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1. What was the main purpose of the Treaty of Tordesillas?

2. When did Magellan arrived in the Philippines?

3. When was the Treaty of Zaragoza signed?
4. Who declared in a document called the Inter Caetera that Spain should possess all land
west and south of the polar line?
5. What was the main purpose of the Treaty of Zaragoza?
6. How many ships reached the Philippines during Magellan’s Voyage?
7. Who was the first voyage around the world?
8. Which ship survived and was able to go back to Spain?
9. The captain who peacefully entered Manila.
10. The island that Magellan wanted to go to.
11. Magellan formed an alliance with Rajah Humabon, seeking to convert the locals to ____.
12. Who was Magellan’s successor?
13. The king of Spain, King Philip II, wrote a letter to the Mexican Viceroy Luis de Velasco,
ordering him to prepare an expedition for the Philippine’s conquest and colonization.
However, before the expedition was set, the Viceroy died. The commander of the
expedition was then given to _______.
14. What side did Portugal get in the line of demarcation?
15. It was September of ____ when Captain Ferdinand Magellan sailed with his Spanish
fleet of five small ships.
16. The first circumnavigation of the globe epitomized the contention between _____ and
_____ for dominion of the East Indies, and the difficulty of determining where lands such
as the Moluccas lay in relation to the ideal Line Decarmation.
17. Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer serving the Spanish Crown, led an
expedition in 1519 to find a _____ route to the Spice Islands.
18. When did the document Inter Caetera declare that Spain should possess all land west
and south of the polar line?
19. On May 24, the natives in the fort violated the articles of peace and began firing artillery
at the _____ ships.
20.On ________, the Catholic Monarchs of Spain and King John II of Portugal signed the
Treaty of Tordesillas.

1. Who is the first encomendero?
2. The man who receives the favor from the king is called?
3. The Spanish officials ordered the natives, 16-60 years old ______ to work.
4. For a Filipino laborer to be exempted from forced labor, he had to pay a fee called _______.
5. What is the first government bank in the Philippines?
6. Banko Espanol-Filipino was established by the Royal Decree of Queen Isabel in what year?
7. Who ordered and commanded on rules regarding the collection of tributes?
8. ____ is a tax paid by the people of some provinces along the Western coast of Luzon for the defense
from Muslim raids.
9. The Spaniards seeks ________ with the native through__________.
10. The Spaniards were willing to do native _____ to achieve the native leaders’ good will.
11. What is a sandugo?
12. When did The Sociedad Economica De Los Amigos Del Pais was established by Governor-General Jose
Basco y Vargas?
13. The King provided the authority to create a society "of selected persons who are capable of
producing useful ideas. What is the society that was divided into two sections?
14. The bottom of the society in the Philippines during Spanish Rule is called.
15. What were the commercial restrictions placed on the Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade?
16. In 1846, what was built?
17. It is one of the factors that contributed to the economic progress in 19th century.
18. The trade across the Pacific is called.
19. What are the 3 kinds of Enconmiendas?
20. By 1856, how many foreign firms are established in Manila?

1. Who led the Tondo Conspiracy?
2. When did Tondo Conspiracy takes place?
3. Who is the traitor of the Tondo Conspiracy?
4. Who wrote Conspiracy Against the Spaniards?
5. Indios refers to what?
6. What is the meaning of the word lingua franca?
7. Who colonized the Philippines during this period?
\8. Which province had the highest number of revolts against the colonizers?
9. Where did agrarian uprisings broke out in the following provinces?
10. Who are the groups of people that the Spanish did not colonize?
11. There are some Filipino revolts were religious. Identify who among these revolts belongs to
religious revolts below.
12. In what year did the colonization and Christianization of Muslims in Mindanao finally end
with their unconquered and unconverted status?
13. How many convents of spiritual mattets does the province of pampanga have?
14. Who was the priest/father that Don Sabiniano dispatched with a message to the people?
15. How many natives did Dagohoy persuade to join him?
16. In what year did Morales killed a native constable that led to Dagohoy's revolt?
17. Where did the island of Bohol ministers went to celebrate the feast of the beautification of
St. Xavier?
18. In what year did Filipinos rebel in Bohol and Leyte
19. who commanded them to quit the gospel ministers and the Spanish vassalage?
20. Who welcomed Miguel Lopez de Legazpi when he arrived in the Philippines?


1. An economic philosophy developed in the 18th century, that opposes any government intervention in
business affairs.
2. 2. What ship that the US blamed on Spain due to explosion?
3. Why US declared war on Spain?
4. Establishment of Revolutionary Government is known as ____
5. It is a truce between the revolutionary government and the colonial government, known as "biak-na-
6. What are the three ranks of membership in the organizational structure of the katipunan?
7. Who wrote the "Kartilya" which consisted of thirteen teachings and served as a guide for new
members of the organization?
8. The term ______ was clarified in the late 19th century, with Spaniards born in the Philippines.
9. He implemented liberal principles in Manila, abolishing press censorship and flogging punishments.
10. When did the mock battle happened?
11. It was called the _____ of Manila because the engagements had already been planned from the shot
to the last to the Spanish's theatrical surrender to Americans.
12. What year did Aguinaldo arrived in the Philippines?
13. Who was the person whom Emilio Aguinaldo met in Singapore?
14. He wrote manifesto that disavows revolution, and opting for education of Filipinos and their
achievement of a national identity were keys to freedom.
15. How do you call regular priests who minister the parishes?
16. Who was the first editor of La Solidaridad?
17. Bonifacio and his fellow Katipuneros tore their cedulas and shouted: “Long Live the
Philippines”which marked the beginning of the revolution. This was also called
18. The government failed to prove convincingly that the GomBurza were connected to the mutiny. What
is the punishment to the Gomburza
19. The execution of the priest (GomBurZa) resulted to
20. This is part of the governing bodies of katipunan and passes judgement of the members who violated
the society's rule.


1. He issued a manifesto declaring his opposition to US President McKinley's

"benevolent assimilation declaration."
2. A law that imposed death penalty or a long prison term on anyone who advocated
separation from the U.S., even by peaceful means.
3. An act that resulted in the OsRox Mission led by Osmeña and Roxas.
4. It is officially ended the period of Spanish colonization in the Philippines and granted
possession of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United States.
5. It is also known as the Brigandage Act.
6. Win by majority vote in First National President and Vice-President election held on
September 17, 1935.
7.The treaty marked the transfer of colonial rule from Spain to the ____, making the
Philippines an American territory.
8. It is a public declaration of policy and aims, especially one issued before an election
by a political party or candidate.
9. Who declared the Philippine Independence or the proclamation of Philippine
independence from Spanish colonial rule?
10. What was the significance of Pedro Paterno in the drafting of the Malolos
11.Who is the president of the senate at that time, when the new legislature was
12.He is a war councellor and special delegate designed to proclaim and solemnize the
declaration of Independence day.
13.When was the new legislature inagurated?
14.Which of the following describes a key feature of the Malolos Constitution drafted by
Pedro Paterno?
15.When was the Anti-Imperialist League founded?
16. individual was associated with the Anti-imperialist league?
17. Who led the Spanish-American War in the Philippines?
18. When did the Spanish-American war end?
19. A law during American colonization in the Philippines was a controversial piece of
legislation that sought to regulate the use of the Philippine flag as a symbol of resistance
and nationalism.
20. This law gave the governor general the power to authorize any provincial governor to
re-concentrate all residents of outlying barrios in the towns.

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