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Does Bilingualism Influence influence of bilingualism on frontal executive func-

tions,8,9 additional benefits of multilingualism,1,4 and a
Cognitive Aging? better performance in bilinguals using both languages
actively, although this variable has not been studied.

Thomas H. Bak, MD,1,2 Subjects and Methods

Jack J. Nissan, PhD,1,2
Michael M. Allerhand, PhD,1,2 and LBC1936 Wave 1 testing included 1,091 participants of the
Ian J. Deary, MD1,2 Scottish Mental Survey 1947.6,10 Of those, 866 returned for
the Wave 2 assessment in 2008–2010,7 and 853 (410 female,
Recent evidence suggests a positive impact of bilin- 443 male, age 5 70.91–74.15 years, mean 5 72.49, standard
gualism on cognition, including later onset of demen- deviation 5 0.71) completed the bilingualism questionnaire.
tia. However, monolinguals and bilinguals might have
Thirteen subjects, born abroad of British parents, moved to
different baseline cognitive ability. We present the first
study examining the effect of bilingualism on later-life Scotland before the age of 11 years. The analysis conducted
cognition controlling for childhood intelligence. We with and without these participants showed small differences
studied 853 participants, first tested in 1947 (age 5 11 and similar effect sizes, so we report the results from the full
years), and retested in 2008–2010. Bilinguals per- sample. A power analysis (G*Power 3.1.511), with a bilingual-
formed significantly better than predicted from their
ism effect expressed as a partial R2 of 0.02 in a multiple regres-
baseline cognitive abilities, with strongest effects on
general intelligence and reading. Our results suggest a sion model of 9 predictors, required a sample of 640 for a
positive effect of bilingualism on later-life cognition, power of 0.95, deeming our sample sufficient.
including in those who acquired their second language
in adulthood. Assessment of Bilingualism
ANN NEUROL 2014;75:959–963 The participants were asked in a questionnaire whether they
had learned any languages other than English (L2), how many,
at what age, and how often they used them (daily/weekly/

R ecent studies suggest that bilingualism improves

later-life cognition1 and delays the onset of demen-
tia. The main limitation of this research lies in the
monthly/less than monthly/never) in 3 domains: conversation/
reading/media. We classified as bilingual participants who
reported being able to communicate in L2.
bilingualism-associated confounding variables (eg, ethnic/
environmental differences, immigration).4 Although a Cognitive Tests
recent study succeeded in minimizing the environmental
factors,5 another confound remains extremely difficult to GENERAL FLUID-TYPE INTELLIGENCE (G-FAC-
TOR). This consisted of a composite of 6 nonverbal tests: Let-
tackle: reverse causality. Bilinguals might have different
ter–Number Sequencing, Matrix Reasoning, Block Design, Digit
baseline characteristics from monolinguals; instead of
Symbol and Symbol Search from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence
bilingualism leading to cognitive differences, original dif- Scale-III, UK edition (WAIS-III), and Digit Span Backward from
ferences (eg, childhood intelligence [CI]) could lead to the Wechsler Memory Scale-III, UK edition (WMS-III).
bilingualism. This confound is particularly difficult to
address, because it requires knowledge of prior levels of MEMORY. This consisted of a composite of Logical Memory
(immediate/delayed), Spatial Span (forward/backward), Verbal
Paired Associates (immediate/delayed), Digit Span Backward from
The Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 (LBC1936)6,7
the WMS-III, and Letter Number Sequencing from the WAIS-III.
offers an opportunity to overcome this confound. The
participants took an intelligence test in 1947 at age 11 From the 1Department of Psychology and 2Centre for Cognitive Aging
years, and were retested in 2008–2010. Reflecting the and Cognitive Epidemiology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,
United Kingdom.
society of its time, the cohort is remarkably homogene-
Address correspondence to Dr Bak, University of Edinburgh, Centre for
ous; they are English native speakers, of European origin,
Cognitive Aging and Cognitive Epidemiology, 7 George Square, Edin-
born, raised, and living in and around Edinburgh. None burgh EH8 9JZ, United Kingdom. E-mail:
was an immigrant. Thus, LBC1936 data allowed us to
Received Dec 6, 2013, and in revised form Mar 25, 2014. Accepted for
address, for the first time, the question whether learning publication Apr 13, 2014.
a second language influences later cognitive performance View this article online at DOI: 10.1002/ana.
after adjusting for CI. We predicted the strongest 24158

C 2014 The Authors Annals of Neurology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Neurological Association. This is an
open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 959
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ANNALS of Neurology

TABLE 1. The Association between Different Types of Bilingualism and Cognitive Ability at Age 73 Years

Outcome Age of Acquisition Number of Languages Frequency of Use

Early/ Estimate SE Pr(>|t|) 2/Multi Estimate SE Pr(>|t|) Passive/ Estimate SE Pr(>|t|)
Late Active

g-Factor 20.24 0.05 20.23 0.05 20.23 0.05

Early 0.19 0.09 0.03a 2 0.18 0.09 0.06 Passive 0.23 0.08 0.01a
Late 0.28 0.12 0.02a Multi 0.40 0.13 <.01a Active 0.29 0.13 0.03a
g-Memory 20.14 0.06 20.13 0.06 20.13 0.06
Early 0.09 0.09 0.33 2 0.07 0.10 0.50 Passive 0.13 0.09 0.16
Late 0.18 0.13 0.14 Multi 0.29 0.16 0.08 Active 0.17 0.14 0.23
g-Speed 20.14 0.06 20.14 0.06 20.14 0.06
Early 20.08 0.10 0.40 2 20.01 0.11 0.90 Passive 0.01 0.10 0.95
Late 0.30 0.14 0.03a Multi 0.13 0.15 0.41 Active 0.21 0.15 0.16
MHT 20.15 0.05 20.16 0.05 20.10 0.07
Early 20.03 0.08 0.70 2 0.02 0.08 0.84 Passive 0.01 0.07 0.88
Late 0.17 0.10 0.11 Multi 0.17 0.12 0.14 Active 0.21 0.12 0.08
NART 20.17 0.04 20.17 0.04 20.16 0.04
Early 0.39 0.07 <.01a 2 0.34 0.08 <.01a Passive 0.28 0.07 <.01a
Late 0.27 0.10 0.01a Multi 0.58 0.11 <.01a Active 0.58 0.11 <.01a
VFT 20.06 0.06 20.06 0.06 20.06 0.06
Early 0.16 0.10 0.11 2 0.05 0.11 0.61 Passive 0.19 0.09 0.04a
Late 0.24 0.14 0.08 Multi 0.37 0.15 0.02a Active 0.19 0.15 0.21
The table shows regression estimates for 6 cognitive outcome variables (g-factor, g-memory, g-speed, MHT, NART, VFT) and dif-
ferent types of bilingualism (early vs late acquisition, bi- vs multilingualism, passive vs active). The first row for each outcome is
the intercept of the monolingual reference line (see text). The second and third rows show the change in intercept relative to the
reference (hence the effect of different types of bilingualism). Where interactions were significant, each marginal main effect repre-
sents the outcome change per unit of the covariate with other variables held constant at their respective centered values.
Age of second language acquisition: Early 5 acquired before age 18 years; Late 5 acquired after age 18 years. Number of languages
acquired: 2 5 2 languages (bilingual); Multi 5 3 (multilingual). Frequency of use of the second language: Passive 5 no active use
in the past 5 years; Active 5 active use in the past 5 years.
Significant effects.
g-Factor 5 general fluid intelligence factor; g-Memory 5 memory factor; g-Speed 5 processing speed factor; MHT 5 Moray House
Test; NART 5 National Adult Reading Test; SE 5 standard error; SE 5 standard error; VFT 5 Verbal Fluency Test.

SPEED OF INFORMATION PROCESSING. This con- cognitive performance. Outcome variables were Winsorized at
sisted of a composite of Symbol Search and Digit Symbol (WAIS- the 1st percentile and standardized with zero mean and unit
III), visual inspection time, and simple and choice reaction times.12 standard deviation. Each was separately modeled as the out-
come of multiple linear regression in which the focal predictor
MORAY HOUSE TEST. This is a paper and pencil general was a given variable related to bilingualism, controlling for
cognitive test, including mainly verbal reasoning tasks13 (repeti- exact age at testing, sex, and social class (subject’s and their
tion of the test from 194710). father’s).
VOCABULARY/READING. The National Adult Reading Three bilingualism-related variables, graded into 3 levels,
Test (NART)14 examined the pronunciation of 50 irregular were considered separately: age of acquisition of L2 (never/
English words. early/late), number of languages (monolingual/bilingual/multi-
lingual), and the frequency of L2 usage (no second language/no
VERBAL FLUENCY. Participants were asked to say as many active use/active use). A dummy variable regression model was
words as possible beginning with letters C, F, and L, with a 1- specified to estimate the effects of bilingualism variables upon
minute time limit for each. the relationship between cognition at age 70 years and CI at
age 11 years, adjusted for age at testing, sex, and social class
Data Analysis (subject’s and their father’s). The dummy variables representing
As CI is predictive of cognitive functioning in old age,15 we levels of bilingualism were coded so as to measure effects rela-
adjusted for it when examining the effects of bilingualism on tive to a monolingual reference. The model included the main

960 Volume 75, No. 6

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Bak et al: Bilingualism and Aging

TABLE 2. Interactions between the Types of Bilingualism and Childhood Intelligence (IQ at Age 11 Years) in
the Prediction of Cognitive Performance at Age 73 Years

Bilingual Type g-Factor g-Memory g-Speed MHT NART VFT

Early 0.01 (0.10) 0.02 (0.01)a 0.01 (0.08) 0.00 (0.8) 20.01 (0.29) 0.01 (0.26)
Late 20.01 (0.11) 0.00 (0.83) 20.01 (0.28) 20.02 (0.02) 20.01 (0.18) 20.01 (0.38)
2 20.00 (0.82) 0.01 (0.10) 0.00 (0.86) 20.00 (0.54) 20.01 (0.16) 0.01 (0.18)
Multi 0.01 (0.31) 0.01 (0.22) 0.01 (0.29) 20.01 (0.29) 20.01 (0.08) 0.00 (0.8)
Passive 0.00 (0.50) 0.01 (0.09) 0.01 (0.38) 0.00 (0.87) 20.01 (0.29) 0.00 (0.92)
Active 0.00 (0.96) 0.02 (0.08) 20.01 (0.60) 20.02 (0.03) 20.01 (0.09) 0.01 (0.44)
The table shows the estimated interaction effects between IQ at age 11 years and the dummy variables representing the
bilingualism-related variables. Each bilingualism variable had 3 levels. The table shows comparisons between 2 of them and the
corresponding reference level representing monolingualism. The table shows standardized effects with probability values in
Significant interaction effects. The 3 relevant interactions are illustrated in the Figure.
g-Factor 5 general fluid intelligence factor; g-Memory 5 memory factor; g-Speed 5 processing speed factor; IQ 5 intelligence quo-
tient; MHT 5 Moray House Test; NART 5 National Adult Reading Test; VFT 5 Verbal Fluency Test.

effect of bilingualism and its interaction with CI. We inter- learned the second language before the age of 18 years
preted these effects as additions respectively to the intercept and (of those, 19 before the age of 11 years), and 65 there-
slope of the predicted relationship between cognition at age 70 after. One hundred sixty individuals knew 2, 61 knew 3,
years and CI (Fig). Where the interaction with CI (intelligence 16 knew 4, and 8 knew 5 languages (the last 3 groups
quotient [IQ] at age 11 years) was significant, we report effects
were merged into “multilinguals”). One hundred seventy
of bilingualism at 3 points along the scale of IQ at age 11 years
were using only English in their everyday life, whereas
(mean/5th/95th percentile) by refitting the models with CI cen-
90 used their second language in at least in 1 of the 3
tered on these 3 points respectively.

Results Age of Acquisition

Two hundred sixty-two participants reported having Main effects of early acquisition were observed on the g-
learned at least 1 language other than English to a degree factor (0.191, p 5 0.029) and the NART (0.396,
allowing them to communicate. One hundred ninety-five p < 0.001), and of late acquisition on the g-factor

FIGURE 1: (A–C) Interaction between bilingualism, childhood intelligence quotient (IQ), and cognitive performance at age 73
years. (A) Memory in relation to the age of acquisition of the second language. (B) Moray House Test (MHT) in relation to the
age of acquisition of the second language. (C) MHT in relation to the pattern of use of the second language. The abscissa in all
3 graphs is the IQ measured at age 11 years. The ordinate is g-memory (A) and MHT (B, C). (A, B) Never 5 monolingual group;
Early 5 before age 18 years; Late 5 after age 18 years. (C) Mono 5 monolingual; Passive 5 second language not used in the
past 5 years; Active 5 second language used actively in the past 5 years.

June 2014 961

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(0.317, p < 0.009), processing speed (0.328, p 5 0.017), group showed negative effects. Early and late acquisition
and the NART (0.288, p < 0.001; Table 1). of a second language might have different effects on
A significant association between CI and cognitive frontal executive functions,16 possibly modulated by base-
performance at age 73 years was found in memory line intelligence.
(0.019, p < 0.005) for the early acquisition group, and in Knowing 3 or more languages produced stronger
the Moray House Test (MHT; 20.017, p 5 0.023) for effects than knowing 2. This variable has yielded contra-
the late acquisition group (Table 2; see Fig). In memory, dictory results in previous studies1,4,5 and requires further
an effect of early bilingualism was noted in the group research. Little difference was found between active and
with high CI (95th percentile; 0.476, p < 0.001). In con- passive bilinguals, possibly due to low frequency of sec-
trast, on the MHT, the lower CI group benefitted from ond language use, even in “active bilinguals.” However, it
late bilingualism (5th percentile; 0.662, p 5 0.010). is conceivable that acquisition of a second language leaves
lasting cognitive traces independently of its subsequent
Number of Languages use. If bilinguals automatically and unconsciously activate
Bilingualism had a main effect on the NART (0.354, both languages,17 they constantly need to select, monitor,
p < 0.001). Multilingualism had an effect on the g-factor and suppress linguistic information, stimulating frontal
(0.405, p 5 0.003), the NART (0.592, p < 0.001), and executive functions.18–20
verbal fluency (0.371, p 5 0.016; see Table 1). No signif- The observed effect sizes are comparable to those
icant interactions were observed. reported for other factors contributing to differences in
cognitive ability and cognitive change, such as the effect
Frequency of Use of variation in the gene for apolipoprotein E, physical fit-
Main effects of passive bilingualism were noted on the g- ness, and (not) smoking.7 Accordingly, the interpretation
factor (0.244, p 5 0.004), the NART (0.292, p < 0.001), of our data should be in terms of cognitive epidemiology,
and verbal fluency (0.200, p 5 0.037; see Table 1). Main rather than clinical application to an individual. As a
effects of active bilingualism were found on the g-factor small reduction in a population’s blood pressure can have
(0.288, p 5 0.031) and the NART (0.585, p < 0.001). a sizeable effect on the number of strokes despite blood
A significant interaction was found between CI and pressure accounting for only a small variation in stroke,21
performance at age 73 years for the active bilingual a modest change in the proportion of people who learn
group on the MHT (20.017, p 5 0.034; see Fig, C). 1 or more extra languages could have a population effect
On this test, a significant effect of active bilingualism on cognitive pathology rates.
occurred only for lower CI (5th percentile; 0.694, Our study has limitations. The knowledge of lan-
p 5 0.028). guage was defined by a questionnaire, not proficiency.
Only few participants acquired their second language
Discussion before age 11 years, so we could not study the classical
Our results suggest a protective effect of bilingualism cases of parallel, perfect, early acquisition of both lan-
against age-related cognitive decline independently of CI. guages. However, this limitation is also a strength. Mil-
The effects are not explained by other variables, such as lions of people across the world acquire their second lan-
gender, socioeconomic status, or immigration. Importantly, guage later in life: in school, university, or work, or
we detected no negative effects of bilingualism. The cogni- through migration or marriage to a member of another
tive effects of bilingualism showed a consistent pattern, linguistic community. Many never reach native-like per-
affecting reading, verbal fluency, and general intelligence fection. For this population, our results are particularly
to a higher degree than memory, reasoning, and speed of relevant; bilingualism in its broad definition, even if
processing. The effect on the NART could be explained acquired in adulthood, might have beneficial effects on
by its loanwords with cognates in other languages: bilin- cognition independent of CI.
gualism leads to higher familiarity and hence better per-
formance. The effects on general intelligence are likely to
be related to frontal executive advantages, the best docu- Acknowledgment
mented nonverbal cognitive feature of bilingualism.8,9 This work was supported by the Age UK–funded Dis-
In terms of types of bilingualism, early versus late connected Mind project and was undertaken by the
acquisition showed differential effects, depending on University of Edinburgh Centre for Cognitive Ageing
childhood IQ. Overall, individuals with high intelligence and Cognitive Epidemiology (CCACE), part of the
seem to benefit more from early acquisition and those cross-council Lifelong Health and Wellbeing Initiative
with low intelligence from late acquisition, but neither (MR/K026992/1), which supported I.J.D., J.J.N. and

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