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Marks: 200 Time: 3 hours

SECTION A – Short questions


1.1. A
1.2. B
1.3. B
1.4. B
1.5. D
1.6. D
1.7. B
1.8. B
1.9. C
1.10. D (10)

2.1. False – It is a budget bus liner 

2.2. False – due to its cultural/historical significance 
2.3. True 
2.4. True 
2.5. False – we have six international airports 
3.1. C
3.2. E
3.3. D
3.4. B
3.5. A

4.1. Cruise 
4.2. Currency 
4.3. Heritage 
4.4. Travel agent 
4.5. Itinerary 
4.6. Anthropologist 
4.7. Biometrics 
4.8. Central Reservation System 
4.9. Culture 
4.10. Budget  (10)
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5.1. The Great Wall of China 
5.2. Table Mountain 
5.3. Sydney Opera House 
5.4. Eiffel Tower 
5.5. Statue of Liberty  (5)


SECTION B – Mapwork and tour planning; foreign exchange


6.1. Forex is foreign exchange – buying one currency with another.  (1)
6.2. By exchanging your money for a stronger currency, you will have a much lower spending
power. You will have less to spend. (2)
6.3. Japanese Yen   (2)
6.4. 200 x 13,672666 = R2 734,53 per day  x 5 = R13 672,65 total  (4)
6.5. The bank, foreign exchange bureau, the airport (any 2)  (2)
6.6. Increased demand for certain products;  natural disasters;  surplus of products; 
decreased demand;  terrorism acts;  wars  (any two valid causes for 2 marks each) (4)


7.1. An itinerary is a plan for a tour.  (1)

7.2. Dates; times; activity durations; transport; accommodation; costs; meals (any 4) (4)



8.1. ‘Heritage’ is all the history, customs, beliefs, traditions, foods, dances and so on of a
certain cultural group that is passed down through the generations  (2)
8.2. People can learn from different cultures; they are a part of our history and should be
protected for future generations, otherwise the knowledge and practices could be lost.
They are also valuable tourism tools that can provide income and jobs.  (2)
8.3. World Heritage Sites are declared by UNESCO  and are recognised as having
importance to the whole world’s populationwhile National Heritage Sites are
declared by the country’s authority  and have significance only to the citizens of
that country. (4)
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8.4. The area has ecological significance  – there are many plants that are only found here
(33 species). The culture of the people / history - it is unique to the people of the area
and should be preserved as such.  (4)
8.5. If the area is not protected, the plants may be lost and they will become extinct as
they are not found anywhere else in the world. There will be a change in the ecosystem
of the area. 
This is the last group of Nama people who follow this lifestyle.  If the area is not
protected, they will no longer be able to follow their way of life and the culture will be
lost forever.  (4)
8.6. South African Heritage Resources Agency  (SAHRA for ½ mark) (1)
8.7. Provincial Heritage Resource Authority  (PAHRA for ½ mark) (1)
8.8. Heritage can be marketed to people who are interested in learning about a culture
that is different to their own  – cultural and educational tourists  would enjoy
visiting the area. By offering the tourists a tour and a chance to meet with locals, 
they have the opportunity to learn a lot.  (4)


9.1.1. A – Fish River Canyon 

B – Namib Desert  (2)
9.1.2. A – Hiking; bird watching; viewing scenery 
B – Safaris; hot-air ballooning; quad-biking; relaxing; sand boarding  (2)
9.1.3. It is the second largest canyon in the world; There are hot springs at the southern tip; it is very
beautiful and quiet (any 1)  (2)
9.1.4. It is the oldest desert in the world; it has the highest sand dunes in the world (any 1)  (2)
9.1.5. Etosha National Park  (1)

9.2.1. Mozambique  (1)
9.2.2. It is a group of islands  (2)
9.2.3. Snorkelling; fishing; scuba diving; boating; swimming; kayaking; tubing (any 3) (3)
9.2.4. The ecosystem is fragile and needs to be protected. If there are too many visitors, the sea
life may be affected. The water may become over-polluted by boats.  (2)


10.1. Above-the-line  as it uses mass media (Internet / print)  and can be seen by any person.  (3)
10.2. The advert can be seen by thousands, even millions of people all around the world on the
company’s website. 
It can be free / cheap on their website.  (2)
10.3. The visuals have a big impact which is important for this advert; there is too much
10.4. information to share for such a short advert; a radio advert would not be heard by
international tourists; a radio advert could be easily missed (any one for 2 marks)  (2)
10.5. Age: young adults to old adults (18 and up) 
Gender: men and women 
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Income: middle to higher income group 
Lifestyle: likely couples with no children or who want to take a trip without their children  (4)


SECTION D – Tourism sectors; sustainable & responsible tourism


11.1. The Gautrain was built to alleviate congestion between Johannesburg and Pretoria 
and provide high-speed luxury public transport.  (2)
11.2. Less traffic; less pollution; quick and safe travel method; excellent public transport;
comfortable; easy transport to the airport; less stressful than sitting in traffic
(any two for 2 marks each)  (4)
11.3. Gives us the image of being world class; foreigners will be inclined to visit; less pollution
from traffic means cleaner air; money goes to economy to improve services;
job creation; reduced road accidents; (any two for 2 marks each)  (4)
11.4. The person could drive to their closest Gautrain station or they could use a Gautrain
bus. 
They would get into the station using the Gautrain card, preloaded with the cost of the
trip (no cash is accepted at the turnstiles) 
The person would then get onto the train 
The train arrives at a station at the airport, so the passenger can walk straight into the
airport  (4)


12.1. 458 x 8 = R3 664 

3 664 + 66 = R3 730 total  (3)
12.2. An additional amount must be paid for drivers under a certain age.  (2)
12.3. This is an insurance that protects the driver in the event of an accident – the driver only
pays an excess towards repairs.  (2)
12.4. This is an insurance that protects the driver in the event that the car is stolen. The driver
only pays an excess.  (2)
12.5. The tourism levy helps fund the running of SA Tourismwhich markets South Africa to
foreign tourists.  (2)
12.6. After 10 December, schools are on holiday and many families travel.  The company
can charge more for car rentals and make a lot more money.  (2)
12.7. Unlimited kilometres  (1)
12.8. Her excess was R5 000  so the insurance company paid R21 000.  (2)


13.1. A boarding pass contains all the flight information that a passenger needs  and it shows
airline staff that a passenger is allowed on a flight.  (2)
13.2. No  because it has the seat letter “B” which is either a middle or aisle seat.  (Only
letters A and K are window seats). (2)
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13.3. Flight 815  (1)
13.4. No  the seat number 42 indicates that it is too far back to be a Business Class seat  / It
is “coach” class (class C) which is economy.  (either justification) (2)
13.5. It is an electronic ticket meaning the passenger’s information is stored on the computer
rather than a physical ticket.  (1)
13.6. The information cannot be lost like a physical ticket could  so it is safer for the passenger.  (2)
13.7. Biometrics  (1)
13.8. The information is unique to the person and cannot be stolen or copied  so it is safer
than relying on something like an ID book which could be forged.  (2)
13.9. A sensor to detect the feature 
A computer to read and store the information 
Software that examines the characteristic and converts it into code that can be compared
to stored information  (3)
13.10. The facial recognition could be used by law enforcement to track criminals 
Fingerprints could be used at banks or ATMs instead of cards which could be stolen 
Fingerprints or irises can be used to control security systems or to grant access to
buildings (accept any two suitable suggestions for 2 marks each) (4)

SECTION E – Domestic, regional & international tourism; communication & customer care


14.1. Job creation,  GDP growth,  Tourism sector transformation.  (3)

14.2. Job creation: By increasing tourism to an area, there will be more money there, allowing
people to hire more workers. There will also be opportunity for new businesses to open 
GDP growth: Increased spending in the tourism sector with contribute directly to the GDP
as well as indirectly, as the people involved will spend more money and the people earning
that will then spend more (multiplier effect). The production of goods will increase and the
overall GDP will grow. 
Tourism sector transformation: The aim is to have ALL South Africans involved in tourism;
historically, white people constituted most of the domestic tourists. The aim is to help
other groups become tourists.  (2)
14.3. Increase expenditure:  Tourists should be encouraged to spend more, thus contribute
more. This can be done by offering a wider range of products and services, offering specials,
encourage more trips more often and stay for longer. 
Reduce seasonality:  Tourists tend to travel during specific times of year or ‘seasons’,
such as Christmas, Easter or during school holidays. Tourists should be encouraged to
travel more ‘out of season’ so that money spent in the areas is more regular. This can be
done by offering specials or season specific activities. 
Improve geographic spread of tourism: Many tourists tend to go the specific destinations
repeatedly, such as Cape Town or Durban. Tourists should be encouraged to visit
new places that are possibly less popular but still have a lot to offer. In this way, more
people can benefit from tourism.
Increase volumes: Tourist numbers must be increased, so tourists can be encouraged

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to travel locally rather than internationally. This can be done by advertising what the various
provinces have to offer in terms of attractions and activities.
Improve safety and reduce crime: Many people are afraid to travel to certain areas
because of high crime rates. If this was improved, people would be more inclined to travel to
these places.
(Any two of the above with explanations) (4)
14.4. Domestic tourists can travel for longer because the country is so small and they have more
time (travel time is shorter). They can travel at any time of year because everything is close.
They can, therefore, contribute to the economy more and should be encouraged
to do so. (2)
14.5. People are struggling financially and cannot afford to take holidays anymore.  (2)
14.6. Young and upcoming segment – young, unmarried people without children who can
travel at various times of year but have generally have a limited budget;
Independent young couples and families – good incomes, mainly in their thirties,
can generally travel during school holidays;
Striving families – families with middle-aged parents and teenage children, striving to
improve their standard of living, can travel at most times during the year on a budget;
Well-off homely couples segment – high-income couples or families, mostly over
thirty, can travel throughout the year for longer periods of time with a less limited budget;
Home-based low-income couples segment – couples with young children who cannot
travel often; Basic needs older families – families of multiple generations who only
travel rarely;
Golden active couples – couples over age of 50 and retired with a high income, can
travel throughout year. (Name a segment  and describe it) (2)


15.1. Most other countries have a stronger currency than South Africa, so they can spend a
lot more when they visit.  (2)
15.2. Be friendly to tourists;  clean up and do not litter;  conserve natural areas; 
reduce crime rates;  offer tourists a chance to see local culture and heritage; 
(any three suitable ideas for 2 marks each) (6)
15.3. Businesses that supply tourism businesses will have more income so their employees
benefit;  citizens will have improved services due to increased tax contributions; 
a stronger economy means that interest rates could lower; businesses can open,
creating jobs;  (any two) (4)
15.4. A visa  and a passport  (2)
15.5. Plants, drugs, poultry, knives (weapons)  (any three) (3)


16.1. The reviews allow businesses to see what they are doing wrong,  so they can improve
their service for future customers.  (2)
16.2. When other potential customers read this review, they will not want to book the hotel. 
The hotel will lose potential business / make less money.  (2)
16.3. The customer has made a written complaint. The customer could make a verbal
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complaint  directly to the hotel manager. (Customer could also write an e-mail or
letter directly to the manager) (2)
16.4. Businesses rely on their customers in order to survive.  If they have excellent
customer service, they will have a good reputation and not only retain their old customers
but gain new ones.  (2)



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