English Model Paper

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Answer Sheet No MODEL PAPER ENGLISH (New Course) (AJK) Roll No.

PART–II (10th Class) 20/01 (OBJECTIVE)

( S E CON D A R Y )

Sign. Dy. Supdnt. Fictitious Roll No. (For Office Use) Sign. Candidate

MODEL PAPER ENGLISH 20/01 (New Course) (AJK)

PART –II (10th Class) ( S E C ON D A R Y) Marks : 19
(OBJECTIVE) Time : 20 Minutes
Note:- Write your Roll No. in space provided. Over-writing, Cutting, Using of lead pencil will
result in loss of marks. All questions are to be attempted.
1- (A) Tick (  ) the correct form of verb from the given options. (05)
S. Questions Answers
No A B C D
1 Sun in the east. rise rises rose risen
2 I am an essay. write wrote writing written
3 I have an egg. eat ate eaten eating
4 He me in the library last day. meet met meeting has met
5 She since morning. wait waits had been waited
(B) Tick (  ) the word with correct spellings from the given options. (04)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6 Manual Menual Meenual Manual
7 Histle Hestile Hostile Houstile
8 Crucel Crucial Crucil Cruccil
9 Orattar Orator Orater Ortur
(C) Tick ( ) the correct answer from the given options. (05)
S. Questions Answers
No A B C D
10 The Rasool Allah (PBUH) wealth health pity rank
was remarkable in
position and………….
11 As a mother the position of low high Unique significant
women is…………
12 Liaqat Ali Khan was 1951 A.D 1952 A.D 1953 A.D 1954 AD
assassinated in
13 The prayer chamber of dark specious beautiful congested
Badshahi Masjid is
14 Hazrat Ayaz Bin Ghanam Egypt Syria Madinah Makkah
was the Governor of…….
(D) Tick (  ) the correct option according to the grammar of the underline words. (05)
S. Questions Answers
No A B C D
15 Will someone be here soon Gerund Infinitive Participle Adverb
to open the door? The Phrase phrase
underlined part of the
sentence is:
16 I am sorry for what I have Adjective Pronoun Preposition Verb
done. The underlined word
17 Always speak the truth. Abstract Collective Proper Material
The underlined word
18 Night came and rain fell Compound Complex Simple Optative
heavily and we all got very sentence sentence sentence
19 He often comes late Often Manner Frequency Place Time
is adverb of.
(The End)
PAPER : PART–II (10 Class) S E CON D A RY (New Course) (AJK)
2- Answer (any five) of the following questions. (2x5=10)
i ii How did Hazrat Daood A.S. earn his living?
What did Umayya Bin
Mugheerah purpose?
iii iv What do you know about the early life of
What is the role of women as
mother according to Islam? Begum Raana?
v Who supervise the construction of vi Where did Talha’s grandparents live?
Badshahi Masjid?
vii How were the non-muslims treated viii What are the benefits of personal
during the reign of Hazrat Umar R.A? cleanliness?
3- Translate the following paragraph into Urdu. (08)

Women in Islam stand shoulder to shoulder with men. This status of women is unprecedented in
the known history of human mind. This raised position of women in Islam is very well-defined.
Islam grants women the rights of ownership and right of inheritance. They can engage in trade
and have their own property.
Alternate question for foreign / English medium candidates.
Rewrite the above paragraph into simple English
4- Write down the summary of the poem. “Hunger”
by (Rebort Laurence Binyon) (05)
Paraphrase the following lines in to simple English with reference to the context.
The flames rolled on … he would not go.
Without his father’s word;
That father, faint in death below,
His voice no longer heard.
5- Write an essay of 150 – 200 words on any one of the following topics. (15)
(i) My Best Teacher (ii) A House on Fire (iii) Kashmir Issue
6- Change any five of the following sentences into indirect form. (05)
(i) She says, “ I am ready to go.”
(ii) He said to us, “It is raining.”
(iii) Rani Said, “Do you take tea?”
(iv) He said, “What are you writing?”
(v) The child said, “Hurrah! I have come first in race.”
(vi) My mother said, “fetch me a glass of water.”
(vii) Ayesha said to Amina, “please wait there till she return.”
(viii) They say, “We lived in Pakistan.”
7- Use any five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences. (05)
(i) Altar, Alter (ii) Cell, Sell (iii) Feet, Feat (iv) Heel , Heal
(v) Pore, Pour (vi) Plain, Plane (vii) Tide, Tied (viii) Tail , Tale
8- Translate the following paragraph into English. (08)


Write ten sentences about “Patriotism”
(The End)

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