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ACETAMINOPHEN ANTI-PYRETIC/ Take exactly as directed 1st Side Effects Constipation,

Non-Opioid Analgesic thing in AM. 30m before meds Common hypophosphatemia

Inhibit prostaglandin synthesis in & food/H2O Life Threatening 0
Mechanism CNS No double dose Unknown severe abdominal
Indication Mild pain, fever Patient Stay upright 30m after dose Contraindication pain, hypercalcemia,
Side Effects Agitation, constipation,  liver Teaching Balanced diet hypophosphatemia
Common enzymes, rash Encourage exercise PQRST of gastric pain, 
Advise dentist before surgery Assessment serum phosphate, serum
Hepatotoxicity, Stevens Johnson
Life Syndrome (SJS), toxic epidermal Use sunscreen gastrin, monitor pH
Threatening necrolysis Notify: pregnancy, Take missed dose ASAP
breastfeeding, eye/vision Patient Don’t take within 1-2h of other
Hypersensitive with aspartame /
change Teaching meds, Low Na+ / Phosphate
Contra- sugar Severe hepatic impairment,
indication alcoholics Potential constipation
Alcohol usage, liver enzymes, ALLOPURINOL XANTHINE OXIDASE
Assessment assess for rash, pain, fever Aloprim, Apo-Allopurinol, INHIBITOR/Anti-gout AMLODIPINE (Norvasc) ANTI-HTN/Ca+ Channel
May alter BG Lopurin, Purinol, Zyloprim Anti-hyperuricemics Blocker
Chronic use > 4g a day can lead to Inhibit Xanthine oxidase to prevent Inhibits transport of Calcium into
toxicity Avoid alcohol with ≥ 1-2 Mechanism uric acid production Mechanism myocardial & vascular smooth
Patient doses, assess for rash, check other Prevent gouty attacks, muscle cells
Teaching meds to avoid > 1 product with Indication hyperuricemia Indication HTN, angina, vasospastic angina
acetaminophen Call if fever doesn’t Rash (D/C @ 1st sign), hypotension, Peripheral edema, dizziness,
change (>39.5°C) or lasts >3 days Side Effects urticaria, flushing, bone marrow Side Effects fatigue, angina, palpitation,
Don’t take with NSAIDs and ASA Common depression, drowsiness Common flushing, hypotension, bradycardia
Adults: No longer than 10 days Life Life
Peds: No longer than 5 days Threatening Hepatitis, renal failure Threatening None
Contra- Hypersensitivity, renal Contra- Hypersensitivity, BP < 90 mmHg,
ALLENDRONATE BIOPHOSPHATE/Bone indication insufficiency, dehydration indication severe hepatic impairment
Fosamax Resorption Inhibitor I/O, rash/hypersensitivity, joint BP & pulse before & after, I/O,
Inhibits resorption of bone by Assessment pain, swelling, BG (hypoglycemia), Assessment daily weight, S/S of heart failure,
Mechanism inhibiting osteoclasts activity hematology, renal, hepatic labs angina
Postmenopausal osteoporosis, Patient Take missed dose ASAP ≤ 300 mg Report S/S of superinfection if
Indication Paget’s disease, corticosteroid- Teaching Take with NSAIDs, Alkaline diet Patient symptoms don’t improve, use
induced osteoporosis Teaching additional contraceptive
Side Effects A.fib., headache, ALLUMINUM (OH)3 Notify: diarrhea, abdominal
Common photosensitivity, regurgitation cramping, fever, or bloody stool
AlternaGEL, Amphojel, BINDER/Anti-ulcer,
Life Threatening 0 Nephrox Hypophosphatemics
Lactation, abnormal Binds to phosphate in GI tract. AMOXICILLN AMINO-PENICILLINS/
Contraindication esophagus, can’t stand ≥ 30m, Mechanism  Serum phosphate level. Anti-infective Anti-ulcer
renal insuff, delayed Neutralize gastric acid. Mechanism Binds to cell wall to kill bacteria
esophageal emptying Inactivates pepsin w/ Mg Infections (skin, respiratory, otitis),
Bone mass, bone pain, visual  Phosphate in CRF Indication H. Pylori ulcers
Assessment acuity, hypocalcemia/Vit. D., Indication Treat ulcers, hyperactivity, Side Effects Diarrhea, rash, allergy,  liver
skull size reflux Common enzyme
Life Seizure, C.diff, anaphylaxis, serum Hypotension, reflex
Threatening sickness ANGIOTENSIN CONVERTING ENZYME Life Threatening tachycardia, syncope, pallor,
Hypersensitivity to penicillin, sweating,
Contra- severe renal impairment, leukemia, Methemoglobinemia, cyanosis
Block conversion of Angiotensin I
indication lactation Hypersensitivity, avoid use of
Mechanism To Angiotensin II
Infection (before & during Tx), β-BLOCKERS or CA+ CHANNEL
Prevents bradykinin degradation to
Assessment history of anaphylaxis, bowel Contraindication BLOCKERS in advanced heart
promote systemic vasodilation and
function, C&S block, cardiogenic shock or
 aldosterone
Always finish, accurate dose, S/S of untreated HF
Indication Management of HTN
superinfection, use alternative BP, pulse,
Cough, hypotension, taste
birth control Assessment location/duration/intensity &
Side Effects disturbance, hyperkalemia,
Patient Notify: diarrhea, abdominal ppt’ing factors of angina
Common dyspnea, dizziness, headache,
Teaching cramps, fever, bloody stools, if Continue taking meds as
vertigo, weakness
symptoms don’t improve, anti- ordered & use SL nitro PRN for
microbials pre-procedure for heart anginal attacks, Notify: chest
Threatening Agranulocytosis, angioedema
disease Patient pain does NOT
Monitor BP and pulse frequently,
Teaching IMPROVE/worsens after tx,
Assessment S/S of angioedema, weight
diaphoresis, SOB, severe
ANGIOTENSIN II RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS Take as directed (no double dose) headache, slow position
(ARBs) avoid salt subs High K+ / Na+ slow changes, orthostatic
Blocks the vasoconstricting effects position changes No alcohol or hypotension, do not use
Mechanism of Angiotensin II at receptor sites, Patient driving Diabetics: monitor glucose alcohol
including smooth muscle and Teaching closely Use extra contraceptive
adrenals Additional HTN Tx Learn to monitor
Alone or with other HTN, diabetic BP Notify: rash, sore throat, mouth ANTICOAGULANTS
Indication nephropathy manage HF in those sores Fever Prevent clot extension and
who can’t handle ACE’s Additional -pril Mechanism formation, NOT dissolve clots
Stroke prevention and  death Notes By acting on clotting factors
Side Effects due to MI, dizziness, weakness, and thrombin
Common hypotension, N&V, hyperkalemia Prevention and Treatment of
ANTI-ANGINALS thromboembolic disorders incl.
Life impaired renal function, myalgia,
Nitrates: dilate coronary Indication DVT, PE, A.fib, MI Mgm’t (with
Threatening anxiety, angioedema
arteries & cause systemic thromboembolitic & anti-
BP (lying, sit, stand) & pulse, daily Mechanism dilation (preload), Ca+
Assessment weight, fluid overload platelet agents)
channel blockers: same &
S/S angioedema Hematoma, pain at site,  liver
some slow HR, β-blockers:
No double dose, avoid Na+ Side Effects fx’n test, ecchymosis, cramps,
myocardial O2 consumption
substitute and  K+ / Na+ Common N&V, fever
via in HR, Ranolazine: same
Slow position changes Bleeding, Calciphylaxis
Nitrates: treat & prevent
Patient No driving, extra contraceptives, Life Threatening (Warfarin) Coag disorders,
angina ONLY NITRATES may be
Teaching additional HTN Tx ulcers, malignancy, recent
Indication used in acute tx of angina
Proper BP monitoring surgery, active
pectoris, Ca+ channel, beta
Notify: facial swelling, dyspnea, Contraindication Bleeding
blockers & Ranolazine:
SOB Sx: bleeding / hematoma,
prophylactic & long-term
Additional -sartan monitor PT, PTT, INR Antidotes:
Side Effects Headache, dizziness,
Notes ARBs “Arabs wear a Tartan” Common weakness, N&V, incontinence
Assessment Heparins (protaminesulfate) uptake in synapse SNRIs: block Active pathological bleeds,
Warfarin, Vit K serotonin & NE re-uptake MAOIs: Contra- prosthetic heart valves, PE, use of
Dabigatran (Idarucizumab: for inhibit monoamine oxidase to indication strong dual inducers
Dabigatran reversal) prevent uptake of dopamine, NE S/S of stroke, DVT, PE, Peripheral
Avoid contact sports, injury and serotonin Assessment Vascular Dse, toxicity
prevention No OTC medications Depression, anxiety, chronic pain, May bleed/bruise more, no double
Absolutely NO NSAIDs / ASAs Indication OCD, bulimia, social anxiety Patient dose Notify: skin rash, surgery,
Patient Teaching Review high Vit K foods Anti-cholinergic symptoms, Teaching herbals (St. John’s Wort)
Importance of frequency of lab Side Effects sedation, insomnia, sexual pregnancy, breast feeding
monitoring Always carry Common dysfunction
medical ID Life Suicidal delineation, Tyramine
ARTIFICIAL TEARS (Ocular Lubricants)
Heparin (Tinzaparin Sodium) Threatening toxicity (MAOIs)
Isotonic solution & wetting agents
Additional Notes Warfarin (Coumadin) MAOIs usage with any other
Mechanism provide lubrication & protection of
Rivaroxaban (Xarelto) Contra- depressants – narrow angle
dry eyes
-arin, -aban indication glaucoma
Keratitis,  corneal sensitivity,
Monitor mental status/affect,
Indication corneal erosion, foreign body
ANTICONVULSANTS suicidal tendencies, toxicities
 abnormal neuronal discharges in Assessment MAOIs: HTN crisis, chest pain,
Side Effects Photophobia, lid edema, stinging,
severe headache, N&V,
Mechanism CNS,  seizure threshold, alter Common transient blurring eye discomfort
photosensitivity and enlarge pupils
neurotransmitters Life
No alcohol / CNS Depressants
 incidence & severity of seizures Threatening None
Tyramine education (MAOIs)
Indication due to various etiology, IV for Contra-
Dizziness, drowsiness Orthostatic
immediate tx of seizure, >1 Rx indication None
sometimes for long term basis
Patient hypotension  fluid, gum, candy for
Teaching Vision changes, discomfort, tear
dry mouth 2 weeks withdrawal
Side Effects Dizziness, drowsy, lethargy, Assessment production
before anesthetics (MAOIs)
Common headache, forgetfulness, Stop using if excessive tearing,
Psychotherapy NEVER discontinue
Life Patient headache, redness, persistent
Threatening Apnea, cardiac arrest Teaching discomfort
Contra- Previous hypersensitivity, severe Bion Tears, Genteal Tears,
indication hypotension, sleep apnea, APIXABAN (Eliquis) ANTI-COAGULANT/ Additional Hypotears, Murine Tears, Sooth,
Location/duration/characteristics of Factor Xa Inhibitor Notes Systane, Teardrops, Viva-drops
Assessment seizure Monitor serum drug level  thrombin generation & dev’t by
throughout therapy Mechanism acting as a selective / reversible
Meds everyday same time, drowsy Factor Xa site inhibitor
Patient (driving), no alcohol / CNS  Stroke/systemic embolism in
Teaching depressants, carry med ID Indication non-valvular A-fib Inhibit prostaglandins to reduce
Prevent PE after knee/hip Mechanism fever & inflammation & produce
replacement analgesic effect
ANTIDEPRESSANTS Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis,
Side Effects
(Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Serotonin) Indication fever, mild-moderate pain,
Common Hypersensitivity Rx
Re-uptake inhibition of prophylaxis for MI/TIA, Kawasaki
neurotransmitters Tri-cyclic: block disease
Threatening Bleeding, anaphylaxis
serotonin & NE re-uptake in Side Effects Dyspepsia, epigastric distress,
Mechanism synapse SSRIs: inhibit serotonin re- Common reflux
Life GI bleed, anaphylaxis, laryngeal rash, sore throat, unusual Cough, sore throat, dizziness,
Threatening edema bleeding/bruise, pregnancy Side Effects headache, palpitation, dryness,
Hypersensitivity to Common irritation, nervousness
Contra- salicylates/NSAIDs, bleeding Life
indication disorder, thrombocytopenia, Lipid Lowering Agent
Threatening 0
Reye’s syndrome Contra- Acute bronchospasm,
Inhibit HMG-CoA reductase that
Asthma, pain, fever, liver enzyme, indication hypersensitivity, glaucoma
Mechanism catalyze an early step in cholesterol
Assessment serums Allergy (peanuts/soy), respiratory
Take with full glass of water, stay Assessment status, rhinorrhea
Primary hypercholesterolemia, 2°
Patient up for 15-30 mins, no alcohol Patient Proper usage, missed dose ASAP,
Indication prevention of CV dse in Congenital
Teaching Notify: tinnitus, unusual gum Teaching oral hygiene, normal S/S
Heart Defects (CHD)
bleeding, bruising, black, tarry
Abdominal pain, constipation,
stool, fever ≥ 38-39°C
Side Effects diarrhea, flatulence, heart burn, AZITHROMYCIN (Zithromax) ANTI-INFECTIVE/
If upcoming surgery
Common altered taste, dizziness, headache, Macrolides
weakness Inhibit protein synthesis at 50S
ATENOLOL (Tenormin) ANTI-ANGINA ANTI- Life Mechanism bacterial ribosome
HTN/Beta-Blocker Threatening Rhabdomyolysis Bacteriostatic action against
Block B1 stimulation for cholinergic Hypersensitivity, acute liver susceptible bacteria
Mechanism effects ( HR, BP, angina & Contra- disease, unexplained & Indication URTI, LRTI, gonorrhea, pneumonia
prevent MI) indication persistent  AST/ALT, pregnant, Side Effects Abdominal pain, N&V, diarrhea,
Indication HTN/angina, MI prevention breastfeeding Common liver enzymes, hyperkalemia
Erectile dysfunction, fatigue, Diet hx, serum cholesterol, liver Life Acute generalized pustulosis, SJS,
Side Effects weakness, dizziness, depression, Assessment function, muscle tenderness, Threatening TEN, hepatotoxicity, CDAD,
Common drowsiness, blurred vision, serum Creatine Kinase (CK) levels hypersensitivity reaction
bronchospasm No double dosing or grapefruit Hypersensitivity to macrolide,
Bradycardia, heart failure, juice, used w/ diet change, Contra- hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia,
Life pulmonary edema Patient exercise, stop smoking indication bradycardia, QT prolongation
Threatening Uncompensated heart failure, Teaching Notify: liver pain, S/S of liver injury, Symptoms of infection, C&S, Sx of
pulmonary edema, cardiogenic unexplained muscle pain, Assessment anaphylaxis,  bilirubin,
shock, bradycardia weakness, fever, malaise, AST/ALT/LDH, phosphatase conc’n,
BP, pulse, ECG monitoring, I/O, Rx/OTC/herbals before Tx or creatinine,  WBC & platelet
daily weight, Sx of HF, surgery, pregnancy Finish drug completely, NO
Assessment Frequency & charac of angina, Patient antacids, drowsiness, dizziness, NO
BG, Sx of toxicity (bradycardia, Teaching driving, photosensitivity
severe drowsiness, dyspnea, Notify: diarrhea, rash, fever, sx of
Allergy/Cold Remedy Bronchodilator
cyanosis, seizure) superinfection
Inhibit cholinergic receptor in
Always take, keep emergency back-
Mechanism bronchial
ups, BP & pulse ANTI-INFECTIVE/
smooth muscle w/out systemic BACITRACIN + POLYMYXIN B
Patient Don’t drive when starting, Slow Ophthalmic
effect (Polysporin Drops)
Teaching position changes
Maintenance of Tx of reversible Bacteriostatic/inhibit cell wall
Diabetic: close monitor BG
Indication airway obstruction from COPD, Mechanism synthesis (Bacitracin)
Notify: bradycardia, SOB,
rhinorrhea & asthma Cell wall binding on gram (-)
wheezing, cold hands & feet,
dizziness, confusion, depression, bacteria (Polymyxin B)
Indicated for most bacterial eye Patient Always take meds, low sodium diet,
Indication infections BENZODIAZEPINES SEDATIVE & HYPNOTIC/ Teaching smoking cessation, orthostatic
Side Effects Ocular pruritis, rash, pruritis, Anti-Convulsants hypotension, monitor BG closely
(Xanax, Valium, Ativan)
Common erythema Additional -olol : Carvedilol, Metoprolol,
 effectiveness of GABA to 
Life Notes Bisoprolol
Mechanism excitability of neurons & cause a
Threatening Anaphylaxis
calming effect on the brain
Contra- Viral, fungal, mycobacterial, TB, BISACODYL (Dulcolax) LAXATIVE/Stimulant
Panic disorder, generalized anxiety
indication varicella, infections Laxative
Indication disorder (GAD), insomnia, seizure,
Irritation, vision changes,
alcohol withdrawal, anxiety Stimulates peristalsis, alters F&E
Assessment discharge, pain
Side Effects Sedation, dizziness, weakness, Mechanism transport to accumulate in the
Remove debris before admin, thin
Common unsteady, headache, irritability colon
Patient layer, no occlusive dressing, no
Life Constipation, colon prep for
Teaching sharing
Threatening Apnea, cardiac arrest Indication radiologic study or surgery, spinal
Notify: persistent pain, unrelieved
Contra- Myasthenia gravis, sleep apnea, injury regimen
vision change, swelling
indication bronchitis, COPD Side Effects Abdominal cramps, nausea,
Health hx, insomnia, anxiety, drug Common diarrhea, rectal burn, hypokalemia
BACLOFEN ANTI-SPASTICITY AGENT Assessment abuse/dependence, baselins V/S & Life
(Gablofen, Lioresal) SKELETAL MUSCLE RELAXANT LOC, ensure safety Threatening 0
(centrally-acting) No skipping, double dose, usually Contra- Abdominal pain, obstruction, N&V
Inhibit reflexes at spinal level to  Patient short-term,  gradually, coping indication (esp w/ fever)
Mechanism muscle spasticity, bowel & bladder Teaching skill improvement, NO driving, NO Abdominal distention, bowel
improvement alcohol/CNS depressants Assessment sounds, bowel pattern, COCA
MS & spinal cord lesions, pain in Notify: pregnancy (stool)
Indication trigeminal neuralgia Additional (-pam, -lam) Short-term use (except spinal) 
Dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, Notes “benzo, pam & lam” fluid intake (1500-2000 mL), use
Side Effects weakness, headache, pruritis, rash, Patient alternative bowel regulator, no
Common tinnitus, hyperglycemia, sweat BETA BLOCKERS Teaching straining (cardiac)
Life Do not use with abdominal pain +
Compete with adrenergic
Threatening Seizures fever+ N&V
Mechanism neurotransmitters for adrenergic
Contra- Hypersensitivity, epilepsy, renal receptor sites to  HR & BP thru
indication impairment, < 4 years relaxing smooth muscles BISOPROLOL ANTI-HTNs/Beta
Spasticity, observe drowsiness, HTN, angina, tachyarrhythmia, Blockers
Assessment dizziness, ataxia Indication migraine, HF Blocks stimulation of β1
 Serum glucose, liver enzyme Fatigue, weakness, bronchospasm, (myocardial)-adrenergic receptors.
Take missed dose w/in 1 hour, no Side Effects dry mouth, hyperglycemia,  liver Mechanism Does not usually affect β2
Patient double dose Common enzymes (pulmonary, vascular, uterine)-
Teaching Avoid driving, Avoid alcohol/drugs Life receptor sites,  BP & HR
Change position slowly because of Threatening Bradycardia, HF, pulmonary edema
orthostatic hypotension Monitor BP & pulse, I/O, daily Indication Management of HTN
Notify: frequent/painful urination, Assessment weight, respiratory changes, Fatigue, weakness, ED, blurred
constipation, nausea, headache, headache freq, angina freq, Side Effects vision, stuffy nose, anxiety,
insomnia, tinnitus, depression,
Common depression, bronchospasm,
confusion, hypersensitivity,
rash/itching, don’t abruptly D/C
wheezing, constipation, diarrhea, BUDESONIDE ANTI-ASTHMA ANTI- Ca+ supplement replacement, BP,
rash, arthralgia (Pulmicort) INFLAMMATORY / Corticosteroid ECG, pulse, IV site, antacid use,
Life Potent, long-acting anti- Assessment serum level, toxicity, bone pain,
Threatening Bradycardia, HF, pulmonary edema Mechanism inflammatory & immune modifier stomach pain, confusion, muscle
Uncompensated HF, pulmonary Asthma maintenance,  need for weakness, high BP, abnormal
Contra- edema, cardiogenic shock, Indication systemic steroids rhythm
indication bradycardia or heart block Headache, dysphonia, hoarseness, No eating within 1 hour of dose
Monitor BP, ECG, pulse, Side Effects dry mouth, sinusitis, pharyngitis, No food high in oxalic acid, phytic
periodically & during tx, I/O, daily Common dizziness, esophageal candidiasis, Patient acid, phosphorous, or milk, may
Assessment weight, S/S of HF: dyspnea, otitis media Teaching cause constipation, avoid excess
crackles, weight gain, peripheral Anaphylaxis, laryngeal edema, tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine,
edema, jugular vein distention – Life urticaria, bronchospasm, adequate Vit. D, avoid Ca+
JVD Threatening Churg Strauss syndrome (blood supplements including antacids
Do not w/draw abruptly, take meds vessel inflammation)
as directed, do not skip or double Respiratory & lung sounds, adrenal CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS
Patient dose, take missed dose ASAP or up insufficiency (anorexia, nausea, Block Ca+ from entering the cell
Teaching to 4 h before next dose, Notify: Assessment weakness, fatigue, hypoglycemia) of vascular & myocardial
slow pulse, dyspnea, wheezing, bone density, growth (kids) Sx Mechanism smooth muscle, dilates
cold hands, feet, dizzy, light-head, hypersensitivity (rash, pruritus, coronary artery,  AV nodal
confusion swelling, dyspnea) conduction
Don’t discontinue without HTN prophylaxis, angina,
BRIMONIDINE, topical α-ADRENERGIC consultation Indication antiarrhythmics
(Mirvaso, Onreltea) AGONIST Patient Use bronchodilator FIRST, Not for Peripheral edema, dizziness,
Highly selective alpha-2 adrenergic Teaching ACUTE asthma attack Side Effects fatigue, palpitation, flushing,
Mechanism agonist to reduce intraocular No smoking/triggers, rinse mouth Common bradycardia, hypotension
pressure Notify: sore throat, mouth sores, Life Threatening 0
Lower IOP in open angle glaucoma hypersensitivity 2°/3° heart block,
Indication or ocular HTN sometimes w/ Contraindication decompensated HF, bradycardia
brinzolamide CALCIUM ANTACID/Mineral & Electrolyte BP & HR, I/O. daily weight, fluid
Blurry vision, dry/itchy eyes, CARBONATE Replacement & Supplement Assessment retention, angina, ECG,
Side Effects disturbed color perception, double Maintain cell membrane & capillary Neurovitals
Common vision, halos, night blindness permeability Continue taking meds even if
Life Mechanism Binds to dietary phosphate to make Patient well, slow position changes
Threatening 0 insoluble Ca+ Phosphate that can Teaching (orthostatic hypotension),
Contra- Depression, facial be excreted in feces &  serum Nitrate Tx, low sodium diet
indication erythema/rosacea phosphate - dipine, verapamil, diltiazem
Hypersensitivity, breastfeeding, Tx & prevention of hypokalemia & Additional Amlodipine, Felodipine,
Assessment antidepression, cardiovascular Indication hyperphosphatemia Notes Isradipine, Nicardipine,
disease Side Effects Arrhythmia, hypercalcemia, Nimodipine (prevent
Common phlebitis, tingling neurological damage from CV)
Proper application, possibility of Life
Patient erythema, Rx/OTC/Herbals Threatening Cardiac arrest CALCITONIN HORMONE
Teaching Notify: before and after pregnancy Contra- Hypercalcemia, renal calculi, V-fib,
indication Ca supplements
Promotes renal excretion of Ca+ & No double dose, avoid salt subs, Notify: GI complications,
Mechanism inhibits osteoclasts bone slow position changes, may palpitation, urine retention,
reabsorption Patient cause dizziness (don’t drive) involuntary movements, behavioral
Tx of Paget’s disease of bone, Teaching Notify: hypersensitivity changes, severe N&V
Indication hypercalcemia, osteoporosis reaction, impaired taste,
Side Effects Rhinitis, vomiting, headache, facial pregnancy
Common flushing, injection site reactions Diabetes: monitor for
Life hypoglycemia
Blocks stimulation of
Threatening Malignancy, anaphylaxis beta1 (myocardial) and
Contra- Hypersensitivity, gelatin allergy, CARBIDOPA/LEVODOPA ANTI-PARKINSON’S/ Mechanism beta2 (pulmonary, vascular, and
indication breastfeeding, pediatrics Sinemet, Duodopa Dopamine Agonist uterine)-adrenergic receptor
Sx of hypersensitivity, tetany, sites. Also has alpha1 blocking
Levodopa: converted to dopamine
Assessment serum Ca+ & alkaline phosphate activity, which may result in
in CNS to act as neurotransmitter
(Parenteral) procedure & disposal Mechanism Carbidopa: inhibits decarboxylase orthostatic hypotension
Patient Reassure a/p flushing for 1 hour to prevent the destruction of Hypertension, HF (ischemic or
Teaching Nausea dissipates with treatment Levodopa cardiomyopathic) with digoxin,
Low Ca+ diet Indication diuretics, and ACE inhibitors,
Indication Parkinson’s
Possibility for malignancy left ventricular dysfunction
Depression, involuntary
Side Effects movements, orthostatic after myocardial infarction
CAPTOPRIL ANTI-HTN/ Common hypotension, constipation, N&V, Hyperglycemia, diarrhea, ED
(Capoten) ACE Inhibitor dyskinesia, drowsiness, dizziness Side Effects erectile dysfunction, dizziness,
Block conversion of angiotensin GI hemorrhage, ischemia, Common fatigue, weakness
Mechanism I to angiotensin II,  Life obstruction, and perforation, Bradycardia, HF pulmonary
aldosterone level, resulting in Threatening hepatotoxicity, Intussusception, Life Threatening edema, SJS, TEN,
systemic vasodilation pancreatitis, peritonitis, melanoma hypersensitivity rxn
 progression of diabetic Angle closure glaucoma, MAOIs, Hx of serious hypersensitivity
Indication nephropathy in px w/ T1 DM, Contra melanoma, skin lesions, rxn (Stevens-Johnson
retinopathy, manage & reduce indication Tartrazine/Phenylamine/Aspartame syndrome, angioedema,
risk of HF Parkinsonian sx, BP & pulse, S/S of anaphylaxis);
Cough, hypotension, taste GI complication,  serum glucose, Contraindication Pulmonary edema, cardiogenic
Side Effects disturbance, pruritis, fatigue, hepatic/renal function,  Hb & shock, bradycardia, heart block
Common flushing Assessment HCT  WBC, S/S of toxicity or sick sinus syndrome (unless a
Life Threatening Agranulocytosis, angioedema (twitching, grimacing, wink, tardive pacemaker is in place), severe
Hypersensitivity, aliskiren use in dyskinesia, behavioral changes) hepatic impairment, asthma or
Contraindication px with diabetes, Take missed dose w/in 24 h, no other bronchospastic disorders
sacubitril/valsartan, pregnancy double doses Monitor BP, pulse, I/O, daily
Correct volume depletion, BP  GI irritation maybe better if with weights, fluid overload,
1-3h after 1st dose, may require food soon after meals (No high (peripheral edema, dyspnea,
volume expansion protein), sudden sleep/drowsiness crackles, fatigue, weight gain,
Discontinue diuretics or (don’t drive), slow position Assessment jugular venous distension,
cautiously  salt intake 2-3 Patient changes, frequent mouth rinse worsening sx for HF
Assessment before initiation, monitor BP Teaching Sugarless gum/candy may help dry Do no withdraw abruptly may
closely for 1st hour before meal mouth precipitate arrhythmia, HTN or
or 2 hours after meal Dark saliva/urine may happen MI. D/C slowly
Patient Notify: if slow pulse, dyspnea, Side Effects Diarrhea, nausea, rash, cramps, COX-2 Inhibitor
Teaching wheezing, cold hands & feet, Common anemia Inhibits COX-2 enzyme →
dizziness, confusion, SJ Syndrome, seizure, C. diff, Mechanism prevents synthesis of
depression, rash, fever, sore Life Threatening anaphylaxis, serum sick prostaglandins
throat, unusual bleeding or Hypersensitivity to Arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis,
bruising Contraindication cephalosporin/penicillin, renal Indication acute pain
impairment, hx of GI disease Dizziness, insomnia, headache,
CEFADROXIL, CEFAZOLIN, ANTI-INFECTIVE/ Infection, hx of penicillin, C&S Side Effects edema, HTN, abdominal pain,
1ST GEN CEPHALOSPORINS Assessment prior anaphylaxis, bowel Common flatulence, rash, hyperkalemia
function, rash, liver enzymes HF, MI. CVA, thrombosis, GI
Mechanism Bind to bacterial wall → cell
Notify: immediately a/t rash, Life Threatening bleed, exfoliative dermatitis,
Patient bloody pus, mucous diarrhea, or SJS, necrosis
Skin & skin structure infection,
Teaching fever develop CABG, pregnancy, liver disease,
pneumonia, UTI, bone & joint
Finish medication completely Contraindication renal disease
Indication infection, septicemia,
Do NOT double dose Rash, allergy to
pharyngitis, tonsilitis, pre-op, GI
Report signs of superinfection Assessment aspirin/NSAIDs/sulfonamide,
infection, otitis media
Side Effects Diarrhea, nausea, rash, cramps, AST&ALT values, K+ levels
Common anemia CEFTRIAXONE, CEFRADINE, Notify: immediately for rash, GI
SJS, seizure, C.diff, anaphylaxis, CEFDITOREN, CEFPODOXIME ANTI-INFECTIVES/ toxicity, chest pain, unexplained
Life Threatening serum sickness Patient weight gain
CEFTAZIDIME 3rd GEN Cephalosporins
Hypersensitivity to Teaching Take ONLY prescribed dose
Binds to cell wall, causing cell
Contraindication cephalosporin/penicillin, renal Notify: if pregnant/planning
Mechanism death
impairment, hx of GI disease D/C & call if jaundice, URQ
Intra-abdominal infection,
tenderness, swelling abdominal
Infection, hx of penicillin sepsis, prophylaxis, meningitis,
& flu-like symptoms
Assessment sensitivity, C&S prior, Indication UTI, GU skin infection,
anaphylaxis, bowel fx’n, rash, respiratory infection, bone &
liver enzyme joint infection CEPHALEXIN ANTI-INFECTIVES/
Notify: immediately a/p rash, Diarrhea, N&V, phlebitis, pain, Keflex 1ST GEN Cephalosporins
Patient bloody/pus mucous diarrhea or Side Effects cholelithiasis, headache, rash, Cause cell death by binding to
Teaching fever develop Common pain at IM site, superinfection Mechanism cell wall
Finish medication completely Seizure (high dose), CDAD, SJS, Treatment of infection
Do not double dose Life Threatening anaphylaxis, serum sickness Indication especially otitis media
Report signs of superinfection Cephalosporin hypersensitivity, Side Effects Diarrhea, N&V, rash, phlebitis,
Contraindication penicillin hypersensitivity Common pain at site
CEFAZOLIN 1ST GEN Sx infection, hx previous use, Seizure, SJS, C.Diff,
(Cefadroxil, Cephalexin) CEPHALOSPORINS Assessment C&S, sx of anaphylaxis, bowel Life Threatening anaphylaxis, serum sickness
Mechanism Bind to bacterial wall → cell fx’n, rash, SJS, PTT, Crea/BUN Hypersensitivity to
death Missed dose ASAP, Notify: rash, Contraindication cephalosporin & penicillin
Skin/skin structure infection, Patient fever, diarrhea, sx of Infection Hx w/ cephs & pens,
pneumonia, UTI, bone/joint Teaching superfinfection Assessment C&S, anaphylaxis, bowel fxn,
Indication infection, septicemia, 1 GEN rash, hepatic & renal fxn
Cephalosporins Complete all meds, take at
pharyngitis, tonsillitis, pre-op GI CELECOXIB (Celebrex) ANTI-RHEUMATICS,
infection, otitis media NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENT/ even intervals, S/Sx of
Patient superinfection, Notify: Patient Avoid driving @ start of Presynaptic inhibition &
Teaching diarrhea, w/ blood, mucus, Teaching medication potentially inhibiting GABA
pus, fever or rash Change position slowly Mechanism receptors, sedates CNS &
Notify: ASAP a/p causes anticonvulsive effects,
suicidal/homicidal thoughts prevent seizure, 
Wear sunscreen protection manifestation of panic disorder
Piperazine Peripherally Selective
Female: notify a/p pregnancy Seizure treatment, panic
Antagonizes H+ receptor plans Indication disorders
Mechanism (doesn’t bind to H+)
Behavior changes, drowsiness,
Minimal anticholinergic effect
CLARITHROMYCIN ANTI-INFECTIVE, ANTI-ULCER, Side Effects slurred speech, ataxia,
Indication Allergies caused by histamine
Common abnormal eye movements,
release chronic urticaria (Biaxin) ATYPICAL MYCOBACTERIUM AGENT/
Macrolides dependence
Side Effects Drowsiness, dizziness, fatigue,
Life Threatening Suicidal thoughts, palpitations
Common pharyngitis, dry mouth Inhibits protein synthesis at
Hypersensitivity, liver
Life Threatening 0 Mechanism level of 50s bacterial ribosomes,
Contraindication impairment, pregnancy,
Contraindication Hypersensitivity, breastfeeding bacteriostatic action
breastfeeding, hx of
Allergy symptoms, lung sounds, Respiratory infections, dug/alcohol abuse
Assessment fluid intake Indication mycobacterium avium complex
Seizure intensity, duration,
Take as directed, oral hygiene, (MAC), otitis media, sinusitis,
Assessment location, anxiety signs/hx of
Patient rash, dizziness, avoid driving, pharyngitis, H. Pylori
dependence, behavior change
Teaching avoid alcohol Side Effects Headache, prolong QT,
Missed dose w/in 1 h or skip it
Common abdominal pain, diarrhea,
Do not stop abruptly
CITALOPRAM ANTI-DEPRESSANTS/Selective Patient Short-term prescription
Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor SSRI Torsades de pointes, SJS, Teaching Notify: ASAP for
(Celexa) Life Threatening hepatotoxicity, CDAD,
Selectively inhibits the reuptake suicidal/homicidal thoughts,
angioedema signs of hepatic impairment,
Mechanism of serotonin in the CNS Thromycin hypersensitivity,
Depression, PMDD, OCD, panic trouble sleeping, or impulsitivity
jaundice, hepatic/renal Carry ID if you have seizures
Indication disorder, GAD, PTSD, social Contraindication disorder, -statin, -tamine, -
phobia sotalol usage, QT prolong,
Apathy, confusion, dry mouth, hypoK+, hypoMg+, bradycardia, CLONIDINE ANTI-HTN/ Adrenergic
Side Effects insomnia, tremor,  libido, pregnancy (Catapres, Duraclon) (centrally-acting)
Common yawning, drowsiness, flatulence Bowel fx’n (C.diff), rah (SJS), Inhibition of cardio-acceleration
Neuroleptic malignant Assessment liver fx’n, infection, C&S Mechanism & vasoconstriction centers by
Life Threatening syndrome, suicidal thoughts, Always finish dosage give even stimulating α-adrenergic
Torsades de pointes, serotonin if feeling better, report signs of receptors in the CNS
syndrome superinfection, Notify: rash, Mild-moderate HTN, ADHD,
MAOIs, hypersensitivity, Patient fever, diarrhea (esp. bloody), Indication cancer pain
Contraindication bradycardia, hyperK+, recent Teaching pregnancy, no s/s improvement Drowsiness, dry mouth,
MI, hypoMg+, HF Zidovudine must be taken ≥ 4 Side Effects withdrawal, depression, Na+
Suicidal tendencies, sexual hours apart Common retention, nightmares, ED
Assessment dysfx’n, serotonin syndrome, Life Threatening 0
electrolyte imbalance HTN, edema, weight loss, pain,
Do not double dose/ stop CLONAZEPAM ANTI-CONVULSANT/
Assessment opioid withdrawal
abruptly (Klonopin, Rivotril) Benzodiazepine
Patient Same time daily, avoid quick Patient H2O/juice, not within 2 hrs of Periodic deficiency, serum B12,
Teaching moves, avoid alcohol Teaching laxatives & mineral oil, can be Assessment Hb & HCT, iron
an enema Comply with diet,  B12 diet,
Patient don’t exceed RDA, life-long
COLCHICINE *HIGH ALERT MEDS* ANTI-GOUT Teaching need, follow admin instruction,
Generalized CNS depression, 
Colcrys, Gloperba, Mitigare AGENT skin redness
Mechanism cough reflex,  GI motility ->
alerts pain perception Interferes w/ WBC in
Mgm’t of mild-mod pain, Mechanism inflammatory response to CYCLOPENTOLATE OPTHALMIC/
Indication antitussive monosodium urate crystals (Cyclogyl) Anticholinergic
Confusion, sedation, Indication Prophylaxis of acute attacks of Blocks sphincter muscle
Side Effects hypotension, vomiting, gout responses in iris &
Common constipation OPIOID AGONIST Side Effects Diarrhea, N&V, alopecia, Mechanism accommodative muscles in
Physical & psychological Common abdominal pain ciliary muscle that dilate pupils
Life Threatening dependence Agranulocytosis, Aplastic & relax eye muscles
Hypersensitivity, breast feeding, Life Threatening anemia, “-avirs” (strong CYP3A4 Indication Anterior uveitis
Contraindication hx of substance abuse, inhibitors) Side Effects Irritation, blurred vision,
MAO Inhibitors, renal Hypersensitivity, renal & liver Common photophobia
impairment Contraindication impairment Life Threatening 0
VS bowel function, pain, cough Baseline CBC ( platelet, Closed angle glaucoma, Down
Assessment & lung sounds Assessment anemia), toxicity, AST/alkaline Contraindication Syndrome
Abusive, potential orthostatic phosphate, gout, I/O Ensure contact lenses are out,
Patient hypotension Do not double dose, avoid Assessment pre-existing cardiac condition,
Teaching Avoid alcohol, avoid driving Patient grapefruit, report pain or Monitor BP & pulse
post dose Teaching weakness Do not touch dropper, avoid
Notify: pregnancy or planning driving, wear sunglasses, no
Patient contact lenses, no
CYANOCOBALAMIN H2O SOL VIT/ Teaching breastfeeding
(Docusate Na+ Dosolax ) Laxative
(Vit B12) Anti-Anemic Notify: SOB, swelling, hives,
Incorporates H2O into stool to
Co-enzyme required for palpitations
Mechanism soften
Promote electrolyte & H2O Mechanism metabolic process & protein
Indication secretion synthesis & hematopoiesis DABIGATRAN ANTI-COAGULANT/Thrombin
Prevent constipation/straining Vit B12 deficiency tx due to (Pradaxa) Inhibitor
Side Effects Throat irritation, mild cramp, Indication malabsorption, pernicious Mechanism Direct inhibitor of Thrombin
Common diarrhea, rash anemia, Schilling’s test, cyanide  stroke/systemic embolization
Life Threatening 0 poisoning Indication risk w/
Hypersensitivity, abdominal HTN, erythema, rash, red urine, non-vascular A-fib, DVT, PE
Contraindication pain, vomiting, fever w/ other Side Effects headache, restlessness, Abdominal pain, diarrhea,
signs of acute abdomen Common tachycardia, pulmonary edema, Side Effects dyspepsia, gastritis, esophageal
Abdominal distention, bowel abdominal discomfort Common ulcer, hypersensitivity
Assessment sound, BM pattern, stool Life Threatening Anaphylaxis Bleeding, angioedema,
Use for short-term, long-term Hypersensitivity, optic nerve Life Threatening anaphylaxis
dependant, doesn’t stimulate Contraindication atrophy, uremia, renal Hypersensitivity, active
peristalsis, full glass of dysfunction Contraindication pathologic bleeding, P-
glycoprotein (P-gp) inducers Immunosuppression (monitor DIGOXIN *HIGH ALERT MEDS* ANTI-ARRHYTHMIC
prosthetic heart valves Patient for infection) (Lanoxin, Toloxin) INOTROPICS/Digitalis Glycosides
Bleeding, blood loss, stroke, Teaching No live vaccines  myocardial contraction by 
Assessment peripheral vascular disease, Possible body changes Mechanism conduction thru SA/AV nodes
aPTT/ECT- ecarin clotting time, Carry ID Indication HF, A-fib/A-flutter, Paroxysmal
renal function Diet: protein/ Ca+ / K+ / and Na+ Atrial Tachycardia
May bleed easily, take missed carbs Side Effects Fatigue, bradycardia, anorexia,
Patient dose w/in 6h of scheduled dose Notify: black, tarry stool, Common blurred vision, N&V
Teaching Do not suddenly D/C Rx/OTC. Chickenpox, measles Life Threatening Arrhythmias
Notify: HCP prior to surgery, exposure before surgery, HR  60 bpm, AV block,
ASAP a/p pregnancy or planning underlying Sx worsens
Contraindication idiopathic hypertrophic
subaortic stenosis, uncontrolled
(Dexasone) Corticosteroid Systemic (Voltaren) Topical Phenylacetic acid derivative 1 min apical pulse, monitor
Suppress inflammation & Mechanism Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis Assessment ECG, I/O, daily weight,
Mechanism normal immune response Suppression of pain & rales/crackles, periodic BP
Systemic and local affects in lots Indication inflammation Take pulse prior to dose, S/S of
of chronic disorders incl: Relief of acute migraine attacks Patient toxicity
Indication inflammation, allergy, Topical (3%) clearance of actinic Teaching Do not double dose, keep in
hematologic, neoplastic, keratosis lesions original package
autoimmune, Mgm’t of acitinic keratoses (3%)
depression, Euphoria, OA (for knees) DIMENHYDRINATE ANTI-EMETIC/
hallucinations, HTN, anorexia, Pruritus, rashes, contact Gravol Anti-histamine
Side Effects acne,  wound healing, Side Effects dermatitis, dry skin exfoliation, Inhibit vestibular stimulation
Common ecchymosis, fragile hirsutism, Common tinnitus, hyperkalemia Mechanism to depress CNS & cause
petechiae, muscle wasting, HF, MI, stroke, drug rxn anticholinergic, antihistamine
adrenal suppression, OP, eosinophilia & systemic sxs & anti-emetic properties
Cushingoid appearance,  Life Threatening (DRESS), exfoliative dermatitis, Motion sickness caused N&V,
susceptibility to infection SJS, TEN, GI bleeding, Indication vertigo, dizziness
Peptic ulcer, hepatotoxicity, anaphylaxis
Side Effects Drowsiness, anorexia, dry
Life Threatening pheochromocytoma, Hypersensitivity to diclofenac, Common mouth, photosensitivity
thromboembolism Contraindication cross-sensitivity w/ other
Life Threatening 0
Contraindication Active untreated infection NSAIDs incl ASA, active GI
bleeding/ulcer, CABG, burns
Hypersensitivity, alcohol
Sx adrenal insufficiency, I/O Contraindication
Risk for hypersensitivity rxn in intolerance, angle closure
pulmo & peripheral edema,
growth (kids), cerebral edema, Assessment asthma, rash, SJS, S&S of DRESS: glaucoma, seizure, prostatic
Assessment  LOC, headache, ulcerative fever, rash lymphadenopathy, hyperplasia
Colitis, hypergly, facial swelling N&V, bowel sounds,
Dexamethasone test (admin & D/C if sx occurs, Hb & HCT Assessment abdominal pain (a/p admin),
Cortisol IV) Patient Minimize use of NSAIDs 3% gel I/O, emesis, dehydration
Correct admin Teaching may take 60-90 days for Take as directed, avoid driving
Never stop abruptly (adrenal complete healing (dizziness, drowsiness), may
insufficiency) Patient cause dry mouth, avoid
Teaching alcohol & CNS depressants,
wear sunscreen, monitor Side Effects Dehydration, cardiac disease: don’t strain,
closely in 65+ years Common hypo/hyperkalemia, cramps, with water or juice
dizziness, headache
Stevens Johnson Syndrome-SJS,
Life Threatening aplastic anemia, Toxic
(Aller-Aide, Benylin) (Motilium) AGONIST/Gastric Stimulant
epidermal necrolysis-TEN
Antagonizes effects of Peripheral dopamine blocker to 
Thiazide/Loop maybe cross
histamine @ receptor GI motility, peristalsis, LES – lower
Contraindication sensitive with Sulfonamide
Mechanism Site → doesn’t bind/inactivate Mechanism esophageal sphincter pressure,
Fluid status, daily weight, I/O,
histamine, CNS depressant & gastric emptying,  prolactin levels
amount & location of edema
anticholinergic Manage GI motility symptoms, tx of
Lung sounds, skin turgor
Relief of allergy symptoms, Indication N&V assoc w/dopamine agonist
Assessment mucous membranes, anorexia,
Indication Parkinson’s mild sedation, anti-Parkinson’s tx, stimulate
BP and pulse (before & during
prevent morning sickness lactation
admin), ICP, electrolytes &
Drowsiness, anorexia, dry Side Effects Headache, insomnia, dry mouth,
kidney function
Side Effects mouth, hypotension, Common amenorrhea, impotence, hot
Always take even if feeling
Common palpitation, tinnitus, blurred flushes, galactorrhea, gynecomastia
Patient better controls, NOT cure HTN,
vision, urine retention, tight Life
Teaching Slow position changes, Review
chest Threatening 0
K+ foods guidelines
Life Threatening 0 Hypersensitivity Ketoconazole,
Asthma attacks, liver disease, Contra Prolactinoma, GI
Additional Loop (-ide)
Contraindication CNS depressants indication hemorrhage/perfusion/obstruction,
Notes K+ sparring (Amiloride,
Airway patency, nasal stiffness, Hx of breast CA
Spironolactone, Triamterene)
Assessment nausea, pain Osmotic (Mannitol) N&V, distention, bowel sounds, BP,
Avoid driving, teach sleep Assessment S/S hyperprolactinemia serum liver
hygiene techniques, sunscreen levels, serum prolactin
Patient Avoid alcohol & other CNS DOCUSATE STOOLSOFTENER/ Avoid grapefruit juice
Teaching depressants Colace Laxative Patient Notify: galactorrhea, gynecomastia,
Drink lots of fluids Promotes water incorporation Teaching menstrual abnormality, palpitation,
Good oral hygiene Mechanism into stool irregular heartbeat, dizziness,
Promote electrolyte & water fainting, pregnancy a/p
Indication Prevention of constipation, as DONEPEZIL CHOLINESTERASE
Enhance selective secretion of
an enema (Aricept) INHIBITOR/Anti-Alzheimer’s
Mechanism various electrolytes & water by
Side Effects Throat irritation, mild cramps, Inhibit acetylcholinesterase to
impacting tubular secretion /
Common diarrhea, rash Mechanism make more acetylcholine
Life Threatening 0 available
Thiazide/Loop: HTN/edema
Contraindication Hypersensitivity, abdominal Indication Alzheimer’s
from HF/other causes
pain, N&V, fever Headache, N&V, diarrhea,
Indication K+ sparring: K+ conservation &
mild diuretic. Anti-HTN effect Abdominal distention, bowel Side Effects drowsiness, dreams,
on those taking Thiazide/Loops Assessment sounds, bowel fx’n, color, Common depression, dizziness, A.fib,
consistency, amount of stool anorexia, syncope
Osmotic: cerebral edema
Short-term therapy, Life Threatening 0
Patient dependency, fluid intake,
Hypersensitivity, lactation, Hx of Major depressive disorder, Mgm’t of sx of BPH in men w/
Contraindication heart dse, ulcers, seizures, Indication diabetic peripheral neuropathy, Indication enlarged prostate gland (alone
asthma generalized anxiety disorder, or w/ tamsulosin)
Cognitive function, heart rate fibromyalgia, chronic MS pain libido, ejaculation disorder,
Assessment (bradycardia) Fatigue, drowsiness, insomnia, Side Effects ED, testicular pain/swelling,
Importance of taking meds as Side Effects appetite, constipation, dry Common rash, urticaria, depressed mood
prescribed Common mouth, nausea, dysuria, Prostate CA, allergic rxns,
Patient Do not double dose, may cause libido, ICP, dizziness Life Threatening angioedema
Teaching dizziness Neuroleptic malignant Hypersensitivity, cross
Notify: N&V, diarrhea, changes syndrome, seizure, suicidal Contraindication sensitivity w/ other 5-alpha-
in stool, all Rx/OTC/herbals Life Threatening thought, hepatotoxicity, reductase inhibitors, women,
before Tx or surgery pancreatitis, erythema hepatic impairment
multiforme, SJS, serotonin Sx of prostatic hyperplasia
syndrome (urinary hesitancy, feeling of
MAOIs, severe renal incomp bladder emptying,
Contraindication impairment, chronic hepatic Assessment interruption of urinary stream,
Ubiquitous enzyme that
impairment, alcohol abuse dysuria, urgency), rectal exam
Mechanism catalyzes CO2 to
Sexual dysfx’n, BP, before & during BPH tx,
HCO3- & dehydrate carbonic
appetite/nutrition, notable prostate specific antigen (PSA)
behavior changes, serotonin conc’n – used to screen
Manage IOP in ocular HTN &
Assessment syndrome (mental changes, prostate CA
Indication open angle glaucoma
autonomic instability, Same time each day as directed,
Blurry vision, burning/stinging, neuromuscular aberration), take missed dose ASAP in the
Side Effects redness, watery eyes, light rash, SJS, mental status, pain, Patient day or omit dose, sharing of
Common sensitivity, dry eyes, headache, blood sugar Teaching dutasteride is dangerous, 
bitter taste
Do not stop abruptly, Be aware ejaculate vol, avoid donating
Anaphylaxis, eye discharge, of any new agitation, anxiety, blood (6 mos fr last dose) to
Life Threatening eyelid swelling Patient May cause drowsiness, prevent female fr receiving
Hepatic & renal impairment, Teaching orthostatic hypotension dutasteride through a blood
Contraindication hypersensitivity, close angle Notify: serum sickness, suicidal transfusion,  risk in high-
glaucoma, contact lens, corneal ideation grade prostate CA, importance
abrasion, pregnancy of F/U
Sulfonamide hypersensitivity,
Assessment monitor CBC, electrolytes, renal DUTASTERIDE (Avodart) BPH AGENT/
Androgen Inhibitors EMPAGLIFLOZIN ANTI-DIABETIC/Na+-glucose co-
& liver functions
Inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha- Jardiance transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor
Proper administration
Patient technique reductase, which is responsible Inhibits SGLT2, the transporters
Teaching Notify: Ocular irritation, S/S of Mechanism for converting testosterone to Mechanism 1° responsible for the
hypersensitivity its potent metabolite 5-alpha- absorption of glucose in the
dihydrotestosterone in the kidney,  blood sugar by
prostate gland & other tissues, causing the kidneys to get rid of
DULOXETINE NON-OPIOPID  prostate size w/ assoc  in > glucose in the urine
Cymbalta ANALGESIC/NSAIDs urinary sx With diet & exercise, control
Inhibits serotonin & norepi Indication sugar in DM2 in adults,  risk
Mechanism reuptake in CNS
of CV death w/ DM2 & Anemia, headache, dizziness, Patient change position slowly b/c of
established CV disease Side Effects bleeding at site, liver enzymes, Teaching orthostatic hypotension
Dehydration, dizziness, Common ecchymosis, pruritis, rash Notify: skin changes, agitation,
Side Effects weakness, yeast infection, Life Threatening Bleeding aggression, delirium,
Common BG, URTI, cholesterol, Hypersensitivity to hallucination, new/
nausea, joint pain, urination, Contraindication pork/sulfite/benzyl alcohol, gambling, intense urges,
UTI, thirst, BP active major bleed, Hx of pregnancy, breastfeeding, F/U
AKI, hypotension, ketoacidosis, heparin induced clot important
anaphylaxis, SOB, serious Bleeding, hemorrhage,
Life Threatening infection around penis/vagina, Assessment thrombosis, hypersensitivity, ERYTHROMYCIN MACROLIDE/Anti-Infective
pain, swelling of genital area hematoma, labs Suppress protein synthesis at
Hypersensitivity to Jardiance, Technique for self admin, Mechanism 50S bacterial ribosome level
Contraindication severe renal impairment, ESRD Patient report abdominal bleeding, Useful when penicillin can’t be
or dialysis Teaching bruising, dizziness, itchy rash, Indication used for susceptible organisms
Monitor blood glucose for fever, swelling, SOB & topically for acne
Assessment hypo/hyperglycemia, V/S, Sx of Do NOT take NSAIDs & Aspirin
Side Effects N&V, phlebitis, abdominal
dehydration, Sx of UTI (ASA) w/out notifying HCP
Common pain, rash, ototoxicity
Empagliflozin can also be used
Torsades de Pointe, ventricular
in the treatment of certain
types of heart failure.
Comtan INHIBITOR/Anti-Parkinson’s Hypersensitivity, hypokalemia,
Remember to follow any advice
Inhibits COMT enzyme to Contraindication hypomagnesemia, HR < 50
you have been given about your
Mechanism prevent Levodopa breakdown bpm, liver/renal dse,
diet and taking exercise.
&  CNS availability Myasthenia Gravis
Patient Recognize the symptoms of low
Tx of Idiopathic Parkinson’s Infection, C&S, bowel function,
Teaching blood sugar: feeling shaky or
Indication Disease & used w/ Levidopa & Assessment liver levels
anxious, sweating, looking pale,
Carbidopa Take completely, may cause
feeling hungry, a feeling that
Agitation, confusion, delirium, Patient N&V, diarrhea, cramps
your heart is pounding
Side Effects dizziness, colitis, Teaching Notify: signs of C.Diff,
(palpitations), and feeling dizzy.
Common brown/orange urine, syncope, superinfection
Do not drive if blood sugar ,
be careful in hot weather, drink paranoia, hallucinations
lots of fluids, kidney problems Life Threatening Rhabdomyolysis, neuroleptic ESCITALOPRAM ANTI-
may happen. malignant syndrome DEPRESANT/SSRI
Hypersensitivity, MAOIs
Selectively inhibits the
Contraindication therapy, psycho, pregnant
Mechanism reuptake of serotonin
Parkinsonian &
Major depressive disorder,
ENOXAPARIN (LMW Heparin) ANTI-THROM Assessment extrapyramidal, monitor for
Indication generalized anxiety, panic
Lovenox BOTIC/Anti-Coagulant diarrhea, signs of neuroleptic
disorder, OCD, PTSD, social
Mechanism Inhibit thrombin & Factor Xa malignant synd
Tx of pulmonary embolism w/ Take missed dose ≤ 2h after
Side Effects Insomnia, diarrhea, nausea,
or w/out Warfarin, prevent missing, advise against driving
Common libido, dry mouth
Indication ischemic complication w/ because of
Neuroleptic malignant
unstable angina, tx of acute ST dizziness/hallucination, inform
Life Threatening syndrome, suicidal thoughts,
segment elevation MI (STEMI) nausea/diarrhea, to  fluids &
serotonin synd
monitor for weight loss,
Concurrent MAOIs, concurrent With diet to  LDL, Type IV & Avoid grapefruit and driving,
Contraindication Citalopram, angle closure Indication V hyperlipidemia in at risk for Patient CNS depressant
glaucoma, Pimozide pancreatitis w/out tx response Teaching Addiction potential & theft
Monitor mood & anxiety Side Effects Fatigue, weakness, DVT, rash, prevention
Assessment closely, suicidal Common rhabdomyolysis, HDL Heat Fentanyl release
thoughts/tendencies, sexual Life Threatening Pulmonary embolism Oral hygiene
dysfxn, serotonin syndrome Hypersensitivity, hepatic Notify: Rx/OTC/HR,
(hallucination, tachycardia) Contraindication impairment, severe renal pregnant/breast feeding, before
Take missed dose in same day impairment, use of HMC-CoA MRI
May cause dizziness, don’t reductase inhibitors
Patient drive, patient, family, Diet hx, baseline triglyceride FERROUS GLUCONATE 12% IRON SUPPLEMENT/
Teaching caregivers observe for suicidal level, cholelithiasis, CPK Fergon, Ferralet, Simron Anti-Anemic
tendencies, F/U very Assessment (rhabdomyolysis), mild-
Enters bloodstream→organs
important, avoid alcohol moderate  H&H,
Mechanism (liver, spleen, marrow) that
Notify: Rx/OTC/Herbals, prothrombin level
becomes a part of iron stores
pregnancy Controls (not cures) serum
Prevention/treatment of iron
Patient triglyceride, use w/ diet
Indication deficiency anemia
Teaching Notify: pain, tenderness,
Hypotension, nausea,
weakness, pregnancy,
Ezetrol, Zetia Absorption Inhibitor Side Effects constipation, dark stools,
breastfeeding, treatment
Inhibits cholesterol absorption Common diarrhea, epigastric pain, skin
Mechanism in small intestine stain, myalgia, dyspnea
Management of dyslipidemias FENTANYL ANALGESIC, OPIOID/ Life Threatening Seizure, anaphylaxis
Indication (w/ other agent) (Transdermal, Patch) General Anesthetic Hemochromatosis, iron
Side Effects Cholecystitis,  liver enzyme, Bind to opiate receptors in CNS Contraindication overload (hemosiderosis),
Common nausea, pancreatitis, rash Mechanism to alter response & perception non-iron deficiency anemia,
Life Threatening Angioedema of pain alcohol intolerance
Hypersensitivity, acute liver Moderate – severe chronic pain Nutritional/diet hx, bowel
Contraindication dse, moderate/severe hepatic Indication in opiate tolerant pxs but need Assessment function, S/Sx anaphylaxis,
insuff, use of fibrates, constant relief H&H, reticulocyte level occult
pregnancy Confusion, sedation, weakness, stool,  liver enzyme toxicity
Diet hx, serum cholesterol, Side Effects anorexia, constipation, dry Explain purpose & compliance,
Assessment liver enzymes Common mouth, sweat, N&V Patient take missed dose w/in 12h, no
No more than 1 dose/day, Life Threatening Apnea, respiratory depression Teaching double dose, high iron diet,
Patient used w/ diet restriction, Hypersensitivity, not opioid risk of OD - overdose
Teaching doesn’t help weight loss Contraindication tolerant,
Notify: Unexplained muscle acute/mild/intolerance pain, FINASTERIDE ANDROGEN INHIBITOR/Hair
pain/tenderness, OTCs, respiratory depression, asthma,
Propecia, Proscar Growth Stimulants
pregnancy hepatic & renal impairment,
Inhibit enzyme 5-alpha-
alcohol intolerance
Mechanism reductase that converts
FENOFIBRATE Pain, VS, dependant, bowel,
LIPID LOWERING AGENT/ testosterone to potent
Fibric Acid Derivatives Assessment respiratory depression
Fenomax, Lipidil metabolite
How / when to get pain mgm’t
Mechanism Inhibits triglyceride synthesis
Correct application & usage
Benign prostatic hyperplasia inhibiting NaCl+ reabsorption in Suicidal thoughts,
Indication (BPH) * androgenic alopecia Loop of Henle Life Threatening rhabdomyolysis, anaphylaxis,
(male pattern baldness) Indication Reduce edema & HTN angioedema, multi-organ
Side Effects Gynecomastia,  libido,  Dehydration, hypocalcemia, hypersensitivity
Common ejaculate ED, infertility hypochloremia, hypokalemia, Hypersensitivity, renal
Prostate CA, angioedema, Side Effects hypomagnesemia, Contraindication insufficiency, pregnant,
Life Threatening breast CA Common hyponatremia, hypovolemia, breastfeeding
Hypersensitivity, women, metabolic alkalosis, muscle Monitor behavior changes,
Contraindication hepatic impairment cramps, paresthesia, dizzy, seizures, postherpetic
S/Sx of prostatic hyperplasia, headache Assessment neuralgia,
Assessment BPH Life Threatening Erythema multiforme, SJS, Toxic Neuro pain, migraine, restless
Need 6-12m, advise a/t sexual Epidermal Necrosis, aplastic legs
changes (even after), anemia, agranulocytosis No more than 12 hours
Patient importance of checking Hypersensitivity, between doses
Teaching breasts,  risks of CA, male Thiazide/sulfonamide Don’t double dose, don’t stop
fetus can be hurt by exposure Contraindication sensitivity, hepatic coma, abruptly
(birth defects) anuria, alcohol intolerance Not within 2 hours of antacids
Fluid status BP & pulse, fall risk Don’t drive (dizzy/drowsy)
(geriatric), hypokalemia (with K+ Patient Watch for behavioral/mood
FOLIC ACID VIT B9 SUPP/ H2O Sol Vit, wasting drugs) Tinnitus/hearing Teaching changes
Folvate Anti-Anemic
Assessment loss, sulfonamide allergy, rash, Carry med alert ID
Required for erythropoiesis, electrolyte levels, renal fx’n Notify: Before treatment or
Mechanism WBC, RBC, & platelets surgery, pregnancy or
Take missed dose ASAP (no
Anemia from folate deficiency, double dose) breastfeeding
Indication erythema Orthostatic hypotension, talk to
Side Effects General malaise, rash pruritis, MD about K+ diet
Patient Notify: ≥ 3 lbs in 1 day, Sulfonylureas
Life Threatening Bronchospasm Diamicron MR
Teaching Rx/OTC/HR, before Tx or
Contraindication Undiagnosed anemia  BG by  insulin release &
surgery, rash, muscle weakness,
Hx of folic acid allergy, anemia Mechanism sensitivity
cramp, monitor BG, use
(pernicious, aplastic, DM2 when not controlled by
sunscreen, fall risk, constant
Assessment megaloblastic, normocytic) Indication diet/lifestyle/insulin
need for HTN tx
lesions, color, respiratory Hypoglycemia, abdominal
sounds, CBC, Vit B12 Side Effects pain, liver enzymes, N&V,
When cause of megaloblastic
(Gralise, Horizant, ANTI-CONVULSANT/ Life Threatening 0
Patient anemia passes supplement Mood Stabilizer
Teaching may not be needed Neurontin) Unstable DM, DM1,
Notify: rash, SOB, pain MOA not known, potentially acidosis, diabetic coma,
Mechanism impacts amino acid transport Contraindication severe hepatic & renal
Partial seizures, restless legs, impairment, alcohol use,
FUROSEMIDE LOOP DIURETIC/ Indication neuropathic pain, prevent
Lasix Diuretic phenylbutazone
migraines, bipolar, anxiety,
Increases renal excretion of Hypoglycemia, sulfonylureas
diabetic neuropathy
water, Na+, Cl+, Mg+, and K+ by Assessment allergy, liver fxn, renal fxn
Side Effects Confusion, depression,
Mechanism Common dizziness, drowsiness, ataxia
Same time every day, not a colored stool, dark urine, Side Effects Hypokalemia, lipodystrophy,
cure, close glucose monitoring, menstrual abnormality, sexual Common pruritus, swelling
Patient follow prescribed lifestyle, dysfx’n, chew gum, candies for Life Threatening Hypoglycemia, anaphylaxis
Teaching avoid sun, wear SPF, no dry mouth Hypoglycemia, allergy to insulin
alcohol, no aspirin, carry sugar Contraindication / preservatives
Notify: swelling, unusual Hypoglycemia, weight, BG,
weight gain, SOB, muscle Assessment Hg1Ac, potassium
Inhibit HMG-CoA reductase
cramps Administration, insulin mixing,
Mechanism that is responsible for the
early stages of cholesterol no sharing, not a cure, proper
HALOPERIDOL ANTI-PSYCHOTIC/ synthesis Patient testing, diet & exercise
(Haldol) Butyrophenone Adjunctive management of Teaching Notify: Rx/OTC/HR, pregnant,
Indication primary Tx or surgery, cool storage, med
Anticholinergic & alpha-
hypercholesterolemias & alert, carry candy
Mechanism adrenergic blocking to alter
effects of dopamine in the CNS dyslipidemias
Acute & chronic psychotic Abdominal cramps, HUMULIN R- Short Acting PANCREATIC/
Indication disorders, Tx of aggression, Side Effects constipation, diarrhea, flatus, Regular Insulin Anti-diabetic hormone
Tourette mgm’t 2nd line tx of Common heartburn, headache,  liver Stimulate glucose uptake in
atypical anti-psychosis failure enzymes Mechanism muscle & fat. Inhibit hepatic
Extrapyramidal synd (EPS), Life Threatening Rhabdomyolysis glucose production
Side Effects blurred vision, dry eyes, dry Dietary hx, monitor liver fxn if Control of hyperglycemia in
Common mouth, constipation, weight muscle tenderness happens, Indication diabetics
gain, tardive dyskinesia, Assessment monitor CK (if levels > IOx Side Effects Hypokalemia, lipodystrophy,
restless, drowsy, confused upper limits discontinue), sx of Common pruritis, erythema
Seizure, agranulocytosis, liver injury Life Threatening Hypoglycemia, anaphylaxis
Life Threatening neuroleptic malignant Drinking extra grapefruit juice Hypoglycemia,
syndrome can impair absorption, can Contraindication hypersensitivity to
Angle closure glaucoma, bone help manage but won’t cure
marrow depression, CNS Patient levels, use in conjunction w/
Hypoglycemia, body weight,
Contraindication depression, Parkinson’s, liver & Teaching diet & lifestyle, importance of
Assessment BG, Hgl Ac, serum potassium
CV dse, tartrazine, sesame, and F/U exams
Notify: liver injury, muscle Administration, mixing insulin,
alcohol intake
pain/weakness, pregnancy Patient discard vials ≥ 1 month, no
Mental status +/- Schizo sx, BP,
Take at night Teaching swapping, BG & ketone
pulse, hoarding, I/O, weight,
monitoring, diet & exerciser,
Assessment bowel fx’n, akathisia, Additional -statins
S/Sx of hypoglycemia
neuroleptic malignant synd Notes
(NMS), falls, hyperprolactinemia
May require weeks to reach HUMULIN N – Intermediate PANCREATIC/
Rapid Acting Insulin Peak Duration
therapeutic effects, no driving,
(NPH INSULIN) Anti-diabetic hormone Onset
slow position changes, fall risk Lispro (Humalog, 5m 60- 4-6h
Stimulates glucose uptake in
Patient educ, no alcohol/CNS Admelog) 90m
Mechanism tissues and inhibits hepatic
Teaching depressants, sunscreen, Aspart (Novolog) 10-20 1-3 h 3- h
glucose production
sunglasses, protective clothes, m
Hyperglycemia control in
freq mouth rinse/oral hygiene Short Acting
Indication diabetes
Notify: weakness, tremor, clay-
Regular (Humulin R) SQ 30- SQ 2- SQ 5-7h severe renal & hepatic & response to painful stimuli w/
60m, 4h IV 30- impairment CNS depression
IV 10- IV 60m Monitor BP, pulse, freq of Moderate-severe pain, chronic
30m 15- prescription refills to determine Indication pain, anti-tussive
30m Assessment adherence, CBC, electrolyte, LE Confusion, sedation,
Conc (4-500) 30- 2-3h 5-7h cell prep, & ANA titer prior to & Side Effects hypotension, constipation,
60m periodically during tx Common flushing
Intermediate Continue meds even if feeling Life Threatening Respiratory depression
Acting well, same time each day, Hypersensitivity, respiratory
NPH (Humulin N, 1-2h 8- 18-24h missed dose taken ASAP, Contraindication depression, bronchial asthma,
Novolin R) 12h comply w. other HTN head trauma,  ICP, addiction,
Long Acting Patient intervention: weight reduction, GI surgery, hepatic impairment
Glargine (Lantus, 3-4h 0 24h Teaching smoking cessation,  alcohol BP, pulse, RR, pain, bowel,
Basaglar) intake, reg exercise & stress Assessment addiction, cough
Detemir (Levemir) 3-4h 3- 24h mgm’t How/when to ask pain meds,
14h Notify: fever, muscle or joint addiction potential, drowsiness,
pain, tiredness, chest pain, rash, dizziness, orthostatic
sore throat hypotension, safe dosage,
NPH / Regular
Humulin 50/50, 30m 4-8h 24h Patient Notify: pain mgm’t not
70/130 HYDROCORTISONE CREAM CORTICOSTEROID/ Teaching adequate, side effects,
Novolin 70/30 Anti-Inflammatory constipation, Rx/OTC/HR, 
Aspart (Novolog 15m 1-4h 24h fluid intake, turning, deep
Suppress normal immune
70/30) breaths, coughing exercises
Mechanism response & inflammation
Lispro (Humalog 15- 2-8h 24h Q2h, avoid concurrent alcohol
Manage inflammation &
75/25) 30m use
Indication pruritis
Side Effects Contact dermatitis, atrophy,
Apresoline Vasodilators Life Threatening 0 Plaquenil QUINOLINES/
Hypersensitivity, untreated Anti-Rheumatics
Direct-acting peripheral
Mechanism arteriolar vasodilator Contraindication bacterial/viral infection Inhibits protein synthesis in
Lowering of BP in HTN px &  Affected skin before & after, susceptible organisms by
afterload in px with HF Assessment adrenal function inhibiting DNA & RNA
Correct medication admin, Mechanism polymerase. Death of
Moderate to severe HTN (w/ a
Patient only as directed, no tight plasmodia responsible for
Indication diuretic)
Teaching diapers, only small amount for causing malaria. Has
Tachycardia, drug-induced
pregnant, wash hands, use inflammatory properties
lupus synd, angina, arrhythmia,
gloves, notify if worsens Suppression/chemophylaxis of
Side Effects edema, orthostatic
Indication malaria. Tx of severe
Common hypotension, diarrhea, N&V,
rheumatoid arthritis/systemic
rash, arthritis, dizziness, HYDROMORPHONE HCl- OPIOID AGONIST/Allergy, lupus erythematosus
drowsiness, headache (Dilaudid, Exalgo) Cold, Cough, Opioid Analgesic
Aggressiveness, anxiety,
Life Threatening 0 Opiate receptors bind to alter Side Effects fatigue, headache,
Hypersensitivity, Tartrazine Mechanism perception Common hypotension, abdominal
Contraindication avoided, cardio or CV dse,
cramps, anorexia, diarrhea, Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, cells→”hypo swells like a
N&V, ECG changes, SJS Contraindication hepatic dysfunction, hippo”
Life Threatening Seizure, Agranulocytosis, geriatric caution 0.45% NaCl Treatment of hypernatremia
Aplastic anemia Safety due to sedation, May cause fluid
Hypersensitivity to 4- Assessment drowsiness, agitation, anxiety, Life Threatening overload→electrolyte/overh
Contraindication aminoquinoline compounds N&V, pruritis ydration/pulmonary edema
Monitor Sx of agranulocytosis Missed dose ASAP, no double HF, severe renal
& leukopenia, rashes & Patient dose, don’t drive Contraindication insufficiency, edema,
Assessment peripheral neuropathy, be Teaching (dizzy/drowsy) fall risk , no sodium retention, rapid
alert for new seizure activity, alcohol/CNS depressant, oral infusion (RBC hemolysis)
BP, ECG, CBC w/ differential, hygiene, coping skills Allow kidneys to retain Na,
LFT, ophthalmology exam,
0.33% NaCl dextrose toxicity
muscle weakness
Take only as directed by your ANTI-SPASMODIC/
Buscopan, Scapalamine Anticholinergic
Life Threatening edema, febrile reaction
doctor. Do not take more or
Anti-muscarinic Contraindication HF, severe renal failure
more often, and do not take it
Most hypotonic solution
for a longer time than your Binds to muscarinic receptors
0.22% NaCl available, maintenance for
doctor ordered. Mechanism acetylcholine receptors to
peds, mix w/ dextrose
Swallow the tablet whole. Do smooth muscle contraction &
serotonin Contraindication Rapid infusion (hemolysis)
not crush, break, or chew it.
Take with meals or milk to Cramping, abdominal pain, Dehydration,  sodium &
Patient lessen stomach upset. Indication esophageal spasm, renal colic D25W potassium
Teaching Keep using for the full Side Effects Drowsiness, vision change, dry Contraindication Blood products (hemolysis)
treatment time, even if you Common mouth, tachycardia
feel better after the first few Life Threatening 0 IBUPROFEN NON-OPIOID/ Anti-pyretic
doses. Your infection may not Angle closure glaucoma, (Advil, Motrin) ANALGESIC/Anti-rheumatic/NSAID
clear up if you stop using the acute hemorrhage, Mechanism Inhibit prostaglandin synthesis
medicine too soon. tachycardia (cardiac Fever & mild-moderate pain,
Have your blood works Contraindication insufficiency), prostatic Indication inflammation
checked, will make you Side Effects Headache, constipation,
sunburn more easily
Sx urinary retention, HR Common dyspepsia, nausea, drowsiness
Assessment monitor, pain before admin HF, MI, CVA, GI bleed, hepatitis,
HYDROXYZINE ANTI-ANXIETY, ANTIHISTAMINE, Drowsiness, blurred vision, no Life Threatening exfoliative dermatitis, SJS, toxic
Atrax, Multipax, Vistaril SEDATIVE/Hypnotic alcohol/CNS depressants, freq epidermal necrosis, anaphylaxis
Subcortical level CNS Patient mouth rinses/oral hygiene Hypersensitivity, GI bleed/ulcer,
Mechanism depression w/ anti-cholinergic Teaching Notify: Sx acute angle Contraindication CABG, recent MI, bad HF, >30
antihistamine & anti-emetic glaucoma, pain & reddening of weeks pregnant
properties eyes, pupil dilation Rhinitis, asthma & urticaria, S/S
Anxiety, pre-op sedation, anti- Assessment of GI bleed, Creatinine/BUN,
Indication emetic, anti-pruritic liver enzymes, rash, pain,
HYPOTONIC SOLUTIONS arthritis, fever, bleeding
Side Effects Drowsy, dry mouth, pain,
Solutions has  Take with full glass of water and
Common bitter taste, dizziness
concentration of solute &  sit up for 30 mins
Life Threatening 0
Mechanism osmolarity than bodily fluids No double dose
causing water to move into
Avoid driving id dizzy/drowsy broncho-dilating effect &  No double dose, avoid Na+
Don’t take with alcohol, aspirin, bronchospasm substitute and  K+ / Na+
Patient acetaminophen Treatment for chronic Slow position changes
Teaching If use with 3+ glasses of alcohol Indication obstruction & pulmonary Patient No driving, extra
GI bleeding risk disease Teaching contraceptives, additional HTN
Notify: rash, itching, tinnitus, Headache, dizziness, nausea, Tx
epigastric pain, black stool, flu- Side Effects dry mouth, nervousness, Proper BP monitoring
like sx, pregnant Common shaking Notify: facial swelling, dyspnea,
Don’t give to kids with Life Threatening Hypokalemia, anaphylaxis SOB
dehydration Hyperthyroid, diabetes,
Contraindication ketoacidosis, acidosis, HTN, IRON SUPPLEMENTS
IPRATROPIUM Br- ALLERGY, COLD & seizure, glaucoma, enlarge Essential mineral in Hgb,
Atrovent COUGH, BRONCHODILATOR/ prostate Mechanism myoglobin & enzymes that
Anticholinergic Assessment Baseline RR, lung sounds becomes part of iron stores in
Proper use,  fluids, no more liver spleen, bone marrow
Inhibit cholinergic receptors in
Patient than 2 inhalers, rinse mouth,  Prevention & treatment of
bronchial smooth muscle to 
Teaching caffeine,  smoking Indication iron deficiency anemia
Mechanism cGMP for bronchodilation
w/out systemic anticholinergic Hypotension, constipation,
Side Effects dark stools, epigastric pain,
Indication COPD, rhinorrhea, asthma Avapro Common nausea
Dizziness, headache, sore Blocks vasoconstrictor & Life Threatening Seizure, anaphylaxis
Side Effects throat, blurred vision, aldosterone-secreting effect of Hemochromatosis, iron
Common palpitation, Mechanism Angiotensin II at various Contraindication overload, alcohol
Life Threatening 0 receptor site, incl vascular intolerance
Hypersensitivity, acute smooth muscle & adrenal Nutrition & diet hx, bowel fxn,
Contraindication bronchospasm glands BP & HR (rapid infusion can
Allergy, soy/peanut allergy Lowering of BP in HTN px,  cause hypotension & flushing),
Assessment (Combivent), respiratory progression of diabetic sx anaphylaxis, monitor H&H,
status before & after admin & neuropathy Assessment brownish hue to blood <4h
at peak 1-2h Management of HTN, Tx of admin, Toxic (pain, fever, N&V,
Proper use of Indication diabetic neuropathy in DM2 & diarrhea, cyanosis,
inhaler/nebulizer, spray, HTN px tachycardia, seizure),
Patient mouth rinse, importance of Anxiety, dizziness, fatigue, Coma/seizure: gastric lavage &
Teaching PFT, spray may cause blurred headache, chest pain, Na+ bicarb, Deferoxamine is an
vision, Notify: no Side Effects hypotension, tachycardia, antidote
improvement/worsening, Common rashes, abdominal pain, Explain purpose of tx, missed
headache, cough, GI distress dyspepsia, N&V, hyperkalemia Patient dose w/in 12h, stool may get
Impaired renal function, Teaching darker, follow  iron diet,
Life Threatening myalgia, anxiety, ANGIOEDEMA Children high risk of overdose
IPRATROPIUM Br- & Albuterol SO4 BROCHO BP (lying, sit, stand) & pulse,
Combivent Respimat Inhaler DILATOR Assessment daily weight, fluid overload
Anticholinergic & ISONIAZID
S/S angioedema, assess for ANTI-TUBERCULARS
Mechanism sympathomimetic, produce peripheral edema
INH, Isotamine, Nydrazid
Inhibit mycobacterial cell wall hypernatremia, some calories, Patient Notify: If pregnancy is planned
Mechanism synthesis & metabolism hypoglycemia Teaching or suspected or if breastfeeding
1st line of treatment of TB w/ Fluid volume deficit, LANTUS (Glargine) Long Acting Insulin
Indication other drugs & prevention Indication resuscitation Stimulates of glucose by
Peripheral neuropathy, fever, Mechanism tissues to BG & inhibit hepatic
Side Effects psychosis, gynecomastia, rash, glucose production
Common vision disturbance Hyperglycemia, control of DM
Ketoderm, Nizoral, Extina
Hepatitis, drug reaction, toxic Indication (type 1&2)
Affect cell wall of fungus to
Life Threatening epidermal necrolysis, Side Effects Hypokalemia, pruritis,
Mechanism allow leakage
pancreatitis Common swelling, erythema
Treatment of various
Hypersensitivity, acute liver Life Threatening Hypoglycemia, anaphylaxis
Indication cutaneous fungal infection
Contraindication disease, hx of hepatitis Hypoglycemia, allergy,
Side Effects Burning, itchy, local
S/Sx of DRESS, rash, hepatic Common hypersensitivity, red, stingy Contraindication hypersensitivity to insulin
Assessment fxn, toxicity Life Threatening 0 Hypo/hyperglycemia, body
Treatment for 6m-2y, avoid Contraindication Assessment weight, BG, Hg1Ac, potassium
Patient alcohol, Notify: hepatitis, no Proper admin, no sharing, not
Skin & mucous membrane
Teaching Swiss/Cheshire cheese a cure, monitor BG & ketones,
Assessment before, after & during
Take full course, may stain, Patient compliance, diet & exerciser,
ISOTONIC SOLUTIONS Patient Athlete’s foot, should wear Teaching med alert, Notify: before
When solutions on both sides Teaching well fitted/vented shoes, no treatment or surgery,
of a selectively permeable nail polish, report irritation pregnancy
membrane are equal in
Mechanism/Uses Normal Saline – fluid Xalatan Eye Preparation
replacement for hemorrhage, (Cholac, Consilac) Laxative
 water content to soften stool Reduces intraocular pressure
dehydration, severe vomiting, Mechanism (IOP) by  outflow of aqueous
diarrhea, heavy drainage, Mechanism &  pH of the colon to inhibit
ammonia diffusion humour
blood products, mild Open angle glaucoma, ocular
hyponatremia (Na+), metabolic Chronic constipation, manage
Indication portal systemic (hepatic) Indication HTN & elevated IOP
acidosis Headache, rash, dry eye, vision
Contraindication Cardiac and renal disease encephalopathy (PSE)
Belching (burps), cramps, Side Effects disturbance, pain, irritation,
LR (Ringer’s Lactate) – Common tearing, photophobia, 
burn/trauma, acute blood loss, Side Effects flatulence, distention (bloating),
Common diarrhea, hyperglycemia brown pigment
Mechanism/Uses hypovolemia, (3rd space), GI Life Threatening 0
loss, fistula drainage, (diabetics)
0 or no life-threatening side Hypersensitivity, pregnant,
electrolyte loss, metabolic Contraindication
Life Threatening effects intraocular infection,
Can’t give met lactate (liver Patients in low-galactose diet, conjunctivitis
Contraindication disease) lactic acidosis, severe Contraindication diabetics Withhold if acute
metabolic acidosis or alkalosis Abdominal distention, stool inflammation,  pigment of
pH > 7.5 RF Assessment characteristics, BG in DM, Assessment iris &  eyelid, 7 eyelash may
D5W (Dextrose 5% in water) – serum electrolytes happen over months→ years
Mechanism/Uses free water for kidneys,  fluid intake, fiber, and Eye receiving treatment
mobility should be aware of
Patient hyperpigmentation, no T4, Synthroid, Eltroxin Preparations Seizure, Cardiac arrest,
Teaching breastfeeding, contact HCP if Replacement/supplementation Life Threatening anaphylaxis
ocular rxn occurs, incl of endogenous thyroid 3rd degree heart block, Wolff-
conjunctivitis, eyelid rxn hormones to  metabolic rate, Contraindication Parkinson-White syndrome
Mechanism gluconeogenesis, utilize & Degree of numbness, pain at
LEVOFLOXACIN ANTI-INFECTIVE/ mobilization of glycogen, Assessment site during therapy
Fluoroquinolones stimulate protein synthesis, cell Patient No water with patch, start 
growth/differentiation, brain & Teaching dose, no heat ( absorption)
Mechanism Inhibit bacterial DNA synthesis
CNS dev’t
UTI, gonorrhea, GU, RTI, acute
Hypothyroidism, goiter LINAGLIPTIN ANTI-DIABETIC/
exacerbations of chronic
Indication prevention & Tx, thyroid CA Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 Inhibitor
bronchitis, pneumonia, Tradjenta
(only excessive doses)
Indication skin/structure & joint  incretin levels by inhibiting DPP-
Side Effects headache, tachycardia, angina,
infection, diarrhea, intra- 4, w/c  insulin release & 
Common colds, weight loss, arrhythmia,
abdominal infection, post- Mechanism glucagon levels to improve
irritable, insomnia
exposure anthrax & plague intestinal; release & regulation of
Life Threatening 0
Dizziness, headache, insomnia, hormones
Side Effects diarrhea, nausea, abdominal Contraindication Recent MI, hyperthyroid
Adjunctive treatment of DM2 along
Common pain, agitation, vasodilation, Apical pulse & BP (before &
Indication w/ exercise, diet
myalgia, tremor, phlebitis during), blood glucose (diabetic)
Side Effects Hypoglycemia, bronchial
 ICP, seizure, suicidal Assessment Toxic: (hyperthyroid,
Common hyperactivity,  lipase
Life Threatening tendencies, Torsades, hepatic tachycardia, chest pain, tremor,
Pancreatitis, angioedema,
toxicity, C.Diff, SJS, anaphylaxis weight loss)
Life anaphylaxis, urticaria,
Myasthenia Gravis, IA Same time everyday
Threatening bronchospasm
Contraindication antiarrhythmia, end stage Life-long Tx
4h between antacids, Ca+ & iron DM1, Diabetic-ketoacidosis,
CKD, QT prolong Contra- Sitagliptin/Alogliptin/Saxogliptin
Patient Importance of F/U Tx
Sx anaphylaxis, bowel fxn, rash indication sensitivity
Teaching Notify: missed 2-3 consecutive
Assessment (SJS), suicide, sx peripheral
doses, headache, diarrhea, Sx hypoglycemia (abdominal pain,
neuropathy, C&S, sx infection
nervousness, excessive sweat, hunger, weakness,
Monitor for behavior changes, Assessment tachycardia, dizziness), Sx of
always complete course,  sweating, other thyroid Sx
pancreatitis ( N&V, severe
fluids 1500-2000mL/day to abdominal pain, anorexia),
prevent crystalluria, antacids arthralgia,  uric acid
Patient  absorption, dizziness, LIDOCAINE (Topical) ANESTHETIC/ ANTI-
Long-term therapy, do not share
Teaching drowsiness, (wait to drive), (Betacaine, Cathejell, Glydo) (Local) ARRHYTHMIC
medication, follow diet/lifestyle
Stop immediately at Sx of Produces local anesthetic by changes, Sx of
peripheral neuropathy, Notify: inhibiting transport of ions Patient hyper/hypoglycemia,
Hx of QT prolongation, Mechanism across neuronal membranes to Teaching Hypoglycemia: drink OJ w/
Theophylline, fever, diarrhea prevent initiation & conduction sugar/honey, Notify: Pancreatitis:
(w/ pus, blood, mucous), rash, of normal nerve impulses rash, hive, blisters, facial swelling,
suicidal tendencies, Infiltration/mucosal/topical pregnancy, breastfeeding
superinfection, jaundice, Indication anesthetic, postherpetic
Side Effects Confusion, dizziness, LISINOPRIL ANTI-HTN/
Common drowsiness, agitated, stinging Prinivil ACE Inhibitors
Blocks conversion of Contraindication depletion, Brugada syndrome, Patient Frequent mouth rinses, oral
Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II, use only when blood/tx can be Teaching hygiene, sugarless gum for dry
Mechanism  aldosterone levels & closely monitored mouth
prevents bradykinin Mental status, I/O, renal & Avoid alcohol & CNS depression
degradation to cause systemic Assessment thyroid fxn, serum lithium 2x Notify: diarrhea persists, fever,
vasodilation weekly & q2m S/Sx lithium abdominal pain, distention
Indication  risk of death/HF after MI toxicity (vomit, poop, slurring)
Cough, hypotension, taste Take dose ASAP (unless w/in LORAZEPAM BENZODIAZEPINE/Anesthetic
Side Effects disturbance, hyperkalemia, 2h of next dose), avoid driving,
(Ativan) Anti-anxiety/Sedative
Common edema, dizziness, fatigue, low Na+ can predispose to
Potentiates GABA causing CNS
flushing, pruritis, N&V, Patient toxicity, weight gain may
Mechanism depression
tachycardia Teaching happen, knows S/Sx of toxicity,
Indication Anxiety disorders
Life Threatening Agranulocytosis, angioedema use alternative contraception,
Notify: pregnancy, tx/surgery, Side Effects Dizziness, drowsiness, lethargy,
Hx of angioedema, Aliskiren,
fainting irregular pulse, Common headache, forgetfulness
Contraindication Sacubitril
dyspnea Life Threatening Apnea, cardiac arrest
HTN assessment, monitor
Hypersensitivity, cross
Assessment weight, S/Sx of angioedema
sensitivity with benzos, CNS
No double dose, avoid salt LOPERAMIDE ANTI- Contraindication depression, uncontrolled severe
subs, slow position changes, (Imodium) DIARRHEAL pain, angle closure glaucoma,
avoid high potassium, Notify:
Inhibit peristalsis & prolong severe hypotension, sleep
Patient rash, mouth sores, sore throat,
Mechanism transit time by effecting nerves apnea
Teaching fever, swelling Diabetic:
in intestinal wall,  fecal Anxiety, dependence, epilepsy,
monitor BG regularly, teach
volume,  viscosity & bulk to  Assessment toxicity
how to monitor BP, extra
fluids & electrolytes loses No skipping or double doses,
Acute diarrhea, chronic usually short term,  gradually,
Indication diarrhea, from Inflammatory Patient coping skills, no driving
LITHIUM CARBONATE MOOD STABILIZER/ Bowel Disease-IBD,  ileostomy Teaching Avoid alcohol and other CNS
Carbolith, Duralith Anti-manic Agents drainage depressants
Alters cation transport in Drowsiness, constipation, Notify: pregnancy
Mechanism nerve & muscle Side Effects dizziness, abdominal pain, dry
Manic episodes of Bipolar Common mouth, syncope
Indication Disorder (I), manic depressive Cardiac arrest, QT prolong,
illness (tx, maint, prophylaxis) Life Threatening Torsade, Ventricular arrhythmia
Px who can’t get constipated, Antacids, in decreasing order
Fatigue, headache, impaired
Contraindication unknown cause Mechanism of their ability to neutralize a
memory, ECG changes,
Abdominal pain, alcohol given amount of acid, ex: Mg+
Side Effects abdominal pain, anorexia,
intolerance salts,  serum Mg+ levels
Common bloating diarrhea, nausea,
Frequency & consistency, bowel Mineral supplement used to
polyuria, acneiform eruption,
Assessment sound before & after, fluid & prevent and treat low
folliculitis, hypothyroidism,
electrolyte balance Indication amounts of Mg+ in the blood.
leukocytosis, weakness,
Mg+ is very important for the
tremor No double doses
normal functioning of cells,
Life Threatening Seizure Do not exceed max dose
nerves, muscles, bones, and
Hypersensitivity, CV/renal dse, Causes drowsiness (no driving)
the heart.
dehydration, debilitated, Na+
- Stomach upset and diarrhea Hypoglycemia: Drink OJ with driving, slow position changes,
may occur. sugar/honey then get help cough/turn/breath Q2h,
- Serious Allergic Reactions: Patient Test BG and ketones regularly Patient Notify: arrhythmia, OD
Side Effects rash, itching/swelling Teaching Always carry sugar (juice, Teaching (difficult/shallow breathing,
Common (especially of the candy) extreme fatigue, blurry vision,
face/tongue/throat), severe Follow ups are important confusion)
dizziness, trouble breathing. Notify: acidosis (chills, diarrhea,
Life Threatening Cardiac arrest, silica renal dizziness, low BP, muscle pain,
stones abdominal pain,  HR, SOB) ANTINEOPLASTIC,ANTI
Hypermagnesemia, renal
Contraindication calculi, V-fib, Mg+ supplements ANTIRHEUMATIC DRUGS (DMARDS)/
Mg+ supplement replacement, Opioid Agonist
Dolophine, Metadol Interferes with folic acid
BP, ECG, pulse, IV site, antacid
Binds to opiate receptors in metabolism. Result in
Assessment use, serum level, toxicity, bone
Mechanism CNS to alter pain perception & inhibition of DNA synthesis &
pain, stomach pain, confusion,
 CNS Mechanism cell reproduction (cell-cycle S-
muscle weakness, high BP,
Moderate-severer pain phase specific), has
abnormal rhythm
(chronic) in opioid tolerant px immunosuppressive activity,
Taking this product with a
Indication that require round the clock tx death of rapidly replicating
Patient meal helps to reduce these
but other methods are cells.
Teaching effects. If either of these
ineffective (ER=extended Tx of Trophoblastic neoplasms
effects persist or worsen, tell
release) Indication (choriocarcinoma,
your doctor or pharmacist
Confusion, sedation, chorioadenoma destruens,
Side Effects hypotension, constipation, hydatidform mole), severe
Common blurred vision, urinary psoriasis, RA unresponsive to
METFORMIN ANTI-DIABETIC/ retention, N&V, flushing conventional tx,
(Glycon, Fortamet) Biguanides sweating Dizziness, headache, malaise,
 hepatic glucose production, Respiratory depression, drowsiness, blurred vision,
Mechanism intestinal glucose absorption, & Life Threatening Torsades Side Effects dysarthria, anorexia,
 insulin sensitivity Respiratory depression, Common hepatotoxicity, stomatitis,
DM2 mgm’t with lifestyle Contraindication acute/severe bronchial N&V, alopecia, rashes,
Indication changes, insulin, & PO hypogly asthma, paralytic ileus, alcohol leukopenia, anemia,
Side Effects Abdominal bloating, diarrhea, intolerance, concurrent MAOIs thrombocytopenia,
Common N&V, metallic taste, Vit B12 def Pain (before & 1-2h after), BP, nephropathy
Life Threatening Lactic acidosis pulse, RR, bowel fxn, Life Threatening Aplastic Anemia
Metabolic acidosis, severe renal physical/psychological Anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity
Contraindication impairment, iodine contrast, Hx Assessment dependence, hx of heart dse, Contraindication to methotrexate, severe renal
of liver dse, alcohol, heart opioid impairment, ESRD w/out
failure, hepatic impairment addiction/abuse/misuse, dialysis
IV / Sulfonylureas (Sx hypogly), opioid detox (irritable, runny Dermatologic toxicity, sx of
Assessment acidosis, folic acid, & Vit B12 nose/eyes, cramps/aches, Assessment hematologic toxicity, S&Sx of
Same time daily, helps control tremors, dilated pupils) infections, fever, dyspnea,
hypergly NOT cure How & when to take hypoxemia, S&Sx liver & renal
Follow lifestyle changes, Sx medication, consult if dose is failure
hyper/hypoglycemia ineffective after weeks, no
Regular blood work, Notify: if Fatigue, weakness, erectile Hypersensitivity, 1st trimester
Patient kidney problem present, Side Effects dysfunction, dry mouth, Contraindication pregnancy, hx of blood
Teaching getting radiation, diarrhea, Common flatulence, nervousness, dyscrasias, hx of seizure,
N&V, bowel problems, new & anxiety, bronchospasms, neurologic problems
worsening condition, avoid wheezing Assess for infection, V/S,
driving, no alcohol Bradycardia, HF, pulmonary appearance of wound, sputum,
Life Threatening edema urine & stool @ beginning &
Uncompensated HF, pulmonary throughout tx, C&S, neuro
Thiazide-like Diuretic edema, cardiogenic shock, Assessment status, I/O, daily weight, D/C tx:
bradycardia, heart block severe fever, malaise, fatigue,
Inhibit sodium reabsorption in
Contraindication Monitor BP, ECG, pulse, muscle/joint aches, blisters, oral
Mechanism distal tubule to  Na+
frequency of refills, vitals, & lesions, conjunctivitis, hepatitis,
& H2O excretion,  Cl-
ECG q 5-15 mins and/or eosinophilia, AST/ALT &
K+ Mg+ HCO- excretion
Administer Atropine if HR < 40 LDH tests
Mild-moderate HTN, edema
bpm Take as directed, no alcohol,
Indication from HF/nephrotic syndrome
Monitor I/O, daily weight, S/S of may cause dizziness, no driving,
Hypokalemia, hyperuricemia,
Assessment HF, angina, BG  Patient metallic taste, frequent mouth
Side Effects drowsiness, lethargy, chest Teaching rinse, sugarless gum/candy for
NEVER stop abruptly
Common pain, dehydration dry mouth, can cause urine to
Missed dose up to 8h before
Life Threatening 0 turn dark
Patient next dose
Sulfonamide sensitivity, Teaching Teach how to check pulse Notify: rash, sx of
Contraindication anuria, hypersensitivity Don’t drive Diabetics: Monitor superinfection, pregnancy
BP, I/O, daily weight, feet/legs, Slow position changes sugar
Assessment Digoxin usage (K+), Notify: for signs of HF closely
electrolyte imbalance Myrbetriq SPASMODICS/β-Adrenergic Agonist
Same time daily, monitor METRONIDAZOLE ANTI-INFECTIVES, ANTI- Acts as a selective beta-3
weight biweekly, use (Flagyl, Nidagel) PROTOZOALS/Anti-ulcer adrenergic agonist,  bladder
Patient sunscreen/glasses/clothes, Disrupts DNA & protein Mechanism capacity by relaxing detrusor
Teaching additional HTn intervention, synthesis in susceptible smooth muscle during storage
weekly BP, Notify: weakness, Mechanism organisms, bactericidal, phase or bladder fill-void cycle,
cramps, N&V, diarrhea, trichomonacidal, or amebicidal  symptoms of OAB
dizziness action Overactive bladder (OAB), incl
PO/IV: Tx of anaerobic inf: intra- Indication urge incontinence, urgency, &
abdominal, gynecologic, frequency
ANTI-HTN/β-blocker Indication skin&skin struct inf, LRTI, CNS,  BP, tachycardia,
(Lopressor, Betaloc) septicemia, endocarditis, (IV): Side Effects nasopharyngitis, constipation,
Decreases HR & BP by blocking peri-operative prophylactic Common diarrhea, nausea, UTI, dizziness,
Mechanism β1 (myocardial) adrenergic agent in colorectal surgery headache
receptors Dizziness, headache, aseptic Life Threatening Angioedema
HTN, angina, MI prevention, HF Side Effects meningitis (IV), psychosis Hypersensitivity, severe
mgm’t, ventricular arrhythmia, Common Abdominal pain, anorexia, N&V, Contraindication uncontrolled HTN, ESRD, severe
Indication migraine prophylaxis, tremor, diarrhea, dry mouth, phlebitis hepatic impairment
aggression, drug induced @ IV site Monitor for S/Sx angioedema:
akathisia Life Threatening Stevens-Johnson syndrome swelling of face, lips, larynx, D/C
and treat symptomatically, Take meds as directed, gradual Notify: pain control NOT
Assessment assess for urinary urgency,  is req’d, use bronchod 1st adequate or severe side
monitor BP Patient before corticosteroid effects occur
Take as directed, missed dose Teaching (inhalation), use reg PEFR
ASAP, may cause in BP, monitoring
Patient dizziness, avoid driving Notify: S/S hypersensitivity rxs, SUPPLEMENT
sore throat or mouth sores,
Centrum, One-A-Day
Teaching Notify: Rx/OTC/herbal, difficulty
pregnancy planned or Used to help growth and good
emptying bladder, plan or
suspected, breastfeeding Mechanism health
suspected pregnancy,
breastfeeding, Sx of UTI, Treatment & prevention of
tachycardia Indication vitamin deficiency due to poor
MORPHINE *High Alert Meds* OPIOID ANALGESICS/ diet or certain illnesses
Doloral, M-Ediat Opioid Agonists Side Effects Constipation, dark stools,
MOMETASONE ANTI-ASTHMATIC/ Binds to opiate receptors in Common N&V, abdominal pain
(Asmanex) Corticosteroids Mechanism the CNS, producing Life Threatening Overdose
Potent, locally acting anti- generalized CNS depression, Impaired renal function,
inflammatory & immune severity of pain Contraindication nephrolithiasis
Mechanism modifier,  freq & severity of Severe pain, round-the-clock Assess for allergic reaction to
asthma attacks, improves Indication long-term opioid tx & Assessment the drug, Inform MD of Rx
asthma symptoms alternative tx are inadequate, drugs, OTC, herbal
Maint. tx of asthma,  need for pulmonary edema, pain assoc Take accdg. to recommended
Indication systemic corticosteroid in px w/ w/ MI Patient daily allowance, take with
asthma Side Effects Hypotension, constipation, Teaching meals to avoid stomach upset,
Headache, dysphonia, Common confusion, sedation signs of allergic reaction: rash,
Side Effects hoarseness, diarrhea, dry Respiratory depression (incl: hives, itching, wheezing
Common mouth, bronchospasm, cough, Life Threatening central sleep apnea & sleep
wheeze, dizziness related hypoxemia)
Hypersensitivity rxn incl Hypersensitivity: Monoxycarbolic Acids
Life Threatening anaphylaxis, laryngeal edema, Tartrazine/Bisulfites/Alcohol, Bactroban, Centany
urticaria, & bronchospasm Contraindication acute, mild, Inhibits bacterial protein
Hypersensitivity or intolerance intermittent/postop pain, Mechanism synthesis
to drug or milk proteins, acute respi depression, acute/severe Treatment of impetigo, 2°
Contraindication attack of asthma/status BA, paralytic ileus Indication infection on skin
asthmaticus, active untx’d Type, location & intensity of lesions/eradicate MRSA nasal
infection, diabetes or glaucoma Assessment pain, *High-Alert*: LOC, BP, colonization
Respi status, lung sounds, PFTs, pulse, RR, Topical: burning, itching, pain,
sx of adrenal insuff (anorexia, physical/psychological Side Effects stinging, Nasal: headache,
nausea, weakness, fatigue, dependence, bowel fxn, risk Common cough, pharyngitis, rhinitis,
Assessment hypotension, hypogly), for opioid addiction URT congestion
withdrawal sx: (joint/muscular How & when to ask for pain Life Threatening 0
pain, depression), S/S meds, may cause withdrawal Hypersensitivity to
hypersensitivity rxns: (rash, sx if D/C abruptly, known Contraindication Mupirocin/Polyethylene Glycol
pruritus, swelling of face, neck, Patient abuse potential, recognize Assessment Lesions before & after
dyspnea) Teaching respiratory depression & call
911, slow position changes,
Correct application, hygiene to Life Threatening 0 who have a high risk of getting
Patient prevent spread of impetigo, Recent MI, severe/worse severe COVID-19, including
Teaching don’t touch eyes Contraindication angina/CV dse, pregnancy hospitalization or death
Smoking hx, Withdrawal Sx: Altered sense of taste,
(irritable, drowsy, fatigue) Side Effects diarrhea, vomiting, headache,
Assessment Toxicity: (N&V, diarrhea, Common high blood pressure, muscle
auditory & visual changes, aches
Analgesic, anti-pyretic, anti-
SOB) Kidney, liver problems,
Mechanism inflammatory by inhibiting
Encourage cessation Life Threatening hepatitis, hepatotoxicity,
prostaglandin synthesis &
programs, proper disposal, resistance to HIV medicines,
Gum: 1 pc when craving till it pregnancy, breastfeeding
Mild-moderate pain, fever,
tingles→ then squirrel in Hypersensitivity to
& inflammation, conditions
cheek, avoid food/drink w/in nirmatrelvir and/or ritonavir
Indication like RA & OA,
Patient 15mins before & after Patch: PAXLOVID IS NOT approved for
Side Effects Indigestion, headache,
Teaching apply same time daily on any of the following:
Common drowsiness
torso/arm, apply & press 10 Contraindication - To treat patients who are
GI bleeding, hepatotoxicity, secs, no more than 10 patches, hospitalized due to severe or
Life Threatening bleeding disorder wash w/ soap & water, critical COVID-19.
Aspirin sensitive, asthma, red/itch/burn should go away - To prevent COVID-19.
Contraindication diuretics, HTN, nasal polyps w/in 1h Spray: Tilt back head - To be used for longer than 5
Asthma/allergy/nasal & don’t inhale/sniff when days in a row.
Assessment polyps,  risks of spraying For use in children and
hypersensitivity, pain adolescents less than 18 years
assessment, fever, PTT, GI of age
S&Sx of anaphylaxis, BP,
With full glass of water & sit Paxlovid Anti-viral combinations
Stimulant Assessment respiratory abnormalities, V/S
up at least 30 mins, avoid COVID-19 is caused by aLaxative
Notify: Rx/OTC/herbals,
Patient Teaching alcohol, GI irritants, called a coronavirus.
serious illness, S&Sx of allergy,
Acetaminophen, Salicylates PAXLOVID contains two
pregnancy, contraceptives, if
concurrently for days at time antiviral medicines co-
Patient better or worse after 5 days.
Mechanism packaged together,
Teaching Do not chew, break or crush,
nirmatrelvir and ritonavir.
NICOTINE Can be taken with or w/out
Nicorette, Nicoderm food, Take missed dose ASAP,
multiplying. This can help your
Source of nicotine for Do not stop w/out talking to
body to overcome the virus
Mechanism controlled withdrawal MRP
infection and may help you get
Adjunct treatment for smoking better faster
Indication withdrawal used in adults to treat mild to NITROGLYCERIN ANTI-ANGINAL
Spray: (headache, insomnia, moderate COVID-19 in Nitroject, Trinipatch AGENTS/Nitrates
pharyngitis, nasopharyngitis) patients who: Opioid
Nitroglycerin forms free Agonists
Side Effects Patch: (burning at site, - have a positive result from a Mechanism radical nitric oxide. In smooth
Common erythema, pruritis, severe acute respiratory muscle, nitric oxide produces
tachycardia),  appetite  Indication syndrome coronavirus 2 vasodilation, more prominent
salivation, nervousness, (SARS-CoV-2) viral test and on veins, may modestly
afterload, dilates coronary Patient sensitivity to drug, sx of skin Serotonin syndrome, Torsade
arteries Teaching irritation, prolonged GI effects Life Threatening de pointe, Stevens Johnson
Treatment/prevention of synd, toxic epidermal necrolysis
Indication angina pectoris
Hypotension, peripheral Anti-ulcer Agent
Side Effects edema, syncope, abdominal Contraindication phenylketonuria, congenital
Binds to enzyme on gastric
Common pain, dizziness, diaphoresis long QT syndrome,
Mechanism parietal cells to prevent final
Life Threatening Severe hypotension & shock, apomorphine
transport of hydrogen ions
paradoxical bradycardia & N&V, abdominal distension,
GERD & ulcers in heartburn ≥
angina pectoris bowel sounds, Extrapyramidal
Indication 2x/week
Nitrate allergy, acute syndrome side effects
Abdominal pain, dizziness, Monitor: ECG (hypokalemia,
Contraindication circulatory failure or shock,
Side Effects fatigue, headache, weakness,
early MI, ICP, severe anemia Assessment hypomagnesemia, heart failure,
Common chest pain, flatulence, bradycardia, meds that prolong
BP, HR, cardiac status, GI
hypoMg, Vit 12 deficiency QT)
Assessment disturbances,
Life Threatening C.Diff S/S of serotonin syndrome
Ask patient if allergic to
Hypersensitivity to Losec & Rash / SJS
adhesive, Note: Rx meds, OTC,
Contraindication Benzimidazoles, use of Notify: Irregular heartbeat,
Patient herbal, health problems,
Rilpivirine Patient serotonin synd, involuntary eye
Teaching alternate patch site, do not
Epigastric/abdominal pain, Teaching movements, face, limbs
start/stop or change the dose
Assessment bowel fxn,  liver enzyme, INR
w/out checking the doctor
& prothrombin, hypo Mg
Take full course of meds, no OXYCODONE OPIOID ANALGESICS/
NYSTATIN (TOPICAL) OxyContin, Supeudol Opioid Agonists
double dose, avoid driving, St
Nyamyc, Nystop John’s Wort can impact Binds to opiate receptors in
Binds to sterols in fungal cell Patient absorption, avoid NSAIDs, Mechanism CNS to alter perception of pain
membrane, changing cell wall Teaching alcohol & aspirin, & foods  & depress CNS
Mechanism permeability, allowing for GI upset, Notify: black, tarry Moderate-severe pain
leakage of cellular contents, stool, diarrhea, abdominal Indication requiring long-term 24/7 Tx
sx of fungal infection persistent headache, where alternative treatments
Tx of fungal infection of feet, pregnancy are ineffective
Indication candidiasis Side Effects Confusion, sedation,
Burning, itching, local Common constipation, urinary retention
Side Effects hypersensitivity rxn, redness, 5-HT3 Receptor Antagonist Life Threatening Respiratory depression
Common stinging, diarrhea, N&V, Alcohol/bisulfate intolerance,
Blocks vagal nerve terminal (5-
stomach pain, contact Contraindication respiratory distress, paralytic
Mechanism HT3 or serotonin) &
dermatitis, SJS, GI irritation, ileus, acute/severe BA,
chemoreceptor in the CNS
sensitization acute/mild/postop pain
N&V caused by chemotherapy,
Life Threatening 0 Pain (before & 1h after), BP,
Indication radiation, post-op
Contraindication Hypersensitivity to nystatin pulse, RR,
Headache, constipation Assessment physical/psychological
Determine that cause of
Side Effects diarrhea, abdominal pain, dry dependence, bowel fxn, risk
Assessment infection is fungal. Avoid skin
Common mouth,  liver enzyme, EPS for addiction
contact when applying
Teach patient proper hygiene, How/when to take medication,
take full course, Notify: local known abuse potential, no
Patient driving, slow position changes, inhibitory pathways in CNS. IMs, hold pressure at sites for
Teaching no alcohol/CNS depressants, Antipyresis is produced from 5mins PTT monitoring
cough/deep breathing/turn inhibition of the hypothalamic Take missed dose ASAP (unless
Q2h, Notify: pregnancy heat-regulating center Patient time for next dose) no IM
Management of severe pain Teaching injection, use soft toothbrush,
Indication w/c alternative tx options are no flossing, electric razor,
Anti-ulcer Agent inadequate Notify: unusual/sudden
(Pantoloc, Mylan)
Dizziness, N&V, skin rash, bleeds/bruises, blood in pee,
Prevents final transport of H+
Side Effects drowsiness, liver enzyme, black, tarry stool, extra heavy
Mechanism ions into gastric lumen by
Common constipation, hepatotoxicity flow
binding to an enzyme when
CNS depression, respiratory
acidic gastric pH is present
Erosive esophagitis, GERD,
Hypersensitivity to oxycodone
Indication healing erosive esophagitis, Tazocin, Zosyn Extended Spectrum Penicillins
Contraindication & acetaminophen
gastric hypersecretory, H. Pylori Binds to cell wall of bacteria
Pain, respi & mental status,
Headache, abdominal pain, w/ a wider spectrum than
BP, bowel fxn, S&Sx of misuse,
Side Effects diarrhea, flatulence, hypergly, Mechanism most penicillins, Tazobactam
Assessment abuse & addiction, S&Sx of
Common hypomagnesemia, B12 def, inhibits beta-lactamase that
hypogonadism &
bone fracture destroys penicillin
Life Threatening Clostridium Difficile Assoc Appendicitis, peritonitis,
Risk for addiction, abuse &
Diarrhea (CDAD) Indication skin/structure infection,
Patient misuse, breathing problems
Hypersensitivity to gyneco, community-
Teaching (SOB), Notify: pregnancy, Rx
Contraindication Rabeprazole/ Benzimidazoles acquired/HA pneumonia
drugs, OTC, herbals, do not
Epigastric/abdominal pain, Side Effects Diarrhea, rash (CF), pain,
take w/ alcohol
Assessment bloody stool, hypomagnesemia, Common phlebitis, bleeding, lethargy
bowel function Seizure (high dose), C,Diff,
Take full course PHYTONADIONE FAT-SOL VIT/ general exanthematous
Avoid: alcohol, aspirin, NSAIDs, Vitamin K Antidote Vitamins Life Threatening pustule, DRESS, SJS, TEN,
Patient foods causing GI irritation, OTC Required for hepatic synthesis anaphylaxis, serum sickness
Teaching drugs Mechanism of prothrombin (Factor II), VII, ( in CF)
Notify: black, tarry stool, IX, & X to prevent bleeding Cephalosporin/Penicillin/Beta-
abdominal pain, rash, diarrhea, Prevention & treatment of Contraindication lactam/Tazo sensitivity
cramping, pregnancy Indication hypoprothrombinemia assoc Infection Sx, drug hx, C&S
w/ anticoags, salicylates, anti- anaphylaxis, bowel fxn, skin
infectives, nutritional deficit Assessment rxn, sx DRESS (fever, rash, face
GI upset, unusual taste, swelling),  H&H,
OxyIR, OxyNEO Opioid Analgesic
hyperglycemia, abnormal
Side Effects flushing, rash,
Oxycodone: Binds to opiate Na+/K+/Ca+
Common hyperbilirubinemia, urticaria,
receptors in the CNS, causing
hemolytic anemia Report sx of superinfection,
inhibition of ascending pain
Life Threatening 0 Patient Notify: fever, diarrhea (w/ pus,
pathways, produces
Hypersensitivity to Benzyl Teaching blood, mucous)
generalized CNS depression
Contraindication alcohol (IV only)
Mechanism Acetaminophen: analgesic
effect dur to activation of
hypovolemic shock/internal (PEG 3350, Lax-a-Day, Restoralax) Osmotics
descending serotonergic
Assessment bleeding, avoid unnecessary
(In sol’n) acts as an osmotic to Fe products, peptic ulcer, weakness, paresthesia,
Mechanism agent, drawing H2O into the severe hepatic, renal confusion)
lumen of GI tract, evacuation of impairment Do not double dose
GI tract w/out H2O or Nutritional status, dietary hx, Correct method of med admin,
electrolyte imbalance Assessment assess bowel fxn for Patient avoid salt subs, low salt diet,
Indication Tx of occasional constipation constipation or diarrhea, Teaching comply w/ recommended daily
Side Effects Urticaria, abdominal bloating, monitor hematocrit & diet. Report: dark, tarry stool,
Common cramping, flatulence, nausea reticulocyte, serum ferritin and Importance of follow up
Life Threatening 0 Fe levels, occult blood in stools
GI obstruction, gastric Explain purpose of Fe tx, comply
Contraindication distention, toxic colitis, w/ meds, take missed dose Corticosteroid (systemic)
Orapred, Omnipred
megacolon, bowel perforation Patient ASAP w/in 12h, do not double
Suppress inflammation &
Abdominal distention, bowel Teaching dose, stools may become dark
Mechanism normal immune response
Assessment sounds, pattern of bowel fx’n, green or black, follow diet high
in Fe Systemic & local use for
COCA of stool
Indication chronic inflammation, allergy,
2-4 days before bowel
hematologic, neoplastic &
movement, best result 1-2 KCl+ (ORAL) MINERAL & ELECTROLYTE autoimmune
weeks of use, not be used > 2 Klor-Con, Micro-K REPLACEMENT/Supplement Depression, euphoria, HTN,
Patient wks, prolonged, freq use =
Maintain A/B balance, Side Effects anorexia, N&V, ecchymoses,
Teaching electrolyte imbalance & laxative
isotonicity & electro- Common fragile, hirsutism, petechiae,
Mechanism physiologic balance of the cell, adrenal suppression, muscle
Notify: unusual cramps,
activator in enzymatic rx’ns, wasting, osteoporosis,
bloating or diarrhea
replacement, prevention of Cushingoid appearance
deficiency Peptic ulcer,
POLYSACCHARIDE IRON ANTI-ANEMIC/Iron Indication Tx or prevention of K+ depletion Life Threatening pheochromocytoma,
(Hytinic, Niferex, Nu-Iron) supplement Abdominal pain, diarrhea, thromboembolism
Essential mineral found in Hb, Side Effects flatulence, N&V, confusion, Meningitis, live vaccines,
myoglobin, & many enzymes, Common paralysis, paresthesia, Contraindication lactation
enters the bloodstream & is restlessness, weakness System assessment, adrenal
Mechanism transported to the organs of the Life Threatening Arrhythmias insufficiency (weight loss,
reticuloendothelial system HyperK+, severe renal Assessment weakness, vomiting), I/O, daily
(liver, spleen, bone impairment, untreated weight, peripheral edema,
marrow)where it becomes part Addison’s disease, respiratory sounds,
of iron stores, resolution or Contraindication hypersensitivity/intolerance to hyperglycemia
prevention of Iron def anemia Tartrazine (FDC yellow dye #5), Take missed dose ASAP,
PO tx & prevention of Fe def cardiac disease, DM, hypoMg+, stopping abruptly can cause
Indication anemia K+ sparring drugs adrenal insufficiency, avoid
N&V, constipation, dark stools, S/S of hypoK+ (weakness, grapefruit,
Side Effects epigastric pain, GI bleeding, fatigue, U wave on ECG, Patient immunosuppression,
Common dizziness, headache, syncope arrhythmia, polyuria, Teaching refrigerate, consult HCP
Life Threatening 0 Assessment polydidpsia), hyperK+, maintain before/after vaccines,
Anemia not due to Fe def, serum K+ before & during tx, Diabetics: monitor BG more
hemochromatosis, hyperK+ (slow, irregular often, Notify: chicken
Contraindication hemosiderosis, hypersensitivity heartbeat, fatigue, muscle pox/measles exposure,
underlying diagnosis gets Dizziness, weight gain, EPS, Patient sx hyper/hypoglycemia, no
worse/returns, ASAP for tardive dyskinesia, Teaching breastfeeding
severe abdominal pain & Side Effects palpitations, edema,
black, tarry stools Common hyperglycemia, dyspnea,
cognitive impairment, rhinitis, STABILIZER/Benzisoxazoles
dry mouth
Neuroleptic malignant
Mucil Laxative, Bulk-producing Mechanism dopamine in CNS,  sx of
Life Threatening syndrome, seizure,
Psyllium is a soluble fiber. It psychoses, bipolar mania or
pancreatitis, DRESS, SJS
Mechanism absorbs H2O in the intestine to autism
Contraindication Hypersensitivity
form viscous liquid w/c Schizophrenia in adult & ages
Mental status, suicidal
promotes peristalsis & Indication 13-17, short-term acute
tendency, BMI, BP (sitting,
transit time episodes (BP1)
standing, lying), not hoarding,
Relief & tx of constipation, to Aggressive behavior, dizziness,
Sx of EPS, TD, neuroleptic
Indication risk of CHD, as dietary EPS, headache, dream,
Assessment malignant synd, rash (SJS),
supplement Side Effects sleep duration, insomnia,
anemia, cholesterol,
Abdominal cramps, Common fatigue, pharyngitis, diarrhea,
respiratory depression, fall
Side Effects constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, libido, weight
risk, DRESS: (fever,
Common esophageal/intestinal gain, photosensitivity,
lymphedema, swelling),
obstruction, HTN, PKU rash/itch
regular blood glucose
Rectal bleeding, severe NMS, suicidal thoughts,
NOT for elderly w/ Dementia,
Life Threatening stomach pain Life Threatening agranulocytosis, anaphylaxis,
inform before & after EPS side
Hypersensitivity to psyllium, angioedema
Patient effects, slow position changes,
Contraindication fecal impaction, GI obstruction Teaching avoid extreme temperature Risperidone/Paliperidone
Bowel function, vital signs, changes, Notify: suicidal Contraindication sensitivity
Assessment abdominal sounds, S&Sx of thought, pregnancy Mental status, weight, BMI, BP
esophageal/intestinal (sitting, standing, lying),
obstruction hoarding, EPS, TD, NMS:
Notify: bowel block, belly pain, REPAGLINIDE ANTI-DIABETIC/ Assessment (fever, respiratory distress),
Patient allergy to psyllium, rectal Prandin Meglitinides tachycardia, seizure, sweating,
Teaching bleeding, upset stomach or BG levels by release of pallor, tiredness, fall risk,
change in bowel habits longer Mechanism insulin from pancreatic β cells AST & ALT, anemia, frequent
than 2 weeks Indication DM2 with diet & exercise CBCs
Headache, N&V, constipation, Possible EPS, slow position
Side Effects stomach pain, back pain, chest changes, no driving, sunscreen
QUETIAPINE ANTI-PSYCHOTIC/ Common pain Patient & sunglasses, F/U are
Seroquel Mood Stabilizer
Teaching important, Notify: suicidal
Pancreatitis, liver reactions,
Dopamine antagonist & thoughts, pregnancy, before
Life Threatening hypoglycemia
Mechanism serotonin antagonist, treatment/surgery
DM1, ketoacidosis,
histamine & alpha-adrenergic
Contraindication Gemfibrozil use, severe liver
receptors antagonists
dysfunction RIVAROXABAN
Schizophrenia, bipolar ANTI-COAGULANT/
BG monitoring, HbA1c, Sx of
Indication disorder, depression, acute Xarelto Anti-thrombotic, Factor Xa Inhibitor
Assessment hypoglycemia
mania, BP1 mgm’t
Take w/ meals hypoglycemia
chance, skip dose if not eating,
Selective factor X inhibitor that elevations in AST & ALT, dose or contents used within 2
Mechanism blocks active site of Xa to pregnancy, lactation weeks
inactivate the Intrinsic Cascade S&Sx of myopathy: muscle Rinse mouth
Prevent DVT ff hip/knee pain, weakness, fatigue, May alter taste
Indication replacement, Assessment dietary assessment, F/U with Clean mouthpiece min 1x /
stroke/systemic embolism in lipid panel w/in 2-4 wks of week
A.fib, PE prevention initiation
Side Effects Syncope, blister, pruritis, Used for bad cholesterol & SENNOSIDES
Common extremity pain, spasm good cholesterol (HDL), LAXATIVE/
Ex-lax, Senna Stimulant Laxative
Life Threatening Bleeding Patient monitor blood sugar, have
Alter water & electrolyte
Active major bleeding, severe Teaching blood works checked, avoid
Mechanism transport in large intestine to
renal impairment, prosthetic alcohol, follow diet & workout
accumulate water & stimulate
Contraindication valve, moderate-severe plan, Notify: allergic rection,
hepatic impairment, unstable liver dse, pregnancy,
Constipation associated w/
PE breastfeeding
Indication slow transit time, drugs, IBS,
Sx bleeding/hemorrhage,
Assessment monitor epidural catheters, SALBUTAMOL/ALBUTEROL BRONCHODILATOR/ Cramping, diarrhea, nausea,
AST/ALT, bilirubin/CGT,
(Ventolin) Adrenergic Side Effects pink/red, black/brown urine,
monitor renal function
Binds to β2 in airway smooth Common electrolyte abnormalies
Mechanism muscle to  intracellular Ca & Life Threatening 0
Teaching Report sx of bleeding,
relax bronchioles Hypersensitivity, Crohn’s dse,
Tx & prevention of Contraindication abdominal pain, rectal fissures,
ROSUVASTATIN LIPID-LOWERING AGENTS/ Indication bronchospasm in asthma & ulcerating hemorrhoids,
Crestor HMG CoA Reductase COPD alcohol intolerance
Inhibits 3-hydroxy-3- Inhibitors Side Effects Nerves, restlessness, tremor, Abdominal distention, bowel
Stimulant Laxative Common chest pain, palpitation, Assessment sounds, usual bowel pattern,
methylglutaryl coenzyme A
(MHG CoA) reductase, an hypokalemia color, consistency & amount of
enzyme w/c is responsible for Life Threatening Paradoxical bronchospasm stool
Mechanism catalyzing an early step in the (excessive use) Short-term use only, bulking
synthesis of cholesterol, Adrenergic amine Patient agent, may cause colorful
lowering total & LDL Contraindication hypersensitivity Teaching urine, avoid straining (cardiac
cholesterol & triglycerides, Lung sounds, BP, pulse (before dse), DO Not give laxatives w/
slows progression of coronary Assessment and at peak 60-90 mins), abdominal pain, N&V, of fever
atherosclerosis sputum, wheezing (paradoxical
Adjunctive management of 1° bronchospasm)
Indication hypercholesterolemia & mixed No double dosing or 
Januvia Enzyme Inhibitor
dyslipidemias frequency, careful observation
Inhibits the enzyme dipeptidyl
Weakness, abdominal pain, after 1st dose from new
peptidase-4 (DPP-4), w/c slows
Side Effects constipation, nausea, rash, cannister, prime with 4 sprays,
the inactivation of incretin
Common myalgia Patient discard after 200 sprays
Mechanism hormones, resulting in levels
Life Threatening Rhabdomyolysis Teaching Notify: SOB, diaphoresis,
of active incretin hormones,
Hypersensitivity, active liver palpitation, pain, chest pain,
improved control of blood
Contraindication dse or unexplained persistent angina, no response to usual
Adjunct to diet & exercise to Fluid balance, I/O, daily weight, clearance, hepatic function,
Indication improve glycemic control in edema, lung sounds, report sx post-void residuals
patients w/ DM2 of fluid overload: (hypotension, Grapefruit juice may serum
Side Effects Headache, nausea, diarrhea, edema, dyspnea, crackles, level, Notify: glaucoma, liver
Common URTI, SJS, rash, urticaria Assessment frothy sputum) signs of acidosis: Patient dse, slow clearing of stomach,
Anaphylaxis, angioedema, disorientation, headache, Teaching trouble passing urine, long QT,
Life Threatening hypoglycemia weakness, dyspnea, hypervent, avoid driving, heatstroke, sx of
Serious hypersensitivity to alkalosis, hypernatremia, angioedema
Contraindication Sitagliptin hypokalemia, U wave on ECG,
Blood glucose, Sx of arrhythmia, polyuria, observe IV
Assessment hypoglycemia, acidosis, S&Sx site, monitor serum
electrolytes, ABG, urine pH (Aldactone) Diuretic
of HF, pancreatitis &
Take meds as directed, take Inhibit Na+ reabsorption in the
missed dose ASAP, review sx of Mechanism kidney while saving K+ & H+ by
Do not drive if BG , do not
Patient electrolyte imbalance, no milk antagonizing aldosterone
Patient drink alcohol, blood work
Teaching products, renal calculi or receptors
Teaching checked, S&Sx of
hypercalcemia, importance of Counteract K+ by other diuretics
hypersensitivity, Notify:
F/U Indication to treat edema, HTN, & primary
pregnancy, kidney problem
Hyperkalemia, dizziness,
(Baking Soda, Bell-Ans, ANTACID/Electr Supp Urinary Tract Antispasmodics
VESIcare Common muscle cramps, erectile dysfx’n,
Citrocarbonate, Neut, Soda Mint) Inhibits muscarinic receptors N&V
Act as an alkalinizing by Mechanism resulting in urinary bladder Life Threatening SJS, TEN
releasing bicarb ions, ff PO contraction, residual urine Hyperkalemia, anuria, acute
Mechanism releases bicarb w/c is capable of volume, detrusor muscle Contraindication renal impairment
neutralizing gastric acid pressure I/O, daily weight, BP before
(PO IV): Mgm’t of met acidosis, Treatment of overactive admin (w/ anti-HTN),
used to alkalinize urine & Indication bladder (OAB) symptoms hyperkalemia, fatigue,
Indication promote excretion of certain Constipation, HTN, abdominal weakness, paresthesia,
drugs in overdosage situation Side Effects pain, urinary retention, Assessment confusion, dyspnea, ECG, *esp
(phenobarbital, aspirin) Common depression, drowsiness, diabetics & geriatrics*
Metabolic alkalosis, flatulence, blurred vision Assess for rash, SJS, BUN,
Side Effects gastric distension, edema, Life Threatening Angioedma creatinine,
Common hypernatremia, hypocalcemia, Hypersensitivity, urinary D/C 3 days before glucose
hypokalemia, Na & H2O Contraindication retention (tablet only), gastric tolerance test (GTT)
retention retention, uncontrolled Platelet & leukocytes
Life Threatening 0 narrow-angle glaucoma Same time each day, no double
Met or respi alka, Monitor urination pattern, dose, Avoid salt subs & high
hypocalcemia, hypernatremia, anticholinergic effects: Patient K+/Na+ foods, May cause
excessive Cl loss, as an antidote headache, confusion, Teaching dizziness, Add tx for HTN
Contraindication ff ingestion of strong mineral Assessment hallucinations, somnolence, (exercise, alcohol , stress ,
acids, px on Na restricted diets, fixed & dilated pupils, blurred Na+)
RF, severe abdominal pain unk vision, tremors, creatinine
cause, HF, renal insuff,
Notify: rash, muscle weakness, TAMSULOSIN Peripherally acting Patient pork), don’t exceed RDA when
cramps, fatigue, severe N&V, (Flomax) adrenergic Teaching using supplements
diarrhea Contraction in smooth muscle
Mechanism in prostate by binding to alpha TIMOLOL 0.5% β BLOCKER, NONSELECTIVE/
T3, LIOTHYRONINE 1 adrenergic receptor APO-Timop Ophthalmic Agent, Antiglaucoma
THYROID PRODUCT Indication Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Cytomel Blocks both β1 & β2
Unknown, believed the thyroid (BPH) mgm’t/tx Mechanism adrenergic receptors & IOP
Mechanism hormone exerts its many Side Effects Dizziness, headache, rhinitis, by aqueous humor
metabolic effects through Common orthostatic hypotension, production or possibly the
control of DNA & protein priapism outflow of aqueous humor
synthesis, promotes 0 – no life-threatening side Treatment of intraocular
gluconeogenesis, stimulates Life Threatening effects Indication pressure (IOP) in patients w/
protein synthesis, basal Contraindication Hypersensitivity ocular HTN or open-angle
metabolic rate Sx BPH (urinary hesitancy, glaucoma
Replacement therapy in 1° incomplete bladder emptying, Burning sensation of eyes,
Indication (thyroidal), 2° (pituitary) & 3° Assessment stream interruption(, 1st dose Side Effects stinging, angina pectoris,
(hypothalamic) congenital or hypotension/syncope, I/O, daily Common bradycardia, confusion,
acquired hypothyroidism weights, rectal exams (before & depression,
Cardiac arrhythmia, during) Anaphylactic reaction,
Side Effects tachycardia, hypotension, MI, Always take, may cause Life Threatening angioedema, HF
Common angina pectoris, fever, HTN, Patient dizziness, no driving, slow Hypersensitivity to Timolol,
phlebitis, twitching, allergic Teaching position changes, follow-up Contraindication bronchial asthma, COPD, sinus
skin rxns importance bradycardia, 2° or 3° AV block,
Life Threatening Myxedema overt HF, cardiogenic shock
Hypersensitivity to THIAMINE VITAMIN/ Monitor IOP, BP, Instruct
Contraindication liothyronine sodium, Betaxin, Vit B1 H2O Sol Vit diabetic patient that sx of
uncorrected renal insuff, Required for carbohydrate hypoglycemia may be blunted
untreated thyrotoxicosis Mechanism metabolism Assessment while on tx, proper instillation
Thyroid-stimulating hormone Thiamine deficit, prevent technique & to remove
Assessment (TSH) 4-6 wks after tx, HR, BP, Indication Wernicke’s encephalopathy, contact lenses prior to
cardiac sx: (chest pain, diet supplement for GI dse, instillation
palpitation, edema), clinical alcoholism, or cirrhosis Used to lower eye pressure,
signs of Side Effects Restlessness, weakness, tight may hide sx of blood sugar,
hypo/hyperthyroidism, bone Common throat (SE rare) Patient avoid driving, Notify: if you
mineral density Life Threatening Vascular collapse, angioedema Teaching have asthma, COPD,
Do not use drug to treat Hypersensitivity, alcohol pregnancy, OTC, Rx, herbals,
Patient obesity or for weight loss. May Contraindication intolerance, Bisulfate etc. eye infection
Teaching take several weeks to see full intolerance
effects, check BG, blood
S/Sx of Thiamine deficiency: TINZAPARIN ANTI-COAGULANT/
works, may cause weak bones, ANTI-THROMBOTICS
Assessment (anorexia, GI distress, irritable, (Innohip)
may affect growth in children
palpitation, tachycardia), Inhibits effect of anti-thrombin
nutritional status, anaphylaxis Mechanism on factor X & thrombin
Comply w/ diet, eat food high
in thiamine (cereal, meat,
Acute symptomatic DVT w/ or TRAZODONE ANTI-DEPRESSANT, SSRI/ For mydriasis & cycloplegia in
Indication w/out PE (w/ Warfarin) Trazorel, Oleptro Antagonist Indication diagnostic procedures, topical
Hematoma, irritation at site, Alters effect of serotonin in ophthalmic use
Side Effects pain, liver function, Mechanism the CNS, anti-depressant N&V, tachycardia, headache,
Common thrombocytosis, ecchymosis action develop several weeks Side Effects pallor, blurred vision,
Life Threatening Bleeding Major depressive disorder, Common photophobia, stinging of eyes
Hypersensitivity, active Indication insomnia, chronic pain Life Threatening 0
Contraindication bleeding, unknown origin of Drowsiness, confusion, Hypersensitivity to
bleeds Side Effects fatigue, hallucination, Contraindication Tropicamide, known or
Sxn of hemorrhage, bleeding Common hypotension, dry mouth, suspected narrow angle
gums, black tarry stool, no tinnitus, weakness, headache glaucoma
S/S DVT, PE, hypersensitivity Rx, Life Threatening Suicidal thoughts Ophthalmic exam, IOP, CNS
Assessment assess injection site, no Recovery from MI, MAOIs, Assessment reactions (esp pediatrics)
debridement, early Contraindication angle closure glaucoma Avoid driving or actions that
mobilization, caution aerobic BP, pulse (before), sexual Patient call for clear eyesight,
exercise dysfxn, serotonin synd, Teaching photosensitivity, wear
Notify: bleeding, excessive Assessment (mental changes, agitation), sunglasses, Notify: pregnancy,
Patient bruising, dyspnea, chest pain, autonomic instability: breastfeeding, allergic rxn
Teaching unilateral leg pain (hypothermia, tachycardia,
BP), GI sx: (N&V, diarrhea), VITAMIN D VITAMIN/Fat soluble
TIOTROPIUM BRONCHODILATOR/ mental status, suicidal (Drisdol, Calcijex) Calciferol, Ergocalciferol
Spiriva, Respimat Anticholinergic tendencies, pain Promotes absorption of Ca+ &
Selectively & reversibly inhibit Missed dose w/in 4h of next Mechanism  parathyroid hormone
Mechanism M3 receptors in smooth dose, no driving concentration
muscles of the airway (drowsy/blurred vision, Indication Vitamin D deficit, CKD,
Long-term bronchospasm orthostatic hypotension, no hyperparathyroidism
Indication mgm’t from COPD/Asthma, Patient alcohol/CNS depressants, freq
Side Effects Dizziness, malaise, dyspnea, s/s
Teaching mouth rinses/oral
Dry mouth, glaucoma, Common of hypercalcemia,
hygiene/sugarless cady for dry
Side Effects paradoxical bronchospasm, Life Threatening Pancreatitis, sensitivity reaction
mouth, Notify: suicidal
Common rash, tachycardia, urinary Hypersensitivity, hypercalcemia,
thoughts, S/Sx of serotonin
retention, constipation Contraindication Vit D toxicity
syndrome, autonomic
Life Threatening Angioedema Vit D deficiency, bone
instability, pregnancy, NEVER
Ipratropium/Tiotropium Assessment pain/weakness, evidence of
abruptly stop
Contraindication sensitivity hypocalcemia, rickets
Respiratory status, (before & Take dose missed same day,
Assessment 5mins after), bronchospasm, TROPICAMIDE OPHTHALMIC AGENT/ Patient diet modification, don’t exceed
paradoxical bronchospasm Mydriacyl Mydriatic Teaching vitamin’s RDA, avoid antacids
(withhold meds) Prevents the sphincter muscle with magnesium
Capsules for inhalation NOT of the iris & the muscle of the
Patient swallowing, NOT for attacks, Mechanism ciliary body from responding
Teaching rinse mouth, Notify: to cholinergic stimulation,
angioedema produces dilation & prevents
WARFARIN ANTI-COAGULANT/ MG, Severe hepatic, and
Coumadin Vit. K Antagonist Contraindication respiratory impairment
Interferes w/ hepatic synthesis Mental status, sleep patterns,
Mechanism of Vit K dependant clotting previous sedative use
factors (II, VII, IX & X) Assessment > 7-10 days use may lead to
Prophylaxis & treatment of dependence, alertness at
Indication venous thrombosis, PE, A.fib, admin, pain assessment
& mgm’t of MI, prevent clot (untreated pain  effects)
formation & embolization Don’t take if someone can take
Side Effects Dermal necrosis, cramps, full night, 2+ week use may
Common nausea fever cause withdrawal, go to bed
Life Threatening Calciphylaxis, bleeding Patient immediately after taking, no
Uncontrolled bleeding, open Teaching driving, no alcohol/CNS
wound, recent brain/eye/spine depressants
Contraindication injury, severe kidney disease & Notify: anaphylactic reaction
liver disease, uncontrolled (tongue swelling, throat
HTN swelling, SOB, dyspnea, N&V).
Bleeding/hemorrhage, nose
Assessment bleeds, black, tarry stools,
NO double dose, review food
 in Vit.K, avoid IM injury &
contact activities, avoid
Patient cranberry juice & teach Vit.K
Teaching antidote, Notify: unusual
bleeding, pain,
color/temperature changes,
pregnancy, avoid alcohol &
ASA & NSAIDs, frequent labs
are important


Interacts with GABA not
Mechanism benzodiazepine
Short-term tx of insomnia (can’t
Indication fall asleep/wake up early)
Bitter taste, dry mouth,
Side Effects abnormal thought, behavior
Common changes
Anaphylaxis, anaphylactic Rx,
Life Threatening angioedema

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