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SLO’s Based Question Bank

H.S.S.C – I


Prepared By:
Syed Faiz Ali
Chapter 1 | Measurements
1. Differentiate between the light year and year.
2. Deduce the dimensions of Gravitational constant.
3. If an equation is dimensionally correct, is that equation a right equation.
4. Define the terms: error, systematic error and random error.
5. Define the number π and show that 2 π radian = 360°.
6. Differentiate between radian and steradian.
7. How many radians account for circumference of a circle? How many
steradians account for circumference of a sphere?
8. What is least count error? How can least count error be reduced?
9. Explain why all measurements contain some uncertainty.
10.Differentiate between precision and accuracy.

Chapter 2 | Vectors and Equilibrium

1. Explain why busses and heavy trucks have large steering wheels.
2. The gravitational force acting on a satellite is always directed towards the
center of the Earth. Does this force exert torque on the satellite?
3. Explain how cranes are able to life very heavy load without toppling.
4. Explain the warning, ‘Never use a large wrench to tighten a small bolt’.
5. A and B are two non-zero vectors. How can their scalar product be zero?
And how can their vector product be zero?
6. Can a body rotate about its center of gravity under the action of the
7. What are the conditions for a body in complete equilibrium?
8. The magnitude of dot and cross product of two vectors are 6 3 and 6
respectively. Find the angle between the vectors.
9. Define torque. Explain why it is equal to the vector product of force and
moment arm.
10.Explain scalar product of two vectors.
Chapter 3 | Motion and Force
1. Aero plane while horizontally drops a bomb when it reaches exactly above
the target, but misses it. Explain.
2. What is the angle for which the maximum height reached and
corresponding range are equal?
3. What is head on collision? Explain with an explain.
4. Define impulse and state how it is related to linear momentum?
5. Can the velocity of a body reverse the direction when acceleration is
constant? If you think so, give an example.
6. If you are riding on a train that speeds past another train moving in the
same direction on an adjacent track, it appears that the other train is
moving backwards. Why?
7. Modern cars are not rigid but are designed to have ‘crumple zones’
(irregular fold) that collapse upon impact. What is the advantage of this
new design?
8. Why can we hit a long sixer in a cricket match rather than tossing a ball for
9. Calculate the angle of projection for which kinetic energy at the summit is
equal to one-fourth of its kinetic energy at the point of projection.
10.Derive and state Newton’s second law in terms of linear momentum.

Chapter 4 | Work and Energy

1. A man drops a cup from a certain height which breaks into pieces. What
energy changes are involved?
2. What type of energy is stored in the spring of watch?
3. Is K.E a vector quantity?
4. When an arrow is shot from its bow, it has K.E. From where does it get the
5. A bucket is taken to the bottom of a well; does the bucket possess any P.E?
6. What four conclusions can you draw from the definition of work?
7. Define conservative and non-conservative forces.
8. When a rocket re-enters the atmosphere, its nose cone becomes very hot.
Where does this heat energy come from?
9. Define power and show that power is the dot product of force and velocity.
10.Calculate the values of the escape velocity of a body and show that it is
equal to 11.2 km/s-1.

Chapter 5 | Rotation and Circular Motion

1. A body will be weightless when the elevator falls down just like a free-
falling body. Explain.
2. Why does the coasting rotating system slow down as water drops into the
3. Explain the significance of moment of inertia in rotatory motion.
4. A ball is just supported by a string without breaking. If it is set swinging, it
breaks. Why?
5. Why is the acceleration of a body moving uniformly in a circle, directed
towards the centre?
6. Why is the fly wheel of an engine made heavy in the rim?
7. Show that velocity of low-flying earth satellites is given by v = gR.
8. Define artificial gravity. Write down expression for its frequency.
9. Why does a diver change his body positions before and after diving in the
10.A disc and a hoop start moving down from the top of an inclined plane at
the same time. Which one will be moving faster on reaching the bottom?
Chapter 6 |Fluid Dynamics
1. Describe the working of an engine carburetor.
2. How do the pulsations in pulse show the heart beat?
3. Why a car has oblong shape design?
4. If you suddenly turn on your shower water at full speed, why is the shower
curtain pushed inward?
5. When a fast-moving train passes a man standing on the platform at rest, he
is likely to be drawn towards the train. How does Bernoulli Effect explain
this phenomenon?
6. Smoke rises in a chimney faster when a breeze is blowing. Use Bernoulli’s
principle to explain this phenomenon.
7. What do you mean by terminal velocity?
8. Describe what is ideal fluid? Can in ideal fluid exist in nature?
9. What is meant by drag force? What are factors upon which drag force
acting upon a small sphere of radius r, moving down through a liquid,
10. Explain the difference between laminar flow and turbulent flow.

Chapter 7 | Oscillations
1. Define the following terms: Angular Frequency, Amplitude and Periodic
2. A simple pendulum set into vibrations and left untouched, eventually stops,
3. What happens to the time period of a simple pendulum if its lengths is
4. What is meant by MRI?
5. Why are damping devices often used on machinery?
6. How food is heated in microwave oven?
7. Simple harmonic motion is a particular example of periodic motion. Explain.
8. Why soldiers are advised to break their steps while walking on a bridge?
9. Why tall buildings can vibrate significantly under lateral dynamic
10.Analyze that the motion of a simple pendulum is SHM and calculate its time

Chapter 8 | Waves
1. State and explain the principle of super position.
2. Why does the speed of a sound wave in a gas change with temperature?
3. Clearly explain the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves.
4. How are beats useful in tuning musical instruments?
5. Explain effect of pressure and density on speed of sound through air or gas?
6. Write characteristics of stationary waves.
7. Write any two applications of Doppler’s effect.
8. Which is richer in harmonics? An open organ pipe or a closed organ pipe?
9. Explain Newton’s formula for the speed of sound.
10.What do you mean by stationary waves? Show that as a string vibrates in
more and more loops, its frequency increases and wavelength decreases.
Chapter 9 | Physical Optics
1. State and explain Huygens’s principle.
2. Under what condition two or more sources of light behave as coherent
3. In a Michelson interferometer a second glass plate is also used, why?
4. Write two uses of X-ray diffraction.
5. Can visible light produce interference fringes? Explain.
6. Define optical rotation. Give its practical use.
7. Write down selective absorption method to obtain plane polarized light
from ordinary light.
8. What is the principle of interference of light? Discuss the necessary
condition for interference of light.
9. What is meant by plane polarized light?
10.Find out the fringe spacing between two constructive bright fringes.

Chapter 10 | Thermodynamics
1. What is adiabatic process?
2. Prove that W = P Δ V.
3. Under what circumstance the efficiency of a Carnot engine will be 100%? Is
it possible?
4. Why the Entropy of the universe always increases?
5. Why is the average velocity of the molecules in a gas zero but the average
of the square of velocities is not zero?
6. Specific heat of a gas at constant pressure is greater than specific heat at
constant volume. Why?
7. Is it possible to convert internal energy into mechanic energy? Explain with
an example.
8. Is it possible to construct a heat engine that will not expel heat into the
9. Can a room be cooled by leaving the door of an electric refrigerator open?
10.What are the conditions for a process to be reversible?

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