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COM 3013


REPORT WRITING – Integrated Sources – Overview – 10%

Congratulations! You now have a social issue idea or a company-related topic.

Your next step is to write an overview of your research report. This is your plan.

Your report must consist of:

1. Background information about the subject. If you chose a social issue,
this will be a bit of recent history and essential information and data
about the topic. If you chose a company type, then you will include some
information about what the company is and what it does. You must do
research on the background of your subject and include citations and
references for all research.
a. One paragraph for this section.

2. A description of the specific issue that you will cover in your report. This
can include a question that you intend to answer. At the end of this
section, you will provide your thesis statement and your intended list of
main points that you will cover in your report.
a. A thesis statement is a single statement, not a question, that clearly
and directly states the subject of your report to your audience.
b. Your list of main points in this assignment is your plan, but you are
not locked in once you submit. If, during the course of your
research, you feel like you need to revise your main points, please
do so.

3. Your report audience, both primary and secondary. Common types of

audience for a social issue type would be affected people, such as
students, homeowners, etc. Also possible are policy makers, such as
elected officials or bureaucrats. For a company type report, you may
choose department heads, high-level executives, customers, etc.
a. Once you have stated your primary and secondary audience, give
details on why you picked this for your report focus.

• A cover page with all student names and student IDs.
• Section headings
• Font size: 11 or 12
• A sans serif font, such as Arial, Tahoma, or Calibri.


COM 3013

• Left alignment for all body text.


This assignment will be graded according to the following parameters:

1. Format: All required formatting elements present as listed above and in
the correct order.
2. Content: Each section must be clear and complete
3. APA: Citations and references present with appropriate lead-ins,
paraphrases, and quotations as needed. Note that if you do not do any
background research at all and thus have no citations or references, the
score for this section will be zero.
4. Structure: Good grammar and spelling with no awkward sentence


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