CNC Machine Img - 20230403 - 0005

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Version 1.08 (2021.


l}¡tagawa original instructions


SR type

Kitagawa Corporation
77-l,Motomachi,Fuchu-shi,Hiroshima,726-861 0,Japan
Tel. +81-847-40-056'l
Fax. +81-847-45-891't
This manual provides detailed information about how to safely and corectly use the cylinder (SR type) for a lathe.
Before stañ ng to use this cylinder, read this manual carefully and always follow ihe instructions and warnings in
"lmportant Safety Precautions" and "Precautions for Use" al beginning of the rranual. Failure 1o ,ollow these
precautions could result in a serious accidenl.

Terms and Used for

ln this manual, precautions for handling that are considered especially important are ciassilied and displayed as shown below
depending on the damage ol risk including the seriousness of the harm that could result. Please sufficiently understand the
meanings of these terms and followthe ¡nslructions for safe operation.

The triangle is lhe safely alert syr¡bo lsed to a en you to potential safety hazards that could ¡esultin njuryordealh.

A DANGER lnd¡cates a hazardous situation which, if you not avoided,

will result in death or serious ¡njury.

lnd¡cates a hazardous situat¡on which, ¡f you not avo¡ded,

¿\ wnnNlNc could result in death or serious injury.

A cnuroN
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if you not avoided,
could result in minor or moderate injury.

I lndicates instructions which, if not avoided, could resutt in i

i.Y:r::t:T9::1:TiT3Y:ili'..... - i
L¡ and How to
This producl ¡s a hydraulic device to control the operation of power chuck installed on the lathes or rotary tables. For any
other applicat¡ons, please contact us.
Our company will not assume responsibilily for injury, death, damage, or loss resulting from not following the
instructions in lhis manual.
There are countless things that cannot or should not be done, and it is impossible to cover all of them in this manual.
Therefore, do not perform any actions unless they are specifically allowed in this manual. lf any questions related to
safely arise about operation, control, inspection and maintenance which are not specified in this manual, please confirm
them w¡th our company or distributor before perlorm¡ng lhem.

Guarantee and Limitation

The guarantee perlod of this product is 1 year after del¡very.
Use the parts delivered by Kilagawa Corporation Íor all the parts including consumable parts. We w¡ll nol assume
responsibility for injury, death, damage. or loss caused by usage of parts not manufactured by Kitagawa Corporation.
Additionally, if parts other than genuine parts manufactured by Kitagawa Corporation are used, this guarantee will be
completely invalid.
The chuck and cylinder from Kitagawa Corporaion should be used together. lf you musi use a part not made by
Kitagawa, check with us or our disiribulor to be sure it is safe to do so. We wi¡l nol be responsible for injury, death,
damage or loss caused by use of a chuck or cylinder made by another company un¡ess this use has been approved by
Kitagawa or its distributor.

Table of Contents
1 . Structural Drawing and Parts List 3
1-1. Type display
1-2. Struclura drawing
1-3. Scope of product
1 4. Pans list

Z. A lmportant Safety Precaut¡ons 6

Specifications 12
3-1. Specif cation table

4. Hydraulic Oil ...... 1r)

5. Tr¡al Operation 14

6 . l\4aintenance and lnspection li)

6-1. l\¡aintenance and inspection of cylinder
6-2. Mainlenance and ¡nspection ol hydraulic un¡t
6-3. List of seals to use

7 . Malfunction and Countermeasures ...'...'........' 16

7-'1. ln the case of malfunction
7-2. Where to contact in the case of malfunction

8. CoolantCollector ....'........... 17
8-1. Outline
8-2. Type and applicable cylinder
8-3. Attachment
8-4. Positional adjustment of proximity switch
B 5. Precautions
8-6. Parts ¡ist

For Machine Tool Manufacturers (Chapter 9)

9. Attachment 20
9-1. Outline drawing of attachment
9-2. Production and attachment of cyllnder adapter
I 3. ProdLc¡on and aüachrefl of d¡aw p pe
9'4. Attachment ol cyl¡nder
9-5. Tightening torque ol cylinder attaching bolt
9-6. Attachment of parts other than parts manufactured by Kitagawa Corporaiion

'10. About Hydraulic Circuit Design 27

11. Other lnformation 28

1 1-1 . About standards and orders
11-2. lnformation about marklnqs of product
11-3. About disposal

1 . Structural Drawing and Pafts List
1-1 Type display
Type display as shown below.


4th digit and after that are not d splayed for the slandard cylinders.

SR Abbreviated name of SR cylinders
2. 11 Nominal inside diameter of the cylinder
3. 46 Nominal thru hole diameter
4-7 Columns for special specification for each destination of del very

1-2 Structural drawing

1-3 Scope of product
This instruction manual is for the cylinder part.

'To prevent the work from f¡ying, safe design, maintenance and erroneous action prevention of the hydraulic
system to maintain the gripping force of the chuck is extremely imponant. Thoroughly read the "lmportant
Safety Precautions" on and afler page 6 in this manual.
. As for lhe chuck. follow the instruction manual lor the chuck.
1-4 Parts list

Fig. 3

Table 1

Lock valve
Part name Quantily No, Parl name Quant ty

1 2 T6 Socket head cap screw 60110or12

2 Relief valve 2 11 Socket head cap screw 6

3 Cyljnder 1 18 Retaining ring s 2

4 Roiary valve 1 19 Retaining ring H

5 Sleeve T 2A Oring 5

6 Pislon 1 21 O-ring l

7 Guide pin 2 22 O-r¡ng l

B Stopper 1 23 O-r ng l

I Under body 1 24 O-rlng 1

10 Hose nipple 2 25 O-ring 2

11 Bearing 1 26 O-ring 1

12 Joinl 4 27 O-ring l

13 Plug 2 28 O-ring 1

14 Socket head cap screw 6 29 O-ring 4

15 Socket head cap screw 6 30 O{ing 4


2. A tmpoftant Safety Precautions

lmportant safety precautions are summarized below. Please read this section before first
starting to use this product.

Failure to follow the safety precaut¡ons below will result in

serious ¡njury or death.

Turn off main power supply before attaching, inspecting or replacing cylinder,
and before adding oil. @@§
. The cylinder may start rotat¡on suddenly,
and a part of the body or clothing may be


Close door before roiating sp¡ndle.

. lf the door is not closed, you may touch

the rotating chuck or the work may fly out,
wh¡ch ¡s very dangerous. (ln general, the
safety ¡nterlock function which allows Close
rotation only when the door is the manual
mode or the test mode)


During spindle rotat¡on, do not turn off hydraulic pump power su pply and
)» do not operate switching valve. @
. Cutting off hydraulic pressure
causes a drop in the qrippinq
force which could result in the
work being released and flying
out. No
'Operating the manual sw¡tching
valve or solenoid valve will lead to Jaw open
a drop of hydraulic pressure.

So enoid valve

Failure to follow the safety precautions below w¡ll result in
serious iniury or death.
7 Do not allow the rotation speed of the chuck to exceed the max¡mum allowable
)» speed limit. t@
. lf the rotation speed of the chuck exceeds
the rotatron speed limit. this is very FLY OUT
dangerous as the chuck and work will fly

7 The ¡nput force of the chuck (piston thrust, pulling force of the draw pipe) must
)» not exceed the allowable maximum input force, l@
.lnput must match the specificat¡on of the
chuck. Y OUT
. Adjust the hydraulic pressure to the cylinder
so that the input, which determ¡nes the
gripping force of the chuck, does not exceed, \-..-'
. Excessive input force can lead to treakage WORK
of the chuck, which is very dangerous, as the
chuck can work can be damaged and fly out.

7 lf you use the chuck with the ¡ns¡de diameter gripping, ¡nput (hydraulic pressure)
)» must be
or less of the allowable maximum input. @
.The chuck may break and the
to be 1/2 or less
chuck or work could fLy out.

7 When you use SR dinder, setting gessure shoJd be d]arEed depa]d on specificati:n
)» forsB cy4¡nder.

, Chanoe Settino P¡essure

lf its used al lhe low seltinE pressure and
tE gripping force isnl enough against he
ftIting lorque or centii.rgal ,orce can lead
lo breakage of ltre óud, wt ch is very
dangerors, as ltE work can be fly out,
. lf its Lsed at üÉ excessive sellirq pressure
can lead to breakage ol he chudí
very dangerous, as tlrc duck 0r work @n
which is
be darnaoed ard fry out.

'¿\ lmportant Safety Precautions

/ \ DANGER Failure to follow the safety precaut¡ons below will result in

ser¡ous injury or death.

- Be sure cover is attached to per¡phery of cylinder before

)» operat¡ng machine. (Refer to pages 20-21)

This will prevent the body or clothing lrom being caught in

the machine.

Prepare the covers that conform to the following standards.

. EN 1SO13857
it . EN,lOBB

- Always t¡ghten the bolts at the specified torque. Use the bolts attached to
)» the cylinder, and do not use bolts other than these.
(Refer to page 25)
. lf the torque is insuff¡cient or excessive, the bolt will break,
wh¡ch is dangerous as the cylinder or work will fly out.
. Fix the lathe spindle or the cylinder when you tighten
bolts. Your hand could slip and get injury when you work
without fixing the spindle.
. You must use a torque wrench for torque control.
Tightening lorque
T:FXL F:110 (N)
I :33 (N.m)

Specified torque for socket head cap screw

s81146 SR1453 sR1566 S81675 SR1781 sR2010
Tightening torque is mornent of force when Bolt size [.¡8 M10 M12
you tighten a bolt. Tghten ng torque= FXL. 73 N.m

- Use of a chuck and cyl¡nder that cannot be used together safely may cause
the cylinder to break at high pressure result¡ng in the chuck

and work fly¡ng out.
, Check that the chuck and lhe cylinder are
n lhe "sale combinalion" when us ng ai hlgh pressure wilh our con'rpanyorlhe distrblior.
Especalywhen the cylinder ofourcompany and a hgh pressurechuck ofothercompany are comblned, confirmation is necessary.
. lf one olthe abnormal evenls shown below occurs during operalion. mmedately slop lhe mach ne and consulwilh our company or
the dislñbutor. Cvl¡nder Chuck
. The work slips.

Loss of accuracy.
. The work begins 10 chalter.

The machine's vibration significantly increases. ü

. The gripping force does not rise even WORK
il hydraulic pressure is raised.

precaut¡ons berow w¡rr resurt ¡n
DAN G E R :li:::::,"'# Hfletv
7 Use a soleno¡d valve w¡th a c¡rcuit that retains the gripping pos¡tion whén no
)» current is carried.

Lightening Lock valve

= Blackout

Solenoid valve

The gr¡pping position must be reta¡ned.

Provide sufficient strength for the draw pipe (Refer to pages 22-231.
Provide sufficient screw depth for the draw pipe.
F¡rmly tighten the draw pipe.
Apply adhesive to the thread part of the draw p¡pe
and screw ¡t ¡n at the spec¡f¡ed torque.

. lf thedraw pipe break, the gripping force

is instantly lost and this is dangerous as
work will fly out.
. If the screw dep¡h of tne draw pipe is
insufficient, the screw will break and the
gripping force will be lost instantly, and
this ¡s dangerous as work will fly out.
. ¡1 the draw pipe ¡s unbalanced,
vibration could occur breaking the screw
and resulting in'the gripping force being
lost and the work flying out.
. When screw¡ng the draw p¡pe, piston to
the end of the pressing side stroke.
.lfthe engagement of the screw of the Tlqhte¡ nq lorque Tqhtenino toroue
draw pipe is loose, vibration may occur 1146 150 N.m 1675 340 ¡
resulting in breakage ol the screw. lf the 3 2AA 178 60
S 320 J.m
screw breaks, the gripping force will be
lost instantly, which is dangerous as the
work will lly out.
. When the screw is loosened. the jaw
stroke oi the chuck becomes shorter and
this is very dangerous as the work will fly

' . "'_'l ' -.- --
'¿\lmportant Safety Precautions

precautions berow courd resurt

WAR N IN G ::H::i:,:'JT ffi':etv

. Dolng so may damage the cy inder and cause oil ieakage which cou d result in a fire.
And f the hydraulc oi eaks, the grpping force of the chuck wil lower and the work may fy out
which s dangerous.
. Do not attach add tionai machininq such as screws.
. Do not detach parts of the cy inder from the cylinder.

)» Do not rotate the cyl¡nder w¡thout hydraulic pressure.

. Doing so cou d cause seizing nside the cyl nder, eading to a drop in the gripp ng force ol the chuck.
This ls dangerous as work wlll fly out.

+ 7 Periodically add hydraulÍc oil.

Turn off power and use designated hydraulic

. lf supplylng of the hydrau ic oil is insuffic ent. the

operation speed may lower and the thrust force w I

become insuffcient resuting in a drop in the

gripping force of the chuck. wh ch is dangerous as
the work may fly out.
. Use abrasion resrstant and deform ng hydrau ic oi .

7 Assemble piping after completely removing the dust ins¡de the pipe.
)» Add a f¡lter of 20pm or less into the pressure supply¡ng line (p).

. to do so could cause oil leakage and may

Fai ure
'Maintain the function of the incorporated lock valve
and relef valve, and prevent seizing due to foreign

' lf the function of the ock valve lowers, th s is

dangerous as the work will fly out when the
hydraulic pressure suddenly lowers due to blackout
or malfunct on of the hydraulic pump, etc.
' lf the funct on of the relief valve owers. the vo ume
of the filleo r yd'dulic oi chalges cd .s:''tg a't
ncrease in pressure, which is dangerous resulting
n ma f unction.
. lf se z ng is caused by foretgn malter, the grlpp ng
force of the chuck will ower, wh ch s dangerous as
the work will fly out.

-._. : -. ...
AlmPortant SafetY Precautions

3 . Specifications m w
3-1 Specifications table
Table 2

Type .r,,ou | .r,ou, | ,.,uuu | ..,ur, ] .r,,u, sB2oio

Thru-hole diameter mm 46 53 66 75 B1 106

Piston stroke mm 16 T9 22 23 25 28

Piston surlace afea

(pull¡ng s¡de) cm 76 111 120 142 191

P¡ston maximum
28.6 43.9 45.0 53.6 58.7 71.A
thrust lorce(pulling side) kN

Maximum operating
hydraulic pressure MPa 4.4 4.2 4.4 4.0 4.0 4.4

6000 6000 5000 4500 4500 3500
rotation speed mrn

l\,4ass kg 10.6 12.8 18.8 22.6 22.9 34.4

Moment of inert a kg . m': 0.025 0.442 0.065 0.082 0.091 0.191

Drain amount A ,lmin 3.0 3.9 4.0 4.3 4.3 6.0

Balance qualily G 6.3

Storing temperature /
Operating temperature
-20-+50 c ./ -10-+40c

Notel) The drain amount is a value when the hydraulic pressu re is 3.0 [,4Pa, and the oil iemperature is 50C
Note 2) How to obta¡n the pislon thrust lorce

Operating Piston Operating

Pislon ¡/aximu m hydraulicpressure(MPa) -0.25
thrust lorce Thrust force l\¡aximum operating
(kN) (kN) hydraulic pressure(l\¡Pa) -0.25

Nole 3) When storing th¡s product, the product should be subjecied to the antirust treatment and stored in a place
free lrom welting, condensation, or freeze.

4 . Hydraulic Oil
lIo keep good operation of the cylinder, it is recommended lo use hydraulic oil with a viscosily of 32cst at 40C. (lSO
VG32 equivalent product)
CReplace the hydraulic oil about once every 6 months.
CThe characteristics of hydraulic oil influences the heating, drain amount and acting speed of the cylinder, therefore,
control ¡t according to the instruction manual lor the hydraulic unit.

. Turn off the power source and supply designated hydraulic oil. ¡nsufficient oil supply decreases the acting speed,
causes thrust force insufficiency resulting in a drop in the chuck gripping force, which could allow the work to lly out.
Use abraslon resistant and deforming hydraulic oil. Add a filter of 20 t m or less in the pressure supply line (P) to
r¡ainlain the function of lhe cylinder and to prevent seizing caused by loreign matter.

lf high speed rotation is continued, the oil temperature wil¡ rise, which could rapidly a high temperature, it will
rapidly aggravate deierioralion ol the sealing materials and delerioration of the hydraulic oil. Llse a cooler to keep
the oil temperalure at 60C or lower.

(Example) To cyllnder A. B. port

nside and outside diameter

Chuck open and close

x Keep the back pressu¡e extrenlely low in this case as well.

Safety ¡nformation about hydraul¡c fluid and ant¡-rust oil

Applicable range
. Hydraulic fluid sealed in the producl at the delivery.
. Anlirust agent applied to the product at the delivery.

First aid measures

Afler inhalation: Remove victim to fresh air. lf symptoms persist, call a physician.
After contact with skin: Wash off with mild cleaners and plenty ol water. lf symptoms persisl, call a physician.
After contact with eyes: Binse with pLenty of water. lf symptor¡s persist, call a physician.
After lngestion: lJ large amounts are swa lowed, do not induce vomiting. Obtain medical attention.

. P/ease refer to each MSDS about lhe hydraulic fluid and the anti-rust oil which you prepared.

5 . Trial Operation I m

Read safely precaut¡ons staning on page 6 before performing trial operation.

(1) Check that the power voltage is at the specified voltage.

(2) Set the pressure adjusting handle to the lowest state during trial operation, and check the turning direction of the
pump in inching (shortly turn on and off the switch). Wheñ it is rotating in the reversed direction, change the
connection of 2 cables oul of the 3 cables.
(3) As for the operating pressure for chuckíng, lirst lower to the lowest pressure, and then set to low pressure al
which the chucking action is possible (0.35-0.51\¡Pa) to check the lollowing.
O ls ii operating smoothly?
O ls the operaling direction correct? (Open¡ng and closing direction of the chuck)
a) ls the operat¡ng skoke appropriate? (Jaw stroke ol the chuck)
(J ls ihere any oil leakage with each piplng?
ll they are normal, gradually raise the operating pressure up to the rated pressure while checking the ltems
specified above.
At this point, check that the dra¡nage is flow¡ng smoothly.
(4) Rotate the lathe spindle by setling the rolation speed to the m nimum. lf there is no run oul of the cylinder or no
abnormalities in the support and piping, gradually ralse the rotation speed.
lf the rotation vibration is too excesslve. run-out of lhe adapter must be inspected again.
(5) lf the oiltemperature is low (20 30C) or less, run it in at about 1/3 ofthe max¡mum rotalion speed.

When the ambient temperalure of the cyl¡nder suddenly r¡ses, for example, thermal effect is received lrom
heal¡ng ol the pulley, elc., or when there ¡s a special heat generalion source around the cylinder, the cylinder
charged pressure rises and then the cylinder rnay stop operation, if ii is continuously operated for a long period of
time without switching operation, since a lock mechanism is built in such a phenomenon occurs rnore frequ€ntly

9n-|,yi"llsli lTl{ol"- i':91"itlv-'9"1p191"9-11"-pl"i9"- - -
_ _ _":q"-.'9.1v_"1

<Treatment when the cylinder cannot be operated >

ORegardl6ss of lrial operation or norn'ral operation, when the cylinder cannot be operated, iry the ope¡aUons speclfled
1. When the lathe spindle is rotating, stop rotation.
2. Turn lhe pressure adjusling handle ol the pressure regulalion valve for the chuck setling pressure (cylinder setting
hydraulic pressure) at the hydrau lc unit parl, and raise the chuck setting presslre for about 0.5 IVIPa and repeat
switching over the operation se ecting switch of the cylinder to check lhe operation of the cylinder.
3. lf the operation inability still continues, raise the chuck setling pressure additionally (about 0.5 l\¡Pa at a time), añd
repeat the operation in the same manner as item (2), to check the action of the cylinder. ln this case, the limit of the
pressure raising is up to 30y" increase ol the maximum operating hydraulic pressure.
When the cylinder operation is recovered, bring back the preset chuck pressure to the normal level.
4. lf the cylinder cannot be operated even after the chuck setting pressure is raised to the maximum and the operation
specitied ¡n the above item (3) is repeated several times, return to lhe chuck setting pressure, turn off the power
supply, cool down the temperature of the cyli¡der sulace to be almost the same as the room temperature, and
ihen repeal the operations specified in the above items (2) and (3) to check the operation of the cylinder.
The cylinder can be cooled down r¡ore quickly by lorcibly blowing air to the cylinder uslng an air gun, etc.
5. lf the cylinder cannot be operated eveñ after coo¡ing down, loosen the draw nut on the chuck s¡de and remove the
connection, and then check the operation of the cylinder.

< Usage>
This product is a hydraulic device to control the operation of power chuck installed on the lathes or rotary tables.
The p¡ston moves forward and backward by supplying hydraulic pressure to the cyl¡nder. By this, the linked jaws of the
power chuck move toward the closing side 1o grip ihe workpiece, so that the workpiece is clamped during the
machining. After lhe machlning, the jaws move toward the open side to a low the workpiece lo be rer¡oved.

6 . Maintenance and Inspection -.mnlümp¡ry
6-1 Maintenance and inspection of the cylinder
lf any mallunclion occurs, relurn cylinder to our company for repair. ll ¡t is disassembled and reassembled ai a place
other than our company, it r¡ay not function correci y as well as cause precision fa lure.

6-2 Maintenance and inspection of hydraulic unit

O Clean the suclion strainer every 2 lo 3 months.
C Replace lhe hydraulic oil about once every 6 months.

6-3 List of seals to use (Refer to Fig.3)

Table 3
Part name sR1146 sR1453 sR1566 sR1675 sR1781 sR2010 ouanlily

Jts B 2401 Jts B 2401 JSB2401 Jls B 2401 Jts B 2401 Jts B 2401
20 O ring 5
P10 P10 P10 P1n P10 P10
Jts B 2401 Jls B 2401 JSB2401 Jts B 2401 Jts B 2401 Jrs B 2401
21 O-r ng 1
P53 P60 P75 P90 P90 P120
Jts B 2401 Jls B 2401 Jls B 2401 Jts B 2401 Jrs B 240'r Jts B 2401
22 O rang 1
P65 P70 P85 P95 P100 P125
JASO F404 Jls B 2401 Jts B 2401 Jts B 2401 Jts B 2401 Jts B 2401
23 O rng T
3112 P125 P140 G155 Gl60 G190
Jts B 2401 Jls B 2401 J¡S B 2401 Jts B 2401 Jts B 2401 Jts B 2401
24 O rng 1
G50 G55 G70 GBO G85 G110


26 O rng NOK 57O NOK SBO NOK S95 NOK S11O NOK 511O NOK S140 1

2l O ring NOK S120 NOK S140 NOK S155 NOK 5165 NOK 5175 NOK S2OO 1

Jls B 2401 Jls B 2401 Jls B 2401 Jts B 2401 Jts B 2401 Jts B 2401
2A O rng 1
G50 G50 G65 G90 G90 G130
JSB2401 Jls B 2401 Jts B 2401 Jts B 2401 Jts B 2401 JIS B 2401
29 O rng 4
P20 P2A P2A P2A P20 P20

O ring NOK S32 NOK S32 NOK S39 NOK S39 NOK S39 NOK S39 4

7 . Malfunction and Countermeasures
7-1 ln the case of malfunction
Check lhe points specafied below aga¡n and take measures.

Table 4
Defective lvleasu res

Check that the hydraulic pressure s operating by the motion of the f exibehose,etc.
Operat¡on Check that there are no m¡stakes in piping.
Try operations when operation inability specified ln the ltems of the trial operation.

Cylinder Check that the pressure is as spec¡fied at the cylinder pipe inlet by attaching a pressure
gauge near the inlet of the cyl¡nder.
Thrust Force
Wearing of thé O-ring inside is possible when the flow rate of the returnjng side plpe or
lnsufficiency the dra n is more than usual.

Check that the viscosity of the hydraulic oil is as designated.

Temperature Rep enish the hydrau ic oi inside the tank if it is ow.
When the room temperature ¡s high and the radiation effect of the tank is bad, control
the oi¡ temperature using a cooler or a fan, etc-
Do not suck air.

Replenish the hydraulic oil inside the tank if it is low.

Pump noise
lf a arge amount ol dirt is deposited inside the tank, or when the hydraulic oil is
deterorated, the pump may be worn out abnormally, and it will be necessary to repair
the pump.
Provide a stream slope, without air pockets, and no back pressure must be applied.
Oil leakage
Beturn the drainage onto the suface of the oil of the hydraulic unit
from labyrinth
Check that the air brealher of the hydraulic unit is not clogged.

. lf the chuck failed due to a seizure or breakage, remove the chuck from the machine, lollowing the disassembly
steps in the chuck instructlon manual, and then remove the cy inder by the reverse steps of "9. Attachment" after
page 20. When the jaws and covers cannot be removed due 10 a blockage of workpiece, do not disassemble
forcibly but please contact us or our agent.
. lf these countermeasures do not correct the problern or improve the situation. lmmediately stop using the
machine. Contnuous use of a broken product or a defective product may cause a serious acc dent by the
cylinder or the work flying out.
.Only experienced and trained personnel should do repairs and fix malfunctions. Repair of a malfunction by a
pefson who has never received instruclion from an experienced person, the distributor or our company rnay
cause a serious accident.

7-2 Where to contact in the case of malfunction

ln the case of malfunction, contact the distributo. where you purchased the product or oúr branch otfice listed on lhe
back cover.

8 . Coolant Collector
8-1 Outline
OThe coolant collector is attached lo the rear end of the SB type rotation hydraulic cylinder to easily collect the coolant
flowing inside the draw pipe.
CProximity switches can be attached to the coolant collector to electr¡cally check the piston stroke and detect
clamping/unclamp¡ng of a workpiece.
OTo satisfy the requirements of European Standard "EN1550: 1997+A1: 2008 Safety requirer¡ents for the design and
construction of work holding chucks", it is necessary 10 attach a device which ensures that the gripping ,orce of the
stroke check¡ng proximity switches, etc. effectively operates. Because the proximity switches and detectable plate are
not attached to the cylinder and coolant collector of standard specilication, please arrange separately when necessary.

8-2 Type and applicable cylinder

OThe coolant collector is to be arranged separately from the cylinder, so designate the type specilied below when necessary.
Table 5
Cylnder lype Coo lani co lleclo r lype Detectable plate

sR1146 CSRl l 61R81S452

sR1453 CSR14 61R819453
sR1566 CSR]5 618a19454
¡,412 X T .0
sR1675 ISRl7 61R819455
sRr781 17 61R819455
sR2010 )SR2O 61F819456

8-3 Attachment
Olnsert a O-ring between the coolant collector main body and the sleeve at the cylinder rear end, and attach the
coolanl collector to the cylinder rear end.
OAfter attach¡ng the coolant colleclor, attach the detectable plate to the piston.
OTo easily collect the coolant flowing into the coolani collector, provide appropriate slope to the piping, so that the
coolant does nol stagnale inside the hose. To check the flow, use a transparent vinyl hose.
(lnside diameter 132) (Fig. 5)

Sockel head cap screw

Body [1]

A ways clean so that

are nol clooged

8-4 Positional adjustment of proximity switch
Read lollow¡ng instruction when you adjust the proximily switch. (Fig.5)
Loosen the socket head cap screw [11] on the coolanl collector, then remove the cover I3l.

O Loosen the sockel head cap screw [11] that fix the adjusting plate [5].
€) Unclamp the chuck.
@ lnstall one proxir¡ity switch on the olter surface of the body [1], passing through the adjusting plate [4], and make it
approach to lhe detectable plate untillhe LED of proxim¡ty switch lights up. At th¡s time, adjust the screw of proximily
switch so that the distance between proximity switch añd outside diameler end ol detectable plale is aboul 1 mm, and
slide to adjust the adjusting plate [5] in the axial direction.
O Tighten the socket head cap screw 111l to fix the adjusting plate [5].
(0 Grip the workpiece.
¿ For anolher proximity switch proceeds ¡n the same way as it is described from point 4 and 5.
€)Confirm whether LED lights up by opening and closing the chuck several limes.
8)Tighten the socket head cap screw l11l to fix the cover [3].

8-5 Precautions

lf the coolant overflows from lhe coolant collector, the coolant is flows to the sleeve side.
Always clean the punching metal [9] so that the coolant does not stagñate inside the coolant colleclor. Be sure
the chips are not clogged. (Flg.5) Loose the socket head cap screw 113l when you rer¡ove the under body [2].
(Reler to page 19)
When using a very large amount ol coolant, the coolant collector may fail to collect it, resulting in damage to ihe
proximity switches due to the overflow or chips. ln such a case, close the through hole by covering the detectable
plate as shown in the following figure to prevent a large amount of coolant and chips from entering the coolant
collector. Because the cover is not attached to lhe cylinder and coolant co lector of standard specificat on, please
arrange separately when necessary.
When using the coolant collector with the cover placed, per¡odically remove the cover and clean the through hole
to prevent chips from accumulating ln it.

Cylindertype Cover
F1146 61R473905
1453 61 t473906
r566 1473907
s81675 6l i473909
sR178l 61R473909
s82010 61R4739r 0


8-6 Parts list

4 7


14 I 11



Table 6

No, Part name Quantlty No. Part name Q!antlty

1 Body 1 I Punch ng meta T

2 Under body T 10 Hose nipple 1

3 Cover 1 11 Socket head cap screw 7

4 Plate 2 12 Socket head cap screw 3

5 Adlusl ng plate 2 13 Socket head cap screw 4

6 Seat pack ng ( I ) 1 14 Plain Washer 4

7 Seat pack ñg i2 ) 2 '15 O ring 1

B Seat pack ñg (3 ) 2 16 O ring 1

For Machine Tool Manufacturers
Following pages are described for machine tool manufacturers (personnel who attach a cylinder to a machine). Please
read following instruction carefully when you attach or detach a cylinder to machine, and please suficiently undersland
ard tollow the insrrucrions lor safe operatio.r.

9 . Attachment
9-1 Outline drawing of attachment
Lathe rear cover

Use one with large inside

diameter as possible

Return onto


. Attach the manual switch¡ng valve at a position where it is easy to operale for the attaching equ¡pment.
.lnstall the hydraulic unit at a posit¡on where the drain hose is noi kinked and the needle of the pressure gauge is
easily read.
. Use a pipe inside diameter as large as possible.
' When other actuators are operated by the same hydrauLic pressure source as thecy nder for chuck. be s!re that
a presslrre drop of the cylinder does not occur durng use. A hydrau ic pressure drop leads to a drop in the
gr ppi¡g force wh ch coLr d a low the work to f y out.
. As to the drai¡ hose
. Use one w th ins de d ameter I 32.
. Llse a transpare¡t vinyl hose for v sualizal on.
. Provide a strear¡ s ope w thout air pocket This wr I ensure ¡o back p¡essure.
. The end of the hose is phys cally above the oil eve. (Refer to F g 7)
. lf the hydrau ic oi stagnates ins de the cylinder, oil eakage occurs. wh ch r¡ay cause a frre.

' lnstall after removing the dusl inside the pipe complete y
. Add a filter to lhe pressure supply line (P). lf fore gn r¡atters gets inside the cyli¡der, th s rs dangerous s nce the
rotation vave of the cyinder will seize. the hose will iear off, and the cy nder w i rotate. This s aso dangerous
as the work will fly out.
. A ways use a flex ble hose for the hydrau ic pip ng to the cy nder, and the bend ¡g force o¡ tensile lorce of lhe
pipe must not be app ed to the cy nder. Use a pipe inslde d an]eter as large as possible and keep lhe ppng
ength as short as poss ble.

Provlde an a r passage behind lhe cy inder or a wlndow the size of the sleeve on the athe rear ccver for the hot '
a r generated from ihecy nder to escape 10 the outside.

9-2 Production and attachment of cylinder adapter

Attach wilh the surface run-out of the cy nder adapter and the run out of the spigot lo nt al 0.005 mr¡ or
(Fig. 9) Large run out causes vlbrat on and shortens the fe of the cy nder sign ficant y.

. ,Bring the cyllnder as c ose to the lathe spindle support as poss ble. The attach ng n]ethod of the cy nder adapter and
the n'reasur ng method of run out are ustrated n the drawings be ow. lFig. I Tab e 7)
a rNever fa to prov de a setscrew to prevent oosen ¡g of the cy nder adapter. (F g 9)

Cyl¡nder adapter attgg!!19 pa4 Run-out measurement of the cy inder adapter

Fis. 8 Fig. 9

Table 7 mr¡
Type #A (F1) iB ic D (MAX) Socket head cap screw
sRl 146 130 65 147 5 6-1\18
sR1453 140 70 165 11 6 i\,48

sR1566 168 B5 190 14 6-l\,110

sR1675 160 95 '195 6-l\,410
s81781 168 100 245 15 6 t\,410

sR2010 200 125 240 19 6-t\,412

9-3 Production and attachment of draw pipe

. -lDetermine the length of the draw p pe as shown below.
a lwhen screwing the draw p pe nto the p ston, screw n a state tfiat the piston fuLly comes outside.

. Suificiently degrease and apply adhesive on the thread parl of the p ston and the thread part of the draw pipe,
and then screw n and tighten
. f the screw is loose, lhe iaw stroke of chuck w ll shorten. which coLrld alow the work to fly oul.

Fig. 11
F¡s. 10
Table I
Tvoe Clruck a l) d {f7) e lMlN f IMAX
0 025
s81146 B 206 M5X2 25 25 50 5 tvl55 x 2 A+38
B 208 I\460 X 2 30 25 55 [¡60 x 2 A+42
-0 060
BB2O6 t460x2 30 25 55 3.5 I/160 X 2 A+36
0 030
s81566 BB2O8 l\175 x 2 35 25 10
0 060
4.5 Mt5l2
SRT675 B 210 I\.485 X 2 35 30 80 5 IVI85X 2 A+41.5
s81781 BB21O I\,490 X2 35 35 85
-0 071
4_5 L¡S0X2 A+40.5
B 212 M115X2 35 35 110
0 071
4.5 [4 ] 00x2 A+39
BB2t2 M115X2 35 35 110 4.5 Iü115X2 A+39

The dirnension L n F g. 10 s determined from the dista¡ce A between the cy inder adapter and the back p ate.
Examp e) l¡the case of 88206. SR1453, the cylinder adapter and back plale d stance A = 800.
Thetotal lengthof thedraw pipe istobe L =A+ 36=800 + 36 =836.
At the time of the screw process of the d mensio¡ a. the prec s on is lo be JIS 6H and 6h, 69 match ng the screw of the
p stor'r of the cy nder. Pay attentron so that ihe thread parts on both ends and the nner per phery do nol swing or
become uñbalanced.
. Provde suificrent strenoth for the draw pipe. lf the draw ppe s broken due to nsuffcency of the streng r, the
gr pping force wiil be lost nstantly. wh ch is dangerous as the work w I f y out.
' Keep the dir¡ension e and the dimension f in Fig. 10 for the draw pipe a¡d a materia w th the tensile strength
3B0i\,'lPa (3Bkgfimñ'r") or more must be used.
.The personñel who designed draw plpe mustjudge whetherthe stre¡gth of the draw pipe ssuffcentforthe
!sage conditions.
' The dimensio¡s a¡d nrater als specified nthsmanual do not glrarantee that the draw p pe w I notbreakunder
everY usage conditiOn.
.f the screw-in depth of the draw p pe to the draw nul s nsuffcent,thescrewwilbreakandthegrippngforce
w be osl instantly, which is da¡gerous as the work w fly out.
. lf the draw pipe is unbalanced. v bratio¡ occurs. the screw is broke¡ and the grlpp ng force w be ost nstantly
wh ch is dangerous as the work w fly out.
. lf the enqaqen'rent ol the screw of the draw pipe s loose. vibrat on may occLtr resu t ng ln breakage of the screw.
lf the screw breaks the gr pping force w ll be lost inslantly. which s dangerous as the work wi I fiy out

9-4 Attachment of cylinder

.When rer.ov nglinstalling thecylnder usea fting belt and perform as follows. (Fg.12)
1 To ft up the cy nder engage a lifting belt w th the draw-pipe a¡d I ft up the cylinder while s! pporting t
2 lnsert the draw pipe ñto the sp ndle.
3 When a fting be t comes close to the spind e sh ft the fting be t toward the cy nder.
4 When the draw p pe has entered the spind e sulfc ently, re engage a lifting bel wth the cylinder body and ft lhe
cy nder close y to the spind e a¡d then install the cylinder w th the cy i¡der mount ng bo ts

Detach ln the reverse

procedures of attachment.


. Use a liftlng bet when attach ng and detach ng the cylinde¡ io and fom the machine, as there s a danger of
lnjury o¡ damage f the cylinde¡ drops.
. Use the bell n the ce¡ter of grav ty not io ose lhe ba ance, and ft the draw p pe slow y f ba ance ¡s bad. the
belt slips, and the cylinder drops, and ihere is the i¡lury danger such as biows.

alAttach the drain port to be directly under¡eath. For its st¡ucture- f the dra n pon is not set dlrectly Lrndernealh. the
hydraulic o overflows from bolh ends of the sleeve resu t ¡g in oil leakage.

' Do ng so may calse oil leakage whlch co! d resLr I in a f re. And fthe hydraulicoi leaks,thegrppngforceofthe
chLrck w lower and the work may fly oul, which is dangerous.
To prevent lhe sleeve of ihe cylinder from rotating, provlde a support by utillzing the protrusion of the drain pori
Afler attaching the supporl to the lathe, provide clearance belween the protrusion of the sleeve and the suppoñ
so that force is nol applied lo the sleeve.

CAs for the run-out when attaching lhe cyl¡nder, attach the cylinder while keeping the vertical run-out of the sleeve rear
end and the cylinder perphery at the standard value specified in the table 10 or lower when rotation stop of the
sleeve is applied and lhe spindle is rotated.

F¡9. 13

Table I (Unilimm)
B b
s81146 75 4.5
sR1453 75 6
sH1566 Determlned 80 6
by the lalhe
sR1675 80 6
sR1781 90 6
sR2010 90 6

Fig. 1 4

Cylinder mounting Cylinder adapter

Table 1 0 ,Un l: mm)
c D Tvpe D
sR1146 0.015 0.010 sR1675 0.020 0 010
sR1453 0.015 0.010 sR1781 0.020 0.010
sRr566 0.015 0.010 s82010 0.020 0.010

To obtajn the above spec¡fied value of run'out, make the sulace run-out of the cylinder adapter
as small as possible. (0.005 mm TIR or less)

9-5 Tightening torque of the cylinder attaching bolt

.Awaystlghtenthebotsalthespecfedtorque. lf lhe torque s insr-rfficient or excess ve. the bo t w break,whch

is da¡gerous as the cylinder or work will fly out.
. Use the bolts attached to the chuck, and do not use other bolts. However. f yolr rnust Lrse other bolts not
prov ded by Kitagawa, use bo ts lhat have at least a strength c ass ficat on ol 12.9 (T 0 9 for N422 or more) and be
sure they are o¡g enough.

Fig. 1 5

Table 11

TvDe sR]t46 SF1453 sFt 566 SR1675 SR1781 s82010

Bot sze M8 M10 M12
33 N.m 73 N.m 107 N.m
9-6 Attachment of parts other than parts manufactured by
Kitagawa Corporation
Aefer lo followng pages when yolr atlach the other than parts manlfactLrred by Kltagawa Corporal on (astopperto

Fig. 1 6

Table 12
PA (H7) ,IB Bolsze Screw deplh E¡lerna Ior.e
i mn¡l imml .kq, KN, (mm)
SRT146 7A 64 13 [46 8 2 a_42
SR1,153 73 6M6 12 3 a_42
sRr 566 100 6 t¡6 12 3 5 0.02
SRT6;5 13 103 6 t46 12 3 5 a.a2
sR1781 1T3 103 6M6 12 3 5 002
s82010 T45 r33 6 t¿6 13.5 3 5 002
Note) Externa force rs a value at stat c oad.

' fthere s unbaanceofthe partsto altach, vbratons are generated and cause oil eakage which co! d resLt t in a
Íre. and f the hydrau c o eaks, the grpping force of the chuck wl lower and the work may fy out. whlch is
. Externa force s excess ve. the bolt wil break, whlch s dangerous as the cy ¡der or work w fyoul.
. We wil not assume responsrb ty for njury, death dar¡age, or loss caused by usage ol pafts not manufactured
by Ktagawa Co¡poraton. Additionaly, lf parts olher than genuine parls manlfactured by Ktagawa Corporatio¡
are used. lhis guarantee wl I be completely invald.
' The person¡e who deS gned those parts must ludge whetl'rer ihey are Safe for lhe usage condltions.
' The d mens ons and value spec f ed ¡ th s ma¡ua do not glarantee that the cy fder or the parls other than parts
manufaclured by Kilagawa Corporat on w ll ¡ot break u¡der every usage cond t on.
10 . About Hydraulic Circuit Design
alCons der the hydraulic circu t des gn so that the operal on s easy and no mistakes in operal on occLrr.
Attempt fal safe for the circuit so as not to cause any acc dents evel] in the case of blackout. (Fig. I7)
I s ncorporaled with a ock T¡echansm (lock vave) 10 rna ñtai¡ the specif ed grippng lorce even f the sLrpp ed
pressure abnorma ly drops due to blackoul or malfuncl on of the pressure resource while processing a work. however.
I does nol function un ess the fo low ng warnings are observed.

. The so enoid vave s to be i¡ a circuit to reta n the gr pping poñ pos 1on when no e ectrrc current s carr ed.
The swtch ng of the cylinder is to be 4 pod 2 postion wth eleclrornagnelic vave, and design the hydrau ic c rcu t
wh ch gr ps the work nlheslatethatthesoenoidvaveisdegaussed.
lf the circuil is designed ¡ the opposile way. lf there s a b ackout. the work cou d be re eased and lly oul.
'Provide a valve 1o swtch over lhe inslde and outside danreter grppng to prevent an operat on mstake when
chang ng the gr ppl¡9.
stopper that can retaln the ndicator circuit at the time of blackout.

l\,4anua sw tching

Fig.17 valve for nside

and oLrts d-"
dlameter gripp ng

4 port 2 posl on swlching valve

:lltis lncorporated with a rnechanism to stopdamagewhen the hydraullc oil fllled l¡s de the cyl nder has ¡creased its
pressure due to the volume change (relief vave). Pay attenl on to the ponts speciled beow for functio¡al
marnlenance of lock valve and re ref valve.

. Assemble pip ng after completely remov ng lhe dust nside the pipe for functlonal mainlenance of lock va ve a¡d
re ief valve.
. lf the iuñctio¡ of the lock valve owers, lhis s dangerous as the work will fly out when the hydraulic pressure
suddenly owers due to blackout o¡ ma fuñction of the hydraulic pump, etc.
. lf the funclon of the relief vave loweTs. the voume of the fled hydraulic oil changes causing an increase in
pressure, wh ch s danqerous resu llng in ma functlon.

'Toavoidserous njuryfromf yngwork use the throltle vaveto keepthe surge pressuTe ow. Operation falure
and cylinder breakage r¡ay occur if a reducing valve used for the hydraulic pressure setting fa s to respond to
pressLre adjJcr¡^r I ard resulLs " e,cessvo oressL'e.

Remark ) What is a "surge pressure" ?

Pressure produced by a change in velocity of the moving stream thal res! t from activat ¡g a hydraLr c pump,
operat on of a so enoid vave.

: ' Select the operalion eqLriprnent that rnatches the pipe diameter of the cylnder. The sn]a er the diar¡eter is, the :

i larger the pipe res stance becon]es and the lower the acting speed is :

< lnstallat¡on >
The hydraul¡c pressure supply pons are port A (cylinder push¡ng side) and pon B (cylinder pulling side) in Fig-18.
Though bolh ports A añd B have two pons each, connect the pipes to one pod respect¡ve¡y and plug the reminders. For
the s¡ze of each port, see Table 13.

Table 13
sR1146 I SR]453 s81566 S81675 SBr781 I SR2olO
Rc3/8 Rc1/2
B port Rc3/8 Rc112

'Tighten plumb¡ng and plug at the spec¡f¡ed torque 20N.m. lf the torque is insufficient or excessive, the cyl¡nder
will break and cause oil leakage wh¡ch could result in a fire. lt ¡s dangerous because leakage cause the hydraulic
pressure drop and wo.k flying out.

11 . Other information
11-1 About standards and orders
This product is based on lhe lollow¡ng standards o. orders.
. ¡rachinery directive : 2006/42lEC Annex I
. EN ISO 12100 :2010
. EN1550 i 1997+41 : 2008

11-2 lnformation about markings of product

IDo not loosen sillver


F¡9. 1 I
11-3 About disposal
Ultir¡ate disposal of this product should be handled according to all national laws and regulations.
llltagawa YY304lRKY:

of patly completed machinery
Copy of original

We hereby declare that the following our product conform with the essential health and
safety requirements of the EC Machinery Directive so that the product is to be
incorporated into end-machinery. The product must not be put into service until end-
rrachinery has been declared in conformity with the provisions of the EC Machinery
Directive 2006/42lEC Annex II part I .A.

We also declare that the specific technical documentation for this partly completed
machinery was drawn up according to the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42lEC Annex
VII part B.

Product Cylinder

Model SR series
(sRll'**, sRl4**, sRl5**, sR16*+, SRlT**, SR20*'r)

Serial number See original declaration

Manufacturer Kitagawa Corporation

77- 1, Motomachi, Fuchu-shi,
Hiroshima 726-861O, I apan

Autholized compiler Peter Soetebier / Prokurist

in the community Kitagawa Europe GmbH
Borsigstr.3 D-40880 Ratingen, GERMANY

The essential health and safety requirements in accordance with the EC

Machinery Directive 2006142/EC Annex I were applied and fulfilled:
1.1.2,r.1.3,1.1.5, 1.1.6, 1.2.6, 1.3.1,r.3.2, 1.3.4, 1.5.3,1.5.4,1.5.8, 1.5.9, 1.5.13,
1.6.1, 1.7 .1, 1.7 .2, 1.7.3, 1.7 .4, 1.7 .4.1, 1.7 .4.2

The following harmonized standards were applied:

EN ISO 12100:2010, EN 1550:1997+Al: 2008

Sipature : See original declaration

Place / Date : See original declaration

Name / Title : Tomonari Hiromoto / Manager, Technical section I

Technical department
Kitagawa Global hand Company

Being the responsible person appointed and employed the manufactureL.

of par1ly completed machinery
Copy ol original

We hereby declale that the following our product confcrrm with the essential health and
salety requirements ofthe Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008 so that the
product is to be incorporated into end-machinery. The product must not be put into
service until end-machinery has been declared in confbrmity wirh the provisions of the
Supply of Machinery (Sat-ety) Regulations 2008 Annex ll part l.A.

We also declare that the specific techrical documentation for this panly cornpleLed
machinery was drawn up aooording to the Supply of Machinery (Saféty) Regulations
2008 Annex VII part B.

Product Cylinder

Model SR series
(SRi 1**, SR1,{'rx, SR15++. SR16+*, SRl7++. SR20*+)

Serial number See original declaration

Manufacturer Kitagawa Corporztion

77- 1. Motomachi, Fuchu-shi,
Hiroshima 726-861 0, Japan

Authorized complier Mark Jones / Financial Director

in the commurrity LTNIT I THE HEADLANS. DOWNTON.
'l'he essential health and saléty requirements in accordance with the Süpply of
Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008 Anner I were applied and fulfilled:
1.1.2, i.1.3, 1.1.5, 1.1.6,, 1.3.4, 1.5.1, 1.5.8, 1.5.9, 1.5.13, 1.6.1, 1.7.1,
1.7.2. 1.7.3, 1.7.4,,

The following harmonized standards r,vere applied:

EN lSO 12100:2010. EN 1550:1997+A1:2008

Signature : See original declaration

Place / Date : See original declaration

Name i Title : Tamio Nishimiya / Manager. Technical section 3

leehnical depflI.tmcnt
Kitagawa Global hand Cornpany

Being the responsible person appointed and employed the manufacturer.


§itagawa hitPsi//

Kitagawa Corporat¡on Kitagawa Global hand Company

77 l ,Motomachi,Fuchu sh¡,Hiroshima,726 86 1 0,Jápan Tel.+81-847 40 0561 Fax.+81-847 45 891l

I 405 l.Kta
ku Yos no cho.SaitaÍra.shlSailanra 331,9634 Japan
Tel.+81 48 667 3469 Fax.+81 48 663 4678
.1 15"r3 Yamalonrachi Wakabayashi ku Sendai-sh.N4lvaq.98,1 0042.Japa¡
Tel.+81 22 232 6732 Fax-+a1222326739
2 62.Kam lakabala Nak¿galra k! Nagoya sr Ach,454.0873 Japan
Nagoya office
Tel.+81 52 363 0371 Fax.+81 52 362 0690

Osaka office
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Tel.+81 6-6685 9065 Fax.+81 6 6684 202s
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Tel.+81 847 40 0541 Fax-+81 847 46 1721
7 6 39. lazLrke.Hakata kú Fukuoka-sh.Flkuoka.812 0888.Japan
Kyushu office
TeL+81 92 501 2102 Fax,+81 92.501 2103
77I Motoma.h.Fuch! slr.Hkosh ma 726 86r0 Japan
Tel.+81 847 40 0526 Fax.+81 847 45 891l

KITAGAWA.NOBTHTECH INC. https://www.kilagawá

301 E
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TeL+ 1 847 310 a787
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Tel.+44 1725 514000 Fa\.+44 1725 514001
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fe[+49 21OZ 123.74 00 Fax.+49 2102 123 78 69
KITAGAWA EUBOPE GmbH Potand Office https://www.kitagawa-global/pl
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Tel,+48 607 39 8855
Europe Contact
KITAGAWA EUFOPE GmbH Czech Office hiips://www.k tagawá.global/cz
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Slrada He u !lr5 B!.harest r.0r399t.Fomana
fel+40 127 77O 329


Dery T.u.5 H 902,1 Gyor. H lngary
Tel.+36 30 510 3550
KITAGAWA INDIA PVT LTD. https://www.kitagawa.g roba / ¡
Pot No.42,2nd Phase J gan Induslr a AreaJ gani Ba¡gaore 560r05 Karnataka,tndia
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91h FL Home Place Oiiice B! ld ng 283r.13 Sukl-rumvl155Fd fThongort3)KonglonNLa.WananaBanqkoki0lrc.Traa¡d
fe[+66 2 712 7479 Fa\.+66?71274A1
Kitagawa Corporalion (Shanghai)
Boom3083F Build¡g B. Far East nternauona Paza,No.3r7 Xan Xia Boad Chang Ning,shangha 2O0O5t Ch na
TeL+86 2l 6295 5772 Fax.+86 2l6295"s792
Asia Contact
Kitagawa Corporation (Shanghai) cuangzhou Oftice
807,25rF West Tower.Yangcheng Internal onal Trad no Centre.No.122.Eas1T VU Road.T antre D str ct.clanozrro! Oh n.
Te.+86 20 2885 s276

DEAMARK LIMITED http://www.deamark,

No 6.Lane 5 Lin Sen Noith Foad Ta p€ Taiwan
TeL+886 2 2393 r22r Far.+886 2 239s-1231
803 Fo,B Do¡g.Woolim Lons Varley.3Tr 28 casañ Dang Guñrcheon cLr.SeootKorea
fel+42 2 2026 2222 Fax.+8222026-2113
Oceania Contact 69 7r W
ams Rd,Dandenonq Soutlr.Vctoia.3rT5 Ausrra a
Tel.+61 3 9561-6155 Fax.+61 3 9561 6705
The producls heren are coitro ed underJapanese Foreg¡ Erchange and Foreg¡ Trade Contrc Act l¡ the evenl oi rnporr¡g andior erporrnq rire prod!.rs
yolr are oblged 10 consul K TAGAWA as we as yo! r golernment ior tlre re ated requ alon priorto a¡v t¡ansacton

F 2A22 A2 2CAA

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