DivergentConvergentandTransformBoundariesActivity 1

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Special thanks to:

Activity: After discussing the 3 different types of boundaries,

the students will demonstrate their learning by creating
models of each boundary, uploading pictures of their model
onto a Google Slide, and explaining each boundary.
If you have enough supplies, you can have each
student make al 3 types of boundaries. If not, You can have
the students model one, take a picture, then use the same
materials to model the others. In my classroom, I split the kids
into groups of 3 and had them make one type of boundary, but
take pictures of all 3 models to upload into their own slide.
After they explained each boundary and uploaded each
picture, I had the students upload their slide to Seesaw to
share with parents.

Supplies Needed:
• Foam or paper plates (1 for each boundary modeled)
• Plastic knives
• Frosting (I used 2 containers for 24 students)
• Graham crackers (2 full pieces for each student- I bought a
family pack and it was perfect.)
• Markers to draw arrows on plate or scratch paper for
students to make arrows to show the direction of the
• Access to a device
• Share the Google Slide with each of your students (Make
sure to click “Make a copy for each student” when sharing.)
Google slide:

Give your students their supplies and let them work with their
groups to make their models. You may need to help the
students upload pictures onto the Google Slide and share it if
you want them to. They will type their explanations in the box
provided. Make sure to have fun! (Examples on the next page)
Blank Slide

Completed Slide
Completed Slide

Completed Slide
Print the following page if you
don’t have access to devices
to use the digital version of
the worksheet.

Have the students draw a

picture of the boundary in the
top box and explain it in the
bottom box.

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