training every-
emergency aid o An extra £10 million in foreign aid has body by the end of the year, o We should aim for a bigger
been promised, o aid agencies = organizations that pro- (
share of the market, o He has always aimed high = tried (

vide help) o medical aid programmes—see also financial to achieve a lot), o [v to inf] They are aiming to reduce
aid, legal aid 2 [U] help that you need to perform a
unemployment by 50%. o We aim to be there around six.
particular task: He was breathing only with the aid of a
2 [VN] be aimed at to have sth as an aim: These meas-
ventilator, o This job would be impossible without the aid
ures are aimed at preventing violent crime. 3 ~ (sth) (at sb/
of a computer. 3 [u] {formal) help that is given to a per- sth) ~ (for sb/sth) to point or direct a weapon, a shot, a

son: One of the staff saw he was in difficulty and came to kick, etc. at sb/sth: [V] I was aiming at the tree but hit the
his aid = helped him).— see also first aid 4 [c] an ob-
car by mistake, o Aim for the middle of the target, o [VN]
machine, etc. that you use to
The gun was aimed at her head. 4 [VN] [usually passive] ~
ject, a help you do sth: a
hearing aid o Photos make useful teaching aids. n»T7n in
sth at sb to say or do sth that is intended to influence or
aid of sth/sb {BrE) in order to help sb/sth: collecting
affect a particular person or group: The book is aimed at
money in aid of charity what's ... in aid of? (BrE) used to
very young children, o My criticism wasn't aimed at you.
ask why sth is happening: What's all this crying in aid of?
m verb ~
(sb/sth) (in sth/in doing sth) sb (with sth) {for- |
~ aim-less /'eimlas/ adj. having no direction or plan: My life
mal) xohelp sb/sth to do sth, especially by making it eas- seemed aimless. aimlessly adv.: He drifted aimlessly
ier HE1 assist: [v] The new test should aid in the early from one job to another, aim less ness noun [u]
detection of the disease, o [vn] This feature is designed to
ain't '/emt/ short form (non-standard or humorous) 1 am
aid inexperienced users, o They were accused of aiding his
not/is not/are not: Things ain't what they used to be.
escape, o They were accused of aiding him in his escape, o
Aided by heat and s trong winds, the fire quickly spread.
2 has not/have not: I ain't got no money, o You ain't seen
[also vn to inf] EEl ,aid and a'bet (law) to help sb to do
nothing yet. mm
if it ain't .broke, don't fix it (infor-

mal) used to say that if sth works well enough, it should

sth illegal or wrong: She stands accused of aiding and abet-
not be changed
ting the crime.
aioli /ai'auli; NAmE ai'ooli/ noun [U] (from French) a thick
'aid climbing (also aiding) noun [u] the sport of climb- cold sauce made of mayonnaise and garlic
ing steep rock surfaces with a lot of equipment to
you—compare free climbing air 0-w /ea(r); NAmEer/ noun, verb

aide /eid/ noun a person who helps another person, noun

cially a politician, in their job: GAS 1 [U] the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth
White House aides
and that we breathe: air pollution o Let's go out for some
aide-de-camp NAmE 'kaemp/ noun (pi.
/,eid da 'kf3;
fresh air. o I need to put some air in my tyres, o currents of
aides-de-camp /,eid da 'kfj; NAmE 'kaemp/) (abbr. ADC) an
officer in the army or navy who helps a
warm air <=> note at outside
more senior SPACE 2 [U] (usually the air) the space above the
ground or that is around things: 7 kicked the ball high
aide-memoire /,eid mem'wa:(r)/ noun (from French) in/into the air. o Spicy smells wafted through the air. o
(pi. aides-memoire, aides-memoires) /,eid mem'wa:(r)/ Music filled the night air.—see also open air

b bad d did f fall h hat m man n now

| | | g get j
| j yes | k cat |
1 leg |
| | p pen |
r red
FOR planes 3 [u] the space above the earth where airily
planes fly: It only takes three hours by air = in a plane), (

o air travel/ traffic o The temple was clearly visible from

the air. o A surprise air attack {= from aircraft) was 'air conditioning (also 'air con) noun [u] {abbr. AC, a/c)
launched at night. a system that cools and dries the air in a building or car
- IMPRESSION 4 [sing.] the particular feeling or impres- 'air-conditioned adj.: air-conditioned offices
sion that is given by sb/sth; the way sb does sth: The 'air-cooled adj. made cool by a current of air
room had an air of luxury, o She looked at him with a defi-
'air corridor noun an area in the sky that aircraft must
ant air.
stay inside when they fly over a country
TUNE 5 used in the title of a
[C] {old-fashioned) (often
piece of music) a tune: Bach's Air on a G string 'air cover noun [u] protection which aircraft give to sol-
behaviour 6 airs [pi] {disapproving) a way of behaving diers and military vehicles on the land or sea

that shows that sb thinks that they are more important,

aircraft 0-w /'eakra:ft; NAmE 'erkraaft/ noun {pi.
etc. than they really are: I hate the way she puts on airs.
fT»T71 'graces {BrE, disapproving) away of'behav-
airs and

any vehicle that can fly and carry goods or passengers:

ing that shows that sb thinks that they are more import-
fighter/ transport/ military aircraft—pictures and
ant, etc. than they really are H771 airs float/walk on
vocabulary notes on page R8— see also light aircraft
'air to feel very happy in the 'air felt by a number of
people to exist or to be happening: There's romance in 'aircraft carrier noun a large ship that carries aircraft
the air. ,on/,off (the) 'air broadcasting or not broadcast- which use it as a base to land on and take off from
ing on television or radio: We will be back on air tomorrow air-craft-man /'eakra:ftman; NAmE 'erkraeft-/, air-
morning at 7. o The programme was taken off the air over craft woman /'eakra:ftwuman; NAmE 'erkraeft-/ noun
the summer, up in the air not yet decided: Our travel {pi. -men /-man/, -women /-wimm/) the lowest rank in

plans are still up in the air.—more at breath, castle, the British air force: Aircraftman John Green
air-crew /'eakru:; NAmE 'erk-/ noun [c+sing./pl. v.] the
m verb
pilot and other people who fly a plane, especially in the
CLOTHES 1 {especially BrE) to put clothing, etc. in a place
air force
that is warm or has plenty of air so that it dries completely
and smells dry somewhere: [vn] Air the
fresh; to be left to
'air-dash verb [V + adv./prep.] {IndE, informal) (especially

sheets well, o [V] Leave the towels out to air. of officials) to go somewhere by plane suddenly and/ or
* A ROOM 2 {BrE) {NAmE ,air isth 'out) to allow fresh air quickly: The minister air-dashed to Delhi because of the par-

into a room or a building; to be filled with fresh air: [VN] liamentary crisis.
The rooms had all been cleaned and aired, [also v] air-drome /'eadraum; NAmE 'erdroum/ noun {US) =
OPINIONS 3 [vn] to express your opinions publicly aerodrome
H771 voice: The weekly meeting enables employees to air air-drop /'eadr-Dp; NAmE 'erdra:p/ noun the act of drop-
their grievances. ping supplies, soldiers, etc. from an aircraft by para-
RADIO/TV programme 4 {especially NAmE) to broadcast chute: The UN has begun making airdrops of food to
a programme on the radio or on television; to be broad- air drop verb (-pp-) [VN]
cast: [VN] The show will be aired next Tuesday night, o [v]
'air-dry verb to dry sth using the air; to become dry in the
The program aired last week.
air: ham [also v]
[VN] air-dried
QUag air out air sth- >'out {NAmE) = air(2)

air-bag /'eabaeg; NAmE 'er-/ noun a safety device in a car

Aire-dale /'eadeil; NAmE 'erdeil/ noun a large terrier = (

with air if there an accident, to protect the type of dog) with rough black and brown hair
that fills is

people in the car airer /'eara(r); NAmE 'erar/ noun {BrE) a frame for drying
air-base /'eabeis; NAmE noun a place where
'erb-/ mili- clothes on
tary aircraft fly from and are kept, and where some staff air-fare /'eafea(r); NAmE 'erfer/ noun the money that you
live pay to travel by plane: Take advantage of low-season
'air bed {BrE) (also 'air mattress NAmE, BrE) noun a large
plastic or rubber bag that can be filled with air and used air-field /'eafidd; NAmE 'erf-/ noun an area of flat ground
as a bed where military or private planes can take off and land
air-borne /'eabam; NAmE 'erbo:rn/ adj. 1 [not before airflow /'eaflau; NAmE 'erflou/ noun [u] the flow of air

noun] (of a plane or passengers) in the air: Do not leave around a moving aircraft or vehicle
your seat until the plane is airborne. 2 [only before noun] air-foil /'eafoil; NAmE 'erf-/ noun {NAmE) = aerofoil
carried through the air: airborne seeds /viruses—com-
'air force noun the part of a country's
[c+sing./pl. v.]
pare waterborne 3 [only before noun] (of soldiers)
armed forces that fights using aircraft: the US Air Force o
trained to jump out of aircraft onto enemy land in order
air-force officers
to fight: an airborne division
Air Force 'One noun the name given to a special aircraft
'air brake noun a brake worked by air ,

in a vehicle that is
in the US air force when the US President is using it
air-freight /'eafreit; NAmE 'erf-/ noun [u] goods that are
'air bridge {BrE) {NAmE jet-way) noun a bridge that can
transported by aircraft; the system of transporting goods
be moved and put against the door of an aircraft, so
by aircraft airfreight verb [VN]
people can get on and off
'air freshener noun [c, u] a substance or device for mak-
air-brush /'eabrAj"; NAmE 'erb-/ noun, verb
ing a place smell more pleasant
noun an artist's tool for spraying paint onto a surface,
that works by air pressure 'air guitar noun [c,u] used to describe a person playing
verb [vn] ~ an airbrush; to
sth (out) to paint sth with an imaginary electric guitar, especially while listening
change a detail in a photograph with an airbrush: an air- to rock music
brushed photograph of a model o Somebody had been air- 'air gun (also 'air rifle) noun a gun that uses air pressure
brushed out of the picture. to fire small metal balls (called pellets)
Air-bus™ /'eabAs; NAmE 'erbAs/ noun a large plane that air-head /'eahed; NAmE 'erh-/ noun {informal, disapprov-
carries passengers over short and medium distances ing) a stupid person: She's a total airhead!
,air chief 'marshal noun an officer of very high rank in 'air hostess noun {BrE, old-fashioned) a female flight
the British air force: Air Chief Marshal Sir Robin Hall ATTENDANT
,air 'commodore noun an officer of high rank in the airily /'earali; NAmE 'er-/ adv. {formal) in a way that
British air force: Air Commodore Peter Shaw shows that you are not worried or that you are not treat-
'air conditioner noun a machine that cools and dries air ing sth as serious

see |
t tea |
v van |
w wet |
z zoo | J shoe | 3 vision | tf chain |
d3 jam |
thin |
6 this |
n sing
airing M air-port 0-w /'eapoit; NAmE 'erpoirt/ noun
a place where planes land and take off and that has build-
ings for passengers to wait in: Gatwick Airport o waiting in
*^ airing /'earin; A/Arnf 'erin/ r/our; [sing.] 1 the expression the airport lounge
or discussion of opinions in front of a group of people: an .airport 'fiction noun [u] novels that are popular and
opportunity to give your views an airing o The subject got a easy to read, often bought by people at airports
thorough airing in the British press. 2 the act of allowing
warm air to make clothes, beds, etc. fresh and dry 'air power noun [u] military forces involving aircraft

airing cupboard noun (6rf) a warm cupboard in which 'air pump noun a piece of equipment for sending air into
make sure they are or out of sth
clean sheets, clothes, etc. are put to
completely dry 'air quality noun [u] the degree to which the air is clean
and free from pollution
air kiss noun a way of saying hello or goodbye to sb by
kissing them near the side of their face but not actually 'air quotes noun [pi.] imaginary quotation marks made
touching them air kiss verb [V, vn] in the airwith your fingers when you are speaking, to
air lane noun a route regularly used by aircraft
show that you are using a word or phrase in an unusual
airless /'ealas; NAmE 'erl-/ adj. not having any fresh or
moving air or wind, and therefore unpleasant: a stuffy, 'air raid noun an attack by a number of aircraft dropping
airless room o The night was hot and airless. many bombs on a place: The family was killed in an air
raid, o an air-raid shelter/ warning
'air letter noun = aerogramme
'air rifle noun = air gun
airlift /'ealift; NAmE'erl-/ noun, verb
m noun an operation to take people, soldiers, food, etc. to or air-sea 'rescue noun [c,u] {especially BrE) the process of
from an area by plane, especially in an emergency or rescuing people from the sea using aircraft
when roads are closed or dangerous air-ship /'eajrp; NAmE 'erjrp/ noun a large aircraft with-
verb [vn] to take sb/sth to or from an area by plane, espe- out wings, filled with a gas which is lighter than air, and
cially in an emergency or when roads are closed or dan- driven by engines—picture i=> page R8
gerous: Two casualties were airlifted to safety.—compare
'air show noun a show at which people can watch aircraft
airline /'ealam; NAmE 'erl-/ a com-
noun [c+sing./pl. v.]
pany that provides regular flights to take passengers and
air-sick /'easik; NAmE 'ersik/ adj. [not usually before noun]
goods to different places: international airlines o an air-
feeling ill/sick when you are travelling on an aircraft
air sick ness noun [u]
line pilot

air-liner /'ealama(r); NAmE 'erl-/ noun a large plane that

air-space /'easpeis; NAmE 'ers-/ noun [u] the part of the
sky where planes fly, usually the part above a particular
carries passengers— picture i=> page R8
country that is legally controlled by that country: The jet
air-lock /'ealDk; NAmE 'erlcuk/ noun 1 a small room with entered Chinese airspace without permission.
a tightly closed door at each end,which you go through to
reach another area at a different air pressure, for example air-speed /'easpiid; NAmE 'er-/ noun the speed of an air-

on a spacecraft or submarine 2 a bubble of air that craft relative to the air through which it is moving—com-
blocks the flow of liquid in a pump or pipe pare ground speed

air-mail /'earned; NAmE 'erm-/ noun [u] the system of air-Stream /'eastri:m; NAmE 'erstriim/ noun a move-
sending letters, etc. by air: Send it airmail/by airmail. ment of air, especially a strong one
airman /'eaman; NAmE 'erm-/, airwoman /'ea-
'air strike noun an attack made by aircraft
wuman; NAmE 'erw-/ noun {pi. -men /-man/, -women /-wi- air-strip /'eastnp; NAmE 'ers-/ (also landing strip) noun
mm/) 1 a member of the British air force, especially a narrow piece of cleared land that an aircraft can land on
one below the rank of an officer 2 a member
of one of 'air support noun [u] help which aircraft give to soldiers
the lowest ranks in the US air force: Airman Brines and military vehicles on the land or sea
'air marshal noun 1 an officer of very high rank in the
'air terminal noun 1 a building at an airport that pro-
Britishair force: Air Marshal Gordon Black 2 an armed
vides services for passengers travelling by plane 2 (erf)
guard who is employed by an airline to travel on a plane
an office in a city from which passengers can catch buses
with the passengers in order to protect the plane from
to the airport
air-tight /'eatait; NAmE 'ert-/ adj. not allowing air to get
'air mattress noun [especially NAmE) = air bed in or out: Store the cake in an airtight container, o {figura-
'Air Miles™ noun [pi.] points that you collect by buying tive) an airtight alibi {= one that cannot be proved to be
plane tickets and other products, which you can then use false)
to pay for air travel
air-time NAmE 'ert-/ noun [u] 1 the amount of
air-miss /'eamis; NAmE 'erm-/ noun {BrE) an occasion time that given to a particular subject on radio or tele-
when two or more aircraft fly too close to one another vision 2 the amount of time that is paid for when you are
and a crash nearly happens using a mobile phone/ cellphone
air officer noun anyone of the most senior officers in the ,air-to-'air adj. [usually before noun] from one aircraft to
British air force
another while they are both flying: an air-to-air missile
'air pistol noun a small gun that uses air pressure to fire air-to-ground adj. [usually before noun] directed or
small metal balls (called pellets)
operating from an aircraft to the surface of the land: air-
air-plane /'eaplem; NAmE 'erp-/ noun {NAmE) = plane: to-ground weapons
They arrived in Belgium by airplane, o an airplane
,air-to-'surface adj. [usually before noun] moving or
crash/flight o a commercial/jet/ military airplane
passing from a flying aircraft to the surface of the sea or
'air plant noun an American plant whose leaves take in land: air-to-surface missiles
water and food from the water or air around it, rather
,air traffic con'trol noun [u] 1 the activity of giving
than having roots in the soil
instructions by radio to pilots of aircraft so that they
air-play /'eaplei; NAmE 'erp-/ noun [u] time that is spent know when and where to take off or land 2 the group
broadcasting a particular record, performer, or type of of people or the organization that provides an air traffic
music on the radio: The band is starting to get a lot control service: The pilot was given clearance to land by air
traffic control.
air pocket noun 1 a closed area that becomes filled ,air traffic con'troller noun a person whose job is to
with air 2 an area of low air pressure that makes a plane give instructions by radio to pilots of aircraft so that they
suddenly drop while flying know when and where to take off or land
33 cat a: father e ten
| | |
3: bird |
a about |
1 sit |
i: see |
i many |
d got (erf) |
o: saw |
a cup |
u put |
u: too
air vice-'marshal noun an officer of very high rank in 35 Alcatraz
the British air force: Air Vice-Marshal Andrew Burns
air-waves /'eaweivz; NAmE 'erw-/ noun [pi] radio waves
done?'Ellie cried in alarm, o I felt a growing sense of alarm
that are used in broadcasting radio and television: More
when he did not return that night, o The doctor said there
and more TV and radio stations are crowding the airwaves,
o A well-known voice came over the airwaves.
was no cause for alarm. O
note at fear 2 [C, usually
sing.] a loud noise or a signal that warns people of danger
air-way /'eawei; NAmE 'erwei/ noun 1 [medical) the pas-
or of a problem: She decided to sound the alarm (,= warn
sage from the nose and throat to the lungs, through people that the situation was dangerous), o / hammered
which you breathe 2 (often used in names of airlines) on all the doors to raise the alarm.—see also false alarm
a route regularly used by planes: British Airways
3 [C] a device that warns people of a particular danger: a
air-worthy /'eaw3:di; NAmE 'erw3:r5i/ adj. (of aircraft) burglar/fire/ smoke alarm o The cat set off the alarm
safe to fly airworthiness noun [u] (= made it start ringing), o A car alarm went off in the
airy /'eari; NAmE
1 with plenty of fresh air be-
'eri/ adj. middle of the night (= started ringing). 4 = alarm
cause there is a lot of space: The office was light and airy. clock: The alarm went off at 7 o'clock. n»T71 alarm
2 (formal) acting or done in a way that shows that you are bells ring/start ringing if you say that alarm bells are
not worried or that you are not treating sth as serious: He ringing, you mean that people are starting to feel worried
dismissed her with an airy wave.—see also airily 3 [for- and suspicious
mal, disapproving) not serious or practical: airy prom- verb 1 to make sb anxious or afraid H23 worry: [vn]
ises/speculation The captain knew there was an engine fault but didn't want
,airy-'fairy adj. (BrE, informal, disapproving) not clear or to alarm the passengers, [also VN to inf] d> note at fright-

practical en 2 [vn] to fit sth such as a door with a device that

aisle /ail/ noun a passage between rows of seats in a
warns people when sb is trying to enter illegally
church, theatre, train, etc., or between rows of shelves in alarm call noun 1 a telephone call which is intended to
a supermarket: an aisle seat(= in a plane) o Coffee and tea wake you up: Could I have an alarm call at 5.30 tomorrow,
are in the next aisle.—compare gangway n»T?l go/walk please? 2 a cry of warning made by a bird or animal
down the 'aisle [informal) to get married— more at alarm clock (also alarm) noun a clock that you can set
roll v.
to ring a bell, etc. at a particular time and wake you up: I
a itch /eitJV noun the letter H written as a word: He spoke set the alarm clock for 7 o'clock.— picture c> clock
with a cockney accent and dropped his aitches (- did not
pronounce the letter H at the start of words). alarmed 0-w /a'la:md; NAmE d'\a:rmd/ adj. [not be-

ajar /a'd3a:(r)/ adj. [not before noun] (of a door) slightly

fore noun]
open: III leave the door ajar. 1 ~(at/by sth) anxious or afraid that sth dangerous or
unpleasant might happen: She was alarmed at the pro-
aka /,ei kei 'ei/ abbr. also known as: Antonio Fratelli, aka
spect of travelling alone. <=> note at afraid 2 protected
'Big Tony'
by an alarm: This door is alarmed.
akimbo /a'kimbau; NAmE -bou/ adv. n^TTl (with) arms
a'kimbo with your hands on your hips and your elbows alarm ing CHw /ala:mirj;/Mm£a'la:rm-/ad/.
pointing away from your body causing worry and fear: an alarming increase in crime o
akin /a'km/ adj. ~ to sth (formal) similar to: What he felt The rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate.
was more akin to pity than love.
alarmingly adv.: Prices have risen alarmingly.
akin-esia /,eiki'ni:sia;--kai-/ noun [u] (medical) lack of
alarm-ist /a'la:mist; NAmE a'la:rm-/ adj. (disapproving)

the ability to make your body move akinetic/.eiki'ne causing unnecessary fear and anxiety: A spokesperson for
tik; -kai-/ adj. the food industry said the TV programme was alarmist.
alarm ist noun
-a I suffix 1 (in adjectives) connected with: magical o ver-
bal— see also -ally 2 (in nouns) a process or state of: alas /a'laes/ exclamation (old use or literary) used to show
survival you are sad or sorry: For many people, alas, hunger is part
a la (from French) in the same style as sb/sth of everyday life.
/'a: la:/ prep,

else: a new band that sings a la Beatles alb /aelb/ noun a long white item of clothing worn by a
ala-bas-ter NAmE -baes-/ noun [U] a type
priest in some churches
of white stone that often used to make statues and dec-
is al-ba-tross /'aelbatros; NAmE -trois; -tra:s/ noun 1 a very
orative objects: an alabaster tomb o (literary) her pale, ala- large white bird with long wings that lives in the Pacific
baster (= white and smooth) skin and Southern Oceans— picture c> page R20 2 [usually

a la carte 'ka:t; NAmE 'kairt/ adj., adv. (from a thing that causes problems or prevents
sing.] (formal)
/,a: la:

French) if a la carte, or if you eat a

food in a restaurant is
you from doing sth
la carte, of dishes that have separ-
you choose from a list al-beit /,o:l'bi:rt/ conj. (formal) although: He finally agreed,
ate prices, rather than having a complete meal at a fixed albeit reluctantly, to help us.
price al-bin-ism /'aelbmizam/ noun [U] (technical) the condi-
alack /a'laek/exclamation (old use or humorous) used to tion of being an albino
show you are sad or sorry: Alas and alack, we had missed albino /ael'bimau; NAmE -'bamou/ noun (pi. -os) a person
our bus. or an animal that is born with no colour (= pigment) in
alac-rity /a'laekrati/ noun [u] (formal) great willingness the hair or skin, which are white, or in the eyes, which are
or enthusiasm: They accepted the offer with alacrity. pink albino adj. [only before noun]
Alad-din noun a character from a traditional
/a'laedm/ Al-bion /'aelbian/ noun [U] (literary) an ancient name for
story, a magic lamp. When he rubbed the lamp,
who had Britain or England
a genie appeared and did whatever Aladdin wanted. album /'aelbam/ noun 1 a book in which you keep photo-
Aladdin's 'cave noun a place where there are many graphs, stamps, etc.: a photo album 2 a collection of
wonderful objects pieces of music that have been recorded on one record,
a la mode /,a: la: 'maud; NAmE 'moud/ adj., adv. (from CD or cassette: the band's latest album—compare single
French) 1 [not before noun] (old-fashioned) fashionable; in albumen /'aelbjumm; NAmE ael'bjuiman/ noun [u]
the latest fashion 2 [after noun] (NAmE) served with ice (technical) the clear inside part of an egg that is white
cream: apple pie a la mode when cooked EEH white—compare yolk
alarm 0-w /a'la:m; NAmE a'la:rm/ noun, verb Al-ca-traz /'aslkatraez/ noun a small US island near San
noun 1 [u] fear and anxiety that sb feels when sth dan- Francisco where there is a former prison: The clinic felt
gerous or unpleasant might happen: 'What have you like Alcatraz. There was no escape.

u actual | ai my |
au now |
ei say |
au go (BrE) |
ou go (NAmE) |
ai boy |
ia near |
ea hair |
ua pure
alchemist 36 verb [often passive] 1 to warn sb about a dangerous or
urgent situation: [VN] Neighbours quickly alerted the emer-
gency services, o Alerted by a noise downstairs, he sat up
alchemist /'aelkamist/ noun a person who studied al- and turned on the light, [also VN (that), VN to inf] 2 [vn]
chemy ~ sb to sth to make sb aware of sth: They had been alerted
al-chemy /'aelkami/ noun [u] 1 a form of chemistry to the possibility of further price rises.

studied the Middle Ages which involved trying to dis-

in noun 1 [sing.u] a situation in which people are watch-
cover how to change ordinary metals into gold 2 [liter- ing for danger and ready to deal with it: Police are warn-
ary) a mysterious power or magic that can change ing the public to be on the alert for suspicious packages, o

al cher inga /.aeltraTirjga/ (also Dream-time) noun [u]

More than 5000 troops have been placed on (full) alert.
according to some Australian Aboriginals, the time when
2 [C] a warning of danger or of a problem: a bomb/fire
the first ivople were created
alert— see also red alert

A level /'ei levl/ (also advanced level) noun [c,u] a
al-CO-hol 0"W /'aelkahDl; NAmE-ho:\; -ha:l/ [u]
British exam taken in a particular subject, usually in the
1 drinks such as beer, wine, etc. that can make people finalyear of school at the age of 18: You need three A levels
drunk: He never drinks alcohol, o alcohol abuse the 2 to getonto this university course, o What A levels are you
dear liquid that is found in drinks such as beer, wine, doing? o I'm doing maths A level, o two A level passes/two
etc and is used in medicines, cleaning products, etc.:
passes at A level—compare GCE, GCSE, GNVQ
u me contains about 10% alcohol, o levels of alcohol in the
blood o He pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol, o
Alexander technique /,aelig'za:nda tekni:k; NAmE
low-alcohol beer o alcohol-free beer—see also absolute -'zaendar/ noun [sing.,u] a method of improving sb's
ALCOHOL health by teaching them how to stand, sit, and move
al-CO-hol-ic 0-w /.adkaTiDlikjMmf-Tioils-'hail-/
alex-an-drine /,aelig'za:ndrm; -am; NAmE -'zaen-/ adj.
adj., noun
{technical) (of lines of poetry) containing six iambic feet
m adj. 1 connected with or containing alcohol: alcoholic
alex an drine noun
drinks ES2 non-alcoholic—see also soft drink
2 caused by drinking alcohol: The guests left in an alco- alexia /a'leksia; ei-/ noun [u] {medical) the inability to rec-
holic haze. ognize written words or letters, usually because of brain
noun (also NAmE informal lush) a person who regularly damage H7TI word blindness
drinks too much alcohol and cannot easily stop drinking, alfalfa /ael'faelfa/ noun [u] a plant with small divided
so that it has become an illness leavesand purple flowers, grown as food for farm ani-
Alco holies Anonymous [u] [abbr. AA) an noun mals and as a salad vegetable
international organization, begun
Chicago in 1935, for in a -fresco
I /ael'freskau; NAmE -kou/ adj. outdoors: an al-
people who are trying to stop drinking alcohol. They have fresco lunch party alfresco adv.: eating alfresco
meetings to help each other. algae /'aeld3i:; 'aelgi:/ noun [U, pi] {sing, alga /'aelga/) {tech-
al co hoi ism /'aelkalmlizam; NAmE -ho:l-; -had-/ noun nical)very simple plants with no real leaves, stems or
[U] the medical condition caused by drinking too much roots that grow in or near water, including seaweed
alcohol regularly algal /'aelgal/ adj. [only before noun]: algal blooms/
al-CO-pop /'aelkaupnp; NAmE -koupcup/ noun {BrE) a sweet growth
fizzy drink (= with bubbles) that contains alcohol al ge bra noun [u] a type of mathematics in
al cove /'aelkauv; NAmE which letters and symbols are used to represent quan-
-kouv/ noun an area in a tities al ge bra ic /,aeld3i'brenk/ adj.
room that is formed by al'gi-cide /'asld3isaid; 'aelgi-/ noun [C,U] a substance
part of a wall being built which kills algae
farther back than the rest
Algol (also ALGOL) /'aelgnl; NAmE -go:\; -ga:l/ noun [U] an
of the wall: The bookcase
early computer language used for scientific calculations
fits neatly into the alcove.
al dente /,ael 'dentei;
algo rithm /'aelganSam/ noun (especially computing) a
set of rules that must be followed when solving a particu-
adj. (from Italian) (of
cooked food,
lar problem
pasta) firm, but not hard, al-haja /ael'haed3a/ noun {WAfrE) a woman who is a Mus-
I board (BrE)
when bitten al dente lim and has completed a religious journey to Mecca (often
baseboard {NAmE)
adv. used as a title)—compare alhaji
alder /'o:lda(r)/ noun a tree like a birch that grows in al-haji /ael'haed3i/ noun {WAfrE) a man who is a Muslim
northern countries, usually in wet ground and has completed a religious journey to Mecca (often
alderman /'aildaman; NAmE -darm-/ noun {pi. -men used as a title)—compare alhaja
/-man/) 1 (in England and Wales in the past) a senior -alia /-eilia/ suffix (in plural nouns) items connected with
member of a town, borough or county council, below the particular area of activity or interest mentioned:
the rank of a mayor, chosen by other members of the kitchenalia
council 2 (/em/n/ne alder woman,/?/, -women /-wmim/)
alias /'eilias/ adv., noun
(in the US, Canada and Australia) an elected member of a
m adv. used when a person, especially a criminal or an
town or city council: Alderman Tim Evans
actor, known by two names: Mick Clark, alias Sid Brown
ale /eil/ noun 1 [u,C] a type of beer, usually sold in bottles o Inspector Morse, alias John Thaw (= John Thaw plays the
or cans. There are several kinds of ale: brown/pale ale part of Inspector Morse) o John Thaw, alias Inspector Morse
2 [c] a glass, bottle or can of ale: Two light ales
please. of the famous TV series
3 [u] {old-fashioned) beer generally— see also brown noun 1 a false or different name, especially one that is
ale, ginger ale, real ale used by a criminal: He checked into the hotel under an
alec, aleck d> smart alec alias. 2 {computing) a name that can be used instead of

ale-house /'eilhaus/ noun {old-fashioned, BrE) a place the usual name for a file, Internet address, etc.
where people used to drink beer Ali Baba 'ba:ba:/ noun a character in an old Arabian

alert /a'l3:t; NAmE a'l3:rt/ adj., verb, noun story discovers that saying the magic words 'Open
adj. 1 able to think quickly; quick to notice
things: Sud- Sesame!' will open the door of the cave where thieves
denly he found himself awake and fully alert, o Two alert have hidden gold and jewellery
scientists spotted the mistake. 2 to sth aware of sth, ~ alibi noun 1 evidence that proves that a person
especially a problem or danger: We must be alert to the was another place at the time of a crime and so could
possibility of danger. alertly alertness noun [u]
adj. not have committed it: The suspects all had alibis for the

b bad d did f fall h hat m man n now

| | | g get |
| j yes | k cat | 1 leg |
| |
p pen |
r red

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