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COUNT ABLE/UNCOUNTABLE Fill the gaps with A/AN/SOME/ ANY and match the sentences to the pictures 1-There is L apple. 3-There arent eggs. Cp 5-There isn’t |__| sandwich. 7-There is 9-There aren’t/ 11-There isn’t ] pineapple juice. __| cakes. I rice. 13-There is jam. 2-There aren't (oranges, Ce 4-There is. butter. 6-There isn’t__ 8-There are 10-There is bread, 12-There are __ tomatoes. 14-There isn’t/ cheese. 1 milk. bananas. oo 0BPE® U2 SH @ Fill the gaps with HOW MUCH or HOW MANY = QB 1-How many potatoes are there? 2 butter is there? 4. pizza is there? 6-| “ham is there? 8-____ salad is there? 107 fish is there? 12+ slices of bread are there? honey is there? |_ bottles of milk are there? strawberries are there? meat is there? peaches are there? w a © make questions. example: How much fruit is there? There is some fruit. © There are att ofeggs, By z There nt any tomato suce, 5 2 There is» pocket of poste : There are fre red peppers s There are a lot of beans. Q & & Theres some paz. 4 2 There te 3 le st @® Fillthe g9ps with 2/an/some/any/is/are/much/many Lisa: I’m hungry. there any crisps? Tom: No, there any but there is 1-0 [)___2-Carrots (7) ham sandwich. 3-Sugar 4-Chocolate_]_—— Usa? Great, I'l have the ham sandwich and || 5-Chickenl1_6-Prawns |] then| orange. Is there(___ ice 7-Peas |-_[— 8-Lemons, cream left? 9-Flour 10-Cucumbers__| ‘Tom: No, there any ice-cream. I'l || 11-Cheese 12-Fish(_) go to the supermarket. How| 13-Vinager 14-Onions, tomatoes are there? 15-Pepper | 16-Lettucel_[ Usa: There | only one. We should buy || 17-pasta 1 18-Pears __ | more tomatoes. Oh! How J butter is there? Tom: There isn’t | ] and we need sugar, too. 19-Honey| | _ 20-Croissants| 21-Teal_T 22-Cup of tea 23-Eggs. 24-Bottle of milk |_1 25-Toast 26-Can of coke!

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