Daily Activity Form 11

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Daily Activity Form

Name - Rasool Naser Kareem- HFY# 6839 Group _B_ Date 21/6/2023
Task Details:

Task Description:

We visited the CPF2, on Wednesday corresponding to the date of June 21,

2023. This visit was organized by Hawrad Technology Middle East with

PetroChina Company, The visit aims to introduce the trainees to how the

process and system work in the CPF2, through a follow-up in the operations of

the equipment and systems used in the facility. The visit was in two stages,

starting with first stage it was a presentation made by Mr. Saleh in control room,

where the process flow diagram PFD and its components were clarified and

explain to us and it was very clear. the second stage they took us to site and we

have informed on the facility and its equipment including separators, pumps,

heat exchangers, dehydrators, desalters and stabilizer.

The process begins with entry four lines come from wells and then these fours

lines supply the CPF2 In following order (SOUR OGMS, NON-SOUR OGMS,

SOUR WELLS, NON-SOUR WELLS) the last two lines each one comes into

selector that for select the well and take flow to test separator for test the crude

oil type for this well, four lines each one goes to first stage separator for

separation process to three phases oil, water and gas. the water routed to water

treatment and gas to flare, but in first separator will not separate 100% so it

heated by heat medium heat exchanger and comes into second stage separator

after that, will pump by dehydrator pump to dehydrator to remove the emulsion,
Name - Rasool Naser Kareem- Group __B__ Date 21/6/2023 HFY# 6839

and desalter to wash and remove the salt after that, comes into stabilizer to

remove the residual gases after finish this process the crude oil it will check

If crude oil off spec (not acceptable) than, it is routed to the off spec tank come

back to separator second stage to repeat the process. and crude oil that has

Correct spec (acceptable) is routed to the Buffer tank for export. In the end, it

can be said that the scientific visit to the CPF2 was a rich practical experience,

where the trainees were introduced to the information, and how system and

process work.

Trainer/Assessor Signature Trainee Signature

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2008 Pearson Longman ELT 2

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