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1. Intro
• Can’t make a first impression twice - high enthusiasm/energy, natural conversation
• Introduce yourself, where you’re calling from, and the reason for calling
• Match their frequency
• Opposite of a telemarketer

2. Agenda
• Explain how the call will go
• Establish authority
- Allows you to lead and control the direction of the conversation
- Someone who has enough information to give to others confidently. For
that to happen, you must have the confidence and conviction to act as an
expert and advise your prospect.
• Enunciate words, don’t rush - shows confidence and keeps you in control
• Transparent for the call ahead

3. Situational Based Questions

• Understand situation; work, school, business
• Find points of commonality
• Find pain points!
- You need to uncover your prospects’ pain points in order to position the
product or service as the solution
- How? Dig deeper to reveal information and it will move the call forward
(Avoid open ended questions)
- Pain Points: Problems in prospects’ lives that they hope to move away
from, by working with you. Ie. more time, more money, hate their job etc.
• Going from open ended questions to very specific questions
- High quality questions!

4. Vision Based Questions

• Establish goals, be serious about their goals or they won’t be
- Get a specific target on where the prospect wants their business to be
• You know where they are, where they want to be, and why
• Full-time income vs. Side hustle
• Why are their goals important to them?
• How will it impact them? - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission
from All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the End User License
then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
5. Challenge Based Questions
• Understand what’s been stopping them from making a change so you can help
them overcome that obstacle
• Ie. What’s been holding you back from making that change? Why haven’t you had the
opportunity to achieve the goals?
• Likely an objection that will come up at end of call

6. Consequential Based Questions

• Make them realize the consequences of not taking action
• “What will happen if you don’t make this change?”

7. Showing the Gap

• Put their situation and vision into perspective and show you want to help
• Show empathy and that you’ve been listening
• “This (Step #3 Situational) is where you are, this (Step #4 Vision) is where you want to
be, and it has been this (Step #5 Challenge) that has been holding you back. Right?”

8. Gauge Commitment
• Determine if the prospect is R.A.W. with commitments.
- R.A.W. Ready, Able, Willing
- Are you ready to do what’s necessary to achieve your goal?
- Can you put in 2-3 hours a day?
- How soon do you want to start?
• Commitments are gained through the call, timing is based on flow of convo
• More yes’s and subconscious agreements throughout convo = yes to the sale
• Push over the edge if necessary (motivate)

9. Self Solution Selling

• Just showed gap between their situation and vision, asking prospect how they
expect us to help them get there
• Selling themselves
• “What do you need from us in order for you to succeed?”
- Learning style, specific solutions to solve problems they are experiencing,
type of support etc.
- Get a detailed response, “ok, what else?”, “tell me more”
• “Ok, and with that kind of support do you think you’ll achieve your goal?”

10. Present and Close

• Refer to your client’s deliverables document for presentation script - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission
from All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the End User License
then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
• Enunciate and sound excited about your product!
• Have absolute certainty - transfer of certainty
• 2-3 mins maximum, no fluff, keep concise
• Emphasize aspects that will benefit prospect the most (solving pain points)
• Tailoring program to fit their needs - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission
from All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the End User License
then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.

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