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1- Subject of study

Design of bioreactor for production of biogas from food waste

2- Working Title
Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste to Produce Biogas (Methane)

3- Analysis of the Problem

Food waste is any food substance, raw or cooked, which is discarded, or intended or required to
be discarded. Food wastes are the organic residues generated by the handling, storage, sale,
preparation, cooking and serving of foods. Food waste is an untapped energy source that mostly
ends up rotting in landfills, thereby releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Food waste
is difficult to burn, treat or recycle since it contains high moisture content and is mixed with
other wastes during collection. Major generators of food waste include households, hotels,
restaurants, supermarkets, residential blocks, cafeterias, food processing industries, etc.

Saudi Arabia ranks number one in the world in wasting food, according to a report by the
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture. The report revealed that around 30 percent of
food produced is wasted amounting to over SR49 billion annually. The average Saudi wastes 250
kg of food annually compared to the global average of 115 kg. A large portion of food leftovers
are wasted in dinner parties, weddings, restaurants, and hotel buffets.
This has inspired me to think of a thesis to find a way to reduce the amount of food waste and
turn it into a renewable energy.

Using food waste as feedstock for reactor which works as anaerobic digester system to produce
biogas energy. Biogas can be used as energy source for cooking and also for numerous purposes.
But any possible application requires knowledge and information about design and construction
of digester to generate biogas.
The topic is to create an organic processing reactor to generate biogas which will be more cost
effective, eco-friendly, reduce landfill waste, generate a quality renewable fuel.
4- Research Method
The method I intend to use in this study is conducted in one phase which is laboratory scale.
Source of kitchen waste:
The waste used in this study is kitchen waste. Kitchen waste is an easily biodegradable organic
matter with high moisture, carbohydrate, lipid, and protein compositions. Waste contains the
cooked rice, vegetables and non-used vegetables waste. This waste is crushed by mixer grinder
and slurry was prepared mixing with water.
Lab scale:
In lab scale this experiment was done in digester. Here different concentration & combination of
wastes are used. Different parameters of input and effluent like total solid, volatile solid, volatile
fatty acid, pH, Temperature, Nitrogen, Carbon, Phosphorous will be measured. After that,
container study done to check the gas production.

5- General Structure of the Study

The main objective was to design a unique biogas digester that can be implemented in
households. In this study important headings will be considered such as the concept of biogas,
processes of biogas production, anaerobic digester design.
Also study the affecting factors such as the quantity and nature of organic matter, the temperature
Acidity, PH value and total & volatile solid concentration. In addition, presents the methods and
steps used for achieve efficient results and suggestions made for the study. Furthermore, Design
and cost evaluation of anaerobic Bio-reactor to produce the desired amount of biogas which
consist of Primarily methane (CH4) & carbon dioxide (CO2).

6- Academic Contribution of the Study

During my internship program in Sewage Treatment Plant, I start being interest in biomass field
and how it related to the environment issues which our country suffers from. Also, as I
mentioned before that Saudi Arabia ranks number one in the world in wasting food so I come up
with an idea which will help solving this issue. By converting waste food into biogas which
consider a source of renewable energy. Next to the benefit that will be covered by this study on
the environment, I will be able to have more experience in this field and in turn will develop my
academic skills. In Addition, it will give me a great chance finding my future career and establish
my own business.
7- Literature Review

[1] Department of Environmental Science, Bangalore University, Jnana Bharathi Campus,

Bangalore, Karnataka, 560056, India

[2] Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hirasugar Institute of Technology, Nidasoshi,

Karnataka, India [3] Kale, S.P and Mehele, S.T. kitchen waste based biogas plant.pdf. Nuclear
agriculture and Biotechnology/ Division.

[3] Biogas production from kitchen waste, a Seminar Report, Department of Biotechnology and
Medical Engineering National Institute of Technology, Rourkela. 2010-2011

[4] Department of Agricultural & Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Rivers

State University of Science and Technology, Nigeria

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