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Chapter 2 Review

● Split into teams
● Choose a whiteboard location on the wall
● Choose one person to answer the first question, their team is allowed to help
● After the first problem gets solved, the next person in line behind them has to
solve the next problem.
○ If a problem is solved correctly, 3 points will be awarded to that team.
○ If they get it wrong, their team must help correct the problem.
Rules cont.
● Occasionally there will be a bonus round. During this bonus round, teams
must work together to solve the problem. However, each member can only
work one at a time.
○ So, the first person at the board starts by writing down the problem and doing the first step
(adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing a number from one side, splitting an absolute value
problem into two equations, etc.). The second person then receives the board and completes
a second step of work. This repeats till every person has written a step on the board.
○ If the problem is already solved when it reaches someone, they have to double check the work
and see if there is any spot they disagree with.
○ A step could be fixing a previous error you find in a different step, but, you must communicate
this kindly with the person whose step you are changing.
● If this round is completed well, the first team to get it right receives 6 points
Solve and Graph
Solve and Graph
Solve and State If Its an “and” or “or” inequality
Solve and State If Its an “and” or “or” inequality
Solve and Graph
Your friend tells you they scored 5 points this season in soccer. You tell them you scored at
most two times that last season.
a) Write an inequality that represents how many points you potentially scored last
b) Is it possible that you scored 11 points last season?

Tu amigo te dice que anotó 5 puntos esta temporada en fútbol. Les dices que anotaste
como máximo dos veces la última temporada.
a) Escribe una desigualdad que represente cuántos puntos potencialmente obtuviste la
temporada pasada.
b) ¿Es posible que anotaras 11 puntos la temporada pasada?
Solve and Graph (worth two spaces)
Solve (worth two spaces)
Solve and State If Its an “and” or “or” inequality
Solve and Graph (worth two spaces)
Solve and State If Its an “and” or “or” inequality (worth two
Bonus: Worth three spaces
The American Heart Association recommends that you consume less than 1500
milligrams (mg) of sodium per day. Today you have already taken in 400
milligrams of sodium. Write and solve an inequality that represents the additional
amount of sodium you can consume.

La Asociación Estadounidense del Corazón recomienda consumir menos de 1500

miligramos (mg) de sodio por día. Hoy ya has ingerido 400 miligramos de sodio.
Escribe y resuelve una desigualdad que represente la cantidad adicional de sodio
que puedes consumir.
Solve and Graph (worth two spaces)

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