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I’m not sure what I should say to you if I run into tình cờ you again

I’m having trouble since I can’t get a job.

My mother made the decision to get bed early after a long trip because
she needs to work the following day.

Chính anh mới là người cư xử không đúng mực và phải rời khỏi ngôi
nhà này ngay

- It was you who behaved inappropriately and had to leave this

house immediately
- You were the one who misbehaved and needed to leave this
house right away

Một vụ tai nạn xe hơi đã xảy ra trên cao tốc hôm qua, làm 3 người chết
và 5 người khác bị thương

- Yesterday there was a car accident on the highway that killed

three women and injured five more. Q
- A car accident on the highway yesterday, killing three woman and
injuring five others.

Trường của chúng tôi cần những giáo viên có tấm lòng dành cho trẻ em
có hoàn cảnh khó khăn ở miền quê

- Our school needs teachers with a heart for children from

disadvantages backgrounds in the countryside.
- Our school needs teachers who have a heart for disadvantages in
the countryside.
- Teachers with compassion for youngsters from rural,
underprivileged homes are needed at our school.
( Ở trường chúng tôi cần có những giáo viên có lòng trắc ẩn đối với
những đứa trẻ đến từ những vùng nông thôn, những gia đình kém may

Vừa về đến nhà, bà Mai ngạc nhiên thấy chồng mình đang chờ ở cửa

- As soon as she got home, Mai was surprised to find her husband
waiting at the door. G
- When Mai arrived home, she was shocked to see her husband
standing at the door. Q

Sau khi tôi kể mọi chuyện, em nhìn tôi trìu mến, gương mặt ánh lên
niềm hạnh phúc

- After I told everything, she looked at me affectionately, her face

shining with happiness.
- She gazed lovingly âu yếm at me as I finished talking, her face
beaming with joy rạng rỡ niềm hạnh phúc

Mặc dù hôm nay trời mưa lớn và đường trơn, nhưng chúng tôi vẫn đi
học như thường lệ

- Even though it was raining heavily today and the road was
slippery we still went to school as usual.G
- We went to school as normal như thường lệ despite the fact that
it was raining severely and the roads were slick .đường trơn
- Although it rained a lot today and the roads were slick, we went
to school as usual.
Anh ấy đã mang đến hy vọng cho cuộc đời tôi. Tôi luôn cảm thấy hạnh
phúc và biết ơn khi anh ấy xuất hiện trong cuộc sống của tôi.

- He has given me hope in my life. I always feel so happy and

grateful when he appears in my life.
- He has infused truyền năng lượng my life with hope. When he
enters my life, I always feel very grateful and pleased
- He has given me hope for the future. Every time he enters my life,
I am very grateful and pleased.
- My life now has hope because of him. Every time he enters my
life, I am filled with joy and gratitude. lòng biết ơn
- I now have hope for the future thanks to him. Whenever he
enters my life, I always feel very grateful and pleased.

Tôi luôn cảm thấy hạnh phúc khi nghĩ về những kỉ niệm trong quá khứ.
Tôi nghĩ rằng việc sống trong quá khứ sẽ giúp tôi hạnh phúc cảm thấy
hạnh phúc hơn, mạnh mẽ hơn và sẽ tiếp tục đối mặt với những khó
khăn trong cuộc sống.

- I always happy when I think about past memories. I always think

that living in the past will help me feel happy,have the strength,
the will to continue to face the difficulties in life.

- I always feel joyful when I reflect on the past suy ngẫm về quá
khứ. I’ve always believed that dwelling on the past sống trong quá
khứ, and more willing sẵn sàng to continue overcoming vượt qua
life’s challenges.
- When I consider old recollections những kỉ niệm cũ, I’m always
joyful. Living on the past, in my opinion, will make me happier,
stronger, and more willing to continue overcoming life’s

- Anytime I reflect on old recollections, I’m always happy. I
frequently believe that dwelling on the past will give me the joy,
fortitude sức mạnh, drive động lực to keep overcoming life’s

- to tackle life’s challenges: đương đầu, giải quyết với những thử

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