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18 Preferences Part One Unit 2

In our daily lives we express preference about things, people and activities.
Verbs that express preference, (likes or dislikes): like, love, enjoy, prefer, hate,
dislike, don’t (doesn’t) like, can’t stand.
To express preference about activities, we use: verb of preference + verb +ing.
love + cooking; hate + working
e.g. My mother loves cooking. I hate working on weekends.
To express preference about people or things, we use: verb of preference +noun.
e.g. I love candy (noun). My brother likes Carla (noun).

Exercise 18 A. Write sentences using the information in parentheses. Use the correct
form of the verbs as in the examples.
Examples: __Lili loves walking on the beach.__ (Lili – love – walk on the beach)
_My mother doesn’t like rap music. (My mother – not like – rap music)
1. Juan hates playing videogames ____________ (Juan – hate – videogames)
2. Ellie doesn't like going to a restaurant_______ (Ellie – dislikes – go to restaurants)
3. Richard likes watching soccer on tv _________ (Richard – likes – watch soccer on TV)
4. I enjoy taking a nap______________________ (I – enjoy – take a nap)
5. my father can't stand loud music___________ (My father – can’t stand – loud music)
6. They don’t like playing chess______________ (They – not like – play chess)

Exercise 18 B. The following paragraph has some mistakes (verb form, missing
prepositions or articles, word order) Identify them and rewrite the correct paragraph.
Mary loves indoor activities*. She likes play cards with
friends. She hates go to restaurants but she enjoy
cooking. She likes watch movies on TV but she doesn’t
likes playing videogames. She dislike going to the library
but she surfs internet a lot because she has always a lot
of homework. Her friends every day visit her and they
listen music or she plays the violin for them.
*Indoor activities – activities people do inside of a building, e.g. watching TV

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