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MINDFU Iw ING One with Nd TURE How the great outdoors is scientifically INSIDE! Sa = = So MIND & SF. BODY TT elcome to LIVING ‘ow long has t been since you've taken the time to stop and smell the roses? This pivase isa helpful ‘reminder to slow down, take the time to savour the ‘beauty around you and enjoy ie “The word mindfuiness may evoke images of someone ‘meditating cross-legged, deep in contemplation. But while recitations @ minal practice, tls much more than this. By Iving Inthe moment and becoming more aware of yourself and your ‘actions, you can change your whole outlook anc, tun, your Ie, Intis book yout discover what mindfuiness is andhow to practise. You'lleam the incredible benef, not ony for your health and welling, but for fe skits and nding fllimert. Then Uncover wht mincful people do aitfeently by finding outhow to Use the practice in your everyay life whether it’ in your dally routine or doing mundane tasks Ike diving or cleaning ‘Well take a look at ow mindfulness can have an impact on ‘every area of youre, fom your mind and body, to your relationships, envionment, work and social fe. Make smal changes to your eating, exercise and sleeping habits to become a hatte, nappler you, Transom your home intoa tranquil space, rurture your friendships, enjoy your job afd time to be creative. Make the time now and youl realise what youve been missing — ‘andjusthow good that rose realy smells Ready to get started? 4 L FUTURE 1 r Contents 10 Mindful living OL eset | 3O s? Mindful fitnes How to tackle exercise to become a healthier iter version of yoursel ing in the moment 46 Wer the benefits of on the present Reset your mind for a better sleep 16 Mindful changes in our daily ives can set us on the path The pillars for a restful nig TNH) of ‘ntindfiuiness L Seven at ake 50 ; your mindful practices . ora 62 to the next level Eat more mindfully A healthy 20 state of mind 15 min ys to improve Mavimise your mental health jour happiness Lo 68 to make the most of Beating stress your routine in 24 hours Technic Your stress levels and keep calm under pressure 26 Making the 70 mundane mindful ; How to connect with you Just breathe mind and body during Find out howto use everyday activities from your breath to soothe gardening to driving your mind and body One with nature 74, WORK LIFE Finding ‘your centre 98 Clear your desk 100 Happy home, J ust the job : Conscious happy We ; roach ec K relationships Become a conscious traveller COD UME cd TT LIVING It is easier to apply mindfulness to your everyday life than you might think he concept of mindfulness has ‘gradually made its way inte our ‘everyday language over the last few years. ome ofus,thoughtitwas just that ext apply you's alot ifethan 10 incor righ think, make ti ‘incl youre WHAT IS MINDFULNESS? sve interpretation | high Blood: It is all about being more aware and conscious about yourself internally Ei ea HOW TO PRACTISE MINDFULNESS There are mary waysto prac mincfuness that wi ft ito your ever ite, The sing to accep Yyursefand undertake sacar, ve inthe ‘moment and fed joyin simple pleasures, tion to focus on yoursenses, touch, sound, sight, smell andta is around cular beneficial outside in order to tise minefulness a exercises tke body ing meditto mesitation, journaling, con workand more, Unike ather exam free ofinteruptions and You sho be set aside in order to eet that issue stlleasyto into {your day, so you should consider them nto yo Reflectoni minfulness, a thelps yout realy thik ‘about your feelings and emations. This can then be appliedto your er Tyo engage with mind sthen spend some reflecting on whether thas changed anything in youre. dane conecty, yout ‘ind thatyou are ina far better place rmentaly and physically, and wilwant to continue Rindefinitely. Make t ‘commitment to reconnecting wth and nurturing yourself and you wil not regret ay fe Find joy in simple pleasures, actively appreciate your surroundings WALK AND - WITH NATURE ‘Acting some mindful moments to your ‘day can help lower your stress levels +FSTEP ONE apne blanket, b Eau) STOP! THE MINDFULNESS TECHNIQUE TO HELP YOU GET STARTED This simple exercise will help you master your mind, and get the most out of your practice ane) T - TARE A BREATH ‘Are you always on the go? Hi the pause buton to take afew deep breaths ande-cente yoursel, st breathe, We oten puttoo much pressure on cuselves to do everything and be everything. Beng to erica of yoursel issmply not helping! Being hung up and unhappy wh ourminds and cies beating ourselves up for saying he wrong thing resting a pz, and feeling gi for missing a workout won suppoct long term change tohelp you be happier and more content. iste tobe more compassionate towards youre i's aboutfnding the balance between Jening and having the confidence hat youre aking the ight steps to becoming a beter version of youself not comparing youselfto others, but accepting where you ae curently, and being prouc of yourself te werk yout puttngin and the progress youre mang, sso about accepting that setbacks wil happen along your our, earring from what's happened and bouncing back es soon as posse. O - OBSERVE YOUR THOUGHTS Even when yee not aware oft your mind icreating a running native ts chattering avey wth sak anathoughs, sometimes busier, sometimes quite can ften makeup stores beyond the fects nent of you and before you know yout minds sprang out of contol Have you ever walked ito work, waved at someone yauknew an they dc acknowedge youback? How didyou thnk and {©<1? Dd you wonder what yout done to offer then? Di you think they were tude to gnore you fee stupid nd just wantto hide? The fact mightbe that they simpy cc see you a they were focusing on something else. Can youseeh (ou minds can str creating these patios and stares that can recur over aga? There are pattems, thoughts and ematonal experiences fomyour past thateoul be stopping you fom being fully happy — some easyoacknowedge, otters phan decoy rooted, Tekethe time to obsenveyourthougis and teeing thik about now you can acess anything stopping yo fom moving foward P- PROCEED WITH MORE AIVARENES: One ofthe ways cur brains help us getthrough He efcienty is by weaing on utopia. Without emazing function, we wouldstrugge to get hrougha single day and have to eJeamn every tak constart such as civng However autoplt so has ts downsides. We develop habits as we go through te some are use, butsome ‘aren. We operate. on autopotin ou busy ves ¢rabbing the same sandwich, fazy dik and cake forluch without thinking abouti’s helping us become heather. Being rindi il help wake you Upto your utopian enable youte make smarter choices, andith abit of focus, you develop new, heater habs. Now thet yout aware of how yourbody and mind fe! you can begin to gow. or uvine 12 PEcaiekoma ad Moment Mindfulness helps you connect with the present, bringing a whole range of benefits. Here are just a few... indfulness is about paying attention towhat's na Poors ‘the pastor constantly planning for “how ‘future —just being n the moment. t Mincuness can belts of things, CONNECT ) WITH PEOPLE The pandemic demonstrated how Impoctant a sense of connection and belongingisto every hu ‘being @ mental het ssue loneliness also has.a very realimpact on our physica tothe Campaign to End living alone and having poor social comections i as bad for your heath ‘as smoking 5 cigeret Keeping in touch and bulding new ‘connections improves your sense of selEworth and self acceptance. Itcould be ‘meeting frend of coleague fora catch-up Cover cafes attending a crattor fines class or joining abook cub with ke ‘minded individuals, Meanwhile, sharing ‘meaninglul experiences with ahers — ‘whether thats social or trough volunteer Work = ase your posttve mental health and wellbeing. LEARN SOMETHING BRAND NEW “Rese step Whee Srovne vay ere png ows gant rn atpected wiih esr ‘moment Learning something new leads to meeting new people, boosting knowledge, seltconfdence ‘and sel-esteem, SHARE SOMETHING ‘Studies have shown thatthe act of| helping others can increase happiness ‘and shit your perspective. Fom simply buying @ suspended coffee (paying fora ‘rink or snackin advance, which can be calmed by anyone in need) wile ‘dering your morning cappuccino atthe local café, sharing your sls wit someone who needs ahandy al the way ‘through to volunteesing ata food bankcoe charity shop, there are somany ways we can algve back Better yet, ouractof kenness may even inspire someone else todo the same. HEAD TO THE WATER ‘There's 2/>gin parenting, “When ‘hey are crabby putthem inate” Bu the theory works justas wl or ‘rown-ups asi does ite ones. From coc-watersniingto watersports submerang yousetin waters mere fun and also excellent forimproving your focus and balance Pariculary wih padcleboarngf your rine ets and you dont pay tention {you'lfal nthe wate Whats more, while there are lots of actvtes oy, suchas windsuting ot kayaking, increasing populaty due to ts versatiy andreletvely gentle leaning ‘curve. There are more places torent paddeboarding equipment than ever before and you can use them on vers, lakes or inthe sea. MEND YOUR CLOTHES \We'e al done i: you put on your favour top orjeans only to realise it's ‘ssing/a bution cx developed ait hoe. These are allelatvely easy fxes, but so often {get forgotten wee in arush. Since the mast sustainable wardrobe sthe one you already ‘vn, why not take a bitof ime to sit down and pair these much-loved items? Sitcing anc working with your hands offers therapeutic benef, you.can focus onthe task and geta ‘boost once ital rishec, Newo craft? Search for free howtos online or heseito an in-person class lacaly I WORDS OF POSITIVITY ‘What we think about, we bring about Its ry words of posit, whether they are sed ae affkmations onthe actof setting Interions, canhave such an impact on our lives. Grab afew moments with your journal ‘and st quel. For those seeking inspiration foraffimations, one way to getideas sto ask yourself questions. What do you want to change in your Ife? Is there anything yous tke to improve or work on? The statements you create are truly personalto ‘where you are in that moment They can change whenever you wish, end wil slowly butsurely help you gaina sense ofinner peace and calm. Equal sting intentions ~ultmatoly awishistofactons —Is away ofhelping you to achieve your creams, I O)RESTORE ¢ SOMETHING Buinging new feo something a6 or unloved trough xing or estorng can offer mary benetits. Working with our hands stress eleving because trequres focus or the taskin te ere and now. process that takes as ong as takes, owe have toraingushan element of corto Its also satstying to rescue something and seeitanew. feo ena Trace your finger over a labyrinth on paper to achieve a sense of calm OTAREA I. « DAY OFF tes mace up of ite moments sot rmokes sense that everyday magic is in the oops wating for us to spot With that a ming, whatityoustepped out ofthe daly routine and booked youre a dey off A ‘mental neath day, youll Pemapsits the changing ofthe seasons and you ant to seni time in nature noticing its subiletes, aking @bookto the beach o siting onan open-top bus while the wind \wooshes you sboxta bt FORAGE IN I ‘NATURE its eesy otk thatyou can ont forage i you Ive deep inthe courtrysie, but here ‘are opportunities to forage in but-yp areas too, Take a wander to hedgerows, looks the tees youhave in wide, open spaces and youcan even check your on garden cewindowtox Foraging — whether its for bers, herbs or even conkers to pay with offers a chance fr yout be absorbed task, getoutsise,brethin fresh ar and dosome gentle exercs9,t00.youlve near the beach, ty looking interesting shells sea glass or stones. 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