COC For Pad Eyes

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@ PT.

ffit$$truBulll urffif, ffi#r**ffir***m API Spee 5CT{685

API Spec 6A-0775
Office: Epicentrum Walk Strata Office Suiteslt. 6 Unit 0610 B API Spec 7-1-050t1
fqmp. RasunaEpicentrum. Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Kuningan API Spec Q1-0451
Jakarta Selatan, 12960 - Indonesia lS0 90O3.:2008-721
Tel. : +62 2L 7247617 ,Tel / Fax. : +62 Zt lZZSg42
Email :


Operational Rating Mud Coller Unit:

Maximum Gross Mass (R) : 10000 kgs at 45o to Verrical Line

To deterrnine the resulting sling force on each pad eye is calculated as follows :

(4 - 1) cos 45o

F_ = 138734,4 Newton (14142,14 kg force )
3 x cos 45o

1. Minimum Required of Shackle (WLLs)

The calculation WLLs for 4 legs sling : WLL min / (3 x cos

Deternined from Table At (BS EN 12079-2, 2006) :

WLL min for (R) 11 tonnes = 1l x enhancement factor (1,457)= 15,01 tonnes

WLLs : 15,01 / (3 x cos 45")

:7,08 Tonnes

Refer to product catalogues crosby shackle components, we have results


"Min size shackle = size 1" with wLL grsO Ton for each shackle'r.

Crosby Shackle Type C - 2130 / S - 2Ig

Jr. Rava Narogong No. 18, -- ylffiHr"ng r"renteng - Kec. Rawarumbu.

Bekasi - L7lll. lawa Barat - Indonbsia
Tel. r +62 2t 9250457,+62Zt gZSOS80,Fax : +GZ2t 8250579
@ PT.tnlssErunmt urflrfr ffiffirwreeffir*#*** AFI Spec5CT{683
API Spec 6A10775
Office: Epicentrum Walk Strata Office SuitesLt. 6 Unit 0610
l(gmp. RasunaEpicentrum. Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Kuningan
B Tpqffi]Tffi Folffi$rEim Grgfl
API Spec 7-1.s5(}4
API spEcQ1-0451
Jakafta Selatan, 12960 - Indonesia --4, ISO 9001::008-721
Tel. :+62 2t 72476L7,Te| / Fax. t +62 ZL 7Z?SA4Z
Email : info@ksuoilfi
2. Find Pad Eye Thickness

"Pad eye thickness at the hole should not be less than 75Yo of the inside width of the joining

Where : Shackle l"capacityWl,I, = B-l/Zton

Inside width of shackle (A) = 1.69,, (42,93 mm)
This gives :

Min. pad eye thickness : (75Yo x 1.69")

: 1.27" (32p mm) Min.

3. Find Diameter llole of Pad Eye

"Diameter of holes in pad eyes should match the shackle used clearance between shackle boh
and pad eye holes should not exceed 6yo of the shackle bolt diameter."

Where : Shackle 1" capacity WLL = g-l/2 Ton

Diameter bolt of shackle (B) = I . 125" (28,57 mm)

This gives :

Max. diameter holes of pad eye : (6% x I .I25") + l.!25,,

: l.lg'' Q0A9 mm) Max.
4. Pad Eye Strength Calculation

Pad Eye

4.1. Tear- Out Stress :

3x RSL/F

(2xExt) - @Hxt)

IYorkshop :
Raya Narogong No. 18, KM 7. Kel. Bojong Menteng - Kec. Rawalumbu.
Bekasi - 171L7. Jawa Barat - Indonesia
Tel. : +62 2L825A457,+62 21 8250580,Fax : +6221 8250579
@ PT.fnls$Huruluurfitil ffi#rmm*ffir*#**m API SpEc 5CT{68F
API Spec 6A-0775

Office: Epicentrum Walk Strata Office Suiteslt. 6 Unit 0610 B TPC:EffiIMME API SFec 7-1-O5O4
$qmp. RgsunaEpicentrum.ll. HR. Rasuna Said, Kuningan
AFI Spec Q1-t,461
lakarta Selatan, 12960 - Indonesia ISG 9OOl":2Oo8-721

Tel. : +62 2L 72476L7 ,Tel / Fax. : +52 2L 7225942

Email :
Where: DH = 30 mm (Pad eye hole for shackle 1',)

t : 25 mm ( pad eye thickness)

t1 : 6 mm (cheek plate thickness)

H : 50 mm (radius ofpad eyes)

RSLIF = 138734,4Newton

Re : 325 N/mm2 (Minimum y.S. material on Mill Cert.)

This gives :

3 x138734,4


(2x50x25) - (30x25)



32s > 237183 N/mm2 (Acceptabte)

4.2. Contact Stress :

Re > 23,7 x

This gives result:

32s > 23,7 x


325 23,7 x ,nW

325 2649 N/mm2 (Acceptable)

Refer to BS - EN 12079 : 2006, we lind :

"The methode above cau be used to size a pad eye whioh satislies this requirement and of
course be used if an optimized pad eye design is required if following two criteria above
should be full filled."

Workshop :
Jl. Raya Narogong No. 18, KM 7. Kel. Bojong Menteng - Kec. Rawalumbu.
Bekasi - t7lt7. lawa Barat - Indonesia

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