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Encryption is a process of converting plain, readable data (referred to as plaintext) into an unintelligible
or encoded form (referred to as ciphertext) using cryptographic techniques and algorithms. This
transformation is typically accomplished by applying a mathematical algorithm and an encryption key.
The primary purpose of encryption is to secure the confidentiality of data, making it accessible only to
individuals or systems possessing the correct decryption key.

Key characteristics of encryption include:

1. **Confidentiality:** Encryption ensures that only authorized parties with the appropriate decryption
key can read and understand the original plaintext data. Without the key, the ciphertext appears as
random and meaningless characters.

2. **Security:** Strong encryption methods use complex mathematical algorithms that are difficult to
reverse engineer without the correct key. This provides a high level of security for sensitive information.

3. **Data Protection:** Encryption is widely used to protect sensitive data, including personal
information, financial records, and trade secrets, both at rest (data stored on devices or servers) and in
transit (data transmitted over networks).

4. **Authentication:** Encryption can also be used to verify the identity of the sender of a message or
the integrity of the data. Digital signatures, for example, combine encryption with a hash of the message
to confirm its authenticity.

5. **Secure Communication:** Encryption is vital for securing communication over public or untrusted
networks, such as the internet. It prevents eavesdroppers from intercepting and understanding the
content of messages.

6. **Data Integrity:** Some encryption methods, such as hashing, can be used to verify data integrity. A
hash value generated from data should remain constant; any changes to the data will result in a
different hash value, making it easy to detect tampering.

Encryption employs cryptographic keys that are used to both encrypt and decrypt data. In symmetric
encryption, the same key is used for both operations, while asymmetric encryption uses a pair of keys: a
public key for encryption and a private key for decryption. The security of encryption depends on the
strength of the algorithm and the secrecy of the keys.

Encryption is a fundamental tool in cybersecurity and is widely used to protect data from unauthorized
access, ensuring that only those with the appropriate permissions can access and interpret sensitive

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