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November 7th, 2022



Positive growth was confirmed in this season.

The team never stops for the victory, and
thank you so much for your warm support.


Course: 4,801 x 63 laps (302.463km)
November 5th, 2022 (Sat) Weather: Fine / Road condition: Dry
November 6th, 2022 (Sun) Weather: Fine / Road condition: Dry

■November 5th (Sat) Qualifying:

Q1: Toshiki Oyu 4th place / Q2: Ukyo Sasahara 8th place

【Driver Oyu】
The qualifying sessions has just ended. Though I could not
reach the position which I aimed at, we at least adopted a
special strategy to win the race since this round was the final.

With help of such a strategy car and tire condition was good
enough to progress to Q2 with 4th place in the no SW Q1. It was
quite good result.

I have no idea what the race is going to be. whatever the

circumstances will be, I will collaborate with the team members
and make utmost effort to compete in the final round not to
regret this season. Please keep on supporting us. I will do my

【Driver Sasahara】

Qualifying of the SUPER GT final round has just finished. The

result was 8th place. The qualifying session was held with on
success weight. Oyu showed an impressive performance in Q1
and handed the baton to me in 4th place. But (due to clash of
other race category and appearance of a safety car), start of
Q2 was delayed and road surface temperature dropped and
then I am afraid the qualifying ended with such poor results.

I made a mistake when in the time attack and ended up 8th

place. But I am certain that we could show all potential we

We will never give up but make utmost effort to score as better position as possible
and aim for winning in the long-lasting race. Weather tomorrow seems to be so
unstable that all the fans, please take care of yourselves and cheer us up.

【Director Tanaka】

For the final round with no success weight, car balance and tire grip were both so good
in the morning practice session that car showed as superior performance as we expected.

Oyu advanced to Q2 with 4th place then Sasahara took over Oyu but due to radical change
of road surface temperature he ended up with 8th place, he tried his best though.

The weather forecast said the weather condition would be good in the race. I believe
driving performance will improve and we can show satisfactory performance tomorrow.
Please continue to support us to the end of the race.

■November 6th (Sun) Race: GT500 class 11th place

【Driver Sasahara】

The race was so tough that disappointedly our race ended up

with 11th place. But every one of the team members at least tried
their best with utmost effort. However, when you look at the
ranking, I cannot avoid being disappointed at the race result.

When I look back on this season, there were good and bad
moments. Honestly, I was very exhausted. But even in the
season like this year’s fans and sponsors still supported us at
every race. Their voice gave us power. I would like to express
my gratitude to them.

I will continue to go forward into the future. Hopefully, I would

like to have an encouragement from you all. I really appreciate your support throughout
this year. Please keep on supporting us.

【Driver Oyu】

Everyone, thank you so much for your support throughout this

year. Regrettably, I could not score points. But I could recognize
my gradual growth through this season.

The most disappointing race was Rd.5 Suzuka in which due to

timing of the safety car appearing on the track, we missed a
chance to win the race. But including our race experience even
in such a race, we have accumulated them and grown up
together with DUNLOP, which was also precious opportunity to

Regrettably since we could not make enough time for

development of the car and other activities, we could not show results. We would
like to continue to walk strongly toward for next season.

Various people came to watch the race in this season and all of them provided us
with warm support which I could deeply felt. I will keep on trying my best to
response to your support in next year. I thank you so much for your kind support in
this year. I will do my best next year.

【Director Tanaka】

We thank you so much for your support till the end of the season indeed.

The result of the final round was 11th place. We lost speed and struggled in the race. The
result was disappointing, but I would like to express my gratitude toward Sasahara, Oyu,
and team members/staffs who concentrated to flight in the race all through the season.

I feel regretful not to be able to announce our win to all the fans who supported us this
season. But with even such poor results, the sponsors and fans never stopped supporting
us from the start to the end of this season. I cannot thank you enough. But thank you so
much indeed.


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