Understanding Organizational Structure - Training Guide - 610201

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Understanding Organizational

Training Guide
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Written activity for the student to perform.

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Where to find more information on the subject.


Computer-based activity for the student to perform. Written steps are included.

Warning that failure to heed can lead to loss of data.

Question or problem for the student to think about and the class to discuss.

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Course Details:
Duration: 3 hours
Release: 61
Delivery Methods: Instructor-Led Training, Video
Country: US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland

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Understanding Organizational Structure Contents 3

Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Learning Objectives....................................................................................................................................... 6
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Available Resources ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Configuration Overview ..................................................................................................................... 7
Understanding Organizational Structure ............................................................................................. 8
Organizational Structure Units Overview ..................................................................................................... 8
Organizational Structure Units ..................................................................................................................... 8
Considerations .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Organizational Structure Units ......................................................................................................... 10
Organizational Hierarchy Units ................................................................................................................... 10
Corporate, Region, and District .................................................................................................................. 10
Corporate ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Region and District ............................................................................................................................... 11
Site and Department................................................................................................................................... 11
Site ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Department .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Job, Job Assignment, and Work Assignment .............................................................................................. 13
Job ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Job Assignment..................................................................................................................................... 14
Work Assignment ................................................................................................................................. 14
Zone and Zone Package .............................................................................................................................. 15
Zone ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Zone Package ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Organizational Structure Considerations ........................................................................................... 18
Considerations Overview ............................................................................................................................ 18
Considerations ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Work Assignments................................................................................................................................ 19
Access Management ............................................................................................................................ 20
Management Hierarchy........................................................................................................................ 21
Legal Entity and Tax Calculations ......................................................................................................... 22
General Ledger ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Reporting .............................................................................................................................................. 23
Additional Considerations........................................................................................................................... 24
Future Expansion or Closure ................................................................................................................ 24
Global ................................................................................................................................................... 24
Historical Employee Data ..................................................................................................................... 25
Workflow Approvals ............................................................................................................................. 25
Labor Allocations (Scheduling) ............................................................................................................. 25
Screen Filters ........................................................................................................................................ 26

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4 Overview Course name

Interfaces .............................................................................................................................................. 26
Planning Organizational Structure .................................................................................................... 27
Example 1: Work Assignments .................................................................................................................... 27
Example 2: Access Management ................................................................................................................. 30
Example 3: Management Hierarchy ............................................................................................................ 31
Example 4: Tax Calculations and Legal Entity .............................................................................................. 33
Example 5: General Ledger.......................................................................................................................... 35
Example 6: Reporting .................................................................................................................................. 37
Practice Activity – Planning Organizational Structure ................................................................................. 40

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Understanding Organizational Structure Overview 5

Welcome to Understanding Organization Structure. Most people are familiar with the hierarchy or
structure used within their organization. You might know this as the ‘organizational chart’, as it is
typically expressed in a hierarchical ‘tree’ chart. The way an organization is set up determines how the
business is run.
Though you may have a thorough understanding of your organization’s corporate structure, the
structure configured within Dayforce may differ from the structure that your organization uses daily.
Certain application sections must be configured according to specific requirements to ensure correct
functionality, and as a result your organizational structure must be modified to fit these requirements
when set up in Dayforce.
This course will teach you how to translate your corporate structure to a Dayforce organizational
structure. We will look at several considerations to keep in mind throughout this process and will give
you the opportunity to apply the Dayforce organizational planning process to a variety of example
The following sections are included in this course:

Section Description
Configuration Overview Introduces the configuration of Dayforce, including a
description of the configuration process.
Understanding Organizational Structure Describes how considerations and other factors affect
the configuration process. This is followed by a
description of all organizational units found within
Dayforce and how the considerations affect them.
Organizational Structure Units Describes the various units that make up the
organizational structure. Each level of the organization
affects specific functionality in Dayforce.
Organizational Structure Considerations Determines how to design the organizational structure
and if the organizational structure will be effective. We
will begin by reviewing Considerations which are
considerations that impact all customers and
organizational hierarchy designs.

Planning Organizational Structure Illustrates a variety of organizational structures in a

problem-solving scenario format. You will learn how to
apply considerations when setting up an organization.

Throughout this course, you will complete several activities.

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6 Overview Understanding Organizational Structure

Learning Objectives
By completing this course, you will be able to:
• Define the purpose of the Organizational Structure and how it is used in Dayforce.
• Define the standard levels of the organizational unit hierarchy.
• Describe the considerations related to the organizational structure.

No Dayforce courses are required as prerequisites before attending this course.

Available Resources
A variety of supporting guides are available through the Ceridian Support Portal (support.ceridian.com)
using the Knowledge Articles search feature. Talk to your organization’s support user or Implementation
Consultant for help with obtaining these guides, depending on if you are in implementation or live.
• Dayforce Implementation Guide (DIG)

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Understanding Organizational Structure 7

Configuration Overview
Determining your organizational structure and setup is one of the first steps in the Dayforce
implementation process. Your implementation team will then configure your environment based on
your organizational structure. However, the implementation process does not end there – further
testing, training, and configuration are required before your environment goes live.
Dayforce is configured for your organization and typically occurs in the following order:

Pre-Configuration – Occurs prior to any configuration within Dayforce

1. Organizational Structure – Plan out the organizational structure as it applies to Dayforce. This
step occurs prior to any configuration within the application.

Mandatory Configuration – Setup processes that must be completed for every client
2. Organizational Setup – Configure organizational units, jobs, job assignments, and other units.
3. Application Security – Define roles, users, and password policies for the organization.
4. Global Settings – Set parameters that affect many areas of the application.
5. HR Key Elements and Pay Groups – Define mandatory HR record properties in preparation for
completing an HR import.

Optional Configuration – Additional setup processes that may occur in any order. The processes required
for your environment will depend on which modules you purchase.

• Additional HR Setup – Define properties and classification structures for Dayforce HR records
• WFM Setup – Configure WFM functionality such as scheduling, request management, and
• Payroll Setup – Set up the calculation of pay information and transmission of the payroll.
• Benefits Setup – Configure benefit features, plans, and processes.
• Talent Setup – Set up recruiting and talent functionality.
• Document Management Setup – Enable and configure document management features and

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8 Understanding Organizational Structure Understanding Organizational Structure

Understanding Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure Units Overview
Organizational structure in Dayforce defines each customer's organizational hierarchy, and Dayforce
uses the information for things like:
• Employee Work Assignments
• Screen and Report Filters
• Schedules and Timesheets
• Location Access
• Management
• Reporting
• Tax Calculations
• General Ledger
• Workflows
Organizational structure is the most essential element in the configuration of Dayforce. All subsequent
configuration references the organizational structure.

Organizational Structure Units

The following diagram shows the components that make up each customer's organizational structure.

During implementation, Ceridian representatives work with customers to determine the org structure
that will meet the customer's needs, based on several considerations.

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Understanding Organizational Structure Understanding Organizational Structure 9

Each of the elements shown here must be considered, this will help determine how to design the
organizational structure and if the organizational structure will function effectively.

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10 Organizational Structure Units Understanding Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure Units

Each organization must contain a corporate level, a site, and a department.

Organizational Hierarchy Units

We will look at the various units of the organization that make up the organizational structure. Each
level of the organization affects specific functionality within Dayforce. At a minimum, each organization
must contain a corporate level, a site, and a department.

Corporate, Region, and District


The Corporate level is the highest organizational level in Dayforce. It serves as the starting point for the
organizational hierarchy, and most customers assign their organization name to this level.

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Understanding Organizational Structure Organizational Structure Units 11

Region and District

The Region and District are optional levels of the organizational hierarchy used to create groups or sub-
groups under the corporate level. This level is used to give access to a section of the organizational
hierarchy, such as for administrators to carry out their tasks or to run reports.
Regions are usually ranked higher than districts on the organizational structure, but this order is not

Additional levels may be created above or below regions and districts if further organization is required,
there is no limit to the number of levels.

Site and Department


A Site is a location where employees work. Sites are a crucial part of the organizational structure as they
influence the following activities within Dayforce:
• Manager Visibility – Sites define a basic level at which access to employee records can be
• Approval Authority – Sites also define the employee group for which a manager can approve
employee requests, timesheets, and pay information.
• Taxation – When taxes are driven by the work address, the physical location assigned to the site
affect the taxes paid by both the employer and employees. Sites may or may not correspond to
a specific physical location, but every site must have a physical address and be attached to a
legal entity.

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12 Organizational Structure Units Understanding Organizational Structure


Departments are divisions of the organization that represent common activities. Examples include an
accounting department or an IT department where all members of the department carry out those
business functions.

Generic Departments
Generic Departments are created for use at any site. Once created, these departments are associated
with sites and zones.


For example, an electronics retailer has created generic Computers, Customer Service, and Gaming
departments. These departments can be used anywhere within the organization.

On-Site Departments
On-Site Departments represent an actual location at a physical site where employees work.


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Understanding Organizational Structure Organizational Structure Units 13

For example, the generic Gaming department is assigned to the Store 1 site, creating the Store 1 Gaming
on-site department where employees can be assigned to work. The on-site department is also known as
the Location.

Job, Job Assignment, and Work Assignment


Jobs represent the duties that employees perform. Like departments, jobs are also "generic" in
Dayforce, and you can use them in different departments or on-site departments across the


For example, some jobs for this electronic store may include director, manager, and representative.

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14 Organizational Structure Units Understanding Organizational Structure

Job Assignment

Job Assignments represent a combination of a department and a job. They specify which jobs can be
performed in each department.


For example, a combination of the Computers department and the Sales Associate job makes the
Computers Sales Associate job assignment. Other example job assignments for this electronics store
could include a Gaming Sales Associate, or Computers Tech Support.

Work Assignment

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Understanding Organizational Structure Organizational Structure Units 15

The Work Assignment is a combination of an employee’s work Location and Job Assignment. It specifies
where employees work and what they do.
Every employee must have at least one work assignment in their HR record. Additional work
assignments may be added to the employee’s HR record at any time. The employees included on
schedules and timesheets are based on the employee’s work assignment.


Continuing with the electronics retail store example, when the Store 1 Computers location and the
Computers Sales Associate job assignment are combined, the Store 1 Computers Sales Associate work
assignment is defined.

Zone and Zone Package


Zones are used to organize a location into clusters of departments for labor planning, scheduling, and
security access.
Zones can be used to:

• Schedule single shifts for multiple departments

• Filter schedule and timesheet information
o The only way to filter the timesheet for Departments is by Zone.
• Aggregate hours in the schedules and timesheets for planning and reporting
Each zone can be made up of a single department (1:1 Relationship) or multiple departments (1:Many

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16 Organizational Structure Units Understanding Organizational Structure

1:1 Relationship

For most customers, a 1:1 relationship between departments and zones is sufficient.

1:Many Relationship

Customers with more complex needs may require a 1:Many Relationship. For example, a big box store
could add both the Computers and Gaming departments to a zone called Electronics.

This configuration is most common for customers in the retail sector.

Zone Package

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Understanding Organizational Structure Organizational Structure Units 17

Zone Packages are collections of departments and zones. They group zones and departments into
common configurations to quickly add new locations.
Another term used synonymously with zone package is template because zone package provides time
savings when adding on-site departments.
For example, this illustration shows three zone packages:
• Full-Service Store, which includes both the Support and Electronics zones.
• Kiosk, which only includes the Electronic zone. These are smaller stores that do not offer in
store support.
• Master, which includes all zones.
When a new store needs to be added, Dayforce will create the zones and departments for the new
location based on the zone package selected to create the new site.

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18 Organizational Structure Considerations Understanding Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure Considerations

Considerations Overview

There are several considerations that will help determine how to design the organizational structure and
if the organizational structure will be effective. We will begin by reviewing Considerations which are
considerations that impact all customers and organizational hierarchy designs.

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Understanding Organizational Structure Organizational Structure Considerations 19

• Work Assignments: Every employee must have at least one Work Assignment. The Work
Assignment specifies where the employee works and what they do.
• Access Management: Is predicated on access being limited by “organizational units” and not by
other entities (such as Pay Groups). Customer should be aware of these boundaries when
deriving the site and on-site department pairings.
• Management Hierarchy: An employee’s manager is assigned either via direct assignments or
organization assignments. When possible, the site and on-site department listing from the
customer should accommodate management by organization assignment.
• Legal Entity and Tax Calculations: All legal entities for a customer must be represented within
the organization structure, and all sites must be tied to a legal entity for tax and Year-End
reporting considerations. The site must also have an address, this address will drive tax
calculations based on the employee’s work assignment. (Only when the work address is what
drives the tax calculations.)
• General Ledger: The customer should be able to fit their Charter of Accounts (COA) in the
proposed organization structure design. The cost/profit center breakdown can exist in various
levels of the organizational hierarchy.
• Reporting: Many standard reports use the organization structure to determine the data that
managers or administrators see. The customer should be familiar with standard reports before
deriving their final site list.
We’ll look at each of the above Considerations in more detail. Then we’ll look at some Additional
Considerations, these considerations should be reviewed to ensure an effective organizational structure
is built though they may not impact every customer.

Work Assignments

Work Assignments are used to specify where employees work and what they do. Schedule and
timesheet data is allocated to work assignment. Each employee must have one primary work
assignment and can be assigned one or more secondary work assignments.
The work assignment drives the employee’s work location and drives their taxation. Rules like the punch
policy (such as rules to calculate overtime pay), schedule rule policy (such as rules to how many hours an
employee can be scheduled in a day/week) may be configured for a certain location and may not be
properly applied if the organizational hierarchy is set up incorrectly.

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20 Organizational Structure Considerations Understanding Organizational Structure

A Work Assignment consists of a Location (Site and On-site Department) and Job Assignment
(Department and Job). If these units are not configured correctly, work assignments are affected.

Access Management

Administrators handle specialized tasks such as payroll, benefits, or HR administration within Dayforce.
These users do not manage individual employee requests but might need to access specific information
for many employees across the organization.

Access can be granted by giving access to various levels of the organizational structure such as site,
region, or district. When giving access to a region or district, the user will have access to all levels below.

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Understanding Organizational Structure Organizational Structure Considerations 21

Management Hierarchy

Managers typically complete functions such as:

• View employee HR records

• Approve/Deny Time Away requests
• Schedule Employees
• Review/Edit/Approve Timesheets
• Approve/Deny Forms submitted by an employee
• Submit forms to change employee records

Managers are assigned using the following models:

• Derived by Organization: Derived by Organization means that you assign a manager to a site or
an on-site department. If an employee’s primary work assignment changes to a different
location, the manager of the new location automatically becomes his or her new manager.
When possible, the site and on-site departments should accommodate this management model.
This management model requires less manual intervention and is easier for the client to

In the image, store 3 uses the derived by organization model. This means that Trey manages all
employees who work in Store 3.

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22 Organizational Structure Considerations Understanding Organizational Structure

• Direct Assignment: Employees are individually assigned to a manager in their HR record. The
manager can see information for the employees assigned directly to them, regardless of their
location. This method is used when derived by organization cannot be accommodated or to
supplement the derived by organization because it doesn’t meet the client’s needs in all
situations. This method requires manual intervention and is more difficult to maintain.

In the image, the employees who report to Mark and Gail have been directly assigned. These
employees do not need to work in the same location as their manager or other members of
their team.

Legal Entity and Tax Calculations

A Legal Entity is the business association that the federal tax authorities recognize to ensures correct
taxing for the company and employees. A legal entity is required for every country the client operates in
and must be represented within the organizational structure.
In the U.S., the legal entity is commonly referred to as FEIN, in Canada it is called BN or Business
Number. In other countries, this is labeled as various additional terms. Therefore, it is called legal entity
in Dayforce.
The Legal Entity and Physical Address are assigned at the site level or can be overridden at the on-site
department level. The employee’s Work Assignment determines the employee’s work address and the
associated legal entity for taxation purposes. If an organization is set up incorrectly, the wrong taxes
may be applied to employee pay or tied to the organization.

General Ledger

The General Ledger keeps a record of all transactions that an organization is involved with, budgets, and
tracks balances of affected accounts.
General Ledger account numbers consist of:

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Understanding Organizational Structure Organizational Structure Considerations 23

• Journal Numbers represent the account that is affected by the transaction, and
• Ledger Codes associate the transaction with organizational units to track the budget or cost
center with which the transaction is associated.
• Ledger Codes can be defined on many areas of the application including:
• Organizational Hierarchy Units including Corporate, Region, District, Site, On-Site Department,
Jobs and Job Assignments
• Pay Class, Pay Type, Dockets, and Labor Metrics
The appropriate ledger codes must be assigned to the correct organizational units within Dayforce.
When the employee logs time, the costs associated are tracked in the general ledger to the appropriate
cost center. This type of cost tracking can be tracked by location, department, or job assignment.
Both the customer’s and the project’s General Ledger resources should be included in requirements
gathering and organizational structure discussions to ensure the general ledger tracking requirements
are accounted for in the organizational hierarchy.


A wide variety of reports are available to summarize key information within Dayforce and meet
compliance requirements. Many standard reports use the organizational structure to determine the
data that the managers or administrators see. Many standard reports only filter on one site, region, or
district at a time.
It is important to understand how your customer reports on employees to ensure it is accounted for in
the organizational structure.

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24 Organizational Structure Considerations Understanding Organizational Structure

Reports are easily run for individual sites or all sites within a district, but many standard reports cannot
be run for multiple sites from separate districts. Using the example in the image, if running a report on
Stores 2 and 4 is important to the customer, these two sites should be grouped together in the
organizational structure to meet its reporting needs.

Additional Considerations
These additional considerations should be reviewed to ensure an effective organizational structure is
built though they may not impact every customer. Be sure to click each card to learn more about each

Future Expansion or Closure

When a Dayforce organization is designed, it should be set up in such a way that lends itself to easy
expansion or closure of facilities. It is best to plan for expansion even if it may not be used, leaving
room for expansion prevents the need to re-design the organizational hierarchy in the future. For
example, adding geographic categories at the region level such as West and East or for business
functions such as Distribution and Operations.


Global implementations are typically completed in phases. This means one or more countries are
live using the application while other countries are being implemented. Each country may have
their own specific needs that could impact the organizational hierarchy. The needs of the entire
organization should be explored with the initial implementation phase. A level to represent the
countries should be included in the organizational structure.

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Understanding Organizational Structure Organizational Structure Considerations 25

Historical Employee Data

Many customers will bring in historical employee data. This historical data may require additional
sites, jobs, and other organizational structure units to be created and included in the
organizational structure. The impacts to the organizational hierarchy will depend on what type of
information the customer plans to track. For example, if the historical data includes work
assignments or location data then the appropriate org units to represent these historical locations
will need to be created.

Workflow Approvals

Workflows can be routed to a manager or a relative role. This can respect the employee’s manager
assignment or could use the organizational hierarchy. This is typically explored along with
discussions about management and role security.

Labor Allocations (Scheduling)

Labor allocations is based on employee scheduling and time tracking needs when employees are
required to work across multiple departments. These employees would have multiple work
assignments. The lowest level of the organizational hierarchy is on-site department.

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26 Organizational Structure Considerations Understanding Organizational Structure

The hierarchy list may need to be reevaluated if the customer has requirements where there are
areas within a department. There are alternatives to tracking employee time , such as Projects and

Screen Filters

Schedules and Timesheets are loaded and posted or approved by site. Schedules and Timesheets
can be filtered further such as by Zone but cannot be filtered by Department. Filters are available
throughout the application.


In some cases, Dayforce is not the system of record for the customer. When this occurs, the
organizational structure needs to be designed in a manner that accommodates the import and
export of data to this other system. The Reference Codes are used for importing and exporting
data. Each reference code needs to be unique and may need to be specific to match with the other
Careful analysis is required to match the appropriate unit in Dayforce to the units in the other
system. This could impact how the organizational hierarchy is designed.

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Understanding Organizational Structure Planning Organizational Structure 27

Planning Organizational Structure

After gaining a solid understanding of key organizational structures and considerations, the next step is
to put this knowledge into action by designing an organization.
The purpose of this process is to carefully map out the organizational structure in what is known as an
‘organizational tree’ before beginning configuration within Dayforce. All the previous considerations
should be considered during this planning process, as it can be very difficult and costly to correct a bad
organizational design once a company has gone into production.
Every organization is different, but all organizations need to keep the considerations in mind when
planning their organizational structure for Dayforce. The following examples are discussed throughout
this section to demonstrate how the main considerations are applied to a variety of organization types:
1. Work Assignments – A small manufacturer must schedule staff for multiple locations and job
2. Access Management – A network of retail spaces has stores to facilitate levels of software
access across all four corners of the city.
3. Management Hierarchy – A hospital network must manage its large staff group effectively.
4. Tax Calculations and Legal Entity – A resort company has multiple locations and multiple legal
entities to account for.
5. General Ledger– A network of community centers needs its general ledger information within
Dayforce to interface with the accounting systems used in other areas of the organization.
6. Reporting – A snack food manufacturer needs to run reports for multiple organizational units.

At the end of this section, you will complete a practice activity where all considerations must be applied
to a complex organization.

Example 1: Work Assignments

The Scenario
ABC Company is a small auto parts manufacturer whose organization is set up as follows:
• Multinational manufacturer operating in the USA and Canada.
• Four Manufacturing locations (Plant 2 and Plant 4 in Canada, Plant 1 and Plant 3 in the USA).
• The organization plans to open retail locations in the future.
• Each location has the following departments:
o Assembly 1
o Assembly 2
o Receiving
o Packaging
o Maintenance
o Management
• Each department is linked to a zone in a 1:1 configuration.

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28 Planning Organizational Structure Understanding Organizational Structure

ABC Company needs to translate their organizational structure into a Dayforce structure, ensuring that
employees can be correctly scheduled for work.

The Solution
Part 1 – Define the Corporate, Region and District Levels
The first step in planning the organization is determining high level organizational units such as the
Corporate, Region and District levels.
The Corporate level is always located at the top of the organization and would be renamed “ABC
Company” to accurately reflect the organization.
The next step is determining what to set as the region versus district level of the organization. Region is
ranked as a higher organizational unit than district in this example.
Currently all locations (both Canada and USA) are manufacturing locations. Because “manufacturing”
describes locations in both countries, the Region level is labelled as “Manufacturing” and the district
level classifies between Canada and USA locations:

This setup makes the most sense for accommodating ABC Company’s future expansion. It’s easier to add
“Retail” at the Region level to define an entirely new division of the company than it is to create multiple
retail divisions under the USA and Canada if needed. Future expansion would look like this:

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Understanding Organizational Structure Planning Organizational Structure 29

Part 2 – Define Sites and Departments

Once the regions and districts are defined, the next step is to add sites to the organization. ABC has four
sites: two in each country. Each site at ABC Company defines a physical location. The address of the site
an employee works at is used to determine the employee’s tax jurisdiction. Here is what the
organization looks like when the sites are added:

Managers are assigned to their plant at the site level so they can oversee the employees that work at a
specific plant.
Next, On-Site Departments are added to further divide each plant. (Note: within ABC Company, each
plant uses the same on-site departments. As such, a zone package can be used to create all four plants
when the organization is configured within Dayforce).

The graphic above displays what the completed organizational structure looks like for ABC Company.

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30 Planning Organizational Structure Understanding Organizational Structure

Part 3 – Define Work Assignments

The framework of the organization is now in place, but additional pieces still need to be configured. The
following generic jobs must be added to the system:

Once the generic jobs are added, job assignments are derived from a combination of the department
and job. For example:

Department Job Job Assignment

Assembly 1 Material Handler Assembly 1 Material Handler
Maintenance Machinist Maintenance Machinist

Finally, the work assignments are derived from a combination of the location and job assignment. For

Job Assignment Location Work Assignment

Assembly 1 Material Handler Plant 1 Assembly 1 Assembly 1 Material Handler,
Plant 1 Assembly 1
Maintenance Machinist Plant 2 Maintenance Maintenance Machinist, Plant 2

Example 2: Access Management

The Scenario
ABC Clothing Retailers, Inc. manages stores in all four directional areas of town:
• Northside
• Southside
• Westside
• Eastside

This retailer began their business on the Westside of town.

Each region contains one or more stores, each with unique product offerings and departments. The
managers at these locations may have access to one or more stores, product areas, or departments.
Keep in mind that when a manager has access to view details at the store level, they can view details
across all information for all departments.
The Westside encompasses Store 1, Store 2, and Store 3. While the Eastside includes Store 4, Store 5,
and Store 6.
Store 1 and Store 2 includes all departments offered by the corporation, including:

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Understanding Organizational Structure Planning Organizational Structure 31

• Fine Jewelry
• Men’s Clothing
• Women’s Clothing
• Kids Clothing
• Furniture.
Store 3 does not have Kids Clothing or Furniture. Store 4, Store 5, and Store 6 only sell all clothing lines
in the applicable apparel departments.
Manager 1 will manage Store 1 and Store 2. Whereas, Manager 2 will have less responsibility by
managing just the Men’s Clothing department at Store 4.

The Solution
In this scenario, the regions, sites, and departments must be setup.
Additionally, the correct access must be given at the appropriate level for safety, security, and access

Example 3: Management Hierarchy

The Scenario
The Regional Health Network manages three major hospitals in a city:
• A general hospital
• A children’s hospital
• A geriatric care hospital
Each hospital is a separate legal entity.
Within each hospital are different care units such as the emergency room (ER), intensive care unit (ICU),
cancer center (CC), and maternity unit (MT). Not every hospital has the same units; for example, a
maternity unit is not required in the geriatric care hospital.

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32 Planning Organizational Structure Understanding Organizational Structure

In addition, large groups of staff members are required in each unit, such as:
• Doctors
• Nurses
• Orderlies
• Janitors
Since many staff members of each type work in each unit, each staff group is managed and scheduled
independently. For example, the ICU department has separate managers for ICU doctors, ICU nurses,
ICU orderlies, and ICU janitors. In addition, many of the employees within a staff group have a
specialized area of the unit in which they work. For example, employees working in the ICU may work in
the Cardiac ICU, Trauma ICU, Burn ICU, and so on.

The Solution
In this scenario, there are two issues that need to be accommodated via the organizational structure:
• The separate legal entities must be defined.
• Because scheduling and management occur according to the unit and staff group, (not the unit
itself), the sites must be defined at the unit and staff group level to restrict visibility.
All three hospitals are in the same city; therefore, country and state do not need to be specified in the
organizational structure.

However, since each hospital represents a separate legal entity it’s important to note this as part of the
organizational structure. The easiest way to do so is to create the actual hospitals at the regional level
and assign the correct legal entity at the site level.
Next, it is important to remember that the site level controls manager visibility and employee pay
approval. The person who is scheduling a group of employees and approving their pay should be the
manager of that group. Therefore, the site level should be set for the appropriate staff group so that
managers can carry out these tasks effectively.
If the site level is set for the unit level only, the nursing manager might have access to HR records and
pay approval for everyone in the unit (doctors, nurses, orderlies, and janitorial staff). If the site level is
set for the staff group only, the nursing manager might have access to HR records and pay approval for
every nurse in the hospital. Neither of these options is a desirable solution.

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Understanding Organizational Structure Planning Organizational Structure 33

The above graphic is an example of the correct setup for the general hospital. Each unit is represented
at the District level. A site represents a staff and unit group, where managers schedule employees and
approve pay. Below each site are specific departments that apply to that site.
Generic jobs are created and combined with the departments to create job assignments, and these job
assignments are combined with the location to create the full work assignment.
One final thing to keep in mind – remember that departments are also created in a generic fashion and
are assigned to sites as needed. For instance, while a cardiac department makes sense in the ICU unit, it
doesn’t make sense in a cancer care unit.

Example 4: Tax Calculations and Legal Entity

The Scenario
Bon Voyage Vacations operates luxury vacation destinations across the USA in the following locations:
• Hilton Head, SC
• Aspen, CO
• Key West, FL
Each destination features two separate business entities:
• The Resort – Provides hotel accommodations, fine dining, and concierge services for guests.
• The Club – Offers recreational activities to guests (golf, swimming, and tennis).
Both the resort and club entities for each destination are at the same physical address. For example,
both the Aspen Resort and Aspen Club are in the same building.
The head office for both the Resort and Club entities is also located at the same address in Atlanta, GA.
Standard departments for each business include:

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34 Planning Organizational Structure Understanding Organizational Structure

The Resort The Club

Housekeeping Golf Shop
Food Services Aquatics
Dining Tennis
Administration Administration
Maintenance Maintenance
Management Management

The Solution
These are the main issues that need to be accommodated in this example:
• The division of the Resort and Club into two separate legal entities.
• Assigning the same physical address to both the resort and club sites at each resort location.
• Ensuring that each site has the appropriate departments available for work assignments.
When legal entities are created within Dayforce, a physical address (the address under which the
business was registered) must be associated with it. In this case, Bon Voyage Vacations has two legal
entities but they are both registered under the same address – the address of the head office in Atlanta,
GA. The appropriate legal entity is then assigned to all associated sites.
Each resort location is found at a single street address but the two divisions are part of separate legal
entities. The following is an example of how the legal entity and site address information looks for one
resort location:

Destination Site Legal Entity Site Address

Key West, FL Key West Bon Voyage Vacations Resorts Bon Voyage Key West Resort
Resort 6600 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd. 1800 Washington St.,
NE, Atlanta, GA, Key West, FL,
30328 33040
Key West Club Bon Voyage Vacations Clubs Bon Voyage Key West Club
6600 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd 1800 Washington St.,
NE, Atlanta, GA, Key West, FL,
30328 33040

Here’s an example of what the organizational structure might look like to facilitate these separate legal

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Understanding Organizational Structure Planning Organizational Structure 35

Alternatively, legal entities can be setup using the On-Side Department.

Here is how it could be done:
1. Remove the Region level (Resorts and Clubs).
2. Leave Sites as Hilton Head, Aspen and Key West.
3. Create On-Site Departments for each site as follows:
a. Housekeeping, Food Services, Dining, Administration Resort, Maintenance Resort and
Management Resort assigned to Legal Entity 1.
b. Golf Shop, Aquatics, Tennis, Administration Clubs, Maintenance Clubs and Management
Clubs assigned to Legal Entity 2.

Example 5: General Ledger

The Scenario
Greenleaf Township operates four community centers in neighborhoods across the city. Each
community center offers the same services:
• Membership
• Programs
• Aquatics
• Maintenance
Greenleaf’s general ledger is set up by service, not location. For example, the budget for Aquatics
consists of all four Aquatics services at the four locations. The company, therefore, reports general
ledger information and manages employees for one service at all four locations simultaneously.
Greenleaf has set up its organization so that each service is a site, and each site has a corresponding
ledger code. GL information for each service therefore appears together:

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36 Planning Organizational Structure Understanding Organizational Structure

However, this organizational structure makes it unwieldy to schedule its employees for work or approve
pay for each community center, because each site contains all employees for all locations. For example,
the Membership site contains employees at all four community centers, which makes it difficult to
create schedules, review timesheets, or approve pay for employees at a single site.
Help Greenleaf correct the problems it is experiencing while still maintaining the appropriate GL format.

The Solution
Greenleaf Township has made the mistake of setting up its departments as sites. This works from a GL
perspective but causes many other issues. Without departments, Greenleaf cannot:
• Determine employee work assignments.
• Schedule employees for work.
• Run most reports.
• Use time and attendance functionality.
The solution is to set up each community center as a physical site and add the same four services as
departments at each. This setup determines employee work assignments and allows employees to be
scheduled for work.
Ledger codes may be entered at either the site level or department level. In this case, entering the same
ledger code for each department that makes up a service allows all four of those departments to be
reported together. For example, the code 002 would be entered for the Programs department at all four

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Understanding Organizational Structure Planning Organizational Structure 37

Example 6: Reporting
The Scenario
Chippy’s Snack Co. is a small, regional manufacturer of potato chips and pretzels. The organization has
two product lines and four assembly lines, one for each of their four products:
• Potato chips
o Original flavor
o BBQ flavor
• Pretzels
o Knot pretzels
o Stick pretzels

Though the manufacturing process is similar for each product, there are small differences between the
processes that the company has tried to account for. For example, BBQ chip manufacturing has a
Flavoring operator and Original chip manufacturing does not.
To accommodate these differences, Chippy’s has set up its departments and jobs as follows:

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38 Planning Organizational Structure Understanding Organizational Structure

Each operator has at least two work assignments on their HR Record, as they are trained to operate at
least two machines on the line. The work assignment is changed when they are scheduled to designate
their job assignment or location for the day, and transfers are used to switch between job assignment
and locations.
However, Chippy’s is having issues with running reports in the application. They want to report on the
following groups of employees:
• All workers on each individual product line
• All QA Technicians
• All Operators
These reports cannot be run accurately at this time.

The Solution
Chippy’s has created very specific departments and jobs to describe the tasks associated with each
product and product line. This does allow employees to be scheduled accurately but interferes with
management and reporting.
Generic jobs and departments are not created simply for convenience – they also make it easier to
gather and compare information on groups of employees across the organization.
For example, Chippy’s wants to compare information for all Operators across the organization and on
each assembly line. At this time, each operator job is unique and associated with a specific on-the-job
task. Because of this, you cannot run a report that contains information for all the unique operator job
Instead of their original organizational structure, Chippy’s would be better off to use the following

Generic jobs, such as a generic “Operator” job, should be configured instead of unique jobs and assigned
to all departments that use it. This way, a report can be run on the “Operator” job that returns results
from all job assignments with the “Operator” job assigned. Dockets can be used to record which

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Understanding Organizational Structure Planning Organizational Structure 39

machine an employee is working on for their shift (and a machine switch during the shift can still be
recorded using a transfer).
Likewise, it makes more sense to specify separate products at the site level and define the two product
lines at the district level instead. The advantages to this setup include:
• Ease of scheduling and management, as managers are overseeing only one factory line at a
• The ability to easily run reports on a specific factory line in isolation.
• The flexibility to also run a report on an entire product line at the district level.
Finally, the use of dockets makes it easier to report the labor allocation of employees across the factory.
Premium pay rates may also be associated with specific tasks. For example, since operating the fryer
requires specialized training, employees who work on this machine earn a $0.50 premium per hour.

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40 Planning Organizational Structure Understanding Organizational Structure

Practice Activity – Planning Organizational Structure

Now that you have completed a review of a variety of organizational structure examples, you should be
able to develop an organizational structure of your own based on a client’s requirements.

Activity: Vet Clinic and Grooming Center

Time: 20 minutes
You are working as a Dayforce Implementation Consultant and are designing the Dayforce organizational
structure for a new client. Here is what you have learned about the client so far:

Client Name: PetTech, Inc.

Business Overview:
• PetTech operates a large veterinary hospital and a small grooming clinic.
o The veterinary hospital was the original business – PetTech acquired the grooming business
last year.
o Both divisions of the company are in the same building but operate as separate business

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Understanding Organizational Structure Planning Organizational Structure 41

Client Name: PetTech, Inc.

Veterinary Hospital Overview:
• The veterinary hospital’s business involves caring for sick or injured pets.
• The clinic is made up of the following units:

Division Veterinary Care Veterinary Administration

Where animals receive treatment. Where the clinic is managed and
where clients check in.
Unit(s) • General Practice (day-to-day • Veterinary Office
treatment, vaccinations) (reception and management)
• Emergency Room (serious
emergencies and injuries)
• Surgery (operating room)
Associated • Veterinary staff • Animal Care staff
Staff o Veterinarian o Vet Assistant
• Animal Care staff • Customer Service
o Technician o Representative
o Vet Assistant • Management
• Management o Manager
o Manager

Accounting information:
• In the Veterinary Care division, budgeting occurs at the staff group level.
o For example, there is one staffing budget for all Animal Care staff across all Veterinary Care
• The Veterinary Administration division is budgeted separately, and budgets are derived by
staff group.

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42 Planning Organizational Structure Understanding Organizational Structure

Client Name: PetTech, Inc.

Grooming Center Overview:
• The grooming center’s business involves providing grooming services to pet owners (trimming
claws, cutting fur, etc.)
• The grooming center is made up of only one unit:

Unit(s) • Grooming Salon (Where animals are

groomed and the grooming center is
Associated • Grooming
Staff o Stylist
• Customer Service
o Representative
• Management staff
o Manager

Accounting information:
• The Grooming Salon is budgeted separately, and budgets are derived by staff group

Use these requirements to design the Dayforce organizational structure for PetTech. You are expected
to deliver the following:
• The organizational structure in a tree format (containing corporate, region/district, site, and
department levels)
• A chart of jobs and job assignments, and the departments with which they are associated
• Designated legal entities
• A brief overview of general ledger requirements
• A brief overview of how reports can be run for various organizational units

Solution to this activity is found in the Appendix: Practice Activity Solution at the back of the guide.

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Use this page to draft the organizational structure for PetTech Inc.

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44 Planning Organizational Structure Understanding Organizational Structure

The following is an example of an organizational structure for PetTech Inc.:

Work Assignments
The following is a complete breakdown of all job assignments (department + job) at PetTech Inc.:

Departments Jobs Job Assignments

Veterinary Veterinarian Veterinary Veterinarian
Animal Care Technician Animal Care Technician
Vet Assistant Animal Care Vet Assistant
Customer Service Representative Customer Service Representative
Grooming Stylist Grooming Stylist
Management Manager Management Manager

Management Hierarchy
• At the veterinary hospital, each unit is a site and has managers that oversee the scheduling for
the sites.
• At the grooming center, the grooming office serves as the sole physical site. Managers here
oversee the scheduling for this site.
Tax Calculations and Legal Entities
• The Veterinary Hospital division and Grooming Center division have separate legal entities
(assigned at the site levels) but both legal entities have the same physical location.
• The regional level separates the veterinary hospital from the grooming center in the
organizational structure, but the legal entity is always assigned at the site level.

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Understanding Organizational Structure Planning Organizational Structure 45

General Ledger
• At the Veterinary Hospital, the Veterinary Care unit and the Veterinary Administration unit are
budgeted separately. Therefore, they use different ledger codes.
• At the Veterinary Care unit, the same ledger code is entered for an entire staff group across all
o E.g., the budget is calculated for all Animal Care staff working in Veterinary Care, regardless
of whether they are assigned to the General Practice, Emergency Room, or Surgery site. All
three Animal Care departments will share the same ledger code as a result.
• The grooming salon is a separate entity and therefore uses a separate chart of accounts.
• Separation of the Veterinary Hospital and the Grooming Center at the Region level allows
reports to be run on an entire division of the company.
• The separation of the Veterinary Care and Veterinary Administration units at the District level
enables reporting for the entire unit.
• Individual reports can be run at the site level or department level.
• Generic jobs and departments have been used across the organization, so reports can be run on
all employees that hold one job (e.g., all Vet Assistants).

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