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ECED 3500 Fall 2021 Midterm Exam

Name: ____________________________________ Student ID: _________________

Q1.- i) An LTI system is represented by the impulse response [4 pts]

ℎ = −1 + − +3
Determine whether the system is causal and/or stable.
Justify your answers Mark your choices with an X
( ) Causal, ( ) Not causal

( ) Stable, ( ) Unstable

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ECED 3500 Fall 2021 Midterm Exam

Name: ____________________________________ Student ID: _________________

Q1.- ii) Determine and justify if the following signal is: [6 pts]
= | | 3
= −4
(a) Periodic,

(b) Odd, even or neither,

(c) Purely real, purely imaginary or neither.

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ECED 3500 Fall 2021 Midterm Exam

Q2.- Let h(t) be the triangular pulse shown in the figure, and x(t) given by
= + + + − .
(a) Sketch their convolution y(t) = x(t) ∗ h(t) for the following values of T:
(i) T = 4 (ii) T = 3 (iii) T = 2 [6 pts]


-2 2 t

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ECED 3500 Fall 2021 Midterm Exam

Q2.- (b) Can you represent y(t) using the following expression [2 pts]
# #

= + ! " + !&' " ?

$% $%
Explain why or why not.

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ECED 3500 Fall 2021 Midterm Exam

Q3.- We are given the following facts about a signal x(t):

1. x(t) is real and even.
2. x(t) is periodic with period T = 4 and has Fourier coefficients ak.
3. ak = 0 for k > 2 .
4. The average value of the signal 2⋅x(t−1) is 4.
5. a−1 = 1
6.  x(t ) 2 dt = 76 .
(a) Find the two signals that satisfy these conditions. [8 pts]
Explain what information you extract from each fact.

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ECED 3500 Fall 2021 Midterm Exam

Q3.- (b) What is the total average power of x(t)? [2 pts]

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ECED 3500 Fall 2021 Midterm Exam

Q4.- A linear system S with input x(t) and output y(t) yields the following input-output pairs

x1(t) = e j3t → y1(t) = e–j5t,
x2(t) = e–j3t → y2(t) = ej5t , and
(a) Determine the system output y(t) corresponding to the following input. [4 pts]
x(t) = sin(3t)

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ECED 3500 Fall 2021 Midterm Exam

Q4.- A linear system S with input x(t) and output y(t) yields the following input-output pairs

x1(t) = e j3t → y1(t) = e–j5t,
x2(t) = e–j3t → y2(t) = ej5t , and

(b) Is system S time-invariant also?

Verify using the definition for a time-invariant system. [4 pts]

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