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5Dc/2 Condensation 2

Name ___________________ Class ____________ Date _________

Complete the sentences using words from the box. You may need to use some words
more than once.

1 The __________ in the bowl is hot, and some of it is __________.

There is a lot of water __________ in the air above the bowl. Some of the water
vapour turns into a liquid when it touches the clingfilm. This is called
__________.The __________ water vapour forms small drops of water.
The clingfilm under the ice cubes is very __________. More water vapour
__________ here, so the drops of water are __________.

bigger cold condensation condensed

condenses evaporating vapour water

2 The air in your lungs is __________ .Water __________ into the air in your lungs
when you breathe. When you __________ the air out, the air and the water vapour
__________ down. On a cold day the water vapour __________ and forms tiny
drops of water. You can see the drops of __________ .You cannot see the water in
your breath on a __________ day, because the water vapour does not cool down
enough to __________ .

breathe condense condenses cool evaporates warm water

literacy, knowledge

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