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Today I’ll introduce the personal selling.

My presentation involved five parts.

First, What is personal selling. Personal selling is one of the oldest professions in the world.
The earliest forms of personal selling involved barter systems. The participants in a transaction
directly exchange goods or services for other goods or services without using money.
Personal selling is the process of communicating with a potential buyer (or buyers)
face-to-face with the purpose of selling a product or service. The main thing that sets personal
selling apart from other methods of selling is that the salesperson conducts business with the
customer in person.
Though personal selling is more likely to be effective with certain types of products or
services, it has important applications for nearly all kinds of small businesses. In fact, most of
history's successful entrepreneurs have been skilled salespeople, and able to represent and promote
their companies and products in the marketplace.

Personal selling is one part of a company's promotion mix, along with advertising, sales
promotion, and public relations.
Personal selling offers entrepreneurs both advantages and disadvantages compared with the
other elements of the promotion mix. On the positive side, personal selling allows the salesperson
to target the message specifically to the audience and receive immediate feedback. In this way, it is
more precise than other forms of promotion and often has a greater persuasive impact. Another
advantage is that personal selling can be an important source of marketing information. For
example, salespeople may learn about competitors' products or about emerging customer needs that
may lead to the development of a new product. If the sales force is well trained-acting as problem
solvers and advisors for customers rather than using hard-sell tactics personal selling may help a
small business build loyal, long-term relationships with customers. Since sales force compensation
is largely based on actual sales, personal selling may require less money up front than other parts of
the promotion mix.
Conversely /ˈkɑːnvɜːrsli/, personal selling cannot reach as many potential customers as
advertising, and the cost of each contact is much higher.
个⼈销售给企业家提供了优点和缺点, 与其他促销组合要素相⽐。从积极的⽅⾯来说,


In general, if a product has a high unit value and requires a demonstration of its benefits, it is
well suited for personal sales. Highly technical products, such as computers and copiers, are also
primarily sold through personal sales methods. Products that involve a trade-in, like automobiles,
are usually handled through personal selling to help facilitate the trade-in process. Finally, a
company that cannot afford a mass-advertising campaign might consider personal selling as an
alternative to advertising.

Second, sales force. In modern days, who do the selling go by many names, such as
salespeople, agents, sales consultants and so on. Sales force is a collective term for a group or
groups of salespeople. The sales force has different roles in marketing. It is the link between the
company and its customers. On the one hand, it represents the company to directly contact
customers. On the other hand, it represents the customers and their needs and interests to negotiate
with the company.
Sales people relay customer concerns about company products and actions back inside to
those who can handle them. In fact, to many customers, the salesperson is the only tangible
manife’station of the company that they see. When a customer becomes loyal to the salesperson, he
or she is more likely to be loyal to the company and the products the salesperson represents. It is
called as salesperson-owned loyalty. Ideally, the sales force and other marketing functions, like
marketing planners, brand managers, and researchers, should work together closely to create value
for customers. Unfortunately, however, some companies still treat sales and marketing as separate
functions. When this happens, the separate sales and marketing may not get along well. When
things go wrong, marketers blame the sales force for its poor execution /ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃ(ə)n/ of what
they see as an otherwise splendid strategy. In turn, the sales team blames the marketers for being
out of touch with what’s really going on with customers. Neither group fully values the other’s
contributions. Such disconnects between marketing and sales can damage customer relationships
and company performance.

Third, designing and managing the sales force. And it depends on the chief marketing executives.
For chief marketing executives, they face several sales force strategy and design questions. One
fundamental question would be: how should salespeople and their tasks be structured? There are
three major types of structures.
First, Geographic sales structure. It depends on physical boundaries to organize sales force with
customer accounts. Each salesperson is assigned to an exclusive geographic area and sells the
company’s full line of products or services to all customer in that area. Take KFC as an example. In
China KFC has its own regional manager in each city to sell KFC’s full line of products. This
structure is relatively /ˈrelətɪvli/ easy to design. And there would be no overlapping of duties among
the different sales reps. However, assigning salespeople based on mere geographical distribution
also has defects. For instance, it works best only when product line is simple. Like P&G, it provides
multiple product lines and sub-brands even within the category of daily care products. It has
different sub-brands of shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste, and so on. It’s difficult for a salesperson
to be familiar with all the products of all the sub-brands and know how to promote them all.

Next, Product-Based. Sales activities can be organized around related product lines or
manufacturing divisions. So it is called product sales structure. The sales reps are able to interact
with buyers as specialists of a certain product. However, this structure also has limits. It can be
confusing for buyer when different sales forces are promoting different products of the same brand
to the same buyer. For example, Xerox has 3 separate sales forces for different products. Different
sales forces often serve same customers. And they have little knowledge of each other’s products.
Also, it confuses buyers who had genuine /ˈdʒenjuɪn/ need of Xerox products on which sales force
to contact.

Last, Market-or Customer-Based. For this structure, the sales reps are assigned to customers
based on markets or how product is sold. Separate sales forces may be set up for different industries.
Organizing the sales force around the customers can help a company build closer relationships with
important customers. Many companies even have special sales forces to handle the needs of
individual large customers.
For example, Nike is a sports goods company with market-oriented sales. They develop and
promote various sports goods and apparel /əˈpærəl/ according to different market needs and trends.
Nike uses a variety of marketing strategies to attract consumers, such as sports sponsorship
/ˈspɑːnsərʃɪp/, celebrity endorsement /ɪnˈdɔːrsmənt/, brand events, etc.
For example, the Ritz-Carlton. It is a high-end hotel brand. They employ customer-oriented
sales strategy to attract and retain high-end customers by providing high quality service and
personalized customer experience. Ritz-Carlton will provide customized services according to
customer needs and preferences, such as room upgrades, catering services, etc., and enhance
customer loyalty through VIP membership system and private sales.
质的服务和个性化的客户体验来吸引和保留⾼端客户。Ritz-Carlton 会根据客户需求和偏好
提供定制服务,如房间升级、餐饮服务等,并通过 VIP 会员制度和私⼈销售等⽅式来增强客
the personal selling process. It is devided into seven steps.
The first step in the selling process is prospecting and qualifying, that is identifying qualified
potential customers. Approaching the right customers is crucial to selling success. Customer who
have potential to buy are called prospects. A salesperson must often approach many prospects to get
only a few deals. Salespeople also need to know how to qualify leads, that is, how to identify the
potential customers and screen out the poor ones. They can look at prospects’ financial ability,
volume of business, special needs, location and possibilities for growth.
After identifying a prospect, the salesperson should learn as much as possible. If it’s an
organization, you should know what it needs, and who is involved in the buying. If it is personal
buyers, you need to know their characteristics and buying styles. This step is known as
During the approach step, the salesperson will meet the customer for the first time offline or
online, in person or via digital conferencing or social media.
After successful approaching, the salesperson present the “value story” to the buyer, showing
how the product solves the customer’s problems. To gain bargain power, customers almost always
have objections during the presentation or when asked to place an order. In handling objections, the
salesperson should use a positive approach, ask the buyer to clarify any objections, take objections
as an opportunities to provide more information, and turn the objections into buying motivations.
After handling the prospect’s objections, the salesperson then tries to close the sale. Salespeople
can use any of several closing techniques. They can ask for the order, review points of agreement,
offer to help write up the order. Right after closing, the salesperson should complete any details on
delivery time, purchase terms, and other matters. It is necessary for salesperson to ensure customer
satisfaction and repeat business.

With the developament of the technology, the internet and social media are dramatically
changing the customer buying process. As the result, they are also changing the selling process. In
today’s digital world, many customers no longer relay on information and assistance provided by
salespeople. Instead, they use online and social media resources, to analyze their own problems and
search for solutions. Digital tools become an essential part of promoting products. By this way,
salesperson can identify prospects, spot trends, track social media exchanges and learn what
customers would like to buy and what it would take to make a sale. Rather than replacing
salespeople, however, technology is assisting them. Today, salespeople are using a new kit of
high-tech digital tools and applications to gather customer information and maintain social net
For example, an encyclopedia is a high-priced item and most people do not feel they need one.
After a demonstration, however, most people agree it would be a useful item to have. Therefore,
encyclopedias /ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpiːdiə/ are well suited to a promotion mix that emphasizes personal

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