H&M - R&M Class Assignment

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1. Sajjad Hossain 1067394

2. Shuborna Adikari 1073432
3. Jushida Pervin 1069462
4. Nakyanzi Veronica Birungi 1065470
5. Sara Jamshidi 1081856

In-class assignment B: Analysing interview transcripts

• Practice with the steps of data analysis and writing up research results. After practicing you can apply the steps to your own research interviews.
• Discuss the results in class
Instructions for the in-class assignment
1. Read the document ‘Context of the research interviews’. Check the meaning of the words you do not know. Have a look at the overview table
(see below) and how the interview questions are organized per sub questions.
2. Copy- paste the answers on the questions in a table (see above).
3. Answer the sub research questions based on the overview table.
1. What is the opinion of the client group of H&M on sustainable fashion?
2. What is the buying behaviour of the client group of H&M with respect to jeans?
3. How is the client group of H&M using jeans? (product life cycle after buying)
4. Under which conditions will the rentable jeans be an option for the H&M client group?
4. Re-check the answers of the respondents. Do some of these answers also fit to another sub research question? Mark these relevant parts of
the transcript for each research questions (yellow: sub question 1; green: sub question 2; red: sub question 3; blue: sub question 4)
5. Adjust the answer on the research questions based on the new information obtained.

Answer respondent 1 Answer respondent 2

Research question 1: What is the opinion of the client group
of H&M on sustainable fashion?

Research question 2: What is the buying behaviour of the
client group of H&M with respect to jeans?

Research question 3. How is the client group of H&M

using jeans? (product life cycle after buying)

Research question 4: Under which conditions will the

rentable jeans be an option for the H&M client group?


Question Answer interview 1 (respondent 1) Answer interview 2 (respondent 2)

1. Do you like to shop? Yes, I shop too often Yes
Research question1: 2. How many times do you shop? To thrift shops, I go each month at least Well, during the holidays it takes around
What is the 1 or 2 times. But I have my periods, 4 hours because then I will go with my
opinionof the client sometimes I go to the thrift shops too whole family and it is not only me it
group of H&M on often and other periods I do not go that is my sister too, you know she likes to
sustainable fashion? much. shop a lot so it takes us more than 5 hours,
no 4 hours in the shop. So if we go
to H&M I will try some and she will try
some and it takes 4 hours. And if it is
during, like normal days like this week of
school then I just go shopping like once a
while, and then it would take maybe just
an hour, because I am just taking
the necessary things
3. Do you like buying online or in a retail store? I always go to the stores. Because I go I prefer buying clothes in Stores
that often to thrift shops which haven’t
got any web shops. To check the thrift
shop clothing, you first have to see the
state they’re in. I never shop online
4. Which brands and or stores do you prefer whenshopping Like Coolcat, the cheaper ones. Well, I usually go to the H&M, Mango,
in the Netherlands? H&M, C&A and that’s it. River Islands, C&A and America Today
8. When buying jeans how important is the factor I do not pay attention to sustainably To be honest I have never even thought
ofsustainably produced jeans for you? produced fashion. I look through the about a sustainable environment when
products how they look and of course to buying clothes. I am just like I need
the price if it is worth it. that so I take it and because I find that
other clothes are expensive even though
they say it is sustainable. It is still
expensive so I better try something that is
affordable for me.
9. How much would you be willing to spend on normaljeans I think around the 25 euros for a normal I would say I would not pay more than 20
and how much on sustainable? jean. And if the pants would really be euros for normal jeans because it is not
sustainable like good for the only me like I get money from my
environment and an honest payment for father and there is also my sister so he is
employees, I would be willing to pay 35 like “keep it 20 euros girls” for jeans. So I
euros. But I would get mad if it seems have a budget.
that the jeans then do not last longer than
2 years.

Research question2: 6. How often do you buy jeans? Once in a year Well, normally it takes I think 3 months
and then I have to change or sometimes if
I keep up changing and switching
it every day changing jeans then it would
still not be a very long time maybe after
4 or 5 months and then I have to
buy something new
Actually, I look for the price, how it Well yes, I can say that I pay attention to
What is the buying 7. How do you shop? (brand/price/quality) looks and if they are comfortable and not the brands and the price too because some
behaviour of the really on the quality. of the clothes are really expensive for
client group of example at Mango and River Islands so I
H&M with respectto would go just go to C&A, Primark or
jeans? H&M. And the quality sometimes if I am
going to C&A, Primark or H&M I pay
attention to the quality because I am not
going to wear something that looks cheap.
And when I go to Mango or River Island
for something more high quality
3 3 or 4 and then if it is during the winter
Research question 3: 5. How many Jeans do you own? then 3 or 4 during the winter and in the
How is the client summer light ones so 2 jeans. But for
group of H&M using the time being, I have 4.
jeans? (product life 10. How long does it take for you to wear out a pair ofjeans? I got jeans from when I was 14 years old, Well, normally it takes I think 3 months
cycle after buying) so that’s 6 years ago but that one I can’t and then I have to change or sometimes if
wear anymore. Because I do not wear I keep up changing and switching
jeans that often they do not damage that it every day changing jeans then it would
quickly. I think on average when I stop still not be a very long time maybe after
wearing it would be like around 4 or 5 4 or 5 months and then I have to
years buy something new
11. What do you do with your jeans after you wore themout Everything I do not wear anymore I Sometimes I cut the legs of and make a
(too small /broken)? bring to thrift shops or ask people at short out of it, or if it is too ripped then I
school if they like the clothes I bring and just throw it away or I try the new
if they want to have it and if it is really ripped jeans design. I would do something
damaged, we put it in a textile dumpster like that
but never throw something away in a
garbage can, only socks.
12. In what way could sustainable jeans be or be No, it is fair that more expensive Well maybe communicate to the customer
more sustainable? produced, but honest produced, fashion that the price of the jeans will increase
is more expensive because of the extra due to the fact that they are trying to be
effort. Sometimes you see really ethical and also that the price will increase
expensive ones and I do not think that but the same time with the amount of
should occur. I guess even if those jeans money they can invest it in the organic
are dye, more sustainable and green materials,
sustainably made those shops which technology, like the production process.
offer them should get a huge profit from
it, which sometimes happen. It is weird
because to make the world more
sustainable the world should make the
sustainable jeans and fashion cheaper so
more people will buy it. Just like food,
unhealthy food is cheaper than healthy
food and it should be in reverse
Add relevant answers from other questions:
Research question4: 13. What do think about instead of, having your It is a good idea but my only roadblock I am not keen for that process but it is
ownjeans, leasing your jeans? is it would take a lot of time and effort to something to try out but I am not in
go every 3 months to a store and favour of that Because I do not know I
return it and do not forget it. Also taking like
care of someone else’s jeans wouldn’t fit to own my jeans and I think it would be
me. Because you have the weird to rent jeans and then handing it
obligation to return it in a suitable back to the company. I feel like I am
way sounds scary. not keen on that concept.

Under which
conditions will the 14. what do you think about rentable jeans? I think it is a good idea to implement Well because it is not only me who is
rentable jeans be because I think enough people would trying on the jeans it is also someone
an option for the like the idea of having an opportunity else, it would be washed and cleaned
H&M client to but
group? hand in the used pants again instead still someone is trying it on, took it
of throwing it away. But for the with them and using it and giving it
cheaper stores and making their back there it is not like something that
clothes second you
hand is a weird thing because their even think about even I do not like my
clothes are already cheaper. I for sister touching my clothing. Then I
instance if I buy at the thrift shop, I would also not like to get the clothes
often buy 4 expensive brand clothes from
because they are cheap second hand. the company and were them because
If I want a cheaper brand, I can buy it someone else already had them.
new because then it’ll last longer and
not for that much more money.
15. Would you rent clothes yourself when they Yes No
are better available? (Why not?)

16. What kind of clothes would you prefer renting? If I would rent I would hire vests,
dresses and leggings. They have
different kinds of vests and I can
rent every month new sounds cool.
17. What would you be willing to pay per month? If I would rent I would rent clothes
for 6 months than I wanted to pay
like 5 euros a month. That’ll be 30
euros in
total so that is the price of a jean I
would normally buy.
18. Do you think this concept can be used at the Maybe it is, if they will be very Yes if people like this concept, sure
stores where you shop? thoughtful on the system it is. If then this company will have lots of
people wouldn’t lose a lot of time success. But also it depends on what
and effort, it is. the
H&M and Coolcat I am not 100% people like because the consumer like

sure but for other bigger stores with me have no interest in an evolving
more expensive brands it would thing like sustainability even though
work. People we are
would easier rent a more expensive thought here at the RBS about
brand even if the renting price was a sustainability, though. But like
bit higher. sometimes when you go shopping you
do not think
about sustainability. You just think
like yes it is cool let me try it. So there
are both the chances some will switch
retailer store that is renting clothes
and the others are still going to the
H&M or C&A or River Island

Sub question 1: What is the opinion of the client group of H&M on sustainable fashion?
The respondents do not look at the sustainability of the clothing items they buy. A respondent states that she understands that sustainable fashion is more
expensive, since its production requires extra effort. On the other hand, this respondent expects that the profit margin of these sustainable fashion
suppliers is sometimes too high. She is surprised by that, since a lower price would mean that the world becomes more sustainable. Therefore, these shops
should have an incentive to lower the prices of sustainable fashion.
The second respondent is willing to buy sustainable fashion, but not if the prices are very high: “I find that other clothes are expensive even though they
say it is sustainable.” She finds a price increase of 100% (from €50 to €100) unacceptable. Even though she is educated in school about sustainability, she is
not willing to adjust her spending pattern too much: “When you go shopping you do not think about sustainability. You just think like: yes, it is cool let me
it.”. For her she will not spend a lot extra, but she believes people might be convinced to spend more, if people have more knowledge: “It could work
[paying more for sustainable cloths] because they are aware of the situation of the environment and how companies fool us’’.

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