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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,113,288 B2

Bachtell et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 14, 2012
(54) SYSTEMAND METHOD FOR OPTIMIZING 5,871,048 A 2f1999 Tokar et al.
PRODUCTION IN GAS-LIFT WELLS 5,896,924 A 4/1999 Carmody et al.
5,915,478 A 6/1999 Brown et al.
5.937,945 A 8, 1999 Bussear et al.
(76) Inventors: David Bachtell, White Oak, TX (US); 6,182,756 B1 2/2001 Garcia et al.
Charles Bachtell, Longview, TX (US); 6,352,109 B1 3/2002 Buckman, Sr.
Mike Bachtell, Bossier City, LA (US) 6,454,002 B1 9, 2002 Stokes et al.
6,491,105 B2 12/2002 Holt, Jr.
6,511,041 B2 1/2003 Faustinelli
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 6,516,879 B1 2/2003 Hershberger
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6,568.473 B2 5/2003 de Almeida
U.S.C. 154(b) by 107 days. 6,568.478 B2 5/2003 De Almeida
6,595,294 B1 7/2003 Dalsmo et al.
(21) Appl. No.: 12/686,614 6,705,397 B2 3/2004 Hershberger
6,715,550 B2 4/2004 Vinegar et al.
6,758,277 B2 7/2004 Vinegar et al.
(22) Filed: Jan. 13, 2010 6,807,501 B1 10/2004 Hyde
6,854,518 B1 2/2005 Senyard, Sr. et al.
(65) Prior Publication Data 6,863,125 B2 3/2005 Ivannikov et al.
6,932.581 B2 8, 2005 Messick
US 2011 (0168413 A1 Jul. 14, 2011 7,086,417 B2 8, 2006 De Almeida
7,147,059 B2 12/2006 Hirsch et al.
(51) Int. C. 7,308.952 B2 12/2007 Strazhgorodskiy
E2IB 43/40 (2006.01) 7,360,602 B2 4/2008 Kritzler et al.
7,363,983 B2 4/2008 Martinez et al.
(52) U.S. Cl. .................... 166/372; 166/90.1; 166/105.6; 7,370,706 B2 5/2008 Becker et al.
166/252.1; 166/309 7.464,763 B2 12/2008 Galloway et al.
(58) Field of Classification Search ........................ None 2009/0229831 A1* 9/2009 Zupanick ...................... 166/372
See application file for complete search history. * cited by examiner
(56) References Cited Primary Examiner — Zakiya W Bates
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Mark D. Perdue
4,267,885 A 5, 1981 Sanderford (57) ABSTRACT
4,453,568 A 6, 1984 Canalizo
4,545,731 A 10, 1985 Canalizo et al. The system and method are utilized to control the flow of
4,596,516 A 6, 1986 Scott et al. crude oil, natural gas, and field produced salt water to opti
5,066,198 A 11, 1991 Decker mize production from an oil or gas well. The invention is
5,069,242 A 12/1991 Kilgore suitable for use with a well that utilizes gas-lift as artificial lift.
5,172,717 A 12/1992 Boyle et al. The equipment is designed to regulate the flow of injection
5,176,164 A 1/1993 Boyle gas into the production tubing to optimize production of the
5,522,418 A 6, 1996 Johnson et al.
5,634.522 A 6/1997 Hershberger well.
5,707,214. A 1/1998 Schmidt
5,826,659 A 10/1998 Hershberger 18 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets

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Figure I










Figure 2
Gas Lift Surface Process - Unloaded Condition

(Desired Gas Lift Volume Injected into Casing)

Oil or Gas
�� Separator � Compressor �� Measurement
Producing Well Suction= 100 PSIG of Injection Gas
175 PSIG 160 PSIG Discharge = 800 PSIG 795 PSIG
(700 MCFD, 50 BWPD, 5 BOPD) (700 MCFD, 50 BWPD, 5 BOPD) (500 MCFD) (500 MCFD)

® 0

-� i................. j Make-up Gas

Flowline - (Full Well-
Stream or Separator)
150 PSIG
(200 MCFD, 50 BWPD, 5 BOPD)

Figure 3
Gas Lift Surface Process - Loaded Condition

(Less Than Desired Gas Lift Volume Injected into Casing)

Oil or Gas Separator Compressor Measurement

------+ ------+ ------+
Producing Well Suction = 40 PSIG of Injection Gas
60 PSIG 40 PSIG Discharge;;;;: 1000 PSIG 995 PSIG
(200 MCFD} (200 MCFD) (200 MCFD) (100 MCFD)

Make-up Gas
100 PSIG
(100 MCFD)

Flowline - (Full Well­

Stream or Separator)
150 PSIG
(0 MCFD, 0 BWPD, 0 BOPD)

Figure 4
Gas Lift Surface Process - Unloading Condition

____________________________ (Gas_ Lift Temporarily Suspended to Dump_Separator)___________________________ --.

Oil or Gas
1-----+ Separator
Compressor -0- Measurement
Producing Well Suction = 90 PSIG of Injection Gas
175 PSIG 160 PSIG Discharge = 500 PSIG 995 PSIG
(50 MCFD, 100 BWPD, 10 BOPD) {50 MCI-D, 100 BWPIJ, 10 BOPD) (50 MCFD) (100 MCFD)

Make-up Gas
200 PSIG
,I, (50 MCFD)

Flowline - (Full Well-

Stream or Separator)
150 PSIG
(0 MCFD, 100 BWPD, 10 BOPD)

Figure 5
US 8,113,288 B2
1. 2
SYSTEMAND METHOD FOR OPTIMIZING when the volume flow rate of gas flowing from the well into
PRODUCTION IN GAS-LIFT WELLS the separator equals or exceeds the desired volume flow rate
of gas entering the gas-injection line for injecting into the
TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION production tubing, and the non-gaseous fluid level of the
separator is below a predetermined maximum level. Gas is
This invention relates in general to optimizing the produc constantly sent from the separator into the gas-injection line
tion of hydrocarbons from oil orgas wells and in particular to at the desired volume flow rate for injection gas, and if the
a system and method for regulating the flow of injection gas volume flow rate of gas flowing from the well into the sepa
into the production tubing of one or more gas-lift wells. rator exceeds the desired Volume flow rate of injection gas,
10 the remaining gas and other fluids produced by the well are
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION sent into a sales line.
In another aspect, the present invention is directed to a
Without limiting the scope of the present invention, its system and method for regulating the flow of injection gas
background is described with reference to optimizing the into the fluid column within the production tubing of the
production of hydrocarbons from a well that uses gas injec 15 gas-lift well when the volume flow rate of gas flowing from
tion to artificially lift the fluid contained in the wellbore. the well into the separator is less than the desired volume flow
It is well known in the subterranean well operation arts that rate of gas entering the gas-injection line for injecting into the
the natural pressure of the formation in which the well is production tubing, and the non-gaseous fluid level of the
completed may be or may become insufficient to produce separatoris below a predetermined maximum level. Some gas
fluids out of the wellbore, such that the fluids do not flow to is constantly sent from the separator into the gas-injection
the surface at an optimal volume flow rate or do not flow at all. line at less than the desired Volume flow rate for injection gas,
In order to restore production to the optimal volume flow rate, and the remaining gas is sent from the separator into a make
therefore, an artificial method of producing the fluids through up gas line that routs the gas back into the separator.
the wellbore must be implemented. In a further aspect, the present invention is directed to a
A common method used to increase or restore production 25 system and method for regulating the flow of injection gas
to a well is a gas-lift system, whereby some of the gas pro into the fluid column within the production tubing of the
duced from one or more wells is injected back into the pro gas-lift well when the non-gaseous fluid level of the separator
duction tubing of the well at one or more downhole locations. is above a predetermined maximum level. The gas lift process
This effectively reduces the density of the fluid column in the is temporarily Suspended to dump the excess non-gaseous
wellbore, allowing the reservoir pressure to lift the fluid out of 30 fluid from the separator into a sales line.
the wellbore.
In typical gas-lift wells, fluids produced from the produc BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
tion wellbore are routed into a separator tank on the Surface.
The separator may be fed by one or more production wells. For a more complete understanding of the features and
Once separated from the water, oil, and other fluids produced 35 advantages of the present invention, reference is now made to
from the reservoir, the gas is usually then routed to a com the detailed description of the invention along with the
pressor to increase its pressure. After the compression stage, accompanying figures in which corresponding numerals in
the gas may be sent to a sales line, a gas-injection line, or both. the different figures refer to corresponding parts and in which:
Gas that is routed into the gas-injection line is injected into the FIGS. 1 and 2 are schematic illustrations of an apparatus
fluid column in the production tubing of the wellbore of the 40 for separating and compressing gas produced from a single
gas-lift well. This is usually accomplished by installing gas well and injecting it back into the fluid column within the
lift valves on the production tubing that allow the injection production tubing of the well of the present invention;
gas to be forced into the annulus and pass into the production FIG. 3 is a flow chart depicting the method of the present
tubing and the fluid column contained therein. invention when the volume flow rate of gas flowing from the
To maximize fluid production from a gas-lift well, the 45 well into the separator equals or exceeds the desired Volume
Volume flow rate of the injection gas must be maintained at an flow rate of gas entering the gas-injection line, and the non
optimum level. In typical gas lift systems, however, some gas gaseous fluid level of the separator is below a predetermined
is sent to the sales line even if the optimum volume flow rate maximum level and in which the preferred volume flow rate
of injection gas has not been reached. Thus, the well may of injection gas is 500 thousand cubic feet per day.
produce below the optimum level for an extended time. Fur 50 FIG. 4 is a flow chart depicting the method of the present
ther, because both sales gas and injection gas are compressed, invention when the volume flow rate of gas flowing from the
the power requirements of the compressor fluctuate with fluc well into the separator is less than the desired volume flow
tuations in the volume flow rate of gas produced by the well. rate of gas entering the gas-injection line, and the non-gas
It is an object of the present invention, therefore, to priori eous fluid level of the separator is below a predetermined
tize maintaining the optimum level of gas production using 55 maximum level and in which the preferred volume flow rate
the gas-lift process over sending gas into the sales line when of injection gas is 500 thousand cubic feet per day.
the well is not producing gas at the optimum rate due to FIG. 5 is a flow chart depicting the method of the present
decreases in formation pressure. invention when the non-gaseous fluid level of the separator is
above a predetermined maximum level and in which the
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 60 preferred volume flow rate of injection gas is 500 thousand
cubic feet per day.
Accordingly, the present invention provides a system and
method for regulating the flow of injection gas into the pro DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
duction tubing of a gas-lift well.
In one aspect, the present invention is directed to a system 65 While the making and using of various embodiments of the
and method for regulating the flow of injection gas into the present invention are discussed in detail below, it should be
fluid column within the production tubing of the gas-lift well appreciated that the present invention provides many appli
US 8,113,288 B2
3 4
cable inventive concepts which can be embodied in a wide When the well of the present invention is in the unloaded
variety of specific contexts. The specific embodiments dis condition, gas produced from the well is routed into separator
cussed herein are merely illustrative of specific ways to make 18. Gas exits separator 18 via first outlet 24 and is directed
and use the invention, and do not delimit the scope of the through compressor line 26 into compressor 32. In a preferred
present invention. embodiment, compressor 32 is sized or configured such that
Referring initially to FIGS. 1 and 2, an apparatus for sepa its maximum discharge Volume flow rate equals the desired
rating gas produced from a single production and gas-lift well Volume flow rate of gas in gas-injection line 36 to be injected
and injecting gas into the fluid column within the production into production tubing 14. Dump valve 46 is closed, and
tubing of the gas-lift well is schematically illustrated and make-up gas valve 50 is closed. Thus, compressor 32 will
generally designated at 10. Gas, oil, saltwater, and other fluids 10 constantly send gas into gas-injection line 36 at the desired
produced in production casing 12 are transported to the Sur injection volume flow rate as long as the volume flow rate of
face inside production tubing 14, which is supported by well fluids produced by the well equals or exceeds the desired
head 16. At wellhead 16, the fluids are directed into separator injection volume flow rate. If the volume flow rate of gas
entering separator 18 equals the maximum discharge Volume
18 through inlet line 20 that connects to inlet 22. Separator 18 15 flow rate of compressor 32, then no fluids in separator 18 enter
is equipped with first outlet 24 for directing gas into compres sales line 30. If the volume flow rate of gas entering separator
Sor line 26 and second outlet 28 for directing gas into sales 18 exceeds the maximum discharge volume flow rate of com
line 30. Compressor line 26 directs gas into compressor 32. pressor 32, then the fluids remaining in separator 18 exit
Pressure sensor 34 located on compressor line 26 measures separator 18 via second outlet 28 and into sales line 30.
the Suction pressure of compressor 32. In the example of FIG. 3, the desired volume flow rate of
Still referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, and as further explained in gas in gas-injection line 36 for injecting into production tub
more detail below, gas exiting compressor 32 may be routed ing 14 is about 500 thousand cubic feet per day ("MCFD). In
through gas-injection line 36, which directs the gas back into the example depicted, the Volume flow rate of gas flowing
production tubing 14 through one or more gas lift valves 38 from the well into separator 18 is about 700 MCFD, the
located on production tubing 14. Gas lift meter 40 records the 25 volume flow rate of saltwater produced is about 50 barrels of
pressure and Volume flow rate of gas that is injected for gas lift saltwater per day (“BWPD), and the volume flow rate of oil
via gas-injection line 36. Gas exiting compressor 32 may also produced is about 5 barrels of oil per day (“BOPD). In the
be routed through make-up gas line 42 that feeds back into example depicted, the predetermined maximum level of non
separator 18 via make-up gas inlet 44. Dump valve 46 is gaseous fluids in separator 18 is not exceeded. The pressure of
located on make-up gas line 42 and is actuated by level 30 separator 18 is about 160 psig, which exceeds the predeter
controller 48, which measures the non-gaseous fluid level in mined minimum value for maintaining the unloaded condi
separator 18. Make-up gas valve 50 is located on make-up gas tion in the embodiment depicted. Compressor 32 is sized or
line 42 in parallel with dump valve 46. Make-up gas valve 50 configured such that its maximum discharge flow rate equals
is actuated by pressure sensor 34, which measures the Suction 500 MCFD, which corresponds to the desired injection flow
pressure of compressor 32, which is approximately equal to 35 rate.
the pressure within separator 18. Again, because the unloaded condition exists in the
Even though FIG. 1 depicts a single well that supplies example depicted in FIG. 4, dump valve 46 is closed and
produced or production fluids (production well) and is the make-up gas valve 50 is closed. Thus, compressor 32 will
recipient of injected gas (gas-lift well), it should be noted by constantly send gas into gas-injection line 36 at about 500
those skilled in the art that the system and method for regu 40 MCFD as long as the volume flow rate of gas produced by the
lating the flow of injection gas of the present invention are well equals or exceeds said desired injection volume flow rate
equally well-suited for use in Systems wherein production of 500 MCFD. In the example depicted, the volume flow rate
from multiple wells flows into a single separator or where a of gas produced at wellhead 16 is about 700 MCFD, there
single separator and/or compressor Supplies gas to multiple fore, the remaining gas in separator 18, equal to about 200
gas-lift wells Further, even though FIG. 1 depicts a vertical 45 MCFD, is sent to sales line 30, along with the saltwater and oil
well, it should be noted by those skilled in the art that the in separator 18.
system and method for regulating the flow of injection gas of FIG. 4 depicts a second aspect of the present invention in
the present invention are equally well-suited for use in devi which the well is in the "loaded condition,” that is, when the
ated wells, inclined wells, or horizontal wells. Still further, volume flow rate of gas flowing from the well into separator
even though FIG. 1 depicts an onshore operation, it should be 50 18 is less than the desired volume flow rate of gas in gas
noted by those skilled in the art that the system and method for injection line 36 and the non-gaseous fluid level of separator
regulating the flow of injection gas of the present invention 18 is below a predetermined maximum level. In a preferred
are equally well-suited for offshore operations. embodiment, the loaded condition is indicated when the suc
Referring now to FIG.3, therein is depicted an aspect of the tion pressure of compressor 32 as indicated by pressure sen
present invention in which the well is in the “unloaded con 55 sor 34 is below a predetermined minimum value and the
dition,” that is, when the volume flow rate of gas flowing from non-gaseous fluid level of separator 18 measured by level
the well into separator 18 equals or exceeds the desired vol controller 48 is below a predetermined maximum level. It
ume flow rate of gas in gas-injection line 36 for injecting into should be apparent to those skilled in the art, however, that the
production tubing 14 and the non-gaseous fluid level of sepa loaded condition may be indicated by a variety of means.
rator 18 is below a predetermined maximum level. In a pre 60 When the well of the present invention is in the loaded
ferred embodiment, the unloaded condition is indicated when condition, fluids produced from the well are routed into sepa
the pressure of separator 18 as indicated by pressure sensor 34 rator 18. Gas exits separator 18 via first outlet 24 and is
equals or exceeds a predetermined minimum value and the directed through compressor line 26 into compressor 32.
non-gaseous fluid level of separator 18 measured by level Dump valve 46 is closed and make-up gas valve 50 is open.
controller 48 is below a predetermined maximum level. It 65 Thus, gas exits compressor 32 to both gas-injection line 36
should be apparent to those skilled in the art, however, that the and make-up gas line 42. Gas entering gas-injection line 36 is
unloaded condition may be indicated by a variety of means. routed into production tubing 14 through gas lift valves 38.
US 8,113,288 B2
5 6
Gas entering make-up gas line 42 is routed into separator 18 While this invention has been described with reference to
via make-up gas inlet 44. Once the Volume flow rate of gas illustrative embodiments, this description is not intended to
produced by the well and flowing into separator 18 equals or be construed in a limiting sense. Various modifications and
exceeds the desired Volume flow rate of gas for injecting into combinations of the illustrative embodiments as well as other
production tubing 14, make-up gas valve 50 is closed, thereby embodiments of the invention, will be apparent to persons
cutting off the gas flow from compressor 32 to make-up gas skilled in the art upon reference to the description. It is,
line 42, and the well of the present invention is again in the therefore, intended that the appended claims encompass any
“unloaded’ condition. Such modifications or embodiments.
In the example of FIG. 4, the desired volume flow rate of What is claimed is:
gas for injecting into production tubing 14 is about 500 10 1. A method of injecting gaseous fluid produced from a
MCFD. In the example depicted, the volume flow rate of gas production well into a gas-lift well at a selected injection
flowing from the well into separator 18 is about 200 MCFD. Volume flow rate, the method comprising the steps of
The predetermined maximum level of non-gaseous fluids in accumulating gaseous and non-gaseous fluids from the
separator 18 is not exceeded, however, the pressure of sepa production well in a separator;
rator 18 is about 40 psig, which is less than the predetermined 15 compressing the gaseous fluid from the separator;
minimum value for maintaining the unloaded condition in the injecting the compressed gaseous fluid into the gas-lift well
preferred embodiment depicted in FIG. 4. at or below the injection volume flow rate;
Because the loaded condition exists, make-up gas valve 50 sensing a Volume flow rate of gaseous fluid from the sepa
is open. Dump valve 46 is closed. Gas flows through gas rator into the compressor;
injection line 36 at about 100 MCFD and make-up gas line 42 diverting compressed gaseous fluid out of the compressor
at about 100 MCFD. Gas entering gas-injection line 36 is and into the separator if the sensed volume flow rate of
routed into production tubing 14 through gas lift valves 38. gaseous fluid from the separator into the compressor is at
Gas entering make-up gas line 42 is routed into separator 18 or below the injection volume flow rate; and
via make-up gas inlet 44. Once the Volume flow rate of gas diverting flow of the non-gaseous fluid out of the separator
produced by the well and flowing into separator 18 equals or 25 into a sales line if the sensed Volume flow rate of gaseous
exceeds 500 MCFD, make-up gas valve 50 is closed, and the fluid from the separator into the compressor is above the
well is again in the “unloaded’ condition. injection volume flow rate.
FIG. 5 depicts a third aspect of the present invention in 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the producing
which the well is in the “unloading condition,” that is, when well and the gas-lift well are the same.
the non-gaseous fluid level of separator 18 exceeds a desired 30 3. The method according to claim 1, wherein the producing
maximum non-gaseous fluid level. When the unloading con well comprises a plurality of producing wells.
dition exists, the gas lift process is temporarily suspended to 4. The method according to claim 1, wherein the gas-lift
dump the excess non-gaseous fluids from separator 18. In a well comprises a plurality of gas-lift wells.
preferred embodiment, the unloading condition is indicated 5. The method according to claim 1, wherein the step of
when the non-gaseous fluid level of separator 18 measured by 35 sensing the Volume flow rate of gaseous fluid from the sepa
level controller 48 is above a predetermined maximum level. rator into the compressor is performed by a flow rate sensor
It should be apparent to those skilled in the art, however, that coupled between the separator and compressor.
the unloading condition may be indicated by a variety of 6. A method of injecting gaseous fluid produced from a
CaS. production well into a gas-lift well at a selected injection
When the well of the present invention is in the unloading 40 Volume flow rate, the method comprising the steps of
condition, fluids produced from the well are routed into sepa accumulating gaseous and non-gaseous fluids from the
rator 18. Gas exits separator 18 via first outlet 24 and is production well in a separator;
directed through compressor line 26 into compressor 32. compressing the gaseous fluid from the separator;
Make-up gas valve 50 is open and dump valve 46 is open. sensing a Volume of accumulated non-gaseous fluid in the
Thus, gas exits compressor 32 only to make-up gas line 42 45 separator;
and is routed into separator 18 via make-up gas inlet 44, and diverting compressed gaseous fluid out of the compressor
excess non-gaseous fluids are continually dumped from sepa and into the separator and discharging the non-gaseous
rator 18 into sales line 30. This process continues until the fluid from the separator if the sensed volume of accu
non-gaseous fluid level of separator 18 is equal to or below a mulated non-gaseous fluid is in excess of a selected
predetermined maximum level, at which point dump valve 46 50 level; and if the sensed Volume of accumulated non
is closed. gaseous fluid is below the selected level:
In the example of FIG. 5, the volume flow rate of gas injecting the compressed gaseous fluid into the gas-lift well
flowing from the well into separator 18 is about 50 MCFD, the at or below the injection volume flow rate;
volume flow rate of saltwater produced at wellhead 16 is sensing a Volume flow rate of gaseous fluid from the sepa
about 100 BWPD, and the volume flow rate of oil produced at 55 rator into the compressor;
wellhead 16 is about 10 BOPD. In the present example, the diverting compressed gaseous fluid out of the compressor
unloading condition is indicated by level controller 48, which and into the separator if the sensed volume flow rate of
detects that the level of non-gaseous fluids in separator 18 is gaseous fluid from the separator in to the compressor is
above a predetermined maximum level. at or below the injection volume flow rate; and
Because the unloading condition exists in the example 60 diverting flow of the non-gaseous fluid out of the separator
depicted, dump valve 46 is open. Make-up gas is continually into a sales line if the sensed Volume flow rate of gaseous
routed into separator 18 via make-up gas inlet 44 and excess fluid from the separator into the compressor is above the
non-gaseous fluids are continually dumped from separator 18 injection volume flow rate.
into sales line 30. This process continues until the non-gas 7. The method according to claim 6, wherein the producing
eous fluid level of separator 18 is equal to or below the 65 well and the gas-lift well are the same.
predetermined maximum level, at which point dump valve 46 8. The method according to claim 6, wherein the producing
is closed. well comprises a plurality of producing wells.
US 8,113,288 B2
7 8
9. The method according to claim 6, wherein the gas-lift a make-up line coupled to the outlet of the compressor and
well comprises a plurality of gas-lift wells. to the separator to selectively return compressed gaseous
10. The method according to claim 6, wherein the step of fluid to the separator when the production volume flow
sensing the Volume of accumulated non-gaseous fluid in the rate of gaseous fluid into the separator is below a
separator is performed by a non-gaseous fluid level sensor in 5 selected level; and
the separator. a non-gaseous fluid level sensor in the separator.
11. The method according to claim 6, wherein the step of 13. The apparatus according to claim 12, wherein the pro
sensing the Volume flow rate of gaseous fluid from the sepa ducing well and the gas-lift well are the same.
rator into the compressor is performed by a flow rate sensor 14. The apparatus according to claim 12, wherein the pro
coupled between the separator and compressor. 10 ducing well comprises a plurality of producing wells.
12. An apparatus for injecting gas from a producing well 15. The apparatus according to claim 12, wherein the gas
into a gas-lift well, the apparatus comprising: lift well comprises a plurality of gas-lift wells.
a separator configured to receive separate gaseous and 16. The apparatus according to claim 12, wherein a dump
non-gaseous fluids produced by the producing well, the valve is coupled to the non-gaseous fluid level sensor, the
separator receiving gaseous fluid at a production volume is sensor opening the dump valve when the level of non-gaseous
flow rate; fluid in the separator exceeds a selected level.
a compressor having an inlet and an outlet, the inlet 17. The apparatus according to claim 12, further compris
coupled to receive gaseous fluid from the separator and ing a flow rate sensor coupled between the separator and
compress it, the outlet coupled to the gas-lift well to compressor.
inject gaseous fluid into the gas-lift well at a selected 18. The apparatus according to claim 17, wherein a make
injection volume flow rate; up gas valve is coupled to the flow rate sensor, the sensor
a sales line coupled to the separator to discharge fluid from opening the make-up gas valve when the production Volume
the separator when the Volume of non-gaseous fluid in flow rate of gaseous fluid falls below the injection flow rate of
the separator exceeds a selected level or when the vol gaseous fluid.
ume of non-gaseous fluid in the separator is below a s
selected level and the production volume flow rate of
gaseous fluid into the separator is above a selected level;

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