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arjacks are synonymous with war in
western Immoren. From humble steamjacks
wielding simple weapons to lumbering
colossals bristling with guns and fists larger
than a person, these multi-ton machines are often the center Every nation in western Immoren boasts a slew of powerful
of conflict, their titanic blows deciding which way the tide weapons for their warjacks. Their technological research,
of battle turns. Thus, the Iron Kingdoms generally spare no limitations of resources, and arcane traditions often dictate
expense when it comes to their warjacks, outfitting them their battlefield tactics and, thus, the weapons they employ.
with specialized, expensive, and even experimental weaponry
in order to gain an edge over their enemies. CYGNAR
However, these machines are inevitably damaged and Cygnar has always prided itself for being on the cutting edge
destroyed, left as rusting wrecks on countless battlefields. of steamjack design, and many of the weapons their warjacks
Most nations once had entire units of mechaniks devoted carry feature powerful and complicated pieces of mechanika.
to recovering (and if necessary, destroying) such material. Despite this, Cygnar has taken the most forgiving attitude
But as the fires of war raged and conflicts grew even more toward their military technology falling into the hands of the
intense, many such wrecks were abandoned and left to rust. public, and while by the law such weapons remain illegal,
Things grew even worse during the Claiming, with such most officials do not bother enforcing it.
specialized units either so decimated they could no longer Storm Blaster. Featured on the Firefly chassis, the Storm
work or dissolved so their manpower could be used for more Blaster is a gun capable of discharging bolts of electricity.
pressing tasks. Hundreds of warjacks containing top-of-the- While not as powerful as some other Cygnaran electrical
line technology now lay forgotten, buried in sand, mud, and weapons, its ability to arc electricity between multiple targets
debris. But few stay that way. makes it invaluable against massed infantry formations.
Looting battlefields for parts is a time-honored tradition If this attack hits, the nearest two enemy creatures within
in western Immoren, and the practice boomed in the post- 10 feet of the target also suffer 1d8 lightning damage.
Claiming world. With so many examples of the nation’s The Storm Blaster is a mechanika item, powered by a
various warjacks recovered, independent mechanics soon Storm Chamber. Each shot uses 2 charges.
had not only learned to repair and maintain these machines Generator Blade. The Generator Blade, the signature
but even how to reproduce them. Specialized weapons and weapon of the Stormclad, is an upscaled Storm Glaive. The
armor, once the domain of military warjacks, began to appear steamjack requires the same insulation as a Stormglaive lest
on the market for anyone willing to pay the price. Though the weapon fry circuitry and other machinery from extended
such actions are technically illegal in every nation, most use. Many merc groups judge this worth the cost of having
officials struggle with a lack of manpower to crack down on access to its powerful lightning capabilities.
such work, while the owners, often mercenaries, fill gaps in A Generator Blade’s Storm damage is 1d8 and its Storm
military strength the nations can’t cover. Now almost anyone Generator damage is 2d8.
with the coin can find themselves with a military-grade The Generator Blade is a mechanika item, powered by
warjack packing top-of-the-line weaponry. a Storm Chamber. While it is active, a Generator Blade
requires 5 charges for one minute of operation.

Cygnaran Warjack Weapons

Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Storm Blaster 1,800 2d8 lightning 35 lb. Firearm (50/150), special
Generator Blade 2,500 2d8 slashing 60 lb. Reach, storm, storm generator (30/120), special


PROTECTORATE Skyhammer. Skyhammer rockets are warheads filled with
refined Menite’s Fury and encased in a thin metal shell. What
OF MENOTH the rockets lack in accuracy they make up in volume and can
The Sul-Menites fielded the least technologically be fired in a near continuous volley.
sophisticated warjacks of the Iron Kingdoms, initially relying Attacks with this weapon always have disadvantage. When
on refurbished steamjacks and later using functional but a steamjack makes an attack with this weapon, it may make
otherwise simple designs. The Protectorate made up for these two additional attacks with this weapon as a bonus action.
shortcomings with copious application of Menoth’s Fury, Skyhammer shells cost 5 gp. Reloading a Skyhammer can’t
giving their warjack weapons far more threat than they might be done during combat. Reloading a Skyhammer outside of
otherwise possess. However, Menoth’s Fury has now become combat takes 10 minutes but doesn’t require specialized tools
a commodity the Protectorate will sell to anyone willing to or training.
meet their prices. Where once the smell and heat of burning Flame Fists. A set of furnace-like heaters positioned above
oil was the domain of the Protectorate’s crusades, it can now and below the warjacks tempered fists, Flame Fists allow the
infrequently be found in the hands of mercenary groups. warjack to ignite anything it grabs. When surrounded, the
Condemner. A specialized cannon that makes heavy use emitters can be flooded with oil, causing the area around the
of Menoth’s Fury. Its shells are designed to burst on impact, warjack to burst into flame.
coating the creature with a fast-burning oil that serves to While this weapon is fueled and ignited, a target hit by the
mark them out for further attacks. warjack suffers an additional 1d6 fire damage at the start of
Allied creatures have advantage on ranged attack rolls each of its turns until the fire is doused. The Fists’ integral
against a creature hit by this weapon, and the affected reservoir holds 30 gp worth of fuel, which burns for 45
creature can’t benefit from being invisible or hidden until the minutes in combat. Refueling the reservoir takes an action. In
end of the steamjack’s next turn. addition, the warjack gains the following action:
Condemner shells cost 15 gp. Reloading a Condemner can’t Combustion. Every creature within 10 feet of the warjack
be done during combat. Reloading a Condemner outside of must make a Dexterity saving throw, DC 14. Each creature
combat takes 20 minutes but doesn’t require specialized tools takes 3d8 points of fire damage on a failed save, or half as
or training. much damage on a successful save.

Protectorate of Menoth Warjack Weapons

Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Condemner 500 gp 3d8 Fire 40 lb. Firearm (60/180), loading, magazine (8), special
Skyhammer 300 gp 3d6 Piercing 30 lb. Firearm(100/300), AOE (5), magazine (20), special
Flame Fists 450 gp 2d8 Bludgeoning 70 lb. Special


KHADOR Dozer. A heavy slug cannon with a six-shot revolver, the
Dozer is infamous for its ability to knock targets back due to
The Khadorans take the most hardline stance toward their
equipment falling into the hands of independent parties, its large slugs.
with High Command constantly attempting to enforce the Large or smaller creatures hit by this attack must make a
law. However, they are hamstrung by corruption and simple Strength saving throw with a DC of 15 or the damage dealt,
pragmatism, allowing offenses to slide. In addition, Khadoran whichever is higher, or be pushed 5 feet directly away from
technology lacks much of the high-tech functionality of its the steamjack.
contemporaries, making it even more difficult to identify its A Dozer uses artillery rounds. A Dozer can’t be reloaded
military hardware from bodging or one-off productions. This during combat. Each cylinder of a Dozer takes one minute to
has led to a glut of Khadoran-style warjack parts flooding the reload but doesn’t require specialized tools or training.
mercenary market, and many suspect that the old Khadoran Shield Fist. A large shield bolted to a steamjack’s forearm, a
chassis will soon become the new go-to mercenary chassis. Shield Fist is shaped specifically to allow a steamjack to retain
Shoulder Cannon. Designed specifically for shoulder use of both its hands. Shield Fists count as a shield.
mounts, Shoulder Cannons are snub-nosed, allowing them to Shoulder Launcher. A series of attached launchers, Shoulder
be used even in the thick of melee combat. Launchers allow a steamjack to hold a set of grenades for
Attacking a target within five feet of the steamjack with a utility actions or as a backup ranged weapon.
Shoulder Cannon does not impose disadvantage. A Shoulder Launcher can only be mounted using a
A Shoulder Cannon uses artillery rounds. A Shoulder shoulder mount. A Shoulder Launcher fires standard
Cannon can’t be reloaded during combat. A Shoulder Cannon grenades. A Shoulder Launcher can’t be reloaded during
takes 20 minutes to reload but doesn’t require specialized combat. A Shoulder Cannon takes 5 minutes to reload but
tools or training. doesn’t require specialized tools or training.

Khadoran Warjack Weapons

Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Shoulder Cannon 500 gp 3d8 Piercing 60 lb. Firearm (30/90), loading, magazine (8), special
Dozer 600 gp 4d10 Piercing 80 lb. Firearm (40/120), magazine (6), special
Shield Fist 450 gp 2d8 Bludgeoning 90 lb. Special
Shoulder Launcher 500 gp Per Grenade 40 lb. Firearm (30/90), magazine(3), special


CRUCIBLE GUARD Enthalpic Distilator. A chemical sprayer often mounted
on a light steamjack, the Enthalpic Distilator provides a
Crucible Guard weapons are perhaps the most expensive,
weapon suitable for nearly any situation.
temperamental, and difficult to work with on the market,
This weapon’s chambers each hold six shots. When this
requiring a dedicated alchemist to keep them functional. The
weapon is fired, it chooses one chamber to fire from and
Crucible Guard itself does not bother attempting to enforce
must use the same chamber for the rest of the turn.
any sort of claim on their weapons, as they assume anyone
using them is somehow connected to the Golden Crucible. If
Pyrodraulic Jet. A series of short-ranged sprayers, these
they discover they’re not, their reactions are immediate and
weapons can be mounted on top of a steamjacks fist, allowing
often fatal.
it to retain its open hands.
NEW WEAPON PROPERTY A Pyrodraulic Jet’s chambers each hold six shots. When this
Many weapons used by the Crucible Guard are alchemical weapon is fired, select one chamber to fire from. A warjack
weapons. with this weapon can still use its slam attacks; however, it
can’t hold a melee weapon due to the bulky nature of the
Alchemical Weapon. Unlike other organizations, Pyrodraulic Jet.
Crucible Guard weapons don’t often use solid shells but
instead deploy chemical formulas. Each shot is the equivalent Multi-Chambered Compression Cannon. A long-
of three doses of an alchemical formula—i.e., one shot of ranged chemical cannon, the Compression Cannon makes
alchemical acid is three vials of alchemical acid. Alchemical use of the same technology behind the Mule’s Steam Lobber
weapons have three chambers, and each can be loaded with to deliver powerful chemical payloads at range.
its own formula. Alchemical Weapons only cause damage if This weapon’s chambers each hold 9 shots. When this
the base formula causes damage, and they cause the same type weapon is fired, it chooses one chamber to fire from and
of damage as their formula. Alchemical Weapons also gain must use the same chamber for the rest of the turn. If the
the same additional effects as their base formula. steamjack equipped with the cannon does not move during
its turn, the normal range of the weapon increases by 20 feet
and the long range increases by 60 feet.


NEW ALCHEMICAL Storm Accumulator. Powerful Cygnaran technology
designed for warjacks working alongside Storm Knights, this
FORMULAS device allows a steamjack to harvest galvanic energy produced
The Crucible Guard is known—and feared—for the by Cygnar’s lightning weapons. The device also acts as a
weaponized alchemical formulae they use in battle. powerful lightning rod, protecting the steamjack both from
enemies as well as allies and ensuring any electrical attacks
UNCOMMON FORMULAS simply ground themselves without affecting the steamjack.
Black Humor. A black ichor with mild necromantic energies A steamjack equipped with a Storm Accumulator that
that can drain the life of anything it touches. As an action, begins its turn within 10 feet of a friendly creature wielding
you can throw a flask of black humor up to 20 feet, shattering a weapon with the Storm property or with a Lightning
it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature, treating Rod gains a focus point, up to its maximum. In addition, a
the black humor as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the steamjack equipped with a Storm Accumulator has immunity
target takes 2d8 necrotic damage. Affected living creatures to lightning damage. A character who wants to pay to mount
regain half as many hit points when they receive healing until a Storm Accumulator on a steamjack can expect to pay an
the end of your next turn. additional 50 gp for labor.
Ingredients: Organic acid x 1, Ectoplasm x 2
Shoulder Mounts. An ingenious system first developed
Aetheric Blast. A magically charged mix that explodes for the Devastator chassis, this upgrade allows a steamjack
when it touches air. The impact also has the effect of to mount ranged weapons across the shoulders, leaving the
instantly dispelling any cloud or fog near the explosion. As steamjacks arms free. These shoulder mounts have a major
an action, you can throw a flask of aetheric blast up to 20 downside in that the recoil can unbalance the steamjack and
feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a knock it down. A steamjack with this upgrade can mount up
creature, treating the aetheric blast as an improvised weapon. to two ranged weapons on its shoulders. However, any time
On a hit, the target takes 2d8 force damage. Any fog or mist one of these weapons is fired, after the attack is resolved,
in the area, such as from Fog Cloud, is instantly dispersed. the steamjack must make a DC 12 Strength saving throw or
Ingredients: Heavy metals x 1, Arcane extract x 2 be knocked prone. A character who wants to pay to mount
shoulder firearms on a steamjack can expect to pay an
Accelerant. A slick, oily substance that burns slowly when additional 100 gp for labor.
ignited. As an action, you can throw a flask of accelerant
up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack Shield System. The shield system allows a steamjack to
against a creature, treating the accelerant as an improvised benefit from two shields at once. A steamjack equipped with
weapon. Creatures hit by this attack have vulnerability to fire this upgrade can benefit from two shields or adding to their
damage until the start of your next turn. AC. A character who wants to pay to mount a shield system
Ingredients: Organic oil x 2, Alchemical waste, liquid x 1 on a steamjack can expect to pay an additional 80 gp for labor.
Cryogenic Fluid. A cloudy white liquid that instantly freezes
on contact, forming a thick rime of ice. As an action, you can
throw a flask of cryogenic fluid up to 20 feet, shattering it
on impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature, treating
the cryogenic fluid as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the
target takes 2d8 cold damage. Creatures hit have their speed
reduced by 10 feet until the end of your next turn unless they
have resistance or immunity to cold damage.
Ingredients: Alchemical waste, crystal x 1, Arcane
extract x 2


Large construct (steamjack), unaligned
While even having a steamjack by your side during a fight is
a massive advantage, there’s a world of difference between a Armor Class 18
humble laborjack and a warjack intended for fighting. While Hit Points 138 (12d10 + 72)
dedicated warjacks are some of the most dangerous things to Speed 25 feet
walk the land, they also come with a host of downsides. Coal-
hungry, in need of constant maintenance, and often far more STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
22 (+6) 12 (+1) 22 (+6) 6 (−2) 10 (+0) 1 (−5)
willful due to their cortexes, the cost and effort needed for a
true warjack often keeps them out of reach of most. Saving Throws STR +9, CON +9
Skills Athletics +9, Perception +3
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from

nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Height/Weight: 11′8″ / 7.2 tons Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed,
Initial Service Date: 586 AR petrified, poisoned
Original Chassis Design: Castellan Ironworks in Merin Senses passive Perception 13
Languages understands the languages of its manufacturer but
The mainstay warjack of the Ordic military, large can’t speak
numbers of Toros have made their way into the hands of Challenge 9 (500 XP)
mercenary companies due to Ord’s mercantile nature. A
solid and dependable steamjack, the Toro serves a simple Belligerent. If a Toro with a stock cortex moves up to 20 feet in
but straightforward battlefield role, a heavy beater well a straight line and then makes a melee attack, that attack does
an additional weapon die of damage.
equipped for the thickest fighting. A quirk in the Toro’s
Cortex. The Toro’s cortex allows it to understand basic
cortex causes it to have increased aggression, which usually commands from its controller (spoken verbally by most but
manifests in a steel buckling charge. The Order of the Golden usually communicated telepathically by warcasters). Verbal
Crucible, contracted to manufacture more of the chassis, commands must be akin to those issued to a trained animal,
produced newer models for their own purposes and created such as “stay,” “guard,” “attack,” and so on. The Toro will carry
several variants. out these commands with no regard for its own safety.
Heavy Metal. The Toro’s attacks are magical for the purpose of
Toro. A Toro comes stock with a battle blade and a shield.
overcoming resistances and immunity to nonmagical attacks for
Suppressor. A Suppressor comes stock with two steamjacks, colossals, and warbeasts.
Pyrodraulic Jets. Steam Powered. The Toro requires coal and water to function.
Vindicator. A Vindicator comes stock with a Multi When not in combat, it can function for 6 hours with a full fuel
Chamber Compression Cannon and a Battle Mace. load of 750 pounds of coal and fresh water in its boiler. While in
combat, the Toro can function for 1 hour with a full fuel load. If
the Toro’s coal and water are not refilled at the end of this time,
it suffers one level of exhaustion at the end of each minute. Due
to the amount of noise its steam engine produces, the Toro has
disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Multiattack. The Toro makes two melee attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 feet, one target.
Hit: 10 (1d8+6) bludgeoning damage

Warjack Gear and Upgrades

Item Cost Weight
Storm Accumulator 1,500 gp 80 lb.
Shoulder Mounts 800 gp 225 lb.
Shield System 550 gp 125 lb.

Warjack Chassis
Name Cost Chassis Only Fuel
Toro 11,500 gp 9,000 gp 660 lb. / 5 hrs. general, 1 hr. Combat
Devastator 14,000 gp 11,500 gp 1,125 lb. / 4 hrs. general, 45 min. Combat


Height/Weight: 11′5″/ 16 tons Devastator
Initial Service Date: 598 A.R. Large construct (steamjack), unaligned
Original Chassis Design: Khadoran Armor Class 19
Mechaniks Assembly Hit Points 175(14d10 + 98)
Khador, faced with heavier ordinance from Cygnaran forces, Speed 20 feet
soon found that their traditional Juggernaut chassis was
beginning to suffer. Khadoran High Command required STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
22 (+6) 10 (+0) 24 (+7) 8 (−1) 10 (+0) 4 (−3)
an even heavier warjack, and the Khadoran mechaniks
delivered. The Devastator already boasts near comparable Saving Throws STR +6, CON +7
armor to a traditional Khadoran heavy; however, its unique Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2
interlocking shield system allows it to close itself up, Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
becoming almost impossible to crack. A Devastator can wade nonmagical attacks
through even dedicated anti-warjack firepower, and more Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified,
than one Cygnaran unit has unloaded everything they have
poisoned, prone
at a Devastator only to do little more than scratch the paint. Senses passive Perception 12
Also integrating powerful gyroscopes, the warjack is nearly Languages understands the languages of its manufacturer but
impossible to knock over or even move against its will. can’t speak
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Cortex. The Devastator’s cortex allows it to understand basic

commands from its controller (spoken verbally by most but
usually communicated telepathically by warcasters). Verbal
commands must be akin to those issued to a trained animal, such
as “stay,” “guard,” “attack,” and so on. The Devastator will carry
out these commands with no regard for its own safety.
Heavy Metal. The Devastator’s attacks are magical for the
purpose of overcoming resistances and immunity to nonmagical
attacks for steamjacks, colossals, and warbeasts.
Steam Powered. The Devastator requires coal and water to
function. When not in combat, it can function for 4 hours with a
full fuel load of 1,125 pounds of coal and fresh water in its boiler.
While in combat, the Devastator can function for 45 minutes
with a full fuel load. If the Devastator’s coal and water are not
refilled at the end of this time, it suffers one level of exhaustion
at the end of each minute. Due to the amount of noise its steam
engine produces, the Devastator has disadvantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks.
Sturdy. Due to its low center of gravity and massive weight, a
Devastator is nearly impossible to push. A Devastator cannot be
pushed by nonmagical means.
Multiattack. The Devastator makes two melee attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 feet, one target.
Hit: 10 (1d8+6) bludgeoning damage

Devastator. A Devastator comes stock with a Shield System,

a Flak System, and two Shield Fists.
Demolisher. A Demolisher comes stock with a Shield
System, two Shoulder Mounts, two Shoulder Cannons, and
two Shield Fists.
Spriggan. A Spriggan comes stock with two Shoulder
Mounts, two Shoulder Launchers, a shield in its left arm, and
a heavy spear in its right arm.


This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and
available at The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative
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Grymkin, Grymkin: The Wicked Harvest, Khador®, Protectorate of Menoth®, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah®, Retribution, warcaster®,
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Writer: Christopher Parker • Editor: Michael G. Ryan • Graphic Designer: Andrew Hess
Illustrators: Oscar Cafaro, Mike Capprotti, Jake Gumbleton, Imaginary Friends, Susan Luo, Luke Mancini, Andrea Uderzo

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