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Content Table

A PREVIEW AND ANALYSIS OF THE REPORT (TASK-1).........................................................2

Short Info:........................................................................................................................................2
Format for the Report:....................................................................................................................2
Critical Points for success(KPIs):...................................................................................................3
ESTIMATING AND MANAGING PROBLEMS (TASK-2):...........................................................3
Quality regarding data issues:........................................................................................................4
COTS Data and Its Challenges:......................................................................................................5
Investigation and data presentation (TASK-03):...............................................................................7
Table One:........................................................................................................................................7
Tabular Quantification of:..............................................................................................................9
INVESTIGATION OF DATA AND PORTRAYAL (TASK-04):.....................................................10
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACTION (TASK-05):....................................................................12
CITATIONS USED:..........................................................................................................................14

Short Info:
Data Visualization is the process of describing, explaining, summarizing, and assessing data using
mathematical and/or logical techniques. Scappini (2020) says that performing several analyses "offers
an approach to produce logical inferences from the evidence while cherry-picking the most relevant
details (the occurrence that is of interest) out amidst the ambiguity" within the data. (Hardy &
Bryman, 2009).

I the CFO of Café On The Sea (COTS), I am responsible for all financial matters pertaining to the
restaurants in Brighton, Bournemouth, and St. Ives. We anticipate that COTS is going to able to make
better business decisions using the data presented in this report. This paper will examine the cost that
COTS incurred to redesign its Brighton location. Our decisions will be guided by a statistical analysis
of the information we gather.

Format for the Report:

Using a standardized procedure across industries called CRISP-DM (Cross Industrial Standard
Procedure for Data Mine), we will sequentially organise our study. Information mining projects can
make use of a framework created in "1996" called the Cross Industries Standardised Procedure for the
Handling of Data (CRISP-DM). A data extraction application goes through six main stages of
development. (Benson, 2016)

I:- Knowledge of Business Concerns: Market potential, consumer characteristics, and launch tactics
in Plymouth Shop are being researched.
II:- Understand The Data(Info): Find out how far along the new Plymouth products rollout is. All
data pertaining to the transaction's total tally must be thoroughly examined.
III:- Process for Data Prep: The following phase on the road to success is putting that knowledge
into practise. Thorough data cleaning, preparation, and integration aids in ensuring data accuracy and
IV:- Remodeled Info: Data visualisation and Using reasoning in numbers, we can gauge Plymouth’s
interest in the café’s newest offerings. Excel graphs are ideal for this sort of investigation..
V):- Evaluating the worth of Material: When we compare the business's statistics to our issue's
description, we can decide if we need to go deeper.
VI:- Portraying Info: Add charts and figures to help readers better understand the results. What
could possibly be done to enhance the renovation and boost sales.

Critical Points for success(KPIs):

Critical Points for success(KPIs) are metrics used by business leaders and managers to evaluate and
analyse factors they deem crucial to the success of the firm. Senior management places a premium on
key performance metrics (KPIs) that accurately reflect the company's trajectory along its long-term
goals and the success of its tactical initiatives. according to (Parmenter, 2011).

COTS Cafe offers a plethora of KPIs for in-depth analysis:

The annual sales tally is the sum of the categories' sales.

An annual study of the market.
The annual rate of sales growth has been increasing.
Revenue was broken down by region and sector on a quarterly and annual basis.
Plymouth's sales have dropped due to the introduction of two new products.

To maximise COTS's present and future potential, strategic decision-makers will use charts, graphs,
together with data summaries covering all KPIs.


Cutting-edge neural networks and other technologies are increasingly relied upon by data-driven
businesses to bring out the potential of their records. Unfortunately, poor data quality is still causing
problems for them. U Problems such as incomplete or erroneous data, vulnerability gaps, and
confidential information lurk just below the surface. The economic losses suffered by different
industries due to poor data quality have been the subject of several studies. (Olson-2003).

Quality regarding data issues:
The challenges of gathering the required data for the analysis are described here. Raw data is rife with
flaws, omissions, and sloppy presentation.

The following are examples of common issues with data quality:

I:- Instability in the Presented Data:

Data inconsistencies may be avoided if information were presented in a standardized way. Data
inconsistency occurs when identical information is kept in several database tables. Redundant
information is a common contributor to inconsistencies. (Pearson, 2005).

Solvation: Only research findings that have undergone thorough pretreatment and quality controls
may be trusted.

II:- Data Repetition and Similarity:

Multiple data sources, human error during combining data, and inefficient technology are just a few of
the potential causes of duplicate data. Having repetitions in a dataset indicates the presence of one or
more two records with substantially identical content.

Solvation: Anti-duplication algorithms are useful for cutting down on data repetition. Algorithms are
used by data elimination of duplication programs to identify and discard redundant information.

III:- Conflicting Information (Uncertain Facts):

Errors can still occur in unsupervised large-scale data storage environments like data lakes. For really
fast data streams, the situation is much more perilous. It's easy to miss formatting, spelling, or
typographical issues in column headings.

Solvation: It's crucial that everyone on the team utilizes the same data input technique while they're
working together.

IV:- Discrepancies in the statistics:

Different file formats, metric systems, and naming conventions are just a few of the factors that might
cause data inconsistencies. Integration and analysis difficulties might result from inconsistent date
structure or from items and divisions with distinct names. (2001, Anokhin)

Solvation: Data entry workers should exercise vigilance and put in place measures to validate and
verify the data they enter.

V:- Unreliable outcomes:

Human errors in data entry may result in inaccurate or deceptive conclusions. There might have been
data mistakes or misinterpretations. (Olson, 2003)

Solvation: Using data automation tools and established procedures, data entry clerks can mitigate the
impact of human error.

COTS Data and Its Challenges:

Among the many problems I've seen with the COTS data are:

Incorrect Year Listed:

The appropriate years are 2020 and 2022, but someone scribbled "2032" instead.

Fig. 02; Inaccurate Year

As a placeholder, I decided on the year "2022" because it looked the most realistic.

Fig. 03; Year added Accurately

Misnamed Market Niche:
The "Marketing Segments" section has several typos. Most of them are clustered in the rows marked
"Turistas," "Married Y.P.," and "Fam. Children," & "Retired."

Fig. 04; Niche Misnamed

Using Excel's search and replace feature, I was fortunate to change "Turistas" - "Tourists," "Married
Y.P." - "Married Young Couples," "Fam. Children" - "Family with Children," & "Retired" - "Retired

Fig. 05; Niche Renamed Accordingly
Failed Attempt at Making a Sale:
A demonstrably false negative The data collection contained overall sales figures.

Fig. 06; Negative Sales Added

This prompted me to fix them by myself.

Fig. 07; Revenues can Never be Negative

The Coffee Shop With the Wrong Name:
Pooleham may appear in place of the cafe shop's actual name on rare occasions.

Fig. 08; Branch Title Error

The original name for this café was "Pooleham," but I thought the shorter form "Poole" would work
just as well."

Fig. 09; Branch Title Error Solve

Investigation and data presentation (TASK-03):
Information Display Because they provide a visual representation of a narrative through symbols,
charts are useful to assist with the sense of huge datasets. Charts and other visual representations of
data are more effective in facilitating understanding than text alone. The use of visual aids allows for
the distillation of enormous volumes of complicated, unorganized data into visually appealing
representations, which may then be used to highlight concepts that were formerly hidden.
(McCormick & Salcedo)

A trio of charts detailing the company's financial gains can be seen below.

Table One:
The company's monthly and yearly earnings are listed below..

Year 2020 2021 2022

Months Revenue Sales Revenue Sales Revenue Sales

Quantities Figures Quantities Figures Quantities Figures
1 1,219 £3,992 1,313 £4,181 1,300 £4,245
2 1,323 £3,270 1,402 £4,484 1,456 £4,628
3 1,537 £4,916 1,537 £5,010 1,630 £5,321
4 1,584 £6,182 1,915 £6,127 2,024 £6,371
5 1,498 £4,844 1,458 £5,030 1,653 £5,342
6 1,591 £5,121 1,711 £5,459 1,819 £5,558
7 1,763 £5,766 1,771 £5,708 2,131 £6,725
8 1,824 £5,909 1,935 £6,272 2,411 £7,833
9 1,502 £4,783 1,591 £5,140 1,872 £5,947
10 1,519 £4,929 1,651 £5,364 1,881 £5,963
11 1,482 £4,638 1,672 £5,366 1,949 £6,240
12 1,620 £5,194 1,707 £5,403 1,863 £5,880
Grand Total 18,462 £59,544 19,663 £63,544 21,989 £70,053

Table-One; Increasing Monthly Revenues throughout the Years

The talks:

Based on a closer look at The figures provided by Café, The following are my conclusions on the
month's revenue achievement of Café throughout its history.

Turnover was $16,244 in November, up from $16,418 in January and $12,418 in February. In
2018, the period of April had the second-highest sales volume at $18,680, followed by July at
Since the year 2020, August has remained the most successful month, with sales rising each

There was a gradual rise in sales from £60,522 during 2020, to a peak of 63804 to £70148
during 2022.

In August of 2022, viewers spent more money than they did in April. Consumption increased in 2022,
and further growth is expected the following year. The August 2022 retail sales were the highest ever
recorded, while the January 2022 sales were the lowest ever recorded. The firm is expected to do well
in the next years, with a gain in revenue anticipated between 2020 and 2022.

In the following table, you can see the development of the company's annual sales of the item.

Year 2020 2021 2022 Grand Total

Sales Revenue Sales Revenue Sales Revenue Sales Revenue
Market Segment
Figures Quantities Figures Quantities Figures Quantities Figures Quantities
Young People £ 23,041 5,556 £ 24,161 6,037 £25,981 6,503 £73,183 18,096
Married young couples £ 9,139 3,673 £ 10,195 3,936 £11,037 4,454 £30,371 12,063
Retired people £ 7,701 3,671 £ 7,513 3,808 £ 9,247 4,590 £24,461 12,069
Tourists £ 6,621 1,131 £ 7,009 1,162 £ 7,701 1,275 £21,331 3,568
Single professional people £ 5,514 2,727 £ 5,861 2,941 £ 6,387 3,193 £17,762 8,861
Families with Children £ 8,614 1,704 £ 8,810 1,780 £ 9,700 1,974 £27,124 5,458
Grand Total £ 60,630 18,462 £ 63,549 19,664 £ 70,053 21,989 £194,232 60,115

Table-Two; Niche Turnover by years

The Talks:

Here are just a few of the findings:

"Young people" drove a significant portion of 2022's revenue expansion. The year 2002 was
the most successful in terms of revenue. In the time period under study, sales have risen
across all demographics, even the least successful one, "Single professional people."
The 2022 peak for "6499" sales was among the young, while "1278" sales were lowest within
the single professional population. Money was plentiful in the "young people" / "married
young couple" markets that year.
Sales to young people are valued £73,183 more than to any various age groups. Married
young couples comprise the second most profitable demographic at £30.371 per annum.

Company revenues might be increased by focusing on the "Single skilled people and Tourists"

Some results for yearly sales growth in the various categories are as follows:
Year Revenue Totals (Quarterly) Sales Quantities (Quarterly) Grand Total
Shops Q 01 Q 02 Q 03 Q 04 Q 01 Q 02 Q 03 Q 04 Total Total
Newquay £13,269 £16,326 £17,324 £15,348 4,046 5,142 5,378 4,852 £62,267.00 19,418
Plymouth £18,478 £22,643 £25,062 £22,860 5,772 6,760 7,836 7,164 £89,043.00 27,532
Poole £9,391 £11,065 £11,698 £10,680 2,897 3,349 3,586 3,326 £42,834.00 13,158
Grand Total £41,138 £50,034 £54,084 £48,888 £12,715 £15,251 £16,800 £15,342 £194,144 60,108
Table-Three; Sales Increase in Shops Quarter-by-Quarter

The Talks:

Here is a table that breaks out COTS sales by store by quarter and year.;

For the past 3 years in a row, the final quarter of the year has consistently been the most
profitable for the corporation.
The biggest among the three markets we studied was Plymouth's, and the smallest was
Poole's. More than 46.2% of overall sales may be attributed to Plymouth. In Plymouth, sales
totaled £89,043, in Newquay they totaled £62,267, and in Poole they totaled $42,834.
Sales for Plymouth increased at the end the previous decade thanks to the success of two new items
that debuted in June of 2022.

Tabular Quantification of:

Here is a tabular representation of my findings on Café's history thus far..

Tabular Quantification of

The Talks:
The Plymouth store's increasing sales have helped boost the company's fortunes in all three
The "young people" & "married young couples" demographic subsets are the most important
for driving sales, whereas the "single professional people" subset is less lucrative.
In 2020 and 2022, Newquay and Poole are predicted to experience their worst years ever,
while Plymouth is predicted to experience its best year ever. Years of high output are
interspersed by years of low productivity in both Southampton and Portsmouth.


Interpretation of results is the process of using analysis to draw conclusions from collected data.
Interpreting data can help scientists organize, transform, and summarize data for use in solving
pressing issues. (Boulder and Research, 2012)

Three plots display the conclusions of the revenue assessment of data.

Below graph compares the annual sales of COTS across many stores.

Plot-One; Segment-Specific Revenue Enhancement

The Talks:
Market share for the Cafe in various categories is displayed in the associated bar diagram.

They've found that a certain "young people along with Married young couple" demographic is
mostly responsible for their success in Plymouth.

In a recent survey, "Single professional people" scored dead last for preferred coffee
It's a great time to be in Plymouth for its "young people along with married young couple"
market. In Newquay, there has been a surge in interest from both "Families with Children" &
"Retired People.".
Adding two new product lines in each area has a chance to greatly increase the café's clientele and

The quarterly successes or failures of various stores will be broken down into the following buckets.

Plot-One; Development in Every quarter

The Talks:

According to these numbers, the new items had no impact on sales at Plymouth area businesses.

In the third period, Plymouth saw a rise in sales while the other two sites had flat sales.
The third quarter has been the most profitable for the corporation for the past three years
As the subsequent chart shows, sales dropped back downhill throughout the remainder of the
fiscal year 2022 after an initial uptick at the start of the third reporting period due to those two
new products.

The following bar visualization compares the yearly retail performance of the listed stores:


The Talks:

The accompanying chart depicts the fluctuating dollar share of the consumer goods market held by
various stores throughout time. Three of these international markets are already being served by the

Strong expansion may be seen in the "Plymouth while Newquay" market.

Plymouth's market is more reliable than Newquay's. The market in Poole fell as it grew in
The company hopes to increase profits by introducing two new "Plymouth" market products
in 2022.


The "Plymouth" market expanded most rapidly in 2022, driven by the "Young People" and "Married
Young Couple" subsegments, as well as by increasing investment in "Breakfast" and "Healthy
Snacks" (two Newest Products). The study claims, "The revenue from the prospects is encouraging
due to its capital allocation in innovative goods in Plymouth." Extensive analysis of the "Café"
company's sales data led to formulation of expansion recommendations. Inferences, scrutiny of data,

and a predictive modelling framework were used to finish the job. We utilized "MS Excel" to perform
any required data modifications manually.

Selling at the "Plymouth" location skyrocketed in 2022, thanks in large part to the company's success
with two new fresh items that year.

The "COTS" company might benefit from several of the study's proposals.

One sector appears to be ruling the Plymouth economy, and its popularity appears to be on the
upswing. If the café can accommodate their needs, it will experience an increase in customers
and profits.
Most companies utilise text mining techniques (C and 5, 2018) to determine customer
approval and satisfaction.
The new items have been well received by Plymouth consumers, thus the business has
decided to target to "Tourists and Retired People" sector.
The advent of powerful data analytics technologies has allowed businesses to see into the
future and make predictions about how they will perform.
Newquay would be well to put its resources towards expanding its market and distribution
approaches, since both have room for growth.
Given that "Single Professional People and Tourists" make up such a small percentage of the
café's regulars, it's important to focus on them.

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