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Asian J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 2014; Vol. 4: Issue 2, Pg 93-98 [AJPSci.

ISSN- 2231–5640 (Print)

ISSN- 2231–5659 (Online)


A Review- Shivambu Kalpa- Various Therapeutic Uses of Urine

Mohd. Yaqub Khan1*, Irfan Aziz1, Dr. Imtiyaz Ahmad1, Bipin Bihari2, Hemant Kumar3,
Dr. Manju Panday1
Azad Institute of Pharmacy and Research, Azadpur, Adjacent CRPF Camp, Bijnour, Lucknow UP
Saroj Institute of Technology and Management, Ahimamau P.O. Arjunganj Sultanpur Road, Lucknow UP
Hygia Institute of Pharmacy, Lucknow, UP
*Corresponding Author E-mail:

Human urine has strengthening and curative characteristics concerning many deficiencies. A mixture of potato and
sulphur powder, mixed with heated, old urine helps against hair loss. One should rub this mixture into the scalp; this
slows down loss of hair. All kinds of throat inflammation can be helped by gargling with urine to which a bit of saffron
has been added. Trembling hands and knees can be helped by washing, and rubbing one's own warm urine into the
skin directly after one has urinated. Drink your own water in the morning nine days together and it cures the scurvy,
makes the body lightsome and cheerful. It is good against the dropsy and Jaundice, drunk as before. Wash your ears
with it warm and it is good against deafness noises and nost other ailments in the ears. Wash your eyes with your own
water and it cures sore eyes and clears and strengthens the sight. Wash and rub your hands with it and it take away
numbness, chaps and sores and makes the joints limber. Wash any green wound with it and it is an extraordinary good
thing. Wash any part that itches and it takes the itch away. More than any other method, urine therapy represents the
principles of natural medicine. One's own urine is a specific medicine for anyone who is ill. It is made for him or her
personally and is just right for what he or she needs at the present moment, because it changes its composition all the

KEYWORDS: Gargling, Scurvy.

Urine Therapy is not something new, instead it is a time Urine is the best remedy for every external and internal
proven method of entirely drugless system of healing and disease of the body. It destroys poison and worms of the
curing host of Diseases which has been continuing from intestines. It gives new life, purifies blood and clears skin
generation to generation. In every civilization people have problems. It destroys disease of the eyes, makes body
known the nectar-like properties of Urine. There are strong, improves digestion and destroys cough and colds.
numerous references of Urine as a bestowed of heavenly Urine repairs and rebuilds all the vital organs including
health and super normal powers in “Yogic and Tantric” lungs, pancreas, liver, brain, heart etc. Urine is also
books. Urine contains the chemical compounds which are effective in dental and other oral troubles. Urine is the best
very essential for the growth and maintenance of the health natural tonic, by drinking Urine, disease of kidneys, liver
of human body. Indeed it is best natural tonic available in and bile, dropsy, stopping of sinuses, jaundice, plague and
the world. There are some volatile salts in Urine, which areother poisonous fevers are cured. Outwardly applied it
highly beneficial. cleanses the skin and cures dandruff and is excellent against
trembling, numbness and palsy. By applying Urine on body
These salts powerfully absorbs acids and eradicates most of most complex diseases of[1]
skin are totally cured and the skin
the diseases in human bodies and as result many troubles of becomes clear and soft.
the body are cured from their very roots.
Urine therapy is the best remedy for all “A to Z” problems
from common cold to cancer

Received on 15.05.2014 Accepted on 15.06.2014

© Asian Pharma Press All Right Reserved
Asian J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 4(2): April-June 2014; Page 93-98
Asian J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 2014; Vol. 4: Issue 2, Pg 93-98 [AJPSci.]

2. Ancient Reference: although many in good health practice it for preventive

Lord Shiva has himself narrated the “Benefits of Urine health maintenance. Ironically, it has been kept a secret by
Therapy” to Mother Parvati which has been referred in the “medicine men” so they alone could have access to this
ancient book “Dammar Tantra” in Vedas. In Ancient Books “fountain of youth”.
and VEDAS Urine is referred as “Shivambu” (Auto Urine)
meaning Water of Shiva. The Water of Life Foundation in India and the Chinese
Association of Urine Therapy has been promoting urine
Urine Therapy is the ancient method of treatment. The therapy for many years. It is still playing an important role
Powerful practice for healing “Self-Urine Therapy” has in some medical treatments in Germany, Japan, and has
been referred in “Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi” part of 5000 been gaining popularity in the United States. In Germany,
years old document called Damar Tantra linking this urine treatments have been used since medieval times
practice to Vedas the sacred Hindu texts. Reference of against all kinds of diseases. In Japan, urine therapy has
Urine Therapy is also found in almost all the volume of been known for seven hundred years and is commonly
Ayurveda and in one of the volumes Bhavprakasha .Urine prescribed even today against asthma, diabetes,
is termed as “Vishaghna” killer of all poisons and hypertension and on an experimental basis against AIDS
“Rasayana” which can rejuvenate even old person and and cancer.
“Raktapamaharam” which purifies blood and cures all skin
diseases. Urine therapy also has historical roots in ancient Egypt,
Greece, Rome, the Aztec empire and since the Middle Ages
In Tantrik Yoga culture this practice is termed as “Amroli.” in Europe. The history of drinking urine for therapeutic
Amroli comes from the root word “Amar.” They termed purposes dates back to the Holy Roman Empire when great
“Shivambu” as Holy Liquid. According to them Urine is urinal troths were erected in public squares of each city-
more nutritious than even milk as you are not only state for residents to both contribute to, and benefit from.
physically benefited by the practice, but you become For hundreds of years, many European cultures including
spiritually advanced because it is an Elixir for body, mind Russia have used urine to treat a wide variety of health
and spirit. God has given us this precious Gift (Urine) right problems. The ancient Indian text of Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi
from our very birth. [2] calls it the divine nectar that is capable of abolishing
various types of diseases and ailments. In the Old
2.1 Ancient Quotations: Testament of the Bible, there is a symbolic reference,
The proverb 5:15 have also been referred in the Holy Bible: “Drink water from they own cistern” (Proverbs 5). For
- “Drink water out of thane own cistern.” centuries, European Gypsies have known about the curative
powers of urine. It has been reported that the Lamas of
“The cosmic soul knows its need and takes to itself that Tibet reach extended ages by drinking their own urine. For
which belongs to it.” over 500 years ago, Native Indians in the Western
“Auto Urine is Divine Nectar” - Lord Shiva – (From the Hemisphere had knowledge of this therapy. So much so that
Dammar Tanta) natives of Mexico, Argentina, Peru, and Chile continue to
consume it for illnesses and utilize it as an antiseptic to treat
Remedy:- wounds.
“Your medicine is in you, and you do not observe it.”
Your ailment is from yourself but you do not register it. The first soap was perhaps, urine. In England, France and
probably elsewhere, the custom of washing one’s hands in
HAZRAT ALI: urine for its softening and beautifying properties, still exists
3. History of Urine Therapy[3] among the ladies. Urine has also been used as a tooth-wash,
Urine therapy has been around for a very long time. The a clothes wash and in the preparation of cosmetics, creams
medicinal use of urine dates back to the earliest and even prescription drugs.
civilizations. It is often referred to as the world’s oldest
medicine. It has been known by every generation but has The numbers of uses are impressive and so are the numbers
somehow fallen into obscurity. Yet the use of urine, as a of its followers. According to Xinhua news agency more
medicine, in one form or another can still be found in the than three million Chinese drink urine to stay healthy. From
medical traditions of tribes which are still in close contact India, in the state of Gujarat, there are nearly 300,000 users
with nature. In India, the yogi’s and the great spiritual of urine therapy and in the city of Bombay nearly 30,000
masters are well aware of the miracles of this “sacred” plus are active users. Germany, Korea and Japan have a
fluid. So much so that it has an extremely lengthy and sizeable number of citizens engaging in urine therapy. It is
involved history in India dating back over 5,000 years. also growing in the West.

Human urine has been considered a healing agent in many In 2009, the 5th World Congress on Urotherapy was held in
Asian cultures for centuries. It has played an important role Guadalajara, Mexico where advocates from around the
in the holistic medical traditions of societies all over the world gathered to share their experiences. The next World
world. It is an age-old tradition especially in sickness Congress is scheduled for Sydney, Australia in 2013. It is

Asian J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 2014; Vol. 4: Issue 2, Pg 93-98 [AJPSci.]

only a matter of time until it emerges as a natural home may arise. Afterwards, the majority feel much better in just
remedy for people who want a fast, efficient, inexpensive a few hours to a few days. The technique and process can
way to take care of their health. always be adjusted to personal preference.

4. Getting Started: Urine therapy consists of two parts: internal application

The thought of drinking their urine may offend the (e.g. drinking urine) and external application (e.g.
sensibilities of some Westerners. This initial revulsion is massaging with urine). Both aspects are important and
usually based on concepts that are based on ignorance or complement each other. The easiest way to start is by using
fears. The age old concept prevailing in our society is that it externally. Urine therapy has miraculous healing abilities
urine is poisonous or dirty excreta of the body. But this in the treatment of painful and disabling wounds, cuts,
fallacy is proven wrong by scientists on the basis of sores, bites, stings, blisters and rashes especially the ones
successful research and experiments done with human which refuse to heal. For skin problems such as gangrene,
urine. The second difficulty comes on account of foul smell psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis, urine pack works well and
and disagreeable taste. This can be overcome by eating can even prevent scar tissue. A urine compress should be
simple foods or by just mixing it with water. Moreover, moistened regularly and renewed several times daily. Urine
once the pain of our physical problems becomes stronger therapy offers complete recovery for serious burns instead
than our concepts or fears, acceptance to urine therapy of unsightly scars, tightly puckered skin and stiffened
happens naturally. In other words, most people will try it as limbs. Armstrong insisted that cures were faster and more
a last resort to overcome their pain and sickness. effective in those who massaged themselves with urine. [5]
There are some simple ways to overcome the feelings of 5. Urine Therapy is Effective in Treating [6,7]
aversion to drinking your own “water.” Start with a few External:
drops, have it on the rocks with your favorite juice or just  Sunburn
chase it down with water. Start by taking a small amount  Cuts, scrapes, wounds
then increase gradually. Some make a homeopathic  Burns, rashes, sores
preparation which contains no taste or color from just a few  Athlete’s foot
drops. Many take it once in the morning, some more  Eczema
frequently, again depending on their own liking. The most  Gangrene
common recommended dosage is 2 to 4oz. of fresh urine  Infections
once daily in the morning as a tonic for keeping healthy and
 Insect bites
as prevention against illnesses.
 Warts
Those who drink it regularly say the taste is mild and not  Varicose veins
unpleasant at all – a bit salty, like broth or sea water. The  Pimples, acne
taste depends on your constitution and your daily diet.  Baldness
Everything you eat and drink has an effect on your urine.  Snake bites
The better your dietary habits are, the better it will taste. If
you are on a vegetarian diet, there will be almost no Internal:
unpleasant aftertaste. If you eat spicy or fast food, then you  Cancer
will notice that it has a stronger or somewhat bitter taste.  Diabetes
Drinking your own urine makes you think seriously about  High Blood Pressure
what you eat. A change in dietary habits plays an important  Hormonal imbalances
role in the healing process. The taste is more enjoyable with  Allergies
fruits and vegetables and less with sweet, starchy or spicy  Colds, coughs, fever, flu symptoms
food. [4]  Conjunctivitis
 Asthma
Whenever a leap of faith is taken, be prepared as the healing
process may begin. Depending on the toxicity of the  Herpes, venereal diseases
ailment, the body will begin to purify itself. In the  Jaundice, hepatitis
detoxification period, poisonous substances that have been  Mononucleosis
stored in the body for years are released. The body might  Prostrate disorders
start to fight certain viruses by increasing the temperature  Rheumatism
and causing a fever. By stimulating the body’s natural  Sexual impotency
powers, real healing takes place. Urine contains antibodies  Meningitis
and immune stimulating factors against all viruses, harmful  Hepatitis
bacteria and fungi. Urine is especially effective against  Tuberculosis
allergies and other disorders of the immune system. The  Parkinson’s disease
self-inoculation of urine is similar to when a flu shot
introduces a virus into the body to make antibodies for it.
During the healing crisis, symptoms such as a rash,
sweating, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, headache or coughing
Asian J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 2014; Vol. 4: Issue 2, Pg 93-98 [AJPSci.]

6. Ten effects of Urine Therapy: 15. Uric acid – helps keep “free radical scavengers”
Reabsorption and reuse of nutrients, Reabsorption of (molecules which can cause cancer) under control, combats
hormones, Reabsorption of enzymes, Reabsorption of urea, old age and even has a tuberculostatic effect
Immunological effect, Bactericidal and virucidal effect, Salt
therapy, Diuretic effect, Transmutation theory, 7.2 Inorganic substances in urine:
Psychological effect.[8] Bicarbonate, chloride, phosphor, sulphur, bromide, fluoride,
iodide, rhodanide, kalium, natrium, calcium, magnesium,
7. Substance Found in Urine: iron, copper, zinc, cobalt, selenium, arsenium, lead,
Many people have the mistaken belief that urine is waste. mercury
Waste products are eliminated through the skin, lungs and
digestive system. As seen from the diagram above, urine is 7.3 Nitrogen-containing substances in urine:
created directly from the kidneys. The function of the Nitrogen, urea, creatine, creatinine, guanidine, choline,
kidneys is to balance and filter the blood. It is not a carnitine, piperidine, spermi-dine, spermine, dopamine,
byproduct of intestinal work. It is a sterile, antiseptic fluid adrenaline, nor-adrenaline, serotonin, tryptamine, amino-
containing thousands of elements. In fact, it contains many levulinic acid, porphyrin, bilirubin, and others.
life-sustaining elements like vitamins, minerals, proteins,
enzymes, hormones, antibodies, amino acids and the ions of 7.4 Amino acids in urine:
hundreds of compounds. [9] Alanine, carnosine, glycine, histidine, leucine, lysine,
methionine, phenylalanine, serine, tyrosine, valine,
7.1 Most people are generally unaware of the amazing hydroxyproline, galactosylhydroxylysine, xylo-sylserine,
elements found in urine: [10, 11] and others.
1. Agglutinins and precipitins – have a neutralizing effect
on polio and other viruses 7.5 Proteins in urine:
2. Antineoplaston – prevents selectively the growth of Albumin, haptoglobin, transferring, IgG, IgA, IgM, and
cancer cells without harming the growth of healthy cells. others
3. Allontoin – a nitrogenous crystal substance which helps
heal wounds. It is an oxidation product of uric acid. This 7.6 Enzymes in urine:
substance can be found in many skin cream products. Lactatdehydrogenase, gamma-glutamyItransferase, alpha-
4. DHEA – This substance prevents obesity, prolongs the amylase, uropepsinogen, lysozyme, beta-N-
lifespan of animals, and offers a possible treatment for acetylglucosaminidase, urokinanse, protease, and others.
anemia, diabetes, and breast cancer in women. DHEA
stimulates the growth of bone marrow and increases the 7.7 Carbohydrates in urine:
production of substances manufactured by bone marrow Arabibose, xylose, ribose, fucose, rhamnose, ketopentose,
such as red blood cells, monocytes, macrophages and glucose, galactose, mannose, fructose, lactose, saccharose,
lymphocytes. fucosylglucose, raffinose and others.
5. Gastric secretory depressants - combat the growth of
stomach ulcers. 7.8 Vitamins in urine:
6. Glucuronic acid - is created in the kidneys, liver and Thiamine (B1) riboflavin (B2), vitamin B-6, 4-pyridoxic
intestinal canal and has an important secretion function. acid, vitamin b-12, biopterine, ascorbic acid, zinc,
7. H-11 – inhibits the growth of cancer cells and reduces magnesium, potassium, folic acid, and others.
already existing tumors, without disturbing the recovery
process. 7.9 Hormones in urine:
8. HUD (Human’s Urine Derivative) - urine derivative Gonadotropin, coricotropin, prolactin, lactogenic hormones,
shown to have remarkable anti-cancer properties. oxytocin, vasopressin, thyroxine, cathecholamin
9. Interleukin – 1 – this substance has a positive influence (adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine), insulin,
on helper cells and inhibiting substances. It can signal the erythropoietin, corticosteroids (aldosterone, corticosterone,
hypothalamus to produce a fever. cortisone), testosterone, progesterone, oestrogen, and
10. 3-methyl-glyoxal – destroys cancer cells others.
11. Prostaglandin – in a hormonal substance which dilates
the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, relaxes the 8. Underlying Rationale for Urine Therapy:
bronchial muscles, stimulates labor contractions, and a The underlying rationale for the effectiveness of Urine
number of other functions relating to metabolism. Therapy is based on the knowledge that Urine contains
12. Protein globulins - contains antibodies against specific numerous substances that possess therapeutic properties
allergens; identical to proteins in immunoglobulin’s of including:
serum (blood)
13. Proteses – immunologically active products of allergic Antibodies (each person produces a unique set Antibodies
reactions specific to that individual - these customized Antibodies are
14. Retine - anti-cancer element extracted from urine excreted from the body via the Urine and Urine Therapy
aims to “recycle” these Antibodies).

Asian J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 2014; Vol. 4: Issue 2, Pg 93-98 [AJPSci.]

Urea (a Nitrogen compound that is a vital element in the Urine Therapy reduces Fever (due to the presence of an
Urea Cycle which possesses several therapeutic effects). [12] inhibitor of Interleukin 1 in Urine). [16]

9. Purported Health Benefits of Urine Therapy: 9.3.2 Urine Therapy is reported to destroy some types
9.1. Digestive System: of Viruses (due to the Urea component of Urine
Urine Therapy helps to prevent Peptic Ulcers and also dissolving the Protein component of Viruses):
accelerates the healing of existing Peptic Ulcers (due to the  Urine Therapy may destroy the Varicella-Zoster Virus
Urogastrone component of Urine): Urine Therapy helps to that causes Chickenpox.
prevent Duodenal Ulcers and also accelerates the healing of  Urine Therapy may destroy the Measles Virus that
existing Duodenal Ulcers. Urine Therapy helps to prevent causes Measles.
Gastric Ulcers and also accelerates the healing of existing  Urine Therapy may destroy Polio Viruses.
Duodenal Ulcers. [13
9.4. Nervous System:
9.2. Excretory System: Urine Therapy is reported to alleviate Migraine.
Urine Therapy is reported to cure some cases of Cystitis
(where Cystitis is caused by proliferation of Eschericia 9.5. Respiratory System:
coli). Urine Therapy reduces the symptoms of (acute) Urine Therapy alleviates some cases of Asthma.
Nephritis and reduces the underlying infection that causes Urine Therapy alleviates some cases of Hay Fever.
(acute) Nephritis. [14] Urine Therapy is reported to alleviate some cases of
9.3. Immune System: Urine Therapy alleviates some cases of Whooping Cough.
Urine Therapy may improve the condition of Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) patients. There are 9.6. Sexual System – Male:
various anecdotal reports of T-Lymphocytes counts Urine Therapy kills the Detrimental Bacteria that cause
improving in AIDS patients using oral Urine Therapy. It is (bacterial forms of) Prostatitis.
known that the Urine of AIDS patients contains Antibodies
to the HIV virus (but not the actual HIV virus) that causes 9.7. Skin:
AIDS and it has been speculated that oral administration of Urine Therapy is reported to alleviate Hives.
these Antibodies to HIV via Urine Therapy may be Urine Therapy (using a patient’s own Urine applied
responsible for the effectiveness of Urine Therapy in AIDS topically) alleviates Tinea.
patients. Antineoplastons may also contribute to the effects Urine Therapy helps to prevent Infection of existing
of Urine Therapy. Urine Therapy may help to alleviate Wounds (primarily due to the Urea component of Urine).
Allergies (the Urine of Allergy patients often contains
specific Antibodies to the substances (Antigens) to which 9.8. Cleanses the Blood:
the Allergy patient is allergic to). The Urea component of Urine, because it’s a byproduct of blood, becomes more
Urine dissolves the “foreign” Proteins that form many purified the more it is recycled. Therefore, believers say
Antigens. Urine Therapy inhibits/kills many types of that the continual recycling of our urine leads to cleaner
Detrimental Bacteria (due to the Urea content of Urine) urine which leads to cleaner blood. Many people feel that
including: [15] this contributes to a cleansing effect that also bolsters
immune systems.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis:
Urine Therapy may inhibit the growth of the malignant 9.9. Improves Heart Health:
Cells that occur in Cancer. Urine contains an enzyme called Urokinase, known to
strengthen the bloodstream that goes from certain heart
9.3.1 Types of Cancer that have been reported to arteries and muscles. In fact, Urokinase is used in drug form
respond to Urine Therapy include: and sold as a miracle blood clot dissolver for unblocking
 Breast Cancer coronary arteries. But for those seeking a more natural way
 Colon Cancer to safeguard their heart, they turn to urine therapy which
 Kaposi’s Sarcoma may be effective in preventing heart attacks and
 Lung Cancer arteriosclerosis. [17]
 Lymphomas
 Skin Cancer 9.10. Fights Cancers:
 Stomach Cancer Urine also contains urea, which was found to be an
 Uterus Cancer effective cancer treatment by Professor of Internal
Medicine, Evangelos Danopoulos. Studies conducted in the
The specific components of human Urine that are 1970s and 1980s showed his work with urea helped treat
speculated to account for the effectiveness of Urine Therapy those suffering with breast cancer, liver cancer and even
in the treatment of Cancer include Human Urine Derivative certain lip and eye cancers. In short, urea works to prevent
(HUD), H-11, Retine, Antineoplastons and Uric Acid.
Asian J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 2014; Vol. 4: Issue 2, Pg 93-98 [AJPSci.]

cancer cells from grouping together, killing them by As a result, more people are turning away from
disrupting their metabolic activity. [18] conventional medicine. Urine therapy could be the medicine
of the future for billions of people without health care. The
9.11. Heals Acne: medical establishment should adjust their system so that
Urea’s antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral have long been alternative medicines, like urine therapy, can be integrated
touted for its ability to banish skin conditions, including seamlessly. This simple adjustment alone could
acne. According to S.K. Sharma, author of Miracles of tremendously reduce health care costs. The extra
Urine Therapy (affiliate link), massaging the infected areas advantages of no diagnosis, no side effects and no costs
with urine up to four times daily will “abolish acne.” [19] make it more than an alternative. Urine therapy offers each
individual the power to deal with any health crises
9.12. Provides Relief from Stings: efficiently, effectively and economically. [23]
Naturopathic doctors have found that the acidic pH in urine
breaks down the toxins put into your skin when you are 12. REFERENCES:
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