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Republic of the Philippines


Mati, San Miguel, Zamboanga del Sur

Detailed School J.H Cerilles State Grade Level Tenth

Teacher Jeallea S. Aenlle Learning Area Science 10
(DLP) in
Teaching Dates and March 27, 2023 Quarter First
Content demonstrates understanding of biomolecules which are
made mostly of a limited number of elements, such as
Standard carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Together with water
and a few kinds of ions, these biomolecules make up cells
and tissues.
Performance interprets food labels in terms of percentage composition in
relation to the required daily intake of and fats.
Standards Competency recognizes the major categories of biological molecules
such as lipids,

Competency S10FE-IIj 54
Biomolecules of lipids No. of Hours: 1hour and 30 minutes


At the end of this lesson, the students can:
Def a. Identify the classification of lipids
inin b. List and elaborate the types of fatty acids
g c. Compare and contrast the structure of lipids
cce Assessment Key points

Lipids, Triacylglycerols, Phospholipids

Sterols, Saturated FA, Mono unsaturated,
Polyunsaturated, Branched chain FA, substituted
fatty acids, Substituted fatty acids, Cyclic fatty


A. Prayer

I would like to call Miss Ann to lead our prayer Thank you, God, for all the things you've made
as we begin with our class. our world to be ……. Amen

Amen. Good morning, class.

Good morning, ma’am.
How was your day class?
We’re fine, ma’am.
All right, that’s great!
By the way, I am Jeallea S. Aenlle
teacher for today.

B. Attendance
Attendance will be check by the secretary and
report to me who are absent.

C. Classroom Rules
Now class, I want you to abide with these
following classroom rules:

Kindly read Alex.

Is there any reactions or clarification with

regards to our classroom rules class?
Very clear, ma’am.

D. Review
Before we continue to our lesson today, let us
review first.
Who can still recall our lesson last meeting?

Our last topic was all about Volcanoes, ma’am.

Okay very good.

Now let us have a drill.
Activity 1. Let’s talk our past!
Instruction: Identify the types of wavelength in
a different color of electromagnetic spectrum.

(The teacher will provide a copy of spectrum)

Now, are there any questions, clarifications,
or suggestions with regards to our last topic
None, ma’am.

Since there’s none, let us proceed to our first


Activity 3: Group activity!

Directions: Work with your group and pour the

oil in the water then stir of 30 seconds.
Observe the reaction.

Initial Reaction Final reaction

Now let us have another activity to stimulate
your thoughts.

(The teacher will present a video presentation

from: Lipids - YouTube which will utilize by the

Activity 3: Classify me! (Students perform the activity)

Direction: Classify what are the examples of

monosaccharides, disaccharides, and
polysaccharides on the daily food you intake
you can also get some ideas from the video
presented materials will be provided.

Monosaccha Disaccharide Polysacchari

rides s des
Ex. Starch


Activity 4: Reporting!
Based on the activity accomplished you will
now report your output and choose one
representative only.
(Students will now observe the turbine and
present their output)
Direction: Compare and contrast the structure
of the lipids using a Venn diagram and
explain your work.

Output- 25%
Explanation- 15%
Stage fright – 15%
Total: 100%

Out from the assessment/ Activity that we

had, what do you think are the things that we
are to discuss today?

It is all about Biomolecule in lipid ma’am.

(The teacher will assess the learners
presentation and extend explanation towards
function and classification of proteins )

Students participate in the class discussion and

take down notes.

The teacher will present a power point

presentation and discuss the topic.

Lipids comprise a group of compounds such

as fats, oils, steroids and waxes found in
living organisms. Both prokaryotes and
eukaryotes possess lipids, which play many
important roles biologically, such as
membrane formation, protection, insulation,
energy storage, cell division and more. In
medicine, lipids refer to blood fats.

Triacylglycerols also known as triglycerides
make up more than 95 percent of lipids in the
diet and are commonly found in fried foods,
vegetable oil, butter, whole milk, cheese,
cream cheese, and some meats. Naturally
occurring triacylglycerols are found in many
foods, including avocados, olives, corn, and
nuts. We commonly call the triacylglycerols in
our food “fats” and “oils. “Phospholipids make
up only about 2 percent of dietary lipids. They
are water-soluble and are found in both plants
and animals.
Phospholipids are crucial for building the
protective barrier, or membrane, around your
body’s cells. Although phospholipid is critical,
they are not considered to be an essential
nutrient because phospholipids are
synthesized in the body. In blood and body
fluids, phospholipids form structures in which
fat is enclosed and transported throughout the
Sterols are the least common type of lipid.
Cholesterol is perhaps the most well-known
sterol and is the most common sterol in the
diet. The body produces the majority of its
cholesterol; however, a small amount does
come from the diet (from animal foods). Since
cholesterol is produced in our body, it is not
essential that we get it from our food.
Cholesterol is an important component of the
cell membrane and is required for the
synthesis of sex hormones, vitamin D, and
bile salts


Straight chain FA: These may be
• Saturated FA: Those which contain no
double bonds
• Unsaturated FA: Those which contain one or
more double bonds.
● Mono unsaturated (Monoethnic)fatty acids:
They contain one double bond
● Polyunsaturated (Polythionic)fatty acids:
There are three polyunsaturated fatty acids of
biological importance.
● Branched chain FA: Odd and even carbon
branched chain fatty acids occur in animal
and plant lipids.
● Substituted fatty acids: In hydroxy fatty acid
and methyl fatty acid, one or more of the
hydrogen atoms have been replaced by – OH
group or – CH3 group respectively. Both
saturated and unsaturated hydroxyl fatty
acids, particularly with long chains, are found
in nature, e.g. carbonic acid of brain
glycolipids, Ricin oleic acid in castor oil.
● Cyclic fatty acids: Fatty acids bearing cyclic
groups are present in some seeds.

Evaluate No. of hours : 15 minutes

A. Evaluate: Summarizing Strategy Quiz

A. Multiple Choice

DIRECTIONS: Read each question carefully.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Use a separate sheet of paper for your


1. The fats and oils are respectively

rich in?

A. Unsaturated fatty acids

B. Saturated fatty acids

C. Saturated and unsaturated fatty


D. None of the above

2. Triacylglycerol’s are?

A. Soluble in water

B. Insoluble in water

C. Soluble in water at
elevated temperature

D. Partially soluble in water

3. Which of the following is a derived


A. Fats

B. Oils

C. Steroids

D. Waxes

4. A lipid is formed by the

condensation reaction between?

A. Carbon and hydrogen

B. Fatty acid and alcohol

C. Fatty acid and amino acids

D. Fatty acids and amines

5. Which of the following is false about


A. They are either strongly

hydrophobic or amphipathic

B. They are more soluble in water

C. Extraction of lipids from tissues

require organic solvents

D. They are insoluble in water

What is the importance of lipids in our


Prepared by:
Jeallea S. Aenlle

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