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~ Dr fate aseary PVE :SSING DISORDER aM LS - oe Peel 14 Botlis, 2007; Lucker, 2007; Musiek, Baran, - . auutological (ests. He described that these chiidren had alffcuty in “hoor — i nclionina) ag opposed 10 shal ihey hear (-8~ Smpla audlishy LAS TREES BUCY | ty, {o structure the aucitory world and Séledt those sounds he Ker, 2007, cited i Geter & Teoss-Svrain, 2007p. Ay {4025 The early plonesis in the feld of CAPD were actually psychologists (6.9, Helmer Myklebust, vale ~ Rent Creche Bortr ny ns aoa ee, Sa, AR Antone. Cons pire te a than audelodite. Bocca, Anenehand Cala ane concn te fee that pag om atin a Sco cage acne aie ee omens © (CARS) They used peasy wee 2 2 “ine compressed speech, and iietTIpied Seok _ dScument findings in patients witn various ty a /pes of brain and brsinsiem lesions Hisiorical terms tor (C)APD (Bellis, 2007; Keil 2097; Lucker, 2007) i ; Gottical deafness. cenlal deatness~and.cortcal hating loss. Ore ‘ity dei (eat cots acne mea SICAED), feria) sutton sre cessing to (QAPD, and auditory pr 2d to indicate a condition in which “ihe centtal font which “the centsal | ssentiatign Sar Th ih = IS pommak 1994, p. 30) I “¥SteM _Zhootelchy Fen cate t rary ude cove, ban an orderly arrangement of sate Camiponents by frequency. The association sisdory cater Weiricke's oo ‘alpen operand SEE SSE Dewever, 25, booms ence and dive i nucle converge on 3 sh 20S sinales Terh Ibe i fen Terme: AiACribhalis, A. Bantwal, Lecture handoxsts, CAPO, 2013 Pn ) r > natant for_pwvale represenialion oF inporiant”aualiony i ARE (Bem, 2005p B.A represen gndrinit hlemsoriy ; CAPR reuke in @ redicction G indore Us extrinsic edundaiey: fers to redupicata lntinste redundancy ip the proces GANS teters. tana P88 a ot of alternate. pathways fers i ae, adding “nose Te ror, 2 resu ay fot be visible vhen thes oe) catia Sere ROWE Wate sina aie cee Soe a QUEUE, When The sunals made dic in gona was 3 extrinsic: redundancy, the person with er ~ a ‘ Felation between, inti foined A-Normal Extrinsic Redundancy (Clear speech, Inguiste eves availaiey + Normal ni Aedundency (Le. Normal CANS) = Normal Perioranee 8 cs Redundancy {Deoraed Speech) + Normal Intrinsic Redundancy (i.e 5 Jormal CANS) = Performance poorer than in case "1 %._Normal Extrinsic Redundancy (Clear Speech, linguists =o “Reduced intrinsic Redundancy (i.e. CANS dysfunction) = Normal $F Reduced Extrinsic Redundancy (Degraded Spoce CANS aysfunction) = Brenkdown in performance h) + Reduced intinsic Redundancy (ie | > iscover Inn (ian car etfoct Tig geal iultcaes yp a ee Peromance compared 10 the left car. For tasks molving simul oi 2 dichotic Je ea: “advantage 1s 2e2) becouse for sush stimuli the ran wh The REA isnot =o bieSenit for monaural We Aiges 19 rividren, as the neural vans chide, os he nla Bie tice eae aa a Sule indie, pay RENO ee Oa as umes, weevure nANGOWS, AL, TapAods OF REA in sidren reduced wih age. The age ot vich it reaches adult-ke vahies “* depends dh the test stimul, For disits, year-old children is similar 10 that of ‘adults. An_unusually larye REA In a cht (compared-to age-norms) of aduts Would be Indicate’ of an abnormally. The REA again Increases ir gartaiic Indviduals as this Is POET AE GOUD In wie | aane-A es sing foaTr poner "whem the brain inechsnisns ma dbninanc; ome nly yg a ovted dominance Thefts ey may have aleft ear advantage "even for speech tasks. = jen Fig. 1 Schematie viogram ofichete listening. The contrtatee fad pathwrays dominate vila ipciatoel patbweys ae suppressed peg Pevipunal to cansbro) erger's) ork PEG - CAS evy b age araem mpuegtenaoms ary, cuss 4 Uo Lb s_singie_comfortable intensity level, r Mex Threshold testing, would be insufficient ta detect ine more SubTE the contral_suattony_ pathway, .especially beyond the lowor brainstem, d © _Essocialed-with-jionnal heating sensitnity_on_pure Tone audiometry. 1 ie ‘Soousiic Fee pathway does rol include tnvctires beyond ie medial superio ince even the Inclusion Of this ‘cbjeclive tes would not make for a complete test Sea a the HO ia eoizalarysamaznen of he conta TEX =e) “pos tops eae ae ‘Ue evel of he sucetar oliaty compiak. This _This iealso the mn) ND edn or ho contra fn =~ — —} Commonly Reported Auditory Symptoms (based on czsns — lesions —~ Tein often ocazed 10 the mine ofthe hood. i - ai nalts il autor snaatons oe Exgene_citfculyIstenion in_iho-jresonce of . Tae Volowing sampler din comenacets — — 7 Risk Factors mb a tiicetiak lavaneaeananao pen cioo) =e agirass of seexising disorders. o —_" {@ Speciiclanguage impainnent ; ‘Allin defick hyperciNiy dexter (ADHO) ay © Reading inpainnent_ ac —“Tiewionoteal copdiins. 9.9, Sein ves, Sande Wlefiner sxitome, head rim, P icy lem sbnomisittes, espe ferrasponiing =o ‘processing ulctony nS ; non Si (os: alneceris J, — =) 5 ie — ) ) -" ; Ta Dethiviilel : : z 2 $ “APD, 20/3 douts, CAPD, ; sare hans “A, Binal, Lectare hi ea Seresning: ther, The assumption is. alnts iidteating Need for CAPD nificant other. He ee ay te clan or described OY aan one the hearing 1o3s that hese robs ie depo fel heaxng gansta. the head Speaiarer as: sows llcont 5 en appears intent sun shen esr sxsassmet does 245 ep tate oss : 4 deterioration in the presence (00) ME: Nuat utry poms ns qe evn bt rsa [es "© ebackarourd noe arene th peal cee of 0 a8 200) (e allanlion,Goreden, ard voldancs of lgks isch lstenina (compared fo pers) (cuca ope eees Renee Co orem en ea cvrbarent suroundings, map taker infer ters roupe). hi ay edema niece ne > Diy in remembering auditory Wane, eopecaly if hey at long cx comple wth no carparabsprotlome wth en choco Teeny to mo op elm sounding words” at verous cots Ey, poor i speech (monotonous velco) z- ‘EaUIly Lo recoanles simple sound ines or mans, difety in eerlgrursory ing ‘asily earned by other cividien of ihe sama age. ae i Litculy in conprehenirg supAesoinental sopesn ltonecy, suc a fr oy SMO ee easing of an uteranen (og wi gots saneiow, Vass Daligatnaeaer eee “Sr temorrow"in he second gartohen SIS Gn "WI Tor he Tret Serich SMmo1bid pina 7 Spaten 28 3 stimulus in Caney Marri a ead os Signals aise pe To Semne ry pegeap In8 neane) aoe Hag pith of tosis Used tain fi teal ion me ioe o hina alien, mona iadaney wee DINU i SORIE ls SF Teacmans ‘Dee atichohip of a route ana, 7 Sena LaneMIe ip’ mame eae fest, mre : epprcoriste tee it Caen fen, : A. Bawah, Lectun stort O herolyd ee en Tan lable procedures in central testing: PP ~ 1 pi dante ‘words are Commonly used for CANS’ assessment As monosyilables are the inguidti } it With least extrinsic reaundenes monosylatié- Word San easiy aes we préteyred hecauce #1 ea8y Io ac Stade nee a ag) We Br cota por fi (jeud pe ey Sy monoratss) low yedun log we 3 4 pass fered speech was one of the first methods used to redkce the mt gue Dee oy of Speech for CANS assessment Boor. ef af in_195 ported aa “Performancs and a contralateral ear effect in a case with Tem : poral lobe lesion. Low pass . baat pepied speech was later documented 1o be a sensitive test for tumors ofthe temporal Sorts Pte eof Efan ane Gliroy, (1877) found LP fitered speech to have a sensitvity of 74% in detecting 1014p “o}ou,p 0 tempor lobe lesions. When using fiteed speech tests, standardization fs imporfant Hesse Se ete ee ay cooatg ist east ma taint mar omg op oguensies, fier rejection, sales, all afected perfomance. When there is ch ntiog EAE petpherl Nearing oss a iipscon canbe made Reba ta prea veo aoe Exepisso} llc. ~ same words in fitered and nor-ftered conditions. The dfs ve which can be se ola ISOM the-GANS nteariy f 7 (5 Somech ta nae: pstaes\ competing noise can be intrectuced with mionosyllabic words lancy Testing auditory figure ground perception). The ‘signa’ to. supose ratio is varied and the performance is mncesured for each SNF a. sed ond the signal (9 n a mandatory ac also the use of recorded Its to #4 read 16 lao meny-vatotons ara reauce te validly of adininisiersitis:commonteused iv cliies Eat tor ‘noise tests have heen repo standardization leads to rrisu 130 Cnr opens, brainstem isis, Serpoal lobe leone ag wel os =p an patent) | ous anes Were Te lop meh overlap to distinguish sie of kaich fam The Taine mee »phication with these tests is that they are affected by peripheral Nearing léss whict further», Jl jeduces their validity for CAMs one Worse Sala is-TGUTEUEToReSch "craton pasa SSB WY Bet ised to aeses Comscalleaens Conlmoleare keen Pd ra evoshsua oo DeMatteo Pigs aise been rojed. in cases disciple. Josion :BeriphersloaringT rat 200) 4 EDP, Page 12 dren Mutsy) fash BA AIG ee seni on tne commas. poet te sn would not BS Fosse. 5 Se theca ie tho insu) fisieaalesh wy — /Sourat integratlon. tests: Tha-mostsi0l- kno to_brail = fr it lic tests show up a light esr <2-Biohotie este using monosyilébic words: Resuts on dicho p_a tight ear © “advantage cue fo the direct scce=s tal the right ear has io the Tenguage dominant Tel fenmtiets Big RETE SOS Hh phere ard carpe caloeum Josions. A, cnt eneon ofthe et ear may ass Fassion ofthe fsllateral ahve wth San ah etnies enone bent was finer if fk a Donald Broa the first to use dichotic digits. x is the first 10 use it for del ing the functions of the right and left ° A sorgihot, Lemnporal Obes. She Ws also the fst to havg/ found 1 2 Siete whkh auc ea eS mh her test and Giiert pare p the site of the Testor bat _— Bdaget P. oid 2 es | Heated on “eporded tne Tit Vowels: ‘Similar findings as of stimulus is ihe listener may i 2 Dietetic snyme test: Scores ‘eh Test for iterhemispheric or Uichets speech tests ai One compkeation not he: ear hwo syllables but only one ut of normal range for spit sallosal pathology, 4 40 test temporal lobe dysfunc: £0 whether ify a task of bncarar ty bei consusiy EWR aint age Specific. CS ab Specie were: SE a ont preseulo © je! competing messages 2 coping ng totem) 79; dgstioess, Carp +9 OX Gres em oy BIT AW ROU. oe 2 Tass iinral FusTon TesP The hioh bequest spondoo is resorted ‘0 ane ear dis % Eimer teas Tis Iow frequency portion to he other eat simullancously. This test has been Said totes! 1 ¢ Gavovebitaural re-synthesis

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