Virtual Reality

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Virtual Reality

What is virtual reality?

Virtual reality means experiencing things that don’t actually exist. It has to be believable and
interactive in a way that we can experience being there both physically and mentally (unlike
in books, or paintings when we can’t really feel we are there physically). Because of this, it is
a computer-generated world that needs to be immersive in a way that engages both your body
and mind. Also, it has to be big enough for you to explore and interact in both ways, so that
as you react to what you see, what you see responds to you.

Types of virtual reality

we have several types of virtual reality:
-full immersive virtual reality
-non-immersive virtual reality
-augmented reality

full immersive
For the complete VR experience, we need three things. We need a virtual world
a powerful computer and connection with the virtual world

"Virtual world" video games like second life Gta they must meet four criteria to be called
virtual reality game
reliable, interactive, computer generated and explorable

augmented reality
That spawned the idea of augmented reality (AR), where, for example, you point your
smartphone at a landmark or a striking building, and interesting information about it pops up
automatically. Augmented reality is all about connecting the real world we experience to the
vast virtual world of information that we've collectively created on the Web
Applications of virtual reality
Virtual reality finds use in education since you can take simulated flight lessons to become a
pilot in the future, it finds application in science and medicine too, because it is easier to
manipulate with equations and molecules, this technology has made it easier for architects too
for they can represent their projects in a more realistic way.
It is also used for games and entertainment that involve a realistic simulation.

Pros and cons of virtual reality

Virtual reality makes communication better and easier and connects people worldwide.
Virtual reality is helpful in finding out a common ground across differences in ages and
People will be tired together by similar interests instead of geographic location
This could lead to low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, and insignificance.
Interaction should not be replaced for the community.
Risk of addiction.

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